Furroko: Land of Division

By bloodshotangel

261 56 0

Synopsis: It was a new school year in Silver Leaf University and for this year, they have decided to open the... More

1: An Unexpected Meeting
2: Something's Not Right
3: Where it Came From
4: Welcome Back...
5: The Other Side
6: The Old Days
7: 'A Trip through Memory Lane' as they say
8: A Visit to the Unknown
9: The Wilders
10: The Life of the Successors
11: A Grand Confession
12: The Masquerade
13: The Beginning of Improvement
14: Furroko's Abandoned
15: The Health Department
16: 'Ghost Town'
17: Loyalty to the Mistress
18: Yes Sir!
19: Long Time No See Brother...
20: Let Me In
21: Need to be Prepared
22: They're Gone...
23: How we became who we are
24: Survive and Escape
25: Within A Monster Hides A Poor Soul
26: "Time to Play"
27: Return to a Wasteland
28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .
30: .. -. || .-
31: --. --- --- ... . || -.-. .... .- ... .
32: It's Over
33: Still Standing
34: A Special Celebration
35: Almost There!
36: Recognition Day!
Thanks to the Reader
Furroko EXTRAS

29: ... .- || ..- .--.

4 1 0
By bloodshotangel

"OH COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO BACK NOW!?" Adrion exclaimed as he found out that they have to go back to where they started this game, The Main Gate.

"We have no choice, we have to go back there because we can't just go against it, what if something important is there?" Francis argued, trying to convince Adrion to calm down and follow what the text says

"Fine..." Adrion sighed as he just accepted it.

"It's already morning...How do we deal with those...things outside." Alistair said.

"Things?" Adrion asked.

"I think he meant the creatures who were ticked and Wilders." Alice said.

"Huh, you know you could've said it differently" Adrion said as Alistair looked up to him with a blank face.

"He is right, they come out during the morning and slowly disappear during the afternoon and night." Acheros said.

Adrion looked into the small space they left and saw that there were a lot of them. Not only that, but he also saw his parents. They may be hidden in the trees but Adrion can see them from the distance.

"Alice..." Adrion called her to see what's going on.

"Look over there...It's mom and dad..." Adrion whispered pointing out to where he saw them, Alice got a glance before they disappeared.

"Oh no..." Alice said, getting worried.

"Let's get ready then. We don't have much time to waste." Alice said to the others.

"What did you guys see out there?" Francis asked.

"The Wilders, ticked people and our parents." Adrion said, giving emphasis on the word 'parents'.

"They're most likely trying to find us now, so we should get out of here before they get hurt." Alice said.

"We need to get prepared first, there might be an attack if we get out. Open the bags, we have the things we need there." Francis said, giving the bags to them. 

The glaze serums are for Alice and Adrion to make sure their wings have a protective layer on them. They let it pour onto their wings, making sure that every inch of their wing is covered and let it dry. The other items in the bag are hand-held weapons to fight against them in case they get physical. They also have sleeping gas just in case the number goes too far, but the can is less than half full. Once they were ready, they waited for the right moment.

"Alright, I think we're good to-"

"What...was that...?" Francis asked as they heard an explosion from outside.

"That was dad...There's a fight outside." Adrion said as he looked into the small space.

"We can't go out there... It's too dangerous!" Acheros said, trying to convince them to stay inside.

"We have to! They're already outnumbered!" Alice said in defense.

"We can't just leave our parents behind!" Adrion argued back.

"But Acheros is right, even though they're outnumbered, they're stronger than them, they should be fine, right guys?" Francis argued back and looking at Alistair and Acheros for approval.

"Stay if you want, Alice and I are going there." Adrion stood up.

"We can't watch them fight there, they'll get tired eventually..." Alice said.

"Come on Alice, let's go." Adrion said as both of them went ahead and pushed the entrance open.

"If you don't want to get caught, I'd suggest you hide further in the cave..." Adrion said before him and Alice ran to the fight.

Francis, Alistair and Acheros watched the siblings join their parents in the fight. They were all hiding in the shadows of the cave so they won't get caught, but Alistair thought that they can be able to go around the fight and reach the main gate.

"We can go to the Main Gate....So we can get things going..." Alistair suggested.

"What about Alice and Adrion!?" Francis exclaimed.

"You have a spell to spread gas around a large area...right?" Alistair asked, hinting at the sleeping gas.

"Well yes but..." Francis said, starting to think about why he would ask that.

"Do you mean the sleeping gas can, Alistair?" Acheros asked, making Alistair nodded immediately.

"Now I get it! Though we need to throw the can up high above them if we want it to work." Francis said.

"I can throw it up with my tail, though it won't be that high." Acheros said.

"I can get Myst to catch the can so you can hit it without missing." Alistair said, Myst coming out from behind him.

"There you are bud..." Alistair said, smiling a bit.

"He really looks like you." Francis noticed.

"He wanted to change his hairstyle...So I just did like I would do my own hair...." Alistair said, looking at Myst who was cuddling him.

"Anyway...Shall we?" Alistair said, bringing out the sleeping gas can from his bag. Acheros and Francis nodded.

Myst was given the can from the bag and AListair told him what he needs to do. As Myst flew out the cave and above the battle, Francis got his spell ready. While Francis was starting to chant the spell, Acheros used his tail as a signal for Myst to drop it. Immediately Francis went out the cave and looked up at Myst. Using his scepter, his spell hit the can, Myst fading away before he gets affected by the sleeping gas. Acheros, Alistair, Francis and Myst went further back in the cave, grouped close together and covered their mouths and noses. After a while, the noise outside died down and it became quiet, they waited for a while and when Myst looked at the scenes, all of them were on the ground. Myst went back to them and they all tried to find Alice, Adrion, Ethan and Elizabeth so they can separate them from the crowd and go back to the main gate so they can be able to gain consciousness without any danger. The Crystals also decided to help them as they saw them enter the Main gate which was locked. While the Crystallios family is sleeping, the others were trying to find the next riddle.

"It was a good thing they weren't that injured from the fight." Finn said.

"Just some scratches, so they'll be fine." Lily said as she checked.

"We were told not to even join them, they even locked the gate so we won't go anywhere." Isabel said, Leon agreeing.

"I told you we should've just climbed down the gate!" Finn exclaimed.

"It would have taken us a while to even make sure that it's secure." Isabel said.

"Mmmm..." Ethan said, opening his eyes.

"What happened...?" Ethan said while he was trying to sit up.

"Oh! Ethan, you're awake!" Finn exclaimed as he went to him.

"How are you, Ethan?" Lily asked while she sat in between Elizabeth and Ethan's bedside.

"I'm alright...I feel like I was drugged for some reason..." Ethan said slowly.

After a while, Ethan was fully awake and he asked what happened. He looked beside him and saw his wife and daughter on the other 2 beds sleeping. Adrion already woke up and wasn't in the room with them. He stood up and tried to find the other Successors while Lily and Finn take care of Elizabeth and Alice. As he went out of the room, he saw all of them looking for something.

"What are you guys trying to find?" Ethan asked.

"Oh...Hello Mr. Ethan...How are you...?" Alistair asked him, looking at him before going to trying to find the next clue in the bookshelf

"I'm fine, Alistair...What are you trying to find? Maybe I can help while Alice is sleeping." Ethan said, offering his help.

"I was told to find some things we can use...When we go out again later tonight..." Alistair responded.

"Alright then." Ethan said as he went to the other side of the room.

Meanwhile, Francis and Adrion were at the gates to see if they can find the next clue like was hinted in the previous clue they have. Looking back at the clue to make sure they're looking around at the right place.

"It's not in the boxes here." Adrion said.

"There's nothing in the doors either..." Francis said, trying to think of other areas to find it.

"Hmmm..." Adrion said, looking up to take a deep breathe.

As he opened his eyes, they widened at the sight of Furrokan language on the ceiling. Adrion called Francis and they were both shocked by the text written on the ceiling. The text was glowing brightly and Adrion got a scent of blood. He concluded that it was dried glowing blood that was used to write on the ceiling.

"How is that blood glowing?" Francis asked to himself.

"I don't know but at least we have a lead on where the clue is." Adrion said, satisfied enough to know that they found it.

"You can go ahead and try to decode it while I check on Alice and Alistair upstairs unless you need help." Adrion said, as he went upstairs.

"No need, go on ahead." Francis responded.

Francis laid down onto the floor so he could read the message on the ceiling. Meanwhile, Adrion was with Alistair and Ethan, getting some things they can use when they go out again while Acheros and the Crystals look over Alice and Elizabeth, who were awake by this time. The other Leaders went up to patrol and saw that the Monsters and Wilders that were also affected by the sleeping gas were awake, the Wilders trying to look around to see if they can find the Leaders and Successors.

"It's a good thing we have the invisibility coat." Isabel said, Finn smiling.

"No problem." Finn said, proud of his invisibility coats.

"How are Alice and Elizabeth by the way?" Leon asked while he looked over the Humans.

"They're awake now, they just need some time to get some energy. The sleeping gas drained them." Finn responded.

With Alice and Elizabeth, Alice decided to ask where the others are. Zion said Francis and Adrion are downstairs while Alistair and her father were outside the next room. Alice excused herself and she went downstairs, coming across Adrion, Alistair and Ethan. As he saw Francis laying down, she laid down beside him.

"Hey Alice...Wait, Alice!?" Francis said without thinking until he realized it really was Alice beside him.

"What's wrong?" Alice said, sitting up and looking at him.

"S-Sorry...I didn't realize..." Francis said, going back beside Alice.

"So...Do you know what it means?" Alice asked.

"Only the first few lines...I'm still asking why the blood is still glowing." Francis responded.

"I know the rest." Alice said, surprising Francis.

"Wow...That's amazing that you can memorize that." Francis said in amazement.

"It's a habit of mine...Anyway, we should get it written down so we can go." Alice said.

"Alright then, but are you sure you're okay now? The sleeping gas is very draining." Francis said as he brought out his notepad.

Alice nodded and Francis just had to take her word for it. In reality, Alice was still a bit sleepy but she wants to help. They wrote down the deciphered riddle and after double checking, they went upstairs to meet up with Alistair and Adrion to tell them about it.

"We got it!" Francis exclaimed as they arrived upstairs.

"Good timing, we got some things and packed them all in the two bags, thanks to Dad and Acheros helping out." Adrion said, showing them the bags.

"We have the riddle ready so we can find out where to go next before night fall." Alice said, showing them what they wrote.

The riddle had keywords as always, such as 'victim' and 'beginning' within the lines of the riddle. From the glowing blood on the ceiling that was slowly disappearing as Alice and Francis wrote, it was completely gone just as they finished deciphering the message. All the Successors, along with Ethan and Acheros figured out what the riddle meant in a few minutes. Their next destination is in the Human territory.

"Acheros, I think it's best for you to stay out of this this time, we'll accompany them." Ethan said.

"No! I need to be with them! I can help them! I'm sure of it!" Acheros exclaimed, begging Ethan to let him be with them.

"I'm not sure..." Ethan said, Alistair standing up.

"Let him join...I can see his reasons...He can help us...He knows about him..." Alistair said, defending him.

"He's right actually, since he is basically Anwir's twin, we can ask him about what he's capable of." Alice said, agreeing with Alistair.

"Francis? Adrion?" Ethan said, letting the Successors choose whether or not they'll let Acheros join them.

After a bit, Francis and Adrion agreed to let him join them, in the condition that their parents won't come with them, making Ethan reconsider his decision. Ethan asked why they're not allowed to join them is because they need to defend the tower and the Crystals in case there will be Wilders planning to invade the tower. Another reason is that if they all go together, their group will be more noticeable and can cause more trouble, slowing down their progress. After Ethan heard this, he was thinking about this condition. He did side with them that without guard here, it'll be another mess of a battle and the group plan will just expose them to potential danger. Having Acheros with them is already enough because the group is small enough for them to move around the territory while they patrol from above, adding security in case of any trouble in their path. After he thought about it, he finally agreed.

"Alright then..." Ethan said, worried.

"I would agree to this condition of yours, if you allow us to come in if you are in trouble." Ethan said.

"We'll accept that." Adrion said, he and his father shaking hands as a closed agreement.

With that, Ethan said he'll inform everyone about the agreement as the Successors and Acheros went to the secret pathway to the Laboratory of the Human territory below the gates. Ethan wished them good luck as he closed the hatch once everyone went in. The path was lit up by small lights in a row above their heads. As they went to the direction of the laboratory and saw the sign, they went up the ladder and came out of a hatch in the lab. They all came out and made sure to lock the doors.

"Let's start looking." Francis said, everyone agreeing and splitting up.

The others started going around the lab, looking for their next clue. An hour or so passed by and none of them found anything. They went into different areas again yet they still haven't found anything. This would mean for them that the clue is outside the laboratory.

"Let's go down the pole on the side of the lab, we can start searching around the neighborhood." Francis said, knowing where it is.

"What if there's creatures around." Acheros asked.

"We can check in the window before we go down. It's over here." Francis said, showing where it is.

"We look here then use the pole attached to reach the neighborhood, we can go and search there first." Francis said, looking out to see if there are any creatures roaming around.

Francis looked back at them and nodded as a way to say that there aren't any creatures down and proceeded to go down the pole first, everyone else followed with Acheros being the last one to go down the pole. As they all landed, they started to check around the tents. There was no one around yet the tents were open. They looked around and saw a capsule in one of the tents. This capsule was significant as it had a clean metal exterior, making it stand out from the rest of the things in the tent.

"Let's go back then, we found it." Adrion said about to go back to the lab until Acheros called out from one of the other tents.

"Wait, I found another one." Acheros said, showing another metal capsule found in one of the sleeping bags.

"Do you think there's more?" Alice asked.

"We can search again..." Alistair responded.

"Let's go and check again for good measure." Alice said as the rest without capsules went back to the tents.

After a while, they did manage to find more. They found 6 total capsules from all the tents. They went through the ladder built behind the lab as a secret and once everyone is back inside, they brought out all six capsules on the desk. All of the capsules were made of metal and nothing else.

"Shall we open?" Francis asked, the others nodding.

As Francis opened the first capsule nearest to him, there was a ripped page inside with a charm. The charm was a skull and it was attached to the ripped page that has Furrokan language written on it. When the unraveled the page, the skull began glowing and the mouth of the skull opened, dark mist coming out of it at a fast pace.

"What are those!?" Francis exclaimed as he ran behind the tables.

"Guys..." Alistair said calling them out.

"Get behind me. Now." Alistair ordered, everyone getting behind the tables like Francis.

Alistair and Myst were together. Both of them looking at the flying mist in front of them. The mist turned into Alistair's silhouette and copies every action he does. Myst went behind the dark mist through fading. What caught Alistair off guard is that the mist silhouette started attacking him, Alistair fighting back. Alistair told the others not to come out because it'll be worse. He knew that this mist is known as the Silhouette mist, copying any creature it sees. The safest way to get rid of this is to keep it in a bottle. While Alistair dodges the attacks of the mist, Myst has the bottle and  started going around and inhaling the mist to the bottle, causing it to pull away from Alistair. He took the cork and closed the bottle after the entire mist is trapped inside the bottle. They both secured the cork for safety measures before Alistair let them come out from the table.

"How did you..." Francis said.

"This is a Silhouette Mist...It copies any creatures it sees...That's why I told all of you to hide..." Alistair explained.

"What about Myst?" Adrion asked.

"Myst is what we call a Helper Spiritual Mist...Having this Spiritual Mist is an advantage...As Spiritual Mist types can't detect them...Because their material composition is very...little that other types can't be able to see them..." Alistair continued, giving as much details as he can.

"Wow..." Francis said in awe.

They went back to opening the other 5 capsules, having bottles in case the Silhouette Mist comes out from the other capsules. Lucky enough, there's only 1 and the rest were safe. After all of the ripped pages were laid out on the table, there were guides to make it easier.

"I feel like in the end of this, we'll get tricked." Alice said, being suspicious of the guides.

"I do agree..." Alistair said.

"They're...helping us...which is...strange..." Alistair continued.

"We need to be careful then." Acheros said, getting their attention.

"He has done this before..." Acheros starts explaining.

"He helped someone before, giving as much advice and guide as he can and in the end...He just used them to his benefit, throwing them out or even killing them when their useless to him..." Acheros explained.

"We need to get ready when we come out, for now we barricaded all entrances so we can do this." Adrion said.

"We should get started. We'll split up so we can get things done." Alice said.

They agreed to split up into 2 groups. Adrion and Alice will be doing the riddle while the rest will find some things to get themselves protection. The siblings started arranging the the ripped pages while the others went downstairs to the main storage filled with chemicals and equipment.

"Guess we just arrange this then find out the message." Adrion said as they arrange the ripped pages in the proper order.

"Let's see..." Alice said, humming to herself after.

"The lullaby we hear when we need to calm down...She has a lot in her mind." Adrion thought to himself, helping out.

After a while, the riddle was deciphered and they already planned on how to go to their next destination. They went upstairs to see if they can go to their next destination in the air. Meanwhile, Alistair was talking to Myst while he searched through the boxes. He became aware of the fact that they still follow through the riddles even if the pattern is already there.

"The territory, then the main landmark, back to the main tower and it repeats...." Alistair thought to himself.

"Hey...Francis...I feel like I know where we're going next..." Alistair called out.

"Where do you think we're going?" Francis asked.

"The hospital...If I'm correct then after the hospital, we'll go back to the main gate and find it there again." Alistair explained, Francis being silent for a while.

"To be honest, I feel like that's true..." Francis said.

"But to be honest, we can't go against the riddles..." Francis started, making Alistair confused.

"But why? It's only a riddle..." Alistair asked.

"I remember when we were trying to find out about the language the riddle has, all of the text was glowing. I went ahead and made some research and found out that we can't just get rid of the riddles or go against it, because something will happen, it wasn't specified but it would involve some kind of Spiritual Mist that was following us. Just like the ones we let out."

"Is that so..." Alistair said, thinking.

"So you mean...These Spiritual Mists are...around us right now?" Alistair asked.

"Precisely!" Francis exclaimed, Alistair remembering something from before.

"Ali!!! I have another fun fact! Spiritual Mists can carry their own kind and can spread it without anyone knowing! The thing is that it's impossible to see it unless you use specific eye drops. Sometimes, other creatures also need them!"

"Really? How do you know this Myst?" Francis asked.

"I am a Spiritual Mist myself of course! Just not the bad ones." Myst responded happily.

"Spiritual Mists..." Alistair said to himself.

"Francis..." Alistair said, going near him.

"Yeah?" Francis responded.

"Do you have any eye drops that is exclusively for our kind?" Alistair asked.

"I think so, but it's not here. Maybe in the pharmacy around the hospital might have them...I forgot the name though..." Francis said, trying to remember.

"We can just go there and check...." Alistair said.

Francis agreed and after gathering all that they need, they went back upstairs to meet with the siblings who has a bag filled with certain bottles of medicine and mists. They asked what it's for and Alice responded that it'll be helpful in case something happens. The siblings also told them where to go next, proving Alistair and Francis' prediction. Acheros carried what is needed and they went up to use a makeshift zip line they made to go to the hospital.

"Let's go..." Alistair

After setting up the zip line, they all went to the rooftop of the hospital. Once every one has set foot in the hospital, they cracked the lock of the door downstairs and went down.

"What's the plan?" Acheros asked.

"Search every unlocked room in this hospital. It should be around here somewhere...Keep an eye out for anything suspicious. This riddle game is filled with the unknown." Francis said, everyone agreeing.

They all covered the floor they were at and almost every room was shut and locked tightly. When they break a door open, it'll set up an alarm system that can be heard until the outside of Furroko. It took them a while long and they ended up in the ground floor.

...Meanwhile, the Leaders and Crystals were going on with their duty, looking over the territories until there was the smell of smoke. Everyone in the tower looked around until they collapsed one by one.

"Good. Get them to the source, hide them and make sure they don't wake up...We'll have to wait until our 'heroes' arrive with my slave."

"We can't find it in any of the unlocked rooms, we have to break into the locked ones." Adrion said, getting more impatient.

"We can't. An alarm system will be triggered and a loud deafening siren will turn on. It can alert anyone that's trying to catch us." Francis said.

"Why can't we just go and find that 'Anwir' and get this over with!?"Adrion exclaimed.

"We can't..." Alistair said.

"There's a curse that's embedded in each riddle and-" Francis said before being cut off.

"Well we can't just be finding this over and over again! It's just going to be useless! It's wasting time!" Adrion exclaimed, Alice trying to calm him down.

"Calm down...You're going to destroy something again." Alice said calmly.

"I am! You know what! I'm going!" Adrion said, running towards the entrance.

"No..."Alice said as she ran after him.

Adrion was about to break the glass door entrances until he felt something blunt on his back, causing him to drop to the ground. Hard. Alice pinned his brother to the ground with a stone face.

"Did you really forget what Francis said....?" Alice asked him.

"Alice! Get off!" Adrion said, struggling.

"Not until you learn to listen!" Alice exclaimed.

"It's just a riddle! What's the point!?" Adrion exclaimed back at her.

"If you don't listen then you'll get yourself in trouble again!? Why can't you just listen for once!?" Alice scolded him.

Adrion was silent. The room became silent. Everyone was behind the siblings, looking over and slowly going forward. Shortly, Adrion started tearing up, making Alice let go of her grip on his wrists. She got off him and he stood up, his head down. Adrion then went behind the counter again and searched thoroughly. He found a file folder that had nothing and took it out. He opened the folder and tossed it to Alice. Alice opened the folder as everyone else gathered around her.

"Adrion..." Alice said, feeling guilty.

"It's fine. I needed that." Adrion said, smiling.

"I apologize for my actions, Francis. I hope you can forgive me for them." Adrion said formally, bowing down like he was taught.

"Huh...Y-Yeah..." Francis said, not sure how to respond.

"We're taught to apologize formally, this is normal." Alice said.

"It's alright Adrion." Francis said.

"Let's go ahead and solve this riddle, so we can finish the game." Acheros said and everyone agreed.

They all went near the counter and they worked together to reveal the message. After a few minutes of transcripting the message into English, they read out the riddle together. When they finished saying the riddle, they all knew where to go from where they are.

"Time to go back now." Acheros said.

"Do you think we're halfway there?" Alice asked.

"I'm not sure, but I hope we'll finish this mess once and for all....So we can save Furroko and Acheros." Francis said confidently, as they went back to the roof.

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