Scared Tommy x tubbo (platoni...

By My-Lmanberg

27.4K 466 589

Tubbo seems to get more distant with tommy in times when tommy desperately needs his friendship. More

Book description and about theοΏΌ authorοΏΌ :)))
A day before
What a nightmare
the picknick pt:1
The picnic pt:2οΏΌ
1000x sorry
1k READS?!
Soft stream
Im really sorry (Not a chapter)
Water park
New book?
Thank you tubbo

Im so sorry tommy

1.6K 40 81
By My-Lmanberg

"Tommy are u in there?" Tubbo said knocking on the bathroom door. "Um y-yeah I'll be out in a minute" tubbo pressed his ear up against the door and heard shuffling closing of boxes and cupboards.

"What are u doing?" Tubbo Leaning against the door in frustration. "I just had to go to the toilet" Tommy said coming out of the bathroom.

"Tommy I'm really- where are u going?" tubbo said as he saw Tommy was starting to walk to his room. " i'm just going to bed I'm tired" he said continuing to walk to his room. "yeah but I'm trying to talk to you" tubbo said grabbing Tommy's arm and pulling him gently towards him.

Tommy hissed out of pain and slapped tubbos hand away "what? Tommy are u alright?" Tubbo asked concern taking over his voice. "What? Yeah I'm good"

Tubbo didn't believe a single word of what Tommy was saying. He grabbed Tommy's hoodie and before he could stop him tubbo took it off.

(Tommy has got a t-shirt under btw)

"Tommy..." the inside of his hoodie was stained with blood and his arms were scarred and bleeding. Tubbo's eyes weld with tears as Tommy took a moment to comprehend what was happening.

"No no I'm fine it was just some thorns don't worry" Tommy lied "thorns d-don't cut that w-way" tubbo said half choking through the tears. Tubbo didn't know what to do but needed to comfort his friend, his best friend.

So he just ran into Tommy's chest and wrapped him arms tightly around him. "I'm so- so sorry t-tommy" tubbo mumbled. "Please don't ever hurt yourself again. I'm here i can help you"

"I'm really sorry bubs" Tommy said now slowly stroking tubbo's soft hair. "I didn't want you too see me like this" tommy really didn't like to get emotional around people. He was always scared that they would judge him.

"T-tommy" Tubbo said looking up. "have you told anyone? Does anyone know who can help you?" Tommy would've love to say yes but there really wasn't anyone who he could tell anyway.

He hated all therapists, he just didn't understand how people could open up to them.
How in the world could anyone open up to a complete stranger.  It simply just didn't make sense.

"N-no" he finally responded. "Please don't worry about me i'll be OK I just need to get through this. I just don't wanna complicate your life." Tommy said slowly trying to pry tubbo off him.

"Tommy.. you're not complicating anyone's life, trust me. There's so many people out there who love you and would literally do anything for you, anything to make you happy."

Although Tommy didn't fully believe him he just simply nodded. "Do u wanna talk about this in the morning?" Tubbo said finally letting go of Tommy. Again tommy just nodded as tubbo led him to the blonds room.

"Is there anything I can do to help you Toms?" "You being here helps me" Tommy said smiling. "Oh- and um i'm really sorry I've been such a twat lately. I came up here to visit you and I shouldn't constantly be on the phone with mark. I'm really sorry."

Tubbo looked really ashamed of himself and Tommy decided not to say that what tubbo did really hurt him but instead try to stay positive.

"hey don't worry about it, it's okay. Mark is really a great guy so i fully understand why are you on the phone with him." Tubbo's moods seem to lighten slightly seeing that Tommy was OK.

"Your not going to do anything stupid tonight are you?" Tubbo said as tommy got into bed. "No" he smiled trying to sound reassuring. "Don't worry".

"Well alright" tubbo said walking over to the door.  "good night".  "Good night bubs".  And with that he closed the door as a cold darkness fell over his room. He shivered, he didn't want to be alone. He wanted to sleep in the comfort of tubbo. He wanted to feel safe.

Everyone wanted to feel safe right? Did normal people feel safe on there own? Was he just weird that he felt like he wasn't.

He tried to push it the thought out of his head and sleep but it just kept coming back. 10 minutes...20...minutes...15. "Why is my room so frickin cold?" He whispered after 30 minutes of sitting still. He got up and turned up the heater slightly. "Alright, let's at least try to get some sleep" he got back into his bed and tried to get comfortable...again. He flipped he pillow to the colder side.

(Also if u don't do that then...what are u doing with your life)

He turned around, put his head under his pillow, turned again but literally nothing he did made him comfortable. Slowly he got up and walked over to the restroom. He held the cold cup under the tap and slowly brought it up to his mouth to take a sip.

Before he could take another he saw a figure standing in the doorway. He focused his eyes trying to make out what it was. It was extremely dark and he could barely see anything. "What do u think your doing?" Tubbos voice sounded from the doorway.

Tommy screeched and dropped his cup on the floor as he fell backwards from the sudden voice. "Oh god Tommy I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare u" tubbo said rushing over to him. "Well u did, bitch" tommy said laughing slightly.

"I was just scared you where gonna hurt urself again" tubbo said looking half ashamed. "no no don't worry, i just needed a drink of water that's all." Tommy said smiling. "Okay well good night Tommy"

"Um tubs?" "Yeah?" "Can i sleep in your room tonight? I don't feel safe in my own" he said looking down. "Awww of course toms, come on"

Tommy slowly followed tubbo back to his room and got into his bed. "Is this okay? Or do i need to sleep on a mattress" "no don't worry about it tommy" Tommy smiled and proceeded to get comfortable. "I'm gonna go get some water, I'll be back"

tubbo said walking out of the room. When tubbo came back tommy had already fallen into a light sleep but the minute tubbo got into bed tommy subconsciously latched onto him.

"Aww, i knew he was the clingy one" tubbo thought. "Good night bubs" Tommy mumbled against tubbos chest. "Good night tommy" Tommy felt safe beginning with tubbo and he felt he would have quite a peaceful night of sleep tonight. They both fell into a comfortable sleep happy they had each other.

A/n: holy crap...I'm ssosoososoosos sorry this one took so long. I really don't have an excuse and I'm sorry. I didn't really know how and what to do with this chapter so i hope it turned out okay. The next chapter will probably take just as long because i don't really have an idea what to do. I'll figure it out but i will need some time. Love u all sm


Word count: 1200

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