Izuku Kaisen

By Vdahiya420

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The story follows the life of izuku yagi as he was living his life with his family quite peacefully until he... More

Part 1: His Past
Incest - Wincest or sincest
Part 2: The First Sight
PART 7: Test Of Power


1.3K 20 6
By Vdahiya420

Last chapter we left off with izuku coming back home from the hospital and getting ready for his training he was also excited but something was off about him that only his family noticed.

On to the chapter

Izuku was sleeping in his and his sisters shared room he was sleeping peacefully but someone couldn't handle seeing the other in such peace so she decided to pour some water on him but it just floated above him being an infinite distance away from him, she then decided to play black mail, she went near his ear and whispered "if you don't wake up and train me. I will tell dad and mom that you were doing lewd stuff to a picture of me" again she got no reply so she stood up and opened his eyes to see that he was using his quirk in his sleep.

She then thinks 'oh god he couldn't even hear what I said, this idiot' she then walks out and grabs breakfast and sits with her parents and says "okay so are we just gonna ignore that izuku completely changed personality in the span of a day" inko speaks up saying "I know he used to stutter while talking but since he awoke his quirk he has been different". All might then interjects her saying "no, he was like this a few hours ago before awakening his quirk so my best guess is he has different personality which were created from the rejection from the society and us as well" inko and izumi just looks at all might thinking 'he is right'. Then all might speaks again saying "okay so to help him I we need to know what happened to him at school with bakugo". Izumi then trembles in fear and gulps before speaking up by saying "well--- I was jealous of izuku hearing he had such a powerful quirk and was getting dad's entire attention, so after bakugo learned about it he was angry and said 'he is useless he has a strong quirk and can't even use it maybe I'll just call him deku it means useless' after that bakugo and I started to bully him and the day the sludge villain attack happened bakugo told izuku to... k *snif* ii *snif* i-l, he told izuku to kill himself, that was the moment I realized my mistake and was angry at bakugo so when we were talking he angrily kicked a bottle releasing the villain" all might and inko were beyond furious at their daughter and bakugo. All might stood up and said "I am going to UA to inform the principal about this so bakugo doesn't go there" he started walking but stopped as someone said "no, need dad let him come I will deal with him myself and put him in his place" it was izuku who was walking down the stairs and with his green eye with a tint of blue in them. All might stops and says "izuku your eyes they reverted back what happened" izuku then answers by saying well I turned off my quirk for the most part but left a part of it on that's why my eyes have a tint of blue in them. So if someone were to attack me I would be safe and can then strike back. And btw let bakugo be, please for me" all might was about to say something but inko stopped him and said "honey let's trust izuku" all might simply nods and then sits back down. Izumi then chimes in and says "okay, so brother now take me to training".

Izuku just sighs and says "fine let's go the quicker the better" they were going to the door but heard a knock on it. Izuku opened the door to find momo on the other side of the door. Izuku speaks up saying "hey yaoyarozu what are you doing here" momo just replies by saying "well you're the one who asked me if I wanted to train with you" izuku chuckles and says "did I say that" momo replies with a face that read 'really' and said "yes, you asked me out...and not in that way you asked me out if I wanted to train for UA with you"

Izuku just sighed and said "let' just go" they then leave and head to degobah municipal beach in momo's limo they were talking casually and learned about eachother. izumi and momo became quick friends and momo spoke saying "I never had any friends as people just treated me as some sort of queen or an object and I couldn't even speak back because of my families image I had to put up a fake smile but I am so happy that you two are my first friends" this made izuku relate to momo.

Once they arrived the limo left and the three of them were now walking towards the stairs and the moment they reached the steps they saw a blonde teen running laps in the sand and the blonde also noticed them and quickly came to a halt and stared at them this made izuku gulp and take a few steps back in fear and then falls back as the blonde had started running towards them with explosions in his hand at the bottom of the steps he faced his palms downwards and released an explosion to launch himself up and landed near izuku while cracking his fists he says "so deku decided to use a beach which I cleaned for training huh" izuku was just afraid like something had just snapped a gear in his head bakugo grabbed izuku's collar and was about to hit him but his hand was being crushed by izumi he then turned around to izumi and said "what the hell izumi" izumi just started applying more pressure causing bakugo to drop izuku.

Momo then ran towards izuku and helps him stand up and is surprised seeing how afraid he was, she thought 'it's like he is another person completely' after izuku stood up izumi walked over to them and released bakugo and said "touch my brother and I will crush your 2 inch cock understood" then momo and izuku look at bakugo who was holding his crotch in pain and nodding profusely. Izumi then let go of him and turned to look at her brother and seeing him like this she thought 'this just conformed our suspicion' she then spoke up saying "brother you okay" izuku looked at her and said "y---ea i.m fi—nee-" momo was shocked as to why he was stuttering but before she could say anything an angry bakugo rushed at them saying "you bitch why did you join him" he was about to explode both izumi and momo but just before he could release his explosion he was punched in the face with green and blue electricity flying everywhere as izuku had launched bakugo in the sand and walked over to him izumi and momo tried to stop him but he just said "izumi, momo just stay here I got this" izumi and momo seeing him so confident said "okay"

Izuku then walked up to bakugo as bakugo was standing up he got on one knee and saw two feet in front of him he looked up to see izuku who was looking down on him like he was actually looking down at him both metaphorically and physically. This enraged bakugo who tried blasting izuku but izuku just took the blast to the torso and when the dust cleared bakugo saw izuku completely unfazed as izuku just said "you can't do shit bakugo I am stronger faster more durable then you, you can't even scratch me" bakugo got even more angry and said "you can't hold this for longer than 10 seconds so I just have to constantly attack you" as bakugo did what he said. Izuku just smirked and started dodging saying "oh I overcome that limit yesterday I can now use my energy to turn its effects backwards essentially healing my brain as it gets damaged so I can use this as long as I want" he finished the explanation with uppercutting bakugo who had his tongue out and this caused bakugo's jaw to close and him to bite his own tongue. At this point saying bakugo was made was an understatement infact he was so mad that he created a few cuss words saying "you sisterfucker I will kill you" izuku didn't take this too well and grabbed bakugo by the face and threw him to the concrete wall, both momo and izumi were scared by izuku's brutality as izuku without stopping rushed at bakugo and grabbed his face again dragging him through the wall breaking it and then lifted bakugo over his head and slammed him in the dirt knocked out. Just them momo and izumi ran there to check the damage and were shocked seeing bakugo with broken bones and a bleeding tongue along with broken nose izumi quickly called bakugo's mom and told her what happened after a while bakugo and yagi family arrived and saw bakugo beat up and bloody meanwhile izuku was spot clean. They then rushed to bakugo and tended to his wound meanwhile izuku was getting scolded by both his and bakugo's parents. All might spoke up saying "this was how you were going to deal with him?" izuku just said "he attacked momo and izumi so I beat him up and when I saw him I felt a sickness inside me" the parents then just sighed and bakugo's mom spoke up saying "let's settle this by understanding the entire situation" everyone nods but momo then walks up and says "I should go you should handle this family matter and izuku we will train from tomorrow" izuku smiled and said "sure momo"

Timeskip to yagi residence in the living room

Bakugo's mom spoke up saying "so what happened between you two tell us" while pointing at the 3 teens

Izumi then spoke up and explained everything including the bullying and izuku filled a few spots here and there

After the explanation bakugo's mom was beyond pissed and said "katsuki bakugo you wanted to be a hero right, well forget about it now" bakugo just had his head down with anger that his carrier was destroyed by that deku, but izuku spoke up saying "auntie I just want to say that let him come to UA he can no longer hurt me"

Bakugo's mom was about to say something but bakugo's father spoke up saying "I trust izuku he is a good kid he didn't give up and I think he can change our bakugo, plz don't ruin his career he can change just one chance" izuku then replies "uncle no need whatever happened happened lets not let it ruin the future"

After the whole talk they left with bakugo and things were quite alright for few days until they had to go to the yaoyarozu mansion for dinner

Sorry for so much skipping I am just working on a new series and am also tired I had to work on 5 assignments today

So the family had arrived at the yaoyarozu mansion to have dinner with the family

All might, inko, izuku and izumi were all in casual clothing and izumi was wondering 'why are we wearing casual we are having dinner with the richest family in the country' as the doors opened she realized why they were like this.

Before you say that is stupid to wear casual clothes let me ask you if you are having dinner with your childhood friend wouldn't it be like eating with family.

She saw momo's parents in casual clothing and momo's father fist pumping her dad and thought 'oh they're best friend' he and his wife then looked at izumi and said "hello kid I am keni yaoyarozu and this is my wife meme yaoyarozu, but you can call us uncle and aunt" izumi then bowed and said "hello I am izumi yagi". Momo then came and her dad said "momo why don't you give izuku the house tour and izumi stay with us for a bit"


After they left we were sitting in the living room and dad asked "izumi did you notice anything weird about izuku" I thought and quickly told them about the day izuku and bakugo and how izuku switched personality two time one was when he got scared and the other when he became confident and even lost his stuttering" then uncle keni spoke up saying "he has mirror personality disorder. In this there are two personality one the original and the other with different aspects to the normal one. The 2nd one is released in a near death experience, you said izuku is shy, timid and scared in his nature. Well then in the 2nd he will be bold confident and fearless and over time the two personality will mix giving him shyness, timidness and fear from those close to him for example he will be afraid of his girlfriend will be shy with her and meanwhile he wouldn't even fear the no1 villain. The new personality that will be formed will have the best aspects of both. He will become his best version"

With that me, mom and dad were a little worried but calmed down after a while they started talking and I left to find momo and izuku and heard some sobbing sounds from a room so decided to check and as I opened the door I saw izuku and momo were kissing, but broke apart after seeing me and izuku was in shock he said something and then ran off leaving momo and me behind. I walked over to momo and asked her "what happened?"


Let's rewind a couple of minutes

Momo had showed izuku everything(in the mansion and nothing else i had to make it clear because some people have a dirty imagination)  and now had brought him to her room and opened the door. They both sat on the bed and izuku started talking by saying "momo that day in the limo you said people only used you to get your money or your body and that you had to put up a fake smile everyday, you also said you didn't have any friend, what happened"

Momo then looked down with tears forming in her eyes she then felt a hand on her cheek and saw izuku smiling and saying "its oaky momo I am your friend you can talk to me, I myself have experience with fake smiling and having no real friends"

He then explained his life and momo was now crying and thinking that 'he had it worse than her' and then spoke up saying "izuku since you opened up to me I also want to open up to you" she looked at izuku who said "I am here momo you can trust me" then momo composed herself and started telling him how her life went she said "it started when I first went to middle school before that I was homeschooled and only went to middle school because I was grown up, I also had a overdeveloped body for my age so teenage boys were all over me trying to get to me asking me out and even trying to force me, and girls were jealous of me because I was rejecting everything they wanted and said that I was ungreatful and they bullied me, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to hurt them but I had to keep a clean image and had to smile for my families reputation and at their events I had to talk with rich kids who were full of themselves and even tried touching my body but I always somehow managed to save myself but I always feared what if one day I wasn't able to but when I met you for some reason I felt safety and warmth around you I just don't want you to leave me" she was crying and sobbing izuku decided to hug her and said "shh I won't leave you I promise momo and I would never mistreat you" he then lifted her chin up with his index finger and thumb and closed his eyes and was moving towards her face she saw him coming closer she had experienced may people trying to do this to her but she always pushed them away but this time she actually moved towards the boy and closed her eyes and a few seconds later their lips met in a soft embrace no one moving a inch and just touching their lips and feeling finding comfort in eachother's embrace but suddenly they both heard the gate open they both broke the soft lip touch and looked at the door to find izumi there. Izuku then looked back at momo and realized what he had done and said "momo I am so sorry I didn't know what happened please forgive me" he was afraid and breathing heavily then he ran off scared. Momo tried stopping him but he was gone then izumi came up to momo and asked her "what happened?"

Momo then explained everything to izumi. And to say that izumi was shocked was an understatement she was setting fireworks in her brain. But then gained her composure back and told momo "so you like him". momo looked down and then after a few second whispered "I think I do"

Izumi heard her and just said "okay and I know he feels the same, so from tomorrow I will get you two together, because he is currently afraid and I want you to get together before UA so no guy tries to get with you"

Momo then chuckles and said "thank you izumi you are a real friend"

Izumi just bowed accepting the compliment and said "okay so we train and get you two together oka-" but before she could say anything she heard her dad say "come on izumi were having dinner" izumi then looked at momo and they both nodded and left to get dinner.

During dinner the adults were talking and izuku took a glance at momo who also looked at him and he mouthed "sorry I was afraid" she just smiled and nodded and mouthed back saying "no worries" he then smiled and the dinner went smoothly and then they left for their home.

Once they arrived izuku and izumi were in the balcony looking at the moon and there was a silence between them so after a while izumi decided to break the silence and said "you like her don't you". Izuku just looked down and then up and said "I don't know but I feel connected to her in a special way and just can't put my finger on it. She was the first thing I saw while using my domain and at that moment I felt my heart drop to my stomach and butterflies left my stomach as the heart dissolved and I don't know but I feel empty without her" he then looks at izumi who was shocked and just patted his shoulder and said "I was wrong you don't like her you love her and just make sure to make your feelings clear before someone else takes her" with this she went in the room and izuku was left there who looked at the night sky and saw the moon and thought 'her skin is much brighter than the moon' after that he realized what he said and thought 'I guess I love her'

And that's the end next chapter will be theirfirst date and UA entrance exam and first day of school

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