Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1M 31.9K 7.6K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]
Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 18:"Little Hope"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 43: "END GAME II"
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"

11.4K 410 21
By kanzakiciel

Yule time is coming, Hadrian can see Hogwarts begin to decorate the castle in Christmas decorations- So beautiful. He also sees some of the students packing up their belongings to go home. Nothing happened this past month, so peaceful that made him feel weird.

He looked outside the Train Window saw the Cold Snowy Weather in Scotland make him huffed, He saw his friends who were glad to get out of the School. Hadrian need to take care of the Black House first, of course, He also received a letter from Aunt Amelia regarding those Children

Dear Hadrian,

It was shocking for me to see the magical Children feared for their power, I see many Muggle Born children who got abused, Abandoned, neglected because of their differences.

I also see the Half-Blood Children who are orphaned without a Magical Guardian, some of them have Magical Children but their Guardian didn't enter into their life.

Queen Elizabeth also takes care of it with the Ministry of Muggle with Ministry Fudge. Lucius also took a step to meet with Queen Elizabeth regarding the Children. She agreed to have those Children sent into the Wizarding World but she wished to let the Muggle-Born know about the Muggle World so that means they need to teach about the Muggle World.

It was a surprising step but Ministry Fudge and Lucius see what can Muggle can do with their Subject like their Technology, Queen Elizabeth wished to have those Muggle-Born have the Basic of the Muggle World Information

'Even though they are magical but they are still a Muggle, My Subject!'

That is what Queen Elizabeth said to Lucius and Ministry Fudge, They can not do anything because it is also true about it, they are Queen Elizabeth subjects therefore we are in the middle of taking care of the sudden change for the Orphanage.

If you have something in your mind, please informed me


Aunt/Madam Bones

Head of Law Ministry of Magic

Hadrian who read the Letter knows what Queen Elizabeth thinks, He better think about those children who are from Muggle World. Perhaps, He can build a Pre-Wizarding School for the Children who already show their Accidental magic, they also can teach the Wizarding Children about the Muggle World technology, therefore, they can work together.

It was a dangerous step to open their world and Hadrian has no doubt that some of them are gonna refuse. He needed to do something about it, he didn't believe in the Muggles but he has a trust in Muggle Royal Family who also has a connection with Wizarding World.

"We've arrived..." Susan's voice breaks his though

They're coming out from the train, Hadrian bid his friend/ siblings a Happy Holiday. He, Sirius and Remus apparated to the Black Manor with Hadrian who immediately go to the Study Room where his Magic singing in Joy saw Marvolo in there

Hadrian walked to him and let him melt into his strong embrace. It's been a while and he misses him greatly.

"How's Hogwart?" Marvolo questioned

"There nothing happened..." Hadrian respond with his head in his chest

"No Dolores Umbridge?"

Hadrian giggled and shook his head, "No... Sirius and Remus managed to have a permanent spot on DADA..."

"That's good then..." Marvolo said kissed his forehead

Hadrian learned from his chest but he was still in his personal space with Marvolo arm in his waist, "When are you graduate?"

"End of July..." Marvolo said to him, closing his eyes, "Time moves so fast..."

"Yes, Indeed..." He responded, looking down at him, "I worried..."

Marvolo looked up to his beautiful Mate, "Why are you worried?"

"Dumbledore..." Hadrian said to him make Marvolo sigh

Marvolo let his waist go make Hadrian sit on the sofa, He knows that Dumbledore has become quieter, He hasn't make a Move at all

"Order of Phoenix also didn't make a move..." Hadrian said pointing it out, "In my previous life, This year I joined Order of Phoenix and began to make plans against Voldemort..."

"Oh..." Marvolo hummed, "HIs World got destroyed... He might have realized that we know about the Fake Prophecy..."

Hadrian gave a sharp smile, "Perhaps... But, He hasn't called me to his Office yet..."

"I think soon he will call you..." Marvolo said dryly, making Hadrian chuckle, "What you should do when he brings you to his office?"

Hadrian hummed leaned at Sofa, "I don't know, His Crime is piling up...Forging a fake Prophecy can not make him let go from the Azkaban. Using a Killis Curse illegally. Mind Manipulate the Students..."

"No one can imagine such a 'Light' leader having so much Crime..." Marvolo comment make Hadrian hummed

They sit in there catch up to each other about their Plan in Future until Sirius breaks their Discussion that Dinner is Ready making them go into Dining Room to eat Dinner with Sirius who asking Marvolo plan after he graduates.

After Dinner, Hadrian, already yawning in tiredness, makes Sirius tell him to go rest with the Adults who finally also have some peace. Hadriana entered their Bedroom exhaled lay in the Comfy Queen Size bed

"Ah, Finally..." Hadrian muttered

"Are you that tired, elskan mín?" (My Dear) Marvolo ask sited beside him in the Bed

Hadrian hummed turn around make him closer to his body,*Ég reyni að hafa hvíld því á morgun þarf ég að laga Black Manor fyrir munaðarleysingjahæli* (I try to have rest because tomorrow I need to go fix the Black Manor for Orphanage)

Marvolo hummed,*Þú átt upptekinn frídag* (You have a busy Holiday...)

Hadrian snickered yawning,*Já, þú gætir sagt það. Jafnvel í Hogwarts sendi ég líka bréf til Amelíu frænku* (Yeah, You could say that. Even in Hogwarts I also send Letters to Aunt Amelia...)

*Farðu að sofa* (Go to sleep...) Marvolo stroke his Raven hair

Hadrian let Marvolo hand lulled him to sleep, He let his heartbeat, his warmth, his heat comforted him that he is Safe and Not Alone anymore.


A Blazing Sunlight entered the Bedroom in Black manor from the Massive Window, the Bird is chirping. A Certain Teenager waking up from his peaceful make him raised from his lay saw his Mate still in deep sleep.

He looks at his Mate who in deep sleep without Stress only peaceful make him give a smile, He touches his cold and yet warm cheek only got gripped by his hand

"Why do you wake up early, My Dear Hadrian..." He muttered in sleepy

"Good Morning, Marvolo...Yesterday, I sleep early..." Hadrian said to him in amusement

Hadrian yawned slightly but the tiredness already disappeared from his body and mind, He got out of the bed and went to the Bathroom while Marvolo was still in Half-Sleep. He has no doubt that he goes to sleep a late at night again.

He got out of the Bathroom saw the Clock was still 7 in the Morning, It's still early in the Morning. Hadriana decided to read a book in the Bed, He sat in the bed with Marvolo who has his arm in his waist.

An Hour had passed, It was 8 in Morning when Marvolo began to back into his senses. He groaned with Hadrian who look down at him who look like a Cat

"Good Morning, My dear..." Hadrian greet him

"What time?" He questioned

"8 in Morning..." He responded by bending his forehead to make Marvolo hummed, "Go fresh yourself up..."

Marvolo hummed gracefully out from the Bed while Hadrian decided to go to the Changing Room to change from his Pajama clothes, He wore simple clothes that consisted of a White Robe and a Green Jacket with black pants, He tied his Raven hair in a ponytail.

He got out from the Changing Room and saw Marvolo already get out from the Bathroom using his Sleeping Robe. Marvolo walked to the Dressing Room to change his clothes while Hadrian saw the Book and Paper on the Floor make him crouch down tidy Marvolo books and Paper.

'Oh yeah, This is almost Yule time. Draco invited us to his Family Ball...' Hadriana thought mindlessly,' It's been a long time since I met him...Speaking of that, What happened to the Twin... Percy already Graduated though, He must be cut contact with his Family...'

Hadrian snap back from his though when Marvolo get out from the Dressing Room who noticed his Mate just get out from his deep though

"What are you thinking?" Marvolo asked in curious

He always thought his Mate thought and Mind was fascinating and Intriguing, He was a smart person, A Genius he admitted with his Slytherin mind but no one managed to keep up with him until his Little mate come to him and managed to keep up with him but other than that he also surpassed his expectation.

"Nothing..." Hadrian stood up, "Just there Ball in Malfoys and I wondered what happened to the Twin Weasley..."

"What's wrong with them?" Marvolo asked crossing his arm with a frown, He took a liking to the Boys, they are Slytherin obviously since they got get away with their prank more than once. He didn't understand how the Twin got into the Gryffindor except of course Dumbledore.

Hadrian hummed, "Well I just wondered about them, Are they doing fine... Even though they are Weasley but the Older one is the right one, the most competent one while the younger one screwed up..."

"I can see that..." He responds

Hadrian sighed, "Well, let's go eat breakfast, I'm starving..."

They go to the Dining Room saw them already wake up reading Newspaper in serious make Marvolo asked in curious

"This..." Crouch Jr show his Lord the News

Which is True?! Dumbledore or Boy-Who-Live, Hadrian Potter-Black?!

By: Rita Skeeter

Yesterday I managed to hear that our Headmaster Dumbledore said that the Dark Lord is revived. He even goes to the Ministry of Magic but According to our Boy-Who-Live, He-Must-Not-Be-Named is already dead!

Dumbledore insisted that King Marvolo Gaunt-Gustav is the Dark Lord. Now, Everyone I was shocked that our Leader managed to accuse someone important to Germany and Sweden King.

We Heard that in Hogwarts a Troll managed to enter the School full of Children, How our Headmaster didn't notice it. We also heard about his Recruitment Skill in teacher, The DADA Teacher Gilderoy Lockhart who is a Fraud.

What happened to Albus Dumbledore, Did he has gone Senile?

Please read more about Dumbledore... Page 9

Please read more about the Dumbledore debate... Page 10

They read in disbelief and stunned silence, It obviously Dumbledore desperate enough. It seems that he keeps continuing doing his Plan even though all of his Plans already got into the Mud.

"He must be desperate enough..." Sirius comment

"Yes... Also, did Wizengamot get noticed?" Hadrian asked Sirius

"No. He just came into the Ministry of Magic I think..." Sirius respond

"Now, I wonder if his movement already faltered. He can't move one step anymore..." Marvolo said

Hadrian wondered how such a person can change into a drastic change, He lost his soulmate and half of his Soul. He glanced at Marvolo, He wondered if he was going mad too and the answer was already seen by his own eyes in his previous Life.

After breakfast, Hadrian wrote a letter to Aunt Amelia regarding Dumbledore. He wishes for her to bring Justice to him, He knows that Dumbledore committed a lot of crimes and He knows that because of his 'Light' Status that the Society ignored him.

Dear Aunt Amelia /Madam Bones

Head of Department of Law

I need a favour from you and this is only can do by you only. I know that Dumbledore committed a great Crime, I wish for him to get justice upon and end this Madness of the Clashing between Light and Darkness.

I was in the Process of Rebuilding the Manor for the orphanage and I wish when the Time is finished I gonna make a Speech, Declaration to the Wizengamot people and perhaps Wizarding World.

I wish to change my beloved Home. I know the Ministry is Corrupted but you're not. I know that you have a strong Justice, therefore, I asked you to help me with this request, I know when you know how many Crime Dumbledore committed a lot of Family, Wizards can not accept and Protest to your Department that's why I asked you to prepare for what the consequence after this.

I'm 15 years already. I've already passed the Under Age. I can do it all by myself without needing a Guardian permission or anything Like that.

I also wish for you to revive the Ministry of Magic, Pick the Aurors that you trusted and cleaned the Dirt in the Ministry. Change the Ministry and only you can do it, Aunt Amelia, no, Madam Bones.

You have an Authority to investigate that's why the time for you to make a Move.


Hadrian Potter-Black

Lord of House Potter

Heir of House Black

Hadrian sent the Letter to Aunt Amelia, He hoped he could burn her fire in her heart and can change the Ministry from Inside. He was in the Study Room discussing with Krecher about the Orphanage when Hedwig perched into the Window make Hadrian take the Letter from Aunt Amelia

Dear Hadrian,

You are a foolish person. I could say that. Even without you asking for my help I would gladly help you.

I can investigate the Dumbledore record and everything but it needs time. About the Dirt, in the Ministry, I need to do it later because I also worried about Dumbledore becoming Headmaster in Hogwarts.

Do not worry, I have a trusted Auror team behind my Back and besides I also want to change the Wizarding World. It is also the time for me to step into the battle, You're not alone.

Justice needs to be done!


Amelia Bones'

Head of Department of Law

Hadrian who read it give an exhaled, He gives a smile look at Krecher who is curious, "The Wizarding World is on the way to change..." Hadrian said to him to make the Little Elf smile, "Now, let's go to the Manor, shall we..."

"Of course..." Krecher apparated alongside Hadrian

They arrived in the Snowy Field with an Old Mansion in front of them, He look down at Krecher, "Now, What can we do about this House... We need to widen the House by adding the Bedroom and Bathroom..." Hadrian said walk to the House

"If we are going to renovate the House, We need at least 10 or 15 House-Elf..." Krecher said to his Master

Hadrian entered the House scrunched his face by the old and dusty place, "You Right, We also need some House-Elf to take care of the Children's food... How many do you think?"

"What are we gonna do first?" Krecher asked

"We're gonna gather the House-Elf first, 15 house-Elf. We need to buy them and perhaps they will willingly work in Orphanage so I didn't need to buy them anymore..." Hadrian said, looking at her, "Can I leave it to you to recruit another House-Elf?"

"Recruit?" He asked in confused

"I refused to force them to bind to work under me, If they want to leave after fixing this House then they shall Leave, even though they are House-Elf they are still a breathing creature with an Emotion..." Hadrian declared in a firm clear voice,"If they want to work under me bind within the Orphanage then they shall have a proper accommodation with proper clothes of course..."

"Young Master is too kind..." Krecher said in astonished

"Nonsense! It's a normal thing to do!" Hadrian said walks into the Front Hall

It was an old and worn out House but Hadrian can see amazing Architecture, as expected of the Black Family. The First thing he opens the door they will see is a Massive Hall with Grand Stair in the middle of the Second Floor, Under the Stair, has 4 corridors on each of the walls, 2 in Front beside the Grand Stair and 2 at each wall.

"Let's change the Main Hall first..." Hadrian said to Krecher

"Yes, sir..." He responded

"I want all of this Worn Out Wood to change into a Floor, A simple Floor, White and Black colour then the Grand Stair...I need it changed from the Wood into the White Stair and the Railing, I want it to have a white colour..." Hadrian said to Krecher analyzing the Main Hall, "How long will it take to change the Front Hall?"

"With 15 House-Elfs, We will finish in 3 days..." Krecher informed him

"Excellent..." Hadrian nodd in satisfaction, "I don't want the Candle or Chandelier in Children grasp height so it might need a bit higher..."

"Of course, anything more?" Krecher asked in nodd

"Hmm.. let's see, The Hallway on 2nd Floor I want it changed to a New Wood Floor without a cracking sound..." He informed him

"Of course, it Will is done soon..." Krecher nodd, "Anything more?"

"For now, let's do that now... 3 days will be enough to fix the Main Hall and 2nd Floor Hallway. In the next 3 days, we will fix the First..."

Hadrian walked to the First Corridor at the Right Wall, He saw Dining Hall with a 23 chair in there full of Dust and Broken Chair, table, Portrait made him frowned. He look around tap his feet in the rotten Wooden make him hummed

"We need to buy a new Table, Chair and Fix the Floor, huh..." Hadrian said to Krecher who do the List

"Yes, Young Master..." Krecher touch the broken chair

"We're gonna change the Floor, of course, I need this Wooden Floor changed into a normal Floor since Heaven knows that the Children might play with Food and might spill their food..." Hadrian said

"Of course, Master..." Krecher nodded, looking at the glass window that showed a Patio, "What should we do with Windows? Changed it too?"

"Yes of course..." Hadrian nodd

They get out of the Dining Room from the side room and walk through the Corridor behind the Grand stair then they enter the Next Room next to the Grand Stair. Hadrian cough by dust in there

"Library..." Krecher comments looking around make Hadrian hummed, "The Book is an old one, Master..."

"We need to do something about this Old and Worn-out Book..." Hadrian said

For the rest of the day, Hadrian and Krecher check the House and planned things up, The Mansion obviously didn't get taken care of with a bunch of broken things in there but Hadrian can see how strong the House is. They only need to fix the Interior only and Outside to become much better.

About the Money, Using his Pendragon Vault didn't make a dent in his Vault and don't forget about the Potter Vault. Hadrian wants to make the Orphan children feel got cherished, treasured and Loved.


The Twin of the Weasley looking at the Parchment paper from Gringotts, They got a letter from Hadrian to told them to go into the Gringotts to check their Identity, It was a Big Red flag in their head when Hadrian told them that but they believe in the Teen so they go into the Gringotts and got a check.

"This is fucking mess up!" Fred snarled with George who was Angry with Griphook who read the paper let out a growl.




Hey, Guys, New Chapter and New Update. Hope you guys like it.

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Thank you for reading, support and loving this story! I'm so touched! Hope you guys have a healthy day!

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