It's Kill Or Be Killed...

By brainoverload

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Alyssa has a job most people dont even dream about. She's an Assassin for a firm called T.H.O. What happens w... More

It's Kill Or Be Killed...
Chapter 1 - Merry Christmas!
Chapter 2 - Hey, Pete!
Chapter 3 - The Hero!
Chapter 4 - The Next Victim...
Chapter 5 - She's Young!
Chapter 6 - Who's Trying To Kill Us?
Chapter 7 - Who Do You Work For?
Chapter 8 - You're Always There!
Chapter 9 - The Decision
Chapter 10 - Anyone Alive?
Chapter 11 - To The Hospital
Chapter 12 - You Again?
Chapter 13 - Getting To Know You.
Chapter 14 - Who Killed You?
Chapter 15 - Revenge!
Chapter 16 - This Means War
Chapter 17 - Can We Be Normal?
Chapter 18 - The News.
Chapter 19 - I'm Going Without You.
Chapter 20 - Des???
Chapter 22 - Meeting The Boss!
Chapter 23 - The Final Chapter

Chapter 21 - I'm Sorry Ally!

53 0 1
By brainoverload

First off, hope you've enjoyed the story! This is only really a filler chapter, but i then added some information thats really important as we come to the end! (NOOOOO!) Quite a short story, but that's what i wanted! Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter as things finally begin to make sense - or do they? xxx

Alyssa’s POV

Running down the street, we finally come across the aptly named street the guys were talking about. I look over to Alex as if to ask if he was ready and he nodded. I knew he wasn’t though, I knew inside his head everything was crashing around him. The guy he had the utmost trust for was asking for him to be killed, trying to kill me in the process and had set up the killings of all our family by working with Colin… The asshole needs something, and I’m pretty sure it’s a death sentence. Alex’s hands were shaking, he was sweating a little and he was fidgety. You could tell he wasn’t gonna be able to control himself when he found everything out. Shit. I’m not in the position or mood to have to look after the both of us! I call him over with a look.

“What? What’s wrong?” He asks, concerned.

“I’m asking that to you! Look at you, you’re not in a fit state to be doing this!”

“Ally, I’ve been tracking this fucker for a month! I’m going in there if you want it or not!” He hisses at me.

“Alex. If you go in there all nervous, he’ll shoot you before you know he’s in the room! Think!” I begin to get angry.

“These are valuable seconds being wasted!” he says angrily before walking in. Ah shit.

We walked in, and kept walking through this corridor, checking every room of this house we only assume was THE house because the door was open.

“Alex is this even the right house?” I whispered with only one more room to check. Alex kicked it open and dashed in, followed swiftly by me.

“Alex, Alyssa. So glad to see you both.” A voice comes from the shadows in the corner of the room.

“Des.” Alex merely acknowledges.

“Alyssa, it’s a shock to see you alive!” Des laughed.

“Why?” I ask, tilting my head.

“I put a hit out on you. Alex obviously didn’t go through with it! Naughty!” The patronising tone made me want to pull him apart limb by limb.

“Well he obviously just realised who was better for him!” I say obnoxiously.

“Pfft. I wouldn’t go that far.” Des answers harshly. It got to me, what he said. What if it was true? What if after all this it was a big set up and Alex would just turn round and kill me? Oh I’ve fallen hook line and sinker into this one.

“Alex?” I whimper. He doesn’t even look at me.

“I’m sorry… Ally, I’m so sorry!” He says, holding back tears as he stretches his right arm out so the gun is touching the side of my head. Des walks out from the shadows. His evil eyes glare into mine for a while before going over to Alex.

“Go on. Do it and I’ll keep to my end of the deal.” Des says. I turn my head to look at Alex, the gun now on my forehead.

“Alex? What the fuck?”

“I’m so sorry.” He kept repeating. “Des said he’d tell me about my dad if I killed you.”

“Yeah and what he said to you before was so correct!” I blurt out.

“Alyssa, my dear, you can stop lying. I have the paperwork, I gave the job of killing his dad to you!” I gasp.

“Are you fucking serious? You’re still gonna lie to him?” I try and catch Alex’s gaze, but he keeps his head to the floor.

“Alyssa, stop playing with the poor boy’s head. Look at him!” Des says, pointing a wrinkly finger in his direction.

“Alex, if you shoot me it’ll be the worst mistake of your life…” I threaten. “Des is corrupt, he’ll do anything BUT what he says! Havent you got that?” I plead.

“Des promised me. And I need to know!” Alex whimpers again.

“Alex he probably killed him! Did you ever think that?” I shout, trying to defend myself.

“How dare you accuse me of that! I barely had the heart to put this hit out knowing it was Alex’s dad, but my boss was threatening me!” Des argues. I could see Alex’s gaze moving between us, not sure of what to do.

“At least have him tell you where your dad is before you kill me!” I gave up. I wasn’t going to win this. I was against Des, our boss. But I knew something wasn’t right. Something didn’t add up. I think back but I have no recollection of ever even shooting anyone called Oliver, let alone it being his dad… “But I didn’t do it!” I add in at the end hoping to gain some brownie points.

“I’m so sorry!” Alex pleaded with me.

“Alex, saying sorry isn’t gonna cut killing me!” I shout. “What the hell?”

“Alyssa, I can understand learning all this may be difficult on you; but you shouldn’t kill Assassin’s parents!” Des smirks at me whilst his eyes are glaring evilly at me.

“Alex? What about us? What about everything we’ve been through together?” I begin begging.

“What you’ve had? Pfft please. You’ve worked together for a few months – unless… Aww did Alex fall for the girl at work?” He said the last bit in a childish way.

“Fuck you!” I spit at Des. “You two-faced, self-centred ASSHOLE!”

“Ally, please!” Alex says, trying to work out what’s going on.

“Look at me Alex!” I say, his gaze finally holding. “Look at us. I’m admitting it’s not me, hand on heart. Des is begging you to kill me! Which looks like the motive of a killer? Huh? Do you not think if I did it I’d be trying to win back your trust?” Ally 1 – Des 0.

“Alex, don’t listen to her. It’s all part of her plan. She wants to cash in on your demise, Alex! You know the price that’s on your head? You know what I offered all my workers to kill you? £1million. I didn’t want to do it, I argued with my boss, the head of T.H.O, to stop this happening! He threatened to kill my wife!” Des pleaded. Ally 1 – Des 1. I had to admit, as much as I could smell the bullshit as it was spewing from his mouth, Alex was buying into all of it. I knew I wasn’t going to get out of here alive. Have you ever felt like that? Like the penny has dropped and you’ve realised this inner monologue you’ve created is admitting in a matter of seconds, minutes you’re going to be dead? I was so scared. My life flashed through my head; the fact my baby was going to die with me, the fact all this with Alex had been fake, Des had been fake, how me and Alex had saved each other’s lives countless times, the different people I had killed singly and felt so proud of myself, my first day… it all went through my head. I knew there was only two ways to go, sit there and wait or run like my life depended on it (which it did) and maybe I could make it… Well, you know what I am like and I don’t want to die.

“Alex! He put a hit out on you! Is that not enough?” I say, hoping that when Alex’s gaze moves to Des as he explains himself, I can run. And sure enough, Alex’s sight changes and I run through the hallway, but obviously not quick enough. I feel an almighty blow hit me just below and slightly to the right of my left shoulder blade and I fall to the floor, laying still.

“Is she dead?” I hear Des ask.

“Course she’s fucking dead, I killed her you knob!” Alex says. Alex was fucking serious? I lay as still as I can.

“Well I’ll shoot her just to be sure!” Des says, walking towards me.

“Fuck it!” Alex says. “I’ll do it myself.”

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