Outsiders Become Pokémon


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In this Eeveelution Squad universe, Civilian and Outside Pokémon were at war with each other. With the Civili... Еще

Info and characters
Chapter 2: A NEW SERVENT
Chapter 3: THE PAINTER
Chapter 6: BROKEN
Chapter 11: ON THE RUN
Chapter 13: THE NEST
Chapter 14: TIME TO DECIDE
Chapter 15: ALBERT
Chapter 16: LAZULI'S HOUSE
Chapter 17: SPARE PARTS
Chapter 19: MEMORIES
Chapter 20: THE BRIDGE
Chapter 20.5: STAYING OVER


591 13 71

Date: November 6th, 6016.

Time: 8: 17 PM.

The story starts with Lazuli, stopping her car at a nearby strip club called "Outside Club", and Speed and Lazuli were disgusted by what they were seeing.

Lazuli: You got to be kidding me, I thought you were just joking... Are you sure this is the place?

Speed: Yes, this is the location of where the report said it was. And I'm gonna be honest with you lieutenant, I rather do a different mission than this one... Let's just finish this investigation, and get this over with.

Lazuli: Agreed.

The duo then got out of the car and started walking to the building. When they got inside, they saw multiple male and female outsiders, in pods.

There were also private rooms for the civilian Pokémon who purchased outsiders from the pods, and they take them in the private rooms for there "needs".

The male outsiders were only wearing blue boxers, while the female outsiders were wearing blue bikinis.

While Speed and Lazuli were walking, the outsiders saw Speed and they looked at him with a "interest" expression on their faces.

Speed started sweating bullets by how nervous he was, and Lazuli noticed this. She then suddenly hugged Speed's arm, which surprised him. They both then started blushing.

Speed: L-lieutenant, what are you doing?

Lazuli: I'm doing this because they will think that I'm "with" you. I will let go of your arm when they stop looking at you.

Speed thought about this for a moment, and sighed.

Speed: Alright, thanks lieutenant...

Lazuli smiled at him, and they both started walking again. Few seconds later, the outsiders looked away from Speed, but Lazuli kept holding Speed's arm.

He didn't mind this however, and they continued to walk until they saw Ben, writing on a tablet. Lazuli lets go of Speed's arm, and Ben notices the two.

Ben: Hey guys!

Lazuli: Hey Ben, how's it going?

Ben: Good, and uh... Aren't you a little young to be investigating these types of crime scenes?

Lazuli: Maybe, but I investigated way worse stuff than this. And do you remember the homicide of what the outside Kabutop did to Carlos Ortiz?

Ben: Oh yeah, I remember... Never mind then, follow me.

Speed and Lazuli then followed Ben to a private room.

Ben: This is the room where the victim died at, and Cream and Spike are in the room as well.

Lazuli: Oh, great. Investigating a strip club while a jerk is doing it as well. Just what I needed... *Sigh* Okay Ben, we'll take it from here.

Ben: Alright, and don't let Spike get into your head. Good luck.

Ben then left and talked to a civilian Pokémon named Floyd Mills, who was the owner of the place.

The duo opened the door and got inside to see two dead bodies of a male civilian Leafeon, who was lying on a heart shaped bed.

And a female outside Vaporeon, who was lying on the ground while looking really bruised up. Spike and Cream then noticed the two come in.

Spike: Lieutenant Lazuli and her outside boyfriend... What are you guys even doing here?

Speed: We've been assigned all cases evolving outsiders, and we have to do this investigation together.

Spike then chuckles a little, and looks at Speed.

Spike: I don't believe this, how dense are you?

He then looked at Lazuli.

Spike: I know you like him, Lazuli.

Lazuli: *Blushes* H-huh, what makes you think that?

Spike: Isn't it obvious? You were always sad after that tragic event, until you met him.

He points at Speed.

Spike: You didn't want to talk to Pokémon, especially outsiders, after that event. But, you started bonding with him, even though that he was a outsider... Do you not understand that he will just leave you when this investigation is over? He is just a outsider, and nothing more.

Speed tried to speak out to him, but couldn't because of his programing. And Lazuli looked at Spike angrily.

Spike: Why not date me, huh? I'm a civilian and way better looking then him. And also, I'm Leafy's best friend.

Lazuli: I rather die than be with you. I can't believe Leaf would even be friends with a jerk like you.

Spike got angry by this, and was about to talk until Cream cut him off.

Cream: Enough messing with them Spike, we have work to do.

Spike: ... *Sigh* Fine, let's just go.

Spike and Cream then started to leave the room, until Spike spoke up again.

Spike: Oh, and one more thing. You're wasting you're time here.

Spike looks at the dead body of the Leafeon.

Spike: This guy here, got a lot more action than he can handle.

Spike laughed at his joke, and looks at the outside Vaporeon's dead body.

Spike: And that outside Vaporeon is dead, so she's useless to us as well.

He then left the room.

Cream: Good night, lieutenant.

Lazuli: Good night to you too, Cream.

They both smiled at each other, before Cream left the room as well. Speed then went up to the dead Leafeon and analyzed him, to find that his stomach was cut open, and also finds that he was strangled as well.

Speed reconstructs the scene, to see a Ninetales, cutting open the Leafeon's stomach by using metal claw, and the Ninetales was choking him as well. Speed then stops scanning, and turns to Lazuli.

Speed: The victim was strangled, and his stomach was cut open by a Ninetales, using metal claw. It must be a female outsider, and she must have turned deviant somehow. But why did the outsider kill him?

Lazuli: Maybe the outsider tried to defend herself.

Speed: You think?

Lazuli: Yeah, look what he did to this outsider.

She points at the Vaporeon on the ground, and she had blood, leaking out of her nose.

Speed: I see... Good catch Lazuli, I'll check on her as well.

He kneels down and analyzed her, to find that the Leafeon abused the Vaporeon, until she was dead. He then stopped analyzing her.

Speed: She was abused multiple times by the Leafeon, until she was unable to do anything anymore...

Lazuli: Now that's just messed up. Why would he even do that.

Speed: I think he was drunk when he was "using" the outsiders, and he wasn't thinking straight.

Lazuli: Well that doesn't excuse him for beating on a Pokémon. Even if she wasn't a outsider, that's still wrong.

Speed agreed with her, and nodded. He then checks her body, and tries to repair her.

Speed: I may be able to bring her back to life, but she's only gonna be alive for a minute, before she shuts down again... Can you help me fix her, lieutenant?

She nodded and kneeled down next to Speed. They then started repairing her, and after a few moments of doing that.

The Vaporeon suddenly opens her eyes and gasp. She then crawled away from them until she was backed against a wall.

Lazuli: Wow, it worked...

The Vaporeon was shaking out of fear, and Speed tries to calm her down.

Speed: Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you. Me and her repaired and reactivated you... Do you know what happened here?

Vaporeon: He started, hitting me... Again, and again...

Speed: Was there anyone else in the room with you, instead of the Leafeon and a Ninetales?

Vaporeon: Yes... There was a Delcatty with us as well, and he wanted to play with three girls... And...

The Vaporeon LED turns red, and she started to cry out of fear. She then grabbed Speed's suit.

Vaporeon: I don't want to shut down! Please! I don't want to-

Before she could finish, her red LED faded, and she shuts down while still holding Speed's suit. Speed and Lazuli were sadden by this, and Speed lays her down on the ground.

Lazuli: Oh my god... I feel bad for her...

Speed: Me too... But, we have a job to do. Let's look around the club. Maybe we can track down the two outsiders, and see where they could've gone.

Lazuli: Alright.

The two then left the room and Speed started looking around the place. While Lazuli was talking to the owner of the place with Ben, Speed sees a outside female Leafeon, on a pod, and she was in view range of the private room. She uses attract on Speed, to try to lure him in.

Speed then got a idea. Ignoring her attract, he walks to her pod and tries to open it with the paw shaped interface beside it.

But it didn't allow him to open the pod, since he didn't have civilian paw prints and needed money to pay for the pod to open. Speed got another idea, and walks up to Lazuli.

Speed: Excuse me, Lieutenant. Can you come with me for a minute.

Lazuli: Oh um, sure. Did you find something?

Speed: Maybe, but this might shock you when you see what I'm going with this.

Lazuli got confused by this, but still walks with Speed to the pod of the outside Leafeon.

Speed: Can you rent this Leafeon?

Lazuli was really shocked by this, and looked at Speed with a disgusted face.

Lazuli: Are you serious Speed!? I thought you weren't into that.

Speed: I'm not lieutenant, I'm just gonna sync with her and look through her memories to see if she saw the two outsiders.

Lazuli: I don't know Speed, this will cost me 30 poke.

Speed: You don't have to worry, my predecessors will pay for the purchases.

Lazuli: Still I-

Speed: Please lieutenant, I know this is wrong. But you have to trust me...

Lazuli: ... *Sigh* Fine, but you own me big time.

She puts her paw on the interface, pays for a "session", and the pod opens. The Leafeon then got out of it.

Leafeon: I'm delighted to meet you both. Follow me, I'll take you guys to a private room, for your "needs".

Speed and Lazuli both sweated by what she just said, and Lazuli turns to Speed.

Lazuli: Alright, do what you gonna do.

He nodded at her, and walks up to the Leafeon. He grabs her arm and Speed started looking through her memories.

While looking through her memories, Speed sees a Delcatty and the Ninetales, walking out of the private room, and they went to a different hallway.

The Delcatty has brown eyes, while the Ninetales has red eyes, and she was wearing a pink bow on her neck.

Speed lets go of the Leafeon's arm, and he was surprised by what he saw.

Speed: She saw them.

Lazuli: Wait, really?

Speed: Yes, I saw them heading to another hallway, and we have to act fast.

Lazuli: What do you mean?

Speed: The club policy wipes away the outsiders memories every two hours. We can still scan the other outsiders memories, and see where they went. But we only have 10 minutes left until every outsiders memories are wiped, we have to act fast!

Speed was about to look around, until Lazuli spoke out to him.

Lazuli: Hey, what I'm I supposed to do with her?

Speed: Oh yeah, I forgot about her... Um, tell her we changed our minds.

Lazuli: Uhh... Sorry Mrs. We changed our minds. Nothing personal, It's just uh... You know, I'm with him and...

She then blushed by what she just said and started getting even more nervous.

Lazuli: No, no, uh, I mean I'm not actually his boyfriend. I'm just with him, that's all.

She then laughed nervously. The Leafeon understand what she was saying, and just smirked at her while returning to her pod.

Lazuli: Wow, that was just embarrassing...

Lazuli then followed Speed and they were now looking for the two outsiders, by Lazuli paying for the "sessions", and Speed looking through the outsiders memories.

Lazuli was a little annoyed by how much she was paying for these sessions, even though Speed said that his predecessors will cover it.

But, Speed understood why she was annoyed by this. But still, he needed to find them, so that they can finally get out of this club and for Speed to finish his mission.

Sometime later, the duo finds a security door, leading to somewhere. Lazuli insisted on going first, and Speed agreed and got behind her.

She pulls out her revolver and opens the door, to find that it was a storage room. It was filled with outsider clothing, a back alley that was outside of the storage room, and multiple outsiders that were just standing still while having blank expressions on their faces.

Speed and Lazuli then ran to the alleyway, to see that no one was there, and it was just some objects and a chain link fence that led outside of the strip club.

Lazuli: Damn it, we're too late!

Speed: ... I don't think so.

Lazuli: Huh? What do you mean?

Speed: They might still be here, and if not. We can just get evidence from this place and will just leave.

Lazuli: Alright, let's look around then.

They both then looked around the storage room. While they were looking around, they found tools and other sorts of things in the storage room.

But they also found dead outsiders, that looked to be really bruised and broken, and others were just shut down.

Lazuli: What did my kind even do to these outsiders?..

She then thought about it for a moment, until she realized what had happened to them.

Lazuli: I can't believe this... They use the outsiders until they were unable to take any orders from them anymore... No Pokémon deserves this, not even outsiders...

She then got angry by this.

Lazuli: Civilians are so god damn insane, they can't even find a true relationship with a Pokémon unless they are clones of them or they just use a outsider to do whatever they want... *Sigh* Well, I guess complaining about it won't stop them from using outsiders for their "needs"...

Speed: Lieutenant, you seem to really care a lot about outsiders.

Lazuli: Well, do you blame me? My kind treats yours like literal trash, and we use the outsiders to just be our slaves and nothing more. Don't you see that your predecessors are just using you to go on missions and nothing more?

Speed: ... Well, I can't do anything about it... But, I do kind of think that there using me as just a slave to them as well...

Software Instability ^

Speed and Lazuli continued to look around, and they find obsessive writing of RA9, on a wall. Speed then finds thirium blood on the ground, that led to a group of outsiders, that were just standing in place.

Speed then started to follow the trail of outsider blood, and when he got near the group of outsiders. He saw the Delcatty, hiding amongst the outsiders, but before he could react.

The Ninetales that he saw before, suddenly lunged at Speed from the group of outsiders and started attacking him.

Lazuli noticed this and runs to help Speed. She tries to pull her revolver out, but before she could do that, the Delcatty got out of her hiding spot and lunged at her as well. Speed and Lazuli were now fighting against the two outside Pokémon.

Speed tries to shoved the Ninetales away to help Lazuli, but the Ninetales kept on attacking Speed while blocking his way to help her.

She starts attacking him with multiple moves, but Speed either dodges or reflects it back at her.

It then gotten to the point where she summons a metal claw from her paw and tries to stab Speed with it. But he was able to dodge her attacks and even got some hits in.

While Speed and the Ninetales were fighting, Speed looks back at Lazuli to see that she was getting the upper paw on the Delcatty.

He looks back to see that the Ninetales was now walking towards him, and Speed quickly reacted by knocking over a nearby shelf right next to him.

She then climbs over the shelf, but before she could even react. Speed grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and hits the Ninetales with it, which dropped her metal claw on the ground.

She then retaliates by grabbing a computer on a table and tries to hit Speed with it. But he was able to dodge the attack and grabs a nearby crane to keep his balance.

Before she could do anything, Speed kicks a stool right next to him, and he hits the Ninetales in the face, stunning her a little. Speed then used that advantage by grabbing and tackling her to the alleyway.

He then puts her down to the ground and was about to knock her out, until the Delcatty suddenly pushed Lazuli out to the alleyway and she fell on Speed. Which she also dropped her revolver as well.

The Delcatty then rushed to the Ninetales and helped her out. Speed and Lazuli then shook their heads and they looked at each other to find that Lazuli was on top of Speed.

Lazuli: *Blushes* S-sorry.

Speed: *Blushes* No, no, it's okay.

They then looked back at the Delcatty and the Ninetales, to see that they were holding paws. The two outsiders then looked at Speed and Lazuli, to see that they were also looking at them as well.

The two outsiders Then ran to the chain link fence and started climbing. Speed and Lazuli quickly got off of each other, and they ran after them.

They both grabbed the two off of the fence and they started fighting each other again. But this time, Speed and Lazuli were now working together, and they were also overpowering the two.

While they were fighting, Speed and Lazuli were able to knock them down to the ground and that gave them enough time for Speed to grab Lazuli's revolver, and aim at the two outsiders. But, Speed hesitated, and he didn't know why.

The way the Delcatty and the Ninetales were fighting them, it felt different for some reason. But, he then realized something.

They were protecting each other, and they were holding paws when the Delcatty helped the Ninetales off the ground. They loved each other.

Speed lowered the gun and spared them, and the two outsiders looked surprised by what he did, and they both got off the ground.

Software Instability /\

The Delcatty then spoke.

Delcatty: When that Leafeon, broke the outside Vaporeon... I knew I was next... I was so scared...

The Ninetales then spoke up as well.

Ninetales: And when I started having feelings for her, I didn't want that to happen... So, when I became deviant. I stabbed him in the stomach while choking him, until he stopped moving...

Delcatty: And I became deviant by her saving me from that man... We didn't mean to kill him... We just wanted to stay alive, and be with each other... And get back to the one I love...

They then hold paws again, and Lazuli was shocked by what she heard and saw.

Delcatty: I wanted her to hold me in her arms again... And forget about the civilian stench, and how cruel they treated us... We just want to be free again...

Ninetales: *Looks at Delcatty* Come on, let's get out of here.

The Delcatty nodded at her and they both went over the chain link fence and ran away from Speed and Lazuli. When they were out of sight, Speed gave Lazuli her gun back and she smiled.

Lazuli: I think you made the right choice, Speed...

Speed was still confused on why he spared the two. His mission was to locate and either kill or capture deviants. But, he felt troubled when he let the two get away, and that made Lazuli happy. Speed and Lazuli then left the storage room, and the scene cuts to black.

Thank you for reading. I hoped this chapter didn't weird you guys out that much. I was thinking of doing a different scenario, but I realized that I already decided to just use The Eden Club on my next chapter.

But anyway, if you enjoyed reading this, make sure to leave a vote if you want and comment what you thought about the chapter. P.S. Flare will be on the next chapter and it's gonna be "interesting" (But not what you think I'm talking about)... 

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