A Monster turned Hero (MHA X...

By macrostorn

27.2K 531 104

Minato, a 14-year old boy from Aldera Middle School wishes to become a hero, alongside his friends, Katsuki a... More

1: "A New Beginning"
2: "A Fated Meeting"
3: "Going Beyond"
4: "The First Day"
5: "Rivalry, Presidency and New Friends"
7: "Sports Festival"
8: "The Results of Effort"
10: "The Hero Killer"
9: "Your Quirk"
11: "Ingenium's Rebirth"
12: "Final Exams"
13: "The Incredible I-Island"
14: "Party Crashers"
15: "The True Culprit"
16: "Two Heroes"
17: "A Moment of Respite"
18: "Training Camp"
19: "A Much Needed Talk"
20: "Forest Mayhem"
21: "Search and Rescue"
22: "The One Behind All"
23: "Minato Amamiya: Origin"
24: "The Painful Truth"
25: "Forgiveness and Realization"
26: "Second Chance"
27: "Confrontation and Confession"
28: "The Big Three"
29: "The Past Repeats"
30: "Preparation"
31: "Overhaul"
32: "Defeat"
33: "Rehearsal"
34: "Dreams and Reality"
35: "Hero Too"

6: "The Monster Unleashed"

1.3K 23 9
By macrostorn

UA High School, 12:50 p.m. Aizawa adresses the classroom.

Aizawa:"For today's hero basic training class, All Might, myself and another teacher will supervise you."

The boy from the exam, with the strange-looking elbows, puts his hand in the air, asking a question.

"What are we doing, exactly?"

Aizawa:"We will be preparing you for all kinds of disaster relief, from fires to floods. (Shows card) Today, we'll be doing rescue training."

The class starts excitedly chatting, until Aizawa quiets them.

Aizawa:"I'm not done yet. (Presses a button, pulling the hero costumes) It's up to you if you wear your costumes or not, since some of them might limit your abilities in this sort of activity. The training site is still far, so we'll be going by bus. That's all. Get ready."

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Class 1-A racing to the bus)

After getting dressed, everyone went to enter the bus. As they reached it, Iida pulled out a whistle.

Iida:"Class 1-A, please gather around in an orderly fashion. (Blows whistle) Form two lines to board the bus!"

Meanwhile, Minato got close to Momo, opening his mouth to complain about his job, as he had been doing in the last few days, when, suddenly, Momo pulls a large paper fan out of nowhere and smacks him on the head."

Momo:"Don't say it."

Minato growled and went to open his mouth again, when Momo hit him once more, making the boy even more annoyed. He tried to talk again, as a swing from it came. This time, however, Minato was waiting for it and ripped the fan from Momo's hand with a bite, holding it between his teeth with a feeling of satisfaction and a smirk. Outraged, Momo makes another fan with her quirk, hitting an unexpecting Minato with it. He then growls one more time, this one even louder, pulling the attention of the class to the two. Soon, the rest of the class started watching amazed, as Momo struck the strongest student in class over the head with a paper fan. As Minato growled more and more, everyone started getting worried for their vice-president. Finally, Minato lost it, and grabbed Momo's wrists, pinning her to the bus.

Minato:"(Pissed) Will you stop with that!?"

He said, getting his face close to hers.

Momo:"Only when you stop!"

She said, sticking her tongue out. Aizawa approached the two and started talking, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Aizawa:"Have you finished yet? Because, if not, then move it. We're in a hurry."

Minato lets go of Momo, taking a step back, while she rubs her wrists.

Momo:"I don't understand you, Amamiya-kun. Being class president is a normal thing, but being so at UA is an honor. Why are you so adamant at refusing it?"

Minato:"You wouldn't understand."

Momo:"Why not!? You never tried to explain it..."

Minato:"(Sighs) I'm not in the mood for this, right now."

Minato then enters the bus, taking a seat. The rest of the class does the same and the ride begins. While the rest of the class chatted, Minato was lost in thought, carrying a serious expression on his face, while Momo, who was sitting to his left, stared at him, debating wether or not to approach the boy about what he said before, deciding to try.

Momo:"Are you okay, Amamiya-kun?"

Minato:"I'm fine."

Minato answered, looking tense, with Momo immediately seeing through his lie. The boy now known as Sato, who Izuku had faced in battle training, started talking to him.

Sato:"Want some chips, Amamiya-kun?"

Minato:"No, thanks."

Sato:"No need to be polite. I got extras."

Minato denied again, with Katsuki scoffing, as he started to talk.

Katsuki:"It's useless to try. That moron can't eat anything other than meat."

The class got surprised after hearing this.

Uraraka:"Now that I think about it, I've never seen you eat anything other than meat, Amamiya-kun."

Iida:"That cannot be, Amamiya-kun! A hero-in-training such as yourself needs to have a balanced diet!"

Minato:"Thank you, mother Iida, but I'm doing fine. I just can't eat anything else. My quirk is a mutation-type, and because of the alterations it made to my body, it doesn't process anything apart from meat, water and, for some reason, coffee."

The entire class, except Izuku and Katsuki, who already knew it for a long time, became surprised at first before settling down, remembering that those kinds of things can happen. The rest of the trip was peaceful. Momo, feeling bad for what happened earlier, leaned towards Minato, putting a hand on his shoulder, to try to console him.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Momo hitting Chibi Minato with a paper fan)

"Welcome everyone, I've been waiting for you. Every disaster and accident imaginable. This is the facility I built myself. I call it... the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!"

Everyone was amazed as they saw the incredible facility, as well as the famous female hero, Thirteen. Aizawa then approaches Thirteen to talk quietly. They then begin announcing the training.

Thirteen:"Before we start, I have one or two points... or three... four."

Thirteen continued, talking about her quirk "Black Hole" and how dangerous it is, until Minato got a bad feeling. Looking around, he saw a black mist swirling, by the central plaza, with what looked like villains coming out from it.


Looking to where Minato's eyes were pointed, he saw the same sight.

Aizawa:"Nobody move! Thirteen, protect the students!"

"Is this part of the training!?"

One of the students asked, amidst the confusion.

Aizawa:"No. Those... are villains!"

With those words, most of the students started panicking, seeing the amount of enemies coming out of the mist. Aizawa moved to the stairs, counting the amount of enemies and preparing to battle, before jumping into the middle of them, erasing the quirks of a small group calling themselves the "Ranged Squad". Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Aizawa almost instantly takes down multiple villains. All of a sudden, a mutant villain attacks him, certain that his erasure won't work on mutant-types, as Aizawa confirms his guess, before beating him up, and continuing to fight off the large amount of villains

Even so, they kept on coming, as Aizawa kept taking them down, villain after villain, until there were no more. Looking over from the top of the stairs, Minato saw a large number of villains lying on the floor, unconscious. By a fountain in the plaza, three more villains stood: a man seemingly made of the same black mist from which the villains came, a younger, blue-haired man, covered in dismembered hands, and a purple, man-like creature, tall and muscular, with a beak for a mouth and it's brain exposed. The students watched the teacher's performance in awe, until someone from behind drawed their attention.

"That's why I hate pro heroes. I already knew those weaklings didn't stand a chance, but I at least thought they would last a bit longer. Kurogiri, go do your thing."

The younger man said, lightly scratching his neck, before the mist man seemingly replied.

Kurogiri:"Very well, Shigaraki Tomura. I will return shortly."

With those words, a larger amount of mist started emanating from the man, dissipating shortly after, taking "Kurogiri" with it, leaving behind the purple creature and the man who was referred to as Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki:"Even though your quirk is not good with long battles or group ones, you still jumped into the fight to try and keep the kids safe. (Smiling creepily) That's cool, Eraserhead. By the way... I'm not the boss here."

The purple creature twitched before moving at a blurring speed. In a mere instant, it had Aizawa pinned on the ground, standing on top of him with it's knees bended. From the top of the stairs, the students watched in horror.

Minato(Thought):"S-so fast! I could barely accompany it with my eyes! That guy's dangerous!"

Shigaraki:"Meet the anti-symbol of peace. The bio-engeneered Nomu."

As Aizawa struggled, the students and Thirteen try to evacuate, until one of the villains appears, his face covered in black mist, the only thing visible being his two shining yellow eyes. Before they could react, he starts making students disappear with his mist. In a few moments, several students disappeared in black mist. The few remaining stepped back, avoiding the mist. The villain then appears in front of them.

Kurogiri:"I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave. Greetings, we are the League of Villains. I apologize for the trouble, but we have taken upon ourselves to enter UA, in order to engage All Might. We were hoping to have the chance to finish him, you see. Was he not meant to attend this class, by any chance?"

As the teens find themselves unable to react, Kurogiri warps once more, reappearing from behind Iida, Uraraka and Mina. Before he could grab anyone, Minato lunges towards the mist villain. Taken by surprise, Kurogiri uses his mist to warp the teen, only to be warped as well, due to Minato grabbing him.

In the central plaza, Shigaraki Tomura is caught by surprise, as Kurogiri lands in front of him, with a student on top of him. Minato looks at where he ended up, his eyes locking on his homeroom teacher, looking injured, as he is restrained by the large creature known as Nomu.

Aizawa:"Amamiya, watch out!"

Minato looks to the other side to see the blue-haired villain, moving his hand to touch him, being dodged as Minato leaps away from him, releasing Kurogiri in the process. The mist villain gets up, cleaning his clothes, as Shigaraki speaks to him, scratching his neck.

Shigaraki:"(Annoyed) What's going on, Kurogiri? I didn't expect you to have trouble with some runt."

Kurogiri:"I apologize, Shigaraki Tomura. It seems this boy is better than I expected. I underestimated him."

Shigaraki takes a look at the teen.

Shigaraki:"I see. Go do your job. This runt seems interesting, so you can leave him."

Having finished the conversation, Kurogiri disappears once more. Shigaraki examines the boy carefully, noticing his eyes darting around, their gaze alternating between him and the Nomu, restraining the pro hero.

Shigaraki:"(Chuckles) Don't know what to do? It's fine. You won't have to face both of us at the same time. You can also run away, if you want. However... If I were you, I'd stay away from him. He's the strongest one here. Isn't that right, Nomu?"

The creature releases a loud shriek in response.

Shigaraki:"See? Now... What will you do?"

As Shigaraki asks him that, Minato shouted as he lunged at full speed towards the creature, planting a kick on it's face at full force, moving the creature's head slightly to the side. However, Nomu didn't even seem to feel at all. Instead, it kept it's focus on Aizawa, grabbing and snapping his arm with ease, with him grunting from the pain. Kurogiri appears behind Shigaraki, reporting that he had incapacitated Thirteen and warped some of the students away, before saying that one had escaped, causing Shigaraki to lash out at him before deciding to retreat, as he scratches his neck frantically.

Shigaraki:"We won't stand a chance against the pros. It's game over. We're leaving. But before... we'll kill some kids and crush All Might's pride. Nomu, punch the kid."

Shigaraki commanded to the creature, as Minato attacked the exposed brain to hurt it, unsuccessfully. Screeching, Nomu punched Minato with its huge fist, shooting the boy into the stairs, burying him into them from the sheer force of the blow.

Shigaraki:"That's one. Now, to find more."

Shigaraki was about to start moving, when he stopped at the sound of rubble shifting. Looking to the source of the sound, he sees the boy getting out of the hole.

Shigaraki:"(Irritated) You're still alive? Nomu, go for the kid."

The creature blurred to Minato, throwing him another punch. However, the boy was able to dodge it, allowing the huge arm to barely graze the right side of his torso. Nomu then punches the boy's left side, shooting him towards a large pool, landing next to it."


Minato looks around to see Izuku, Asui and Mineta, at the edge of the pool.

Minato:"Hey guys, you okay?"

Asui:"I think you should be more concerned about yourself, gero."

Minato:"(Smiling) I'll live. Probably."

With that Minato starts thinking back on his one-sided battle.

Minato(thought):"That thing is absurdly fast, but with all the muscle, it shouldn't be very agile... Maybe I should use that? No. I can't. That's my last resort. Right now I have to focus on helping Sensei."

Minato then turns to his classmates.

Minato:"I need you guys to take Aizawa-sensei out of here. I'll distract the villains and you take him away from the plaza."

Izuku:"But what about you?"

Minato:"Don't worry! You know I can tough it out."

Izuku:"(Sighs) Alright! We'll do our best!"

Asui agreed as well, while Mineta simply resigned, having no other choice. Minato sprinted into the plaza again, the other three following him. Reaching the plaza, the group sees Shigaraki and Nomu.

Shigaraki:"You're back. And now, there's four of you. (Smiling creepily) You're really interesting. You survived three punches from Nomu, who was designed to kill All Might. Even so, you still won't hurt Nomu, since one of his quirks is "Shock Absorption"."

The students were surprised at what they had heard, until they snapped out of it as Shigaraki continued talking.

Shigaraki:"Besides his "Shock Absorption", he has a regeneration quirk and a few strength enhancement ones. You'd have a better chance of flaying the skin off him than beating him. Although, I wouldn't do that. He tends to get cranky when something hurts him."

Minato:"(Serious) You talk a lot."

Shigaraki:"Maybe, but you won't talk ever again. Nomu!"

Nomu zoomed towards a serious-looking Minato, who had his eyes glued to the creature this time and swiftly dodged it's punch, ducking another and sidestepping to avoid the arms coming down on him. Minato kept dodging blow after blow, staying close to Nomu, since he couldn't outrun it, and trying to think of a plan to beat it. Meanwhile, the three heroes-in-training help Aizawa get up, and start taking him to the entrance, while Minato watches them, during the small intervals between Nomu's attacks. As he kept dodging, Momo, Jiro and Kaminari enter the plaza from the direction of the mountain zone. As Shigaraki sees them, he moves to strike. Minato watches Shigaraki as he keeps dodging and waiting, until an opening shows itself. Minato jumps and flips over the purple creature, using its back as a platform, launching himself off it towards Shigaraki, as Nomu hits the ground from the impulse. As he lands on the ground, next to the blue-haired villain, he kicks him away. His classmates see him and try to approach. He tries to warn them to run away, but, as they opened their mouths to ask what's happening, they freeze. Minato realizes what was happening and turns around seeing a purple blur zooming in on him. He immediately leans to his right, thanking his training for his reflexes, as Nomu's huge fist lightly grazes his cheek and shoulder, turns around and grabs it's arm, using his strength to throw the creature over him and throwing the creature a few meters away from them, which ends up lying on the ground belly-down. He then jumps onto it's back and grabs both arms with everything he has, to stop it from using it's immense strength. Nomu struggled to release itself, due to the position it was in, shrieking as loud as possible as Minato tried to hold on as best as he could.

Shigaraki:"No good..."

Minato looked in the direction of the voice to see Shigaraki, somewhat panicked, walking towards the students, with one hand covering his face, while the other was seemingly reaching for something. He passes through the scared students and kneels behind them, picking up something.

Shigaraki:"I'm sorry, father!"

Shigaraki says, somewhat shakily, and fixes the dismembered hand on his face. As he does, he sighs in relief, getting up and turning to look at Minato with his enraged red eyes, terrifying the three students close to him, making them stumble back.

Shigaraki:"You hurt father!"

He starts walking to the students, seemingly in a daze, while Minato watches unsure of what to say since he was still containing Nomu.

Minato:"Momo, run away!"

Minato shouts as Shigaraki approaches them. Momo glances at Minato while Shigaraki snaps from his daze and starts sprinting towards her. Looking back, she sees him approaching her and turns to run, but it was too late. As he was about to grab the girl, Minato lets go of Nomu and tackles the villain at a high speed, sending him away, while the creature got up, shrieking. Momo was terrorized of it, falling to the ground as it stood in front of her. As it reeled it's fist, Minato jumped onto it's back and did something that would terrify Momo more than the Nomu. Minato open his mouth wide and sunk his teeth into Nomu's neck. He bit hard into it, ripping a bit out before spitting it to the side, a black blood-like substance coming out of the wound. Suddenly, four tendrils come out of Minato's lower back, tightly gripping Nomu's arms and legs like vises, immobilizing it. Momo looked in horror at the boy, his eyes now a vibrant red surrounded by pure black, carrying a feral look, with the tendrils protruding from his back restraining the purple creature, as he started pulling the skin around the wound, using his nails like claws. He then started tearing out both skin and flesh from the creature's shoulders and back, using his teeth and nails. The creature screeched in pain as it's black blood formed a pool around it, as it tried to escape in vain.  The blood-red appendages prevented it from moving at all. The girl kept watching, in a mix of horror and fascination, while her classmates threw up, as Minato ripped out chunks of meat as big as her fist, while Nomu's regeneration quirk healed as fast as he tore. Eventually, the boy stops and lets go of the creature, which fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious, not moving at all. Minato then turns, the feral look in his eyes no longer present, as he turns to see the blue-haired villain.

Shigaraki:"(Nervous) Kurogiri, it's time to go!"

The mist villain warped them both out of there. After watching them leave, Minato's eyes return to their normal blue color and the tendrils withdraw into his body, before slowly turning to his three classmates, looking at them with a pained look.

Minato:"I... I'm really sorry you had to watch that. Are you okay?"

Minato approached Momo, stretching his hand out to help her get up. She flinched at this, turning her head to the side and closing her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at the boy, cowering in fear. Minato closed his hand, retreating his arm back to his side, feeling his pain grow at the sight of his classmate, his friend, afraid of him.

Minato:"Try to recover and get back to the entrance, okay?"

With those words, the boy turned around and started walking to the entrance to check on the rest of his classmates.

(Timeskip brought to you by a sad Chibi Minato sitting by the entrance)

All Might arrived a few minutes after Minato reached the entrance of USJ, with the rest of the pro heroes and the police arriving twenty minutes later. After arresting the purple creature, All Might and the police detective approach Minato.

Tsukauchi:"Hello, Amamiya-kun. I'm detective Tsukauchi. I've heard from Aizawa-san that you were in the front line as well and even defeated that creature. Could you tell us what you know?"

All Might:"Young Yaoyorozu and Young Jiro said it would be better to ask you."
Minato found himself in a mix of sadness and relief.

Minato:"Sure, no problem. I don't know who these guys were, but I know why they came here. (Looks at All Might) They were here to kill you, All Might, and they were going to use that thing to do so."

All Might:"What!? Use that thing to kill me? But how?"

Minato:"It was absurdly fast and strong. Enough to maybe even match you. (Saddened) I had to use everything I had just to knock it out."

Tsukauchi:"Is there anything else, Amamiya-kun?"

Minato:"(Serious) Yes. The blue-haired guy who seemed to be the calling the shots called it Nomu and said it had been bio-engeneered to kill All Might. I don't know what he meant by that, but he mentioned later that it had multiple quirks. I don't know if it's possible, but from what it did, I'd say it's true."

All Might and Tsukauchi looked worriedly at each other.

All Might:"Thank you for that, Young Amamiya. I also want to thank you for protecting the students. You acted like a true hero."

With that, the duo leaves Minato alone with his thoughts. The class then returns to school. Minato and Aizawa are taken to the infirmary, with Minato being released almost immediately, thanks to Recovery Girl's quirk, leaving with just a warning to be more careful.

Meanwhile, sitting in a bar somewhere, was a blue-haired man with several dismembered hands covering his body.

Shigaraki:"Damn it! How could Nomu have lost to a mere NPC!?"

Kurogiri:"Calm down, Shigaraki Tomura."

Shigaraki:"I'll kill him! I'll cut open his tendrils, rip those red eyes of his out and kill him!"

Suddenly, the tv in the bar turns on, showing the words "Audio only" before a voice starts talking.

"Calm down, Tomura. This was only the first step. Your chance to kill All Might will come, soon."

Shigaraki:"(Calm) Yes, sensei."

The tv turns off. On an unknown location, a man is seen, sitting down, wearing a dark suit, with only the lower half of his face visible.

"Red eyes and tendrils. Interesting... Quite interesting..."

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