Ultraviolent [Kylo Ren X Read...

Galing kay hannahtaylorburris

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You and Vicrul are twins, struck with tragedy after tragedy, landing you in the guardianship of Charles Snoke... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Eighteen

1.3K 48 31
Galing kay hannahtaylorburris

Winter had quickly faded into early spring, the biting chill in the air still whipping around your body as you walked out of the small coffee shop, having concluded your meeting with Amilyn Holdo, finalizing every single detail of the fundraiser you both had been planning over the last few months. Between caring for patients and spending time with Kylo, you had been stressing out over decor, music and catering plans, your mind constantly recounting every minor detail, attempting to ensure perfection. 

Without another thought, your feet had carried you into Connix, longing for warmth and to catch up with your friend. Much to your surprise, she was nowhere to be found, the storefront empty besides the racks filled to the brim with silks and chiffons. You browsed the shop, looking for anything that may have been different from your last visit, your eyes instantly catching the glittering jewelry in the display case, the LED lights catching every single facet, making tiny rainbows dance across your vision. 


You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of the back door slamming shut, a nearly breathless Kaydel zooming into the storefront, giant boxes piled high on the dollie she was pushing, her field of view blocked. 

"Jesus fuck, Kay, I swear on every decent thing in this world, I'm gonna tie a bell on you so you can't scare the shit out of me like that again!" you grumbled, attempting to slow your rapidly pumping heart. Kaydel stopped dead in her tracks, slowly leaning to peek out from behind the stacked boxes, her once blonde buns, now coiffed into a warm amber plaited crown. A giant smile spread across her face. 

"Only if you pull my hair while you do it." she joked, winking at you. Kaydel was quick to step out from behind the dollie, wrapping you tightly into her arms as if she hadn't seen you in eons. 

"Pervert..." you whispered, squeezing her just as tightly. She pulled away with the brightest of smiles on her face. 

"Sooooo...one of these boxes holds your custom gown and masks...," Kaydel practically sang, "BUT, I honestly have no idea which one..." 

You couldn't help but laugh, stepping around her to set your purse and coat behind the counter, rolling up your sleeves. 

"Then we'd better get to work!" you said, grabbing the top box, grabbing one of the two box cutters by the cash register to slide through the tape. 


You and Kaydel had worked for what felt like eternity, pulling gowns and cocktail dresses from boxes, steaming out the wrinkles and hanging them up, or securing them to mannequins when you had finally pulled out the final gown. Disappointment seemed to settle like a boulder in your stomach, weighing down your mood. Kaydel seemed to sense the change in you. 

"I think I left something in the dressing room. Do you think you could grab it for me?" she asked, steaming out the wrinkles in a red deep neck-lined satin gown. You simply nodded, trudging towards the dressing room in the back, only to be greeted by a white, unlabeled garment bag. 

Curiosity having sunk its claws into you, you slowly unzipped the bag, the opening damn near beginning to overflow with obsidian chiffon ruffles. Gasping, you clamped your hand over your mouth, tears pooling in your eyes. 

"Don't be a pussy! Open it and put it on!" Kaydel jeered, practically jumping up and down from excitement. You hadn't heard her approach, but you couldn't help yourself, throwing your arms around her, squeezing her in your grasp. 

"I love you, but put the fucking dress on before I steal it from you!" she laughed, wiping a tear that had trailed down your cheek. You removed the dress from the garment bag, in absolute shock at the perfection of it. 

Quickly, you undressed, slipping into it with ease. The chiffon halter met a few inches under your bust, a dazzling chiffon sash around your waist with twinkling black beading in the middle, catching the light brilliantly. Kaydel came out from behind you, fluffing the ruffled chiffon skirt around you, watching as you took note of the thigh high slit on the right side. You felt like you had just stepped out of a storybook. 

"This is...perfect..." you whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from the mirror. Kaydel smiled, catching your eyes in the mirror. You could see that she was holding something behind her back. 

"One more thing..." she said, holding out a mask, a lace pattern with black jewels that matched the cluster on the gown, black silk ribbon on either side to secure it around your head. The mask looked almost like the wings of a butterfly, as if one had perched on the bridge of your nose, spanning across your face delicately. 

"Holy shit, this is amazing! You are a miracle worker, Kay!" you said, tying the mask behind your head, watching the way the dress moved in the full length mirror in front of you. 

Kaydel watched in amazement with you, practically bubbling with excitement at how the design you both had worked so hard to create on paper had been translated perfectly in fabric. Visions of dancing in the ballroom at the venue Holdo had chosen transpired in your mind, wrapped in strong arms, moving almost fluidly in a waltz to the music reverberating off the walls. 

"Oh, before I forget, the mask for your date!" Kay said, pulling out a black half faced mask, chrome detailing wrapping around the cutout for the eye. As you pictured Kylo wearing the mask, dressed in an expensive, perfectly tailored suit, you could feel the mystery that would shroud him, his demeanor only adding to it. 

Too bad you haven't technically asked him to go with you yet, you thought to yourself, biting your lip. 

"What about your dress and mask, Kay? You're not getting out of this one!" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, making your breasts more accentuated in the deep cut of the dress. 

Kaydel rolled her eyes, disappearing into the hallway to grab something off the rack. She returned, a deep olive silk dress draped over her arm, a gold visor-like pair of glasses hanging from the hanger. 

"Trust me, I'm not missing this for the WORLD!" she exclaimed, clutching the dress in her arms. 

You could only hope that the fundraiser went off without a single hiccup. 


You had dressed back into your street clothes quickly, bidding Kaydel goodbye as you stepped back into the cold evening air, hailing a cab to take you to Kylo's. Your heart palpitated against your ribcage, something that almost always happened when you thought about seeing Kylo again. The nights you spent wrapped in his arms, the weight of the world from your shoulders dissipating as he ghosted his fingertips over your skin, had been some of the best night in your existence and you hoped to never be without him. 

Your phone vibrated in your hand. 

Kylo Ren: The Knights have decided to crash dinner. Want me to kick them out?

You rolled your eyes, chuckling to yourself, typing back that the Knights weren't crashing because you had invited them. Almost immediately after sending the text, you were greeted with another. 

Kylo Ren: Dammit, I was looking forward to splitting you open on the dinner table...

Before you could type out another message, the cab slowed, pulling up to Kylo's home. To your surprise, Kylo was standing outside, cigarette dangling from his lips, his face illuminated by his phone screen, his already sharp facial features looking even more cutting in the unnatural light. 

You quickly tipped the cabbie, stepping out onto the sidewalk, wrapping your coat tightly around you. Your nostrils were invaded with the smell of tobacco, but you didn't mind when it came to Kylo. Kylo's head popped up, noticing you standing on the sidewalk, leaning up against the stone, taking a lengthy drag from his cigarette, a small smirk on his face. 

"While I've got you alone, I wanted to ask you something." you said, walking up to him. Kylo's eyebrows quirked upwards. 

"You want to do it now? I mean, it's freezing out here, but I'm always down for something new." Kylo mumbled, smoke billowing from his luscious lips. You rolled your eyes. 

"What? No, you heathen!" you exclaimed, scoffing at him, watching as his smile grew. 

"Get on with it, then. Use your words, Princess."

You blushed, suddenly nervous that he would turn down your invitation. Looking down at your hands, you began to pick at the skin around your thumb, your heart threatening to jump out of your throat and catapult itself onto the pavement beneath your feet. 

"Uhm...well, you know that thing I've been planning for the last few months with the CEO? It's a big fundraiser to help bring in donations so that the hospital can expand...and I was wondering...," you sighed, balling your hands into fists and looking him in the eye. 

"Would you like to accompany me? Like, be my date? You don't have to stay the whole time, I know outings aren't really your scene, but I don't want to go with anyone el-" your ramblings were quickly interrupted. 

"Yes." Kylo said, flicking his cigarette into the roadway, turning to look back at you. 

You were stunned silent. 

"I'd be absolutely insane to not want to go with you, especially since it's something you have been stressing out over for months now. Of course, I'll go with you." He said, smiling down at you, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. 

Your cheeks pulled up into the biggest smile, your heart leaping joyfully in your chest. You practically tackled him in a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing, breathing in his scent. 

"Thank you, Ky..." you whispered into his hair, pressing your lips to his cheek. You pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, the golden flecks in his eyes more prominent in the street lights, the eyes you found home in. Kylo pressed his lips to yours, gentle and sweet. 

"Anything for you, Baby." 

You kissed him again, wanting nothing more than to be one with him, to be as close to him as humanly possible. His hair was knotted in your fingers as he gripped your sides, keeping your bodies flush to one another. 

"Now, we better get back in there before these clowns ransack the rest of my house." Kylo said, chuckling against your lips. 

Looking back into his eyes, you were overcome with one thought. 

I love you so much, it's almost painful. 


Sipping your wine, you watched as Ushar and Vicrul talked excitedly about some fight, their eyes wide and their hands flailing throughout the air around them, reminding you of children chatting about monster trucks or spaceships. The rest of the Knights listened in, practically shoveling in and inhaling their meal, their eyes trained on their comrades. You turned to see Kylo watching his friends, a small smile on his face, only breaking to a full on bellowing laughter after Vicrul had accidentally hit Ushar in the face with his hand. Noticing your eyes on him, he glanced at you, winking stealthily. 

This man, I swear, you thought, your cheeks burning with heat. 

You noticed that the occupants of the table had grown silent. Though everything in you told you keep to yourself, you were quick to shove those thoughts away, clearing your throat. Seven pairs of eyes whipped in your direction, continuing to inhale their sustenance or in the process of shoveling more in, their mouths hanging open wide, pasta dangling from their silverware as if frozen in mid air. 

"Clear your calendars next weekend, boys. We're going out!" you announced, taking a sip of wine. Kylo smirked at you, looking at the men seated at the table with you, attempting to gauge their reactions. 

"Are we going to a strip club?!" Ushar asked, his bright blue eyes wide and mouth hanging open in a giant smile. You shook your head, smirking. 

"Who's brining the cocaine?" Kuruk mumbled, stabbing at the chicken on his plate, his green eyes briefly flashing in Vicrul's direction. You could have sworn that if you had taken another sip of wine, you would have shot it out of your nostrils in that moment. 

"No drugs! No strippers! This is a fundraiser for my hospital! A masquerade ball, to be exact! There will be an open bar though..." you chided, shaking your head at the men you had become quite fond of as of recent. 

The group seemed to contemplate your verbal invitation for a moment, looking amongst each other, only to look to the head of the table, eyeing Kylo cautiously. You bit your lip, secretly hoping that they would attend, knowing that the more people in attendance, the more money that would be raised and the better you would look in the eyes of your colleagues and peers. Before anyone could speak, you sat up straighter. 

"I've already donated nearly twenty thousand dollars in all of our names, so you are not obligated to attend or donate. It would just...mean a lot to me for you all to be there..." you mumbled, reaching for your glass, downing the rest of the rich crimson liquid. 

Vicrul's eyes nearly bulged out of his head, staring daggers across the table at you, knowing that you were monetarily stretching yourself thin with a donation of that size. You wanted nothing more than to shrink back into your seat, internally kicking yourself for opening your mouth about it. 

"Well, I'm not one to turn down a party!" Ushar bellowed, looking to the others, as if hoping that his over joyous reaction would infect the rest of the Knights. Kuruk and Cardo simply nodded, turning back to finish the rest of their pasta. Ap'lek and Trudgen shrugged, already turning to each other, whispering and wagering which Knight would get the drunkest. After a moment's silence, all eyes turned to Vicrul. 

Vicrul could sense everyone's gaze on him, stabbing at the remaining chicken on his plate angrily. 

"For fuck's sake, of course, I'm going!" he shouted, throwing his fork on the plate, grabbing his glass, quickly gulping down the rest of his double shot of whiskey. Without another word, Vic stormed off, slamming the front door loudly behind him. You glanced at Kylo, sighing as you stood from your seat. His large hand enveloped your wrist, hoping to convince you to let him or one of the other's handle your twin brother's tantrum. 

"Ky, he's my brother. I can handle him." you said, leaning down to press your lips to his, relishing in the warmth of his double shot of whiskey that intermingled in your mouth as you sneakily snuck your tongue into his, pulling at his lower lip with your teeth. 

Turning your back to the cacophony of whistles and catcalls behind you, you pulled on your coat, walking through the front door silently, looking to either side of the sidewalk, only to find Vic, leaning up against the side of the stone, cigarette pressed tightly between his lips. 

You stood next to him, pulling your coat tighter around you, attempting to conserve as much heat as you possibly could. Vic turned his head, watching you, blowing the smoke he held in his lungs in the opposite direction, draping his arm over your shoulder. 

"You know I love you, Kid...but twenty thousand dollars?!" he exclaimed, angrily taking another deep drag. You rolled your eyes, resting your head on his shoulder. 

"Yes, twenty thousand. Besides, it was mostly money given to me by the Board of Directors to put into the fundraiser itself, so technically, I only donated maybe a thousand of my own money in all of our names." you smiled over at him, watching him shake his head at you. 

You both sat in silence for a moment, taking in the New York City night, just enjoying each other's company. Once you had begun to shiver, Vic stood up, sighing as he shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"You're a brat, you know that, right?" he asked, glancing at you. 

"Yes, but I'm your bratty sister, so you HAVE to put up with me!" you said, poking his side, watching him roll his eyes. 

"Is this how you want to play this?" Vic asked, a devilish look in his eyes. Quickly, you turned to walk back up the concrete steps, only to be caught and thrown over Vic's shoulder. Despite your struggling and yelling, earning several curses and odd looks from passersby, Vicrul opened the door with ease, bouncing you up higher on his shoulder, causing you to shriek, clinging to him and praying that he wouldn't drop you. 

The other Knights seemed to hear your shrieking, peeking into the hallway at the both of you. 

"Vic, put me the fuck down! NOW!" you yelled as he began to hop up and down, thoroughly enjoying your panic and punches to his back. 

Encouraged by the Knights' chortles, Vicrul began to spin around in circles, your vision blurring and the pressure in your head continuously building. Your stomach began to twist and turn, the urge to vomit crawling up your throat with each revolution. 

"I'M GONNA FUCKING BARF!" you screamed, halting Vic's spinning suddenly. 

Vicrul grabbed your feet and threw you back over his shoulder, sending you spinning until your ass collided with the cushions on Kylo's couch, depositing you right next to Kylo. Your head spun dangerously, the threat of vomit receding slowly as you sat still. You hadn't realized that you had been clutching Kylo's hand like a vice until your vertigo subsided. 

"Alright, well, I think that's enough fun for the night..." you said, easing the grip you had on Kylo's hand, noticing that the color had returned to your previously white knuckles. 

The Knights all followed each other out of the house, shouting a few 'goodnights' over their shoulders, leaving you and Kylo alone. 

Finally, you thought. 

Kylo pressed his lips gently to your temple, resting his forehead against it once he pulled his lips away. 

"Let's go, Princess. Let's get some rest." Kylo whispered in your ear. 

The butterflies erupted in your stomach, hoping that at some point, resting wouldn't be the only thing you would be doing in his bed. 

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