Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

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After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C
Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 22: The Return
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch
We now have a Discord server

Extra Chapter: Bloopers

177 2 0
By CruderPlace13

(Man writing pure comedy is a lot of fun. It was also a joy to go back and re-read all of this book in order to do this. Unlike the Kill La Kill Bloopers this one is completely original all from my head, but anyways please enjoy.)

Oscar is seen sitting in a chair with a cane by his side and a mug filled with coffee in his hand. He sips the mug and then looks at the camera before speaking with Ozpin's voice.

Ozpin: Hello. Welcome to the blooper reel. Here we have a compilation of the best mistakes made in the making of Straight to the Punch. Of course there were multiple instances of small mistakes not nearly as entertaining as what we've compiled for your reading pleasure. Surprisingly enough our wonderful casts seemed to stop making as many mistakes after the fall. We'll chock that up to familiarity of the job and experience, but without further ado enjoy.

C walks into the most intact house in a burning town. As he walks the floor gives way and he screams. Arsenic pops up and looks down the hole.

C: Ow.

Arsenic: Uh...cut.

The scene shifts to Junior's as C is fixing a drink for a couple of girls. He picks up a bottle and it slips out his hand making a mess on the floor. He places his head on the bar as the girls giggle.

The scene changes to a shop in Vale as Coco has C and Arsenic try on some formal wear. They come out of the dressing station in dresses as Coco laughs as she leans back on a couch. C clenches his fists tightly as Arsenic just looks confused.

The scene shifts to the battle at the docks. C looks over at Roman and smirks.

C: Your next line is "There's no way!"

Roman: There's no way- WHAT?!

Sun: JOJO!

Blake: OH MY GOD!

Arsenic: CEASER!

C growls and crosses his arms as everyone else laughs.

The scene stays at the docks, but now Roman is gone. A sudden red blur slams into C and Arsenic sending them and Ruby off the docks and into the water.



Arsenic: CAN'T SWIM! HELP!

The scene shifts to C's home he purchased in Vale. The lamp cuts on and C pulls out a gun and points it at the intruder. The gun fires and makes the lamp explode leaving the room in complete darkness.

Ozpin: Good job, this was very enlightening.

C: My bad.

The scene shifts to C and Arsenic during initiation. C catches the death stalker's tail and lifts it over head. However instead of slamming it into the floor he lets go of it to soon and it flies away.

C: Uh...where do you think it'll end up?

The death stalker slams into the auditorium making everyone scream.

The scene shifts to the team all sitting in the dorm room as C shares his memories however instead of showing them what he was supposed to. He ends up sharing something completely uncalled for and everyone's faces is red except for Arsenic. C gets up and walks into the bathroom before closing the door.

The scene then shows Arsenic and C walking out of a Junior's with a very drunk Yang on C's back. He slips forward and ends up faceplanting on the sidewalk as Yang giggles and rolls off his back.

The scene then shows C putting a drunken Yang to sleep, but she pulls him in bed. Unfortunately she pulls him to hard making him flip onto the bed and right off of it. He crashes into the nightstand making it break as Yang looks over at him.

C: Ow.

Yang: Heh oopsie.

The scene shifts to C and Arsenic singing as the former cooks breakfast. Arsenic slides on the floor, but suddenly slips and falls. C quickly turns around and makes sure he's okay just as Yang comes downstairs. She looks over and then sees the state the stovetop is in.

Yang: C! THE FOOD!

C: The kid is more important!


C turns and sees the inferno blazing on the stove.


The next scene shows C intimidating the Bullhead station worker only to have his hand go through the metal desk instead of crushing it.

C: Damn!

The scene shows C running away from Ruby as she chases him with Crescent Rose. He trips and falls face first onto the floor. she trips over him making her fly forward and lose her grip on the weapon. Someone screams and Ruby looks up with horrified eyes. The person who screamed turns out to be Jaune, and despite the scream he's okay, but Crescent Rose stabbed right between his legs scaring the shit out of him.

The scene then shows the famous standoff between Ruby, Yang, Arsenic, and C. Arsenic catches the rocket launcher C tossed him, but suddenly it goes off and sends a rocket out the open window. An explosion goes off outside as teams RWBY and COLR look out the window before carefully and gently closing it and the curtains.

The scene shows C talking with team JNPR and Nora jumps up and hugs him. She squeezes and suddenly a loud crack fills the air and C goes limp. She suddenly drops C with a surprised look on her face. He hits the floor with a solid thump noise.


C, Yang, Arsenic, and Ruby are in the kitchen as the reaper and the one man army make cookies. C takes a bit of cookie dough on his finger and points it out triumphantly. Yang puts his finger in her mouth without realizing what it is, but instead of licking the cookie dough off she bites him making him yank his hand away and causing her to slip off the counter she was sitting on.


Yang: What the hell?!

Arsenic & Ruby: SWEAR!

The next scene shows the group all in their dorm as Weiss flips through the air and attempts to land on a chair to point at Blake, keyword here is attempt because needless to say she failed and ended up flat on her face as C exited the bathroom and looked around confused.

C:...You okay?

C and Mercury are fighting in Goodwitch's class and Mercury just managed to hit C with a series of shots from his boots. C gets up and grabs his soul replenishing his aura and pushing away all the dust that surrounds him. He stands there in silence until he suddenly sneezes ruining the moment.


The scene shifts to C walking into his classroom with a huge stack of papers covering his face, but he trips and the papers fly everywhere.

The next scene shows Ruby talking to C as they prepare to leave for the dance.

C: You can't walk can you?

Ruby: It's these stupid stilt ladies!

C:...Wanna try that line again?

Ruby: yeah...

The scene shifts to Ruby and Yang standing side by side at the dance.

Yang: He...I forgot my line.


The next scene is teams COLR and RWBY hanging out in their dorm when Ruby bust in with a movie in her hand.

Ruby: Let's watch a movie guys!

Yang: Okay.

Blake: Sure thing, Imoto- that's not my line.

Weiss, C, and Ruby stand in front of Winter, Weiss's sister.

Weiss: You're going to love it here. So much of Beacon is- damnit I skipped part of my line.

The scene shifts to after the train crash. Arsenic stands in the snow and takes a step forward before stepping into a hole and sinking down into the snow with only everything above his shoulders exposed.

Arsenic: Help.

The blooper reel ends and Oscar is seen still sitting in his chair.

Ozpin: Now then, we'll have the cast interview soon. Please leave any questions you have for the author and/or the characters in the story and they'll answer them.

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