Looking for trouble | Vol. 2...

By AllMightyLovebird

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Vol. 2 in the Bower series. A Jamie Campbell Bower fanfiction. Hollywood isn't a place for the faint hearted... More

1 | The return
2 | Secret confusion
3 | The past
4 | Tonight on the dancefloor
5 | Twisted thoughts
6 | Backfiring party crashing
8 | Damsel in distress
9 | Sheehan the prankster
10 | Disneyland is a freaking wonder
11 | The unicorn onesie.
12 | Unexpected
13 | Unpetrified
14 | Midnight crash
15 | The sexy voice
16 | A Possible Mistake
17 | Can't take the ache from heartbreak
18 | Calls from home
19 | The loop
20 | Perfect and Imperfect
21 | Movies lie
22 | Family
23 | The national hospital of Copenhagen
24 | Failed parenting
25 | Resurrection
26 | P.R.
27 | Fleeing the country
28 | Reminiscing
29 | the safety of night
30 | The spirit of Christmas

7 | Heaven is a concept

862 32 5
By AllMightyLovebird

A/N: I will probably mostly write from Skye POV in this book and only occasionally from Jamie's POV. I just don't think I can describe his trail of thought in a way any of you would believe by now. There are too many feelings. Skye on the other hand, I can control and manipulate like I want since she is my own character... so yeah. Hope it is okay.

not edited yet... sorry... will most like contain stupid....


"You!" Jamie growls as he stares at the man - Tom, got to remember that. Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom.

"Please come down, there is nothing to become rallied up for," Tom says, he is standing like he is approaching a wild animal. He is dressed in a light blue dress shirt and cotton black pants. Very grown up and fancy, I feel like a ridged teenager in my dark moss green sundress and black sandals. Why again, am I noticing this..?

"What are you doing here?" the words sort of escape my mouth.

"I could ask you the same thing," Tom quickly answers me.

"So you do know each other?!" Jamie hisses, there is no longer need to be shouting. The music is gone or just the kind of background music you find at restaurants. Some of the people are watching, others is clearing out the door, some are acting like nothing is going on. I like the third sort the best.

"Yes, I've seen her once before. I was out on the beach earlier today, playing volley with some mates, where I happened to knock over you girlfriend, nothing happened, I assure you. It was an innocent accident," Tom explains taking charge of the situation. He is very adult-y. Jamie is looking at him as if he ought to be lying.

Jamie is about to say something when I break him off, "It doesn't matter anymore," I start, "it doesn't matter if there did or didn't happen something between me and this," correct myself "- Tom," I say calmly though inside I am envisioning myself go up in flames over and over again. I have to. He has left me no choice. Jamie jaw is slag, as if he is realising what he has done, "you have done me one up, James. You created this mess, not me you. You kissed someone else, not me, all because you assumed I was snogged him?" I point at Tom who was standing back. I walk closer to Jamie, looking at his face crumble in front of me. It broke my heart.

"I,-" Jamie stutter.

"Shut it, James." I hiss.

"But Skye,-"

"Jamie no,-" I start but he interrupts me this time.

"NO, Skye please I didn't know! I did- I had just seen Lily and she had been cheating on me when we-"

"That's you excuse?" now I'm the one cutting him off, it seemed we did that a lot when we got in a fight of any kind, "She cheated on you, so I ought to be too?"

"No I was just,-"

"I don't want to hear it," I snap, my tone cold. People are milling around us, doing their best to ignore us. I feel like the biggest party bust in the world. I should never have come.

"Please don't call me that, Reap," he tries to take hold of my hand, but I jolt away from him. It feels as if he touch has stung me. As if it sent physical pain through my body.

"Don't touch me," I feel tears swell up in my eyes. I need to get out, "you can't possibly be that dim witted? How can you believe that..- it doesn't matter anymore," I lone tear trickles down my cheek as I pick the next words to come out my mouth, "we're over. I'm done, Jamie. Done." then I turn on my heels to storm out the door, but I stop dead in my tracks as I almost face pant some guy's chest.

"Woa there, easy," he says as he steadies me. It was Tom. Why haven't he left just yet? Hasn't he served his purpose? He can go out in the world with his ego unsullied for god's sake. I can feel a hefty cry coming on. I need to get out. This is Hollywood. Not exactly the place you want to break down into a sobbing puddle of tears and agony.

"Skye please just-"

"Go away James, I don't want to see you no more," I hiss at Jamie.

"But Skye,-"I purposefully ignore him and look up at Tom.

"Get me out of her, please. Just get me out," I plead this tall stranger called Tom. He looks around scanning the party I just flunked, then at Jamie for at short while, and to my surprise he just takes hold of my shoulder and mumbles a simples, "sure."

"No, Skye!" I hear Jamie call as Tom guides me through the masses, the house is really packed. Tom guides me through a long hall to the back of the house. I can hear the sound of music soaring again, though it is a low thumbing from this end of the house. Maybe I didn't ruin a party after all. This part of the house is deserted for whatever reason.

"Are you all right?" Tom asks, as we walk into a fancy kitchen. I literally only have one word for this house. Fancy.

"No." I croak. tears threatens to cascade down my cheeks.

"Sorry that was a dumb question, can I do anything to help you?" he asks in a very nice and polite voice.

"Can you get me out of this house by any chance?" I ask, I wonder why he hasn't just guided me out the front door.

"Might be a bit of a problem that one..."


"Well there is a bit of a paparazzi horde outside... Somebody must have alerted them of the festivities." he tells me, looking very sorry. Like it is his fault.

"Oh..." I breathe this is sort of a new problem to me, "There is no other way out? What about the back door or some underground tunnel?" I ask stupidly. He laughs at my feeble attempt to be funny. It's the sort of gentle chuckle that calms my nerves. I am still worried Jamie will come charging at some point. It's very unlike him to just give up, and I am not sure I will be able to hold back the tears if he did.

"Sorry, no tunnel is available unfortunately," he smiles, I have no idea of telling how old he is, older than me, older then Jamie even, I just can't pinpoint exactly how old. He has that aura of youth around him, most people in Hollywood got it when they got older. Especially, the successful ones.

"Bloody bludger," I mumble, I can still feel the press of tears, though it is not quite as urgent now that Jamie is out of sight and as time passes it seems less likely he'll come charging.

"But we could try the bag door," Tom adds, I look up at him in anticipation.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

We get out of the house and somehow over the big fence. Then we walk about a mile through some shrubbery till we hit asphalt again and city light start to appear. My shins are full of scratches and Tom's patent leather shoes are done for. Tom had been right about the Paparazzi, we had been able to hear them hollering from the other side of the house. It felt like the place not to be tonight. But maybe that was just me, since I had sort of just broken up with, what I had just found out was my boyfriend. Tom and I are pacing down some road in LA. It is close to where Natalie lives, so it is still all fancy houses, big front laws and ferrarisparked in the driveway.

"You know, you're fight with your boyfriend will be all over the web tomorrow, and if anyone saw you leave with me, they will blow things up and so out of proportions, you won't even be able to tell the truth," He says as we walk around the corner to a more trafficked road. We're trying to get to the main road, so we can hitch a cab. But it is still a little way off. I nod, taking in the information he has just given me.

"Say something," Tom says.

"What am I supposed to say?" my voice is gloomy and sad.

"Anything, what happened in there?" He asks seeming genuinely concerned. I look up at him. He has his hands is pocketed and he is strolling casually next to me as if we hadn't just hiked through the wilderness. The only thing giving anything away is his unruly hair, the curls sort of stick up in places it hadn't been before, and then his wracked shoes

"I broke up with my boyfriend, that's what happened," I say, like he didn't already know. He was sort of there when it happened.

"I know...- It's just... I don't mean to pry, but why? What did he do?" he asks.

"You're prying, none the less," I snap at him.

"Sorry." he says. We walk in silence for a couple of minutes. The cicadas are humming and the air is hot, though I can feel the burning of the sun deflate the surroundings.

"He cheated on me," I suddenly blurt out in a low voice.

"Well then he is a tosser I presume," he replies.

"He did it because he thought I had been cheating on him with you;" I bounce on my heels as I walk, feeling my calves hurt from training.

"But we met,,- today right?" he asks, like he might have forgotten me in a blackout or something. Again I wonder about his actual age.

"Yeah, see why I broke up with him?"

"Sort of, but do think it's a good idea being around me?"He asks basically handing it to me.

"What? my ovaries might explode due to the overload of hotness through your presence?" my tone is so sarcastic I'm surprised it's not dripping from my mouth. Tom chuckles.

"Ahahaha, Noo, that isn't exactly what I meant," he smiles, "I just don't think it makes you stand in a better light, that's all." he get's back tto the uncomfortable subject way quicker than I wanted.

"Why should I care?"

"Point taken," he agrees. Silence again.

"I feel bad for asking you this but.. What's your name?" he asks after a while, he sounds ashamed of himself, like it is a very bad thing to forget people's names.

"Don't feel bad, it's Skye," I answer, "then I might as well ask you something, how old are you? I can for the life of me figure it out."

He chuckles again, "I'm 33 actually," he answers. Okay so not even close to my age. 11 year age gab here... Wow... So this guy is off limits. I have to repeat this to myself several times before I just throw it out the window, I'm a grown woman I do what I want.

"What about you?"He asks.

"What? How old I am?" I ask, cars are staring to roll down the street more rapidly.

"Mhm," he mumbles.

"Guess!" I exclaim.

"That's mean!" he laughs and I smile at him, "well... I don't know, 27 maybe?"

"Ha! Not even close! This is bad... I'm supposed to play a 16 year old girl and I look 27 already!" I squeak in horror and he shoots me a crocket smile.

"You will soon realise the wonders of cosmetics, sweet," he says the last word as if he is talking to his niece or something, not me, a girl who he barely knows.

"Well thank you for the heads up, I'll schedule an appointment at my doctor. I need to get something fixed apparently," I say sounding somewhere between horrified and thankful.

"No please don't, you are gorgeous, Skye!" he says it in such a plain and simple way without any visible agenda, but giving me a compliment.

"Well, you're not the one looking 27, when you're actually 22..."

"You're 22?!" he exclaims

Oh god... I'm old... "I mumble, rubbing my temples in desperation. Though I know this is a weak cover for the true sadness I am feeling.

"No! It's just this vibe you give off... You seem older then you actually are, that's all," he drones.

"So basically I give off an 'old' vibe?"

NO, it's,-" he start.

"- Hard to explain?" I finish his sentence.

"See! You get it!" he exclaims excitedly. I snort. We have gotten to the main road and Tom start hitching cars. A car called over in an instant. The cabbie must have recognized him, he is Tom Hiddleston for crying out load.

"Where to Mr. and Mrs.?" The cabbie growls. Tom give him some address, must be to his place, I guess I will be going home after we drop him off.

"Fancy part of town, hu?" he mumbles.

"I'll give you 20 bucks to forget this drive and for shutting up?" Tom says harshly.

"30, Mr. Hiddleston" the cabbie suddenly says making it clear he knew who Tom is.

"Done," Tom just agrees. Then he turns his attention back to me.

"So would you mind saying with me till morning?" I send him a raised brow, wasn't he the one talking about being seen with him, might not be the best idea? "You'll get your own room and in the morning I'll make sure there is a new dress for you so no one see you in the same dress two days in a row and think you're on a walk of shame."

"You really know how to woo women don't you?" I say, my voice once again dripping with sarcasm. He literally hands it to me.

"It's late and you look like you're about to break down crying," he argues. So it is that obvious.

"So you're just being a good Samaritan or what?" I ask sceptically.

"Yes, I swear to god, I have no agenda!" he says firmly.

"And I'll get my own room?" I say, I know my address is a long ride from where we are now and I feel like I'm about to pass out. The emotional exhaustion from losing Jamie - the only good, or seemingly good thing I have found in years - has finally gotten to me (and the hike afterwards didn't help exactly.)

"I swear," he says. And then we drive through the streets of LA in total silence. In my mind I am droning through tonight's event over and over. Just as we are walking in the front door to his building, tears trickle down my cheeks without my consent. Stupid tears.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! Tell me what you think guys, I have no idea what I'm doing right now, I'm just trying new stuff out!

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