19 | The loop

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"WHOOOOH HOOO!" I bellow as I glide over the waves. The wind in my hair, the sun stringing my skin and the board under my feet. I haven't felt this free in weeks. I am surfing with Patrick, as he is very athletic by nature and offered to come with. Godfray rests on the sand, drinking a cola.

"Told you the waves would be splendid today, did I not?" we have come far out to where the waves don't rise and crash anymore. We settle on out board our feet in the water. I shoot water at him, plunging my hand in the water, but I lose my balance and topple in feet in the air, head in the water gurgling. When I come up again Patrick is laughing, still seated firmly on his board. I get hold of my board again before it gets the chance to go sea-hiking.

Surfing is my safe heaven. My place to think.

"Shut up, Patty Pig."

"You too, Bower Boo." Patrick shoots back weakly.


"I know, that wasn't a very good comeback, wasn't it?" Patrick concludes, a defeated look on his face.

I shake my head, smiling.

"Oh well," he shrugs, "hey Bower, now that I have you alone,"


"What happened to you and Delaney?" he asks, getting right to the point.

"Nothing," I try to say, but he doesn't buy it.

"No don't give me that crap, what happened?" Patrick say, "one day you're sharing food and being all grossly lovey - dovey and the next that just vanishes. What happened to you two? "

I stay silent. Yeah, what the hell happened? It had all happened so fast. One event after the other. One screw up after the next.

"Hollywood caught up with us, I guess." I say vaguely.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Patrick asks confused.

"Well, that just meant this is the worst place to date someone ever."

"I still don't follow."

I sigh, "Long story short: I thought she cheated, so I cheated, she got very mad, then I thought she forgave me and offered me another chance, but then she actually cheated, then we fucked each other's brains out."

"Was it good?" Patrick asks not missing a beat.


"The last part"

"Yeah," I state.

"It happened at set, right?" he suddenly asks. As if I had only said I had slept with Skye and not mentioned anything about both of us cheating.

"How did you know?"

"Delaney's hair and makeup mostly. You really fucked her up," then he grins, "No pun intended."

"Seriously mate?"

He laughs at me, "lighten up man, you only live once!" proclaims.

"So they say," I mutter a small smile at the corners of my mouth. Patrick didn't seem to hear me.

"No, but seriously who'd she cheat with? I know you kissed Collins at that party, but who'd she kiss? An' ol' fling?" Patrick asks, I had told him what happened after the party. It had been sheer dumb luck Skye hadn't recognized Lily. The new haircut and extreme makeup Lily had gotten probably had something to do with that, but it still amazed me that Skye is that horrible at recognising people. Thank god my little Lily stunt had been forgotten. Skye would have never forgiven me if she had known that too. Lily had had the decency to make herself scatter of before the paparazzi's came.

"For all I know she doesn't even have old flames," I say avoiding the original question.

Who'd she kiss, Bower?" Patrick persists.

I sigh, "Tom Hiddleston..."

"Ohh damn... You don't hold a candle to that god. Seriously! He actually is a god!"

"He is a frost-giant." I state dryly.

"Minor detail. He is still freaking Loki of Asgaard!"

"I am Jace Wayland, shadowhunter." I say, slapping on my Jace voice in an instant.

"Okay point taken," Patrick says, "But he is rather well-known."

"Yeah, but it's not like Skye cares for that shit. It's actually the reason she didn't want to be with me in the first place."

He raises a sceptical eyebrow at me.

"No kidding. But it's not like I want her back." I tell him. Out here on the seas I feel as if nothing can touch me. Like all my problems is back a shore. That's the only explanation I got to why the hell I am so damn calm and not crying or screaming at the mention of Skye.

"You don't?" Patrick asks.

"No." I state in an emotionless voice.

"Care to explain?"

"We're fucked up." I state.

"Everybody is fucked up," he says looking at as if I am the silly one.

"Yeah, but what we have it's unhealthy," I say becoming a little aggravated that he didn't just accept things.

"Well, fast food is unhealthy, but you still freaking love it, don't you?"

"We hurt each other over and over, Patrick."

"Elaborate." He demands and I sigh.

"I can't." I say. Not any more than I already have. We kept cheating on each other that ought to be out of the ordinary.

"So that's it, no more Skymie?"

"I guess it is," I still wondering where the hell that ship-name first originated. Sheehan had used it first around Skye and me, but how long had it been a commonly used term between our friends? Just wondering.

"Man up and go fuck her instead. She is hot."

"What? I thought you were gay?" I say suddenly confused.

"Bi. Keep up, Bower. But seriously what are you doing here? You guys had break up sex. Go for it!" he says enthusiastically. Aaaahh what?

"What the hell are you on about?" I ask confused.

"You haven't heard of it?"

"Heard of what?" I ask again, can't he just get to the blasted point.

"The break up sex loop."

"The what?" it sounded like something you'd get of 'How you met you're mother', something Barney Stinson would have put in action and afterwards in the bro code.

"I thought most guys knew this." Patrick says in confusion, "Well, let daddy tell you," Seriously patty? He ignores me not taking notice of the look I am sending him, "it's basically this thing where you have 36 hours to sleep with your ex again and if you do there is an almost 100% chance it will become a regular thing."

"...." I stare at him.

"Okay 75 % chance, but whatever."

"That's a thing?" I ask in utterly disbelief.


"Does it work?"

He shrugs, "You could find out." Then he turns his board toward shore, "race you to the beach, looser gives dinner?" he challenges.

"Deal." And we both take off paddling with our hands, looking like complete morons.

A/N: think Jamie is gonna take Patrick so called "advice"???

Looking for trouble | Vol. 2 | Jamie Bower fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon