28 | Reminiscing

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A/N: I changed the place Skye grew up in the first book to make this chapter fit, so Skye and Jamie didn't grow up in the same town. Just fyi.


"Do they know that we're together?" I question Jamie, when I finally give up and follow him down the hall.

"Yeah, they do. I told them last I was here." this was last week.

"How did they take it? Do they hate me?" I sputter; Jamie's parents would be the second pair of parents I've ever met, two and a half if you include my own. Or two and three quarters? how much does a sad excuse for an uncle count for?

"Why would they hate you?" Jamie eyebrow is furrowed together in wonder.

"AAhh, I don't know. Parents just do, they see me as bad news, I guess." I quickly ask something else, it doesn't seem like a good idea to dwell too much on the thoughts of parents. "What's your father's name?"

"Uhm, David." Jamie replies, obviously distraught. I nod, just as we round another corner, go through the arched doorway, through another door and then suddenly I am standing in a small dining room. There is an oval heavy wooden table in the middle with five well-used chairs and one kid in a wheelchair placed around it. Sam is the kid, already there, staring hungrily at the food. I can relate to that.

Suddenly a man looking like he's in his forties strolls in the room. He is wearing glasses and his hair is grey, his face looks nothing like neither Jamie's nor Sam's, but his eyes are exactly the same shade of blue. A bright brilliant sky blue.

"Oh, hey you must be the flamboyant Skye. Nice to meet you." He offers me his hand and I shake it ,though I am still stuck on flamboyant? What?

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Bower" I smile, the man isn't as tall as Jamie, but at the right angles I am starting to see the family resemblance.

"Call me David! I don't care much for formality, I've always been rocker at heart" he informs me, a kind smile on his face.

"David it is," I agree, giving him a small nod. We go over and place ourselves at the table. Mr Bower - David - across from me and Mrs Bower - Anne - next to her husband. Jamie and I on the other side and Sam in his wheelchair at the end of the table, near me and David. A couple minutes later Brad shuffles in and sits down at the other end of the table.

"So how's my lad managed to deceive a beautiful girl like you? You cannot tell me it's all honest work!" Jamie's father jokes, as he flings mashed potatoes on his plate.

"Dad!" Jamie say, looking at him bashfully the only way a son can, embarrassed, indignantly and well.. Something else.

"Now, now!" he chuckles, "I was only joking!" he had given the mashed potatoes to his wife and now sat with his hands in the air, in a gesture of surrendering, "who'd you two meet?" He starts cutting the food on his plate. It's beef. Delicious, slightly red beef. I'm in food heaven.

Jamie takes the word as I am currently trying to fling mashed potatoes at my plate, "On the street."

"On the street?" his mother echoes. I hope they don't think me a hooker, that's the kind of thing you pick up on the street isn't it? oh god.. I am doomed.

"Arh..." Jamie makes a weird uncomfortable sound. "She is a friend of Tristan's sister, we met at one of Maggie's shows." Jamie tries to explain.

"I thought you said you met on the street?" his mother asks. I can see Brad going slightly blue as he holds his breath trying not to break out laughing.

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