3 | The past

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Disclaimer: I know a lot of you love Lily Collins, but I had to demonise her a little to make my story work. I'm sorry, I don't hate Lily at all, nor do I love her. I'm Switzerland. Also I have probably made up a lot of things about her and fucked up what actually happened between Jamie and her but I just do not feel like stalking her love life to death.

As always this is unedited because I am sick and do not like editing stuff... I am sorry. I have to stop saying sorry it's losing its meaning...


"So there is the star," she says and I shrug of her comment, making the sound one makes when ones blow their nose. She smiles up at me, the wide cheeky smile I remember so vividly from our blessed time together, but it all goes south from there. I suddenly recall everything bad that had ever happened between us, the lying, the cheating and all the bull shit. Lily is a fair tolerant person, the problem with that being she always did what was expected of her. Always. Or at least she made it seem so to the outside world, she made it seem as if we had been one happy lovedovey couple. And we were, for about 3 months till Zac Effron strolled his way into the picture frame again. He was Lily's ex and for what I could tell she had never really gotten over him. Then again who get's over Zac Effron?

"No really, you don't have to be so modest all the time," she says and punches my shoulder lightly. She was wearing high waisted light shorts and one of those small shirts that only nearly covered her chest with some inspirational slogan written on it. Her hair was short straight framing her face, "So how is shooting coming?" She asks, trying to make small talk. I don't feel like talking to her. Most of all I feel sick. Which I shouldn't, so I shan't. I try to decide. She was the first girl to go around my back and cheat on me while we were still a thing, and from there it had just kept going. I had gone from one cheating girlfriend to the other. From Lily to Mathilda. The worst part about the whole thing was that I remember thinking: 'I might love this woman', both with Lily and Mathilda right before they said, 'we're over, I'm seeing somebody else', 'it's not you it's me', 'we just weren't meant for each other that's all, 'we gave it a try and we had a great run, but I just don't think this is for me', "Jamie?" 'his name is... (I always bleep out their name in my mind in fear of what I might do) and we have been going out for a while,' "Jamie?", 'we're just too different you know?', 'we're too young to be where we're headed, it's all moving too quickly' "Jamie?!" 'maybe one day in the far of future it might work but not now,' 'you still have millions of supermodels to shack don't you?', 'I would only tie you down.' "JAMIE!!!" I am ripped out of my head, somebody is screaming into my face.

"Sorry what were you saying?" I mumble my head still somewhat in the past. The sun is burning down on my head and neck, making me sweat. I have a baby blue V cut tee shirt on and a pair of loose trousers that went to about mid calf. But right now I would rather me wearing nothing, it is too hot out here.

"I was just asking you, how shooting is going and such, till you drifted off," Lily explains. I can tell but the look on her face that she is slightly annoyed, she always hated in when I drifted off. Especially, when she was the one speaking.

"Ohw aahh..." I say, "fine I guess we have only shot a couple of scenes-" she cut me off, abruptly.

"So how is the new Clary? I hope you don't miss me too much," she says smiling, I can hear she is being ironic, that she doesn't mean anything evil or condescending regarding Skye but I feel like I have to stand up for my new co star anyhow.

"She is brilliant, she really puts a new spin on the whole thing, plus Lily, you have to admit," I hold a pause, just for the effect, "she beats your hair colour tenfold." I joke, my face stretched in a grotesque version of delight. As we probably all remember Lily had died her hair fake red for the movie,(or the director had decided on the colour but whatever) and I have never till this day seen a girl born with hair like Lily's. It was a pretty colour, do not get me wrong, but real red hair beat it every day. Lily laughed at me, trying to brush of my backhanded bitch slap as nothing, but I knew I had hit her - I'm not one to hold grudges, but--- okay yeah I am one to hold grudges! She cheated on me and then ran off with him, and it didn't exactly sit well with me.

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