Chaos (Tomarry) (ON HOLD)

By PaganKing16

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⚠️ Blood and torture ⚠️ Hadrian Sirius Potter, goes into a Creature inheritance because of his older twin, br... More

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - The Potters
Part 3 - Suprise at the orphanage
Part 4 - The Letters
Part 5 - The train
Part 6 - The Castle
Part 7 - The sorting
Part 8 - Trouble
Part 9 - First date?
Part 10 - Jealousy
Part 11 - Smug Faces and New Management
Part 12 - Know your place
Part 13 - Snape
Part 14 - Flying and Embarrassment
Part 15 - Sweet Revenge
Part 16 - House guest?
Part 17 - Protective Godfather
Part 18 - A Surprise
Part 19 - Brocken Manipulations
Part 20 - Caught Red handed
Part 21 - Christmas
Part 22 - Engaged?
Part 23 - Prize?!
Part 24 - Slytherin King
Part 25 - A talk with 'Dad'
Part 26 - Bogarts
Part 27 - The Lake
Part 28 - Map Discovery
Part 29 - Strange Book
Part 30 - Become What?!
Part 31 - Enemy's Or Allys?
Part 32 - The Light Lord
Part 33 - A Warning From The Light
Part 34 - A Difficult Patient
Part 35 - Draco?
Part 36 - Help
Part 37 - Angry Mate
Part 38 - A Gift ?!
Part 39 - A new duo?
Part 40 - The beginning of Revenge
Part 41 - Revenge pt2
Part 42 - Blaise? Pansy?
Part 43 - The Morning Paper
Part 44 - A Plan?
Part 45 - This Isnt Over
Part 46 - Students?
Part 47 - Power
Part 49 - Death
Part 50 - Awaken
Part 51 - IM BACK !
Part 52 - Dumbledore!
Part 53 - Plan?
Part 54 - I dont like this Plan
Part 55 - Told you
Part 56 - Plan in action
Part 57 - More Marks
Part 58 - A Voice?
Part 59 - The Devil would be scared
Part 60 - Raid!
Part 61- More Vampires
Part 62 - Vampire King
Part 63 - You? King?! Ha!
Part 64 - Down with the King
Part 65 - The chosen ones
Part 66 - Yule Ball?
Part 67 - Trigger happy
Part 68 - Victor Krum
Part 69 - Back Down
Part 70 - Pranks all round
Part 71 - My Idiot
Part 72 - A dilemma
Part 73 - Names
Part 74 - Nightmare

Part 48 - A Duel and ...

4.5K 174 37
By PaganKing16

* Hadrian's POV *
I opened my eyes to see I was in Tom's arms as he walked "Morning sleepy, it's time for DADA", I stood and moved to hold his hand sleepily with a nod as we arrived. Sirius and Remus smiled but then their features dropped as they gestured to the corner where a woman in all pink stood, "She's from the ministry, apparently she's going to be in all of your classes, supposed to be judging the teachers skills". I nodded they clearly didn't approve and I could see why the woman looked as though she had been hit by a pink colour bomb on the way over.

We all stood in the corner of the classroom as usual ready for today's duelling session, Sirius chose me to help him show stances which we were taught last week. However when I was on the stage miss pink decided to speak up "Perhaps it would be more appropriate if Mr Potter duelled someone who also knows the duelling stances. Any volunteers?", she scanned the room, only Tom and the group had their arms in the air, when Mason raised his. I looked over to Tom when pinkie chose Mason he smirked as the twins motioned their thumbs across their necks in a line. Mason calmly walked to stand opposite me, Sirius told us to begin so we walked closer and bowed, before turning and holding our wands out ready.

I didn't want to give him the advantage and waited for him to strike first, he did and fired a leg locking jinx. Boring. I blocked the spell with a flick of my wand, I thought he would be stronger if he's part of Dumbledore's plan. I decided to rest it and sent a strong stinging jinx, unfortunately I couldn't use dark spells with the toad woman watching. He just managed to block it, stumbling slightly with wide eyes. Once he got back into position he winked and sent another spell, I rolled my eyes and cast it back at him. It seemed to be getting on his nerves as he increased his speed and the strength of the spells he sent, but I'd seen his pattern and he tended to forget to block once he'd sent a few spells in a row. Taking this in mind I let him fire spell after spell, I have to admit he could keep up with speed but he's weakness was blocking. He was about to fire another spell when suddenly I sent a leg locking and stinging jinx at him, he didn't have time to block but he had sent his spell already they collided in the middle of the stage and illuminated the room. My green spell was winning over whatever his blue spell was when he began to push further, I smirked and fed my spell more power to punch it back to him. I looked in his eyes as his smirk fell and turned into a scowl before pushing his spell.

It looked as though we were drawing with the spells floating in the middle of us but his eyes flashed red before he pushed it closer to me. It looked as though he was growing tired so I gave more strength to the point where I felt my eyes glow green, his red eyes faded back to brown as both spells hit him and he fell to the floor. His chest rising up and down quickly told everyone he was still alive. I calmly walked over to stand over him he raised an eyebrow I just smirked and walked over to Tom as Remus reversed the jinx's.

At lunch they were walking to the hall when they saw kids crowding the tree in the court yard, interested they ask around to see what's going on. A first year says it's the new kids as the crowd finally moved slightly giving them a glimpse of the kids with Albus and Lilian.

Tom took Orcus from around his neck after whispering to him and placing him around hades neck with a kiss to his forehead. The new twins approached with Lilian and Albus, Tom moved to relax his arm around Hades shoulders with the twins backing them up whilst Barty held Luna and bella back. Mason turns to Hadrian "good to finally meet Albus and Lilians brother", hades scowled he tried to reach down for hades hand to plant a kiss in pureblood manners when tom whistled and Orcus snapped just in front of his face the whole group stepped back as Madison pulled her brother with wide eyes.Tom smirked as Albus and Lilian went on about how you weren't allowed snakes and walked away with Mason looking at a smiling hades.

* Hadrian's POV *
That night after dinner in the great hall we all walked back to the common room. Tom, Fred,George and Barty were all in front talking about something or other, meanwhile I walked with Bella and Luna laughing at jokes and thinking of new ideas. "We could always hang James up by his ankles", Bella smirked "he'd turn red and start yelling not that he could do anything about it but it would be hilarious", Luna added with a smile and an eyebrow lift. I just shook my head gently and continued to laugh at random jokes until we reached the common room.

Usually we could walk straight in and sit in our spots by the fire since no one dares to sit there, most even avoided eye contact which was useful when you wanted to be left alone. This time however wasn't like that as soon as we walked through the portrait I bumped into Tom's back, confused at why he wasn't moving to sit down I walked in between him and Fred to get a better look. What I saw was most of the Slytherin's glaring at the twins who sat together laid in our spot by the fire. Some heads turned to us before turning back to see what would happen, Crabbe and Goyle walked over to us, it seemed they were the only ones brave enough to talk. "We've tried to move them but they insisted on waiting for you guys".Tom turned to me before walking over to them.

* Tom's POV *
I walked towards the two calmly and looked down on them. Madison seemed to notice first and sat up quickly dragging her brother with her, I had observed their behaviour in the hall. Madison was the calmer, more calculative one of the pair, she seemed to think through all the options presented to her before reacting. Her brother Mason however seemed to be the opposite, explosive and hot headed, reacting before he'd seen any options at all other than the one he'd first seen.

"Andrews this is our spot, but you already knew that, so what's your issue", Mason was about to open his mouth but Madison was quick to shut him up with a glare. She then looked around the room noticing how Hadrian and the group had surrounded them blocking all exits. Onlookers from Slytherin had stayed but were against the walls or sat on chairs as to not get in the way. "We just wanted to introduce ourselves, we feel like we got of on the wrong foot earlier and wanted to fix that", she smiled brightly, it would have convinced most but it clearly didn't reach her eyes. I narrowed my eyes and let a small chuckle leave my lips "sure, now the real reason?", she seemed to look shocked for a second before hiding it again.

"Why would their be another reason?", Mason added with a glare. He seemed to be the easy way to get information, since he didn't think as much as Madison. I turned to him "There would be another reason because you are clearly lying. Very badly may I add", Mason was about to yell when I stopped him to continue, "If you were in fact here to apologise you wouldn't have risked being so bold as to upset us further. You knew by staying here that you were doing exactly that from the warnings you received, this points towards the fact that you didn't and don't care what we think. So stop lying and tell me why you're actually here Andrews before this gets messy". I listened as Maddison's heart rate sped up as did Masons, I clearly had them down to rights the question was, what would they let slip in their anger.

Mason was the first to react better than I could have expected. He stood at a fast pace so that his twin couldn't stop him and stood exactly in front of me, "you don't know what you're talking about Riddle", he practically spat my name, so it was clearly working. "We don't have to explain ourselves to you, besides soon your little group won't have all the power, try getting everyone to trust you when we expose all of your little secrets". I didn't show any change in expression which seemed to make him more mad before he took a breath and laughed "Oh right I forgot, Albus told me about you. You're hard to make mad, the only time you show any reaction is when your little mates involved", he smirked and I held my anger knowing it was what he wanted. Then I remembered what I had learnt this morning, if Madison is a vampire with a second level power what level of power did her brother hold. I could find out if I used the exact same method that was being used against me.

I took a deep breath and smiled "I heard the same about you, except of course it has to be you're sister", he growled "it's too bad that my kitten is superior to her, otherwise you might actually have a chance". He grabbed the front of my shirt as I smirked but his eyes still weren't glowing. He was destructed by a small cough in the room, we turned to look at Hadrian who had Madison from behind "I get where your going with this but can we speed this up?", he held a dagger to Madisons neck and pressed down lightly. It worked Mason let go of me and moved towards Hadrian when I grabbed him from behind and shoved him against the wall. I was surprised to see that he had red eyes just slightly lighter than mine.

He growled and punched me in the jaw, I glared and extended my fangs as he followed. He tried to speed over to Hadrian but I blocked him and punched his ribs, a satisfying crack followed. This made him more aggressive as he ran at me, I braced myself and punched him as he tackled me and himself to the ground. He got in a few good punches to my jaw and face before I flipped him and did them same. This went on for a while as we were similarly balanced in strength, he had managed to throw me across the room and I thumped against the cold stone wall.

I groaned and stood up noticing blood streaming from my side despite my faster healing but I don't have time to think as he sped over to Hadrian freeing his sister and throwing Hadrian across the room. I ran over to Hadrian and picked him up as Bella and Luna ran at Mason with daggers, the twins had Madison distracted as Barty began to sneak up on her. They all had to be careful, sure they were all very powerful magic wise but Madison and Mason had a speed and strength advantage. I looked down as I pulled Hadrian onto my lap, his eyes were dull and I heard him wince as blood began to drip down his forehead from his head. I felt my anger worse than I ever had, suddenly I saw Bella next to me followed by Luna, both had several cuts but overall looked okay. I knew they could take care of Hadrian as he sat up and rested his head on my forehead "go get him", he whispered kissing my forehead before being helped up by Bella and Luna.

I turned around with a deadly glare. No one hurts my kitten. Mason turned around to look at me, a shiver ran down his spine as his eyes widened before smirking "oops kitty down". I ran at Mason shoving him into the floor and throwing punch after punch, not letting him flip me or escape as I continued to beat his face to a bloody pulp, letting it heal and doing it again. I lost count of how many times I had hit him, but only stopped when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder that calmed all my anger instantly. My eyes seeming to come back into focus, I looked down at Mason who began to heal his bloodied and bruised face again. I stood up and turned to Hadrian who was stood with his hand resting on his side. I pulled him closer to me as we all stood opposite from Mason and Madison. I felt Hadrian leaning heavily on my side and knew I had to get him to Sirius and Remus soon.

Mason who had healed enough to speak it seems spoke clearly to the annoyance of his sister but he wasn't just talking to me or the group but rather the rest of the common room "So as you can see they aren't as all powerful as you guys said", he began looking around the room at the remaining Slytherin's who were openly showing their shock and disbelief. "They have secrets and weaknesses, join us and together we can put a stop to their rule in Slytherin. We can put a stop to all the fear you guys feel daily when in the same room as them. Just join me and we can ruin their reputation, not only in Slytherin but the whole school". He finished and looked around as if waiting for a cheer or reply but that's not what he got. Many of the Slytherin began to shake their heads or yelling that he was a monster.

He then looked back at me and the group, ignoring the crowd "We are going to ruin your reputation with all the houses!", I nodded not really caring as I felt Hadrian drop slightly more. "Go ahead ruin my reputation! Ruin all of our reputation! We could care less what the rest of the school thinks. They have always thought us snakes are lesser, lower or dark, we are no strangers to insults or jinxes in the corridors. We could care less what any Gryfindoor, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw have to say about us! So go ahead ruin me, I could give a damn about my reputation in those houses!". Madison seeming to have found her voice spoke "and in Slytherin?" she finished with a slight smirk which was wiped from her face. "They will believe the true heir", I spoke with a cold face, as my eyes glowed a dark crimson that almost looked black. The two left the common room, so I laid Hadrian down on the sofa gently before turning to the twins.

"I know you guys use all the secret passageways, you two will be the fastest. Go get a Remus and Sirius immediately, bring Narcissa and Lily if their there I'm not sure who can help the most", with a nod the twins disappeared, running into the halls. Luna smiles sadly and lays a blanket over Hadrian, whilst a tear rolled down her cheek. I looked into her eyes as she got closer and whispered "I.. L can't see his future
a-anymore" with a shaky, hushed voice.

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