Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

bethanyjanebooks द्वारा

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... अधिक

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

32 - Her Handsome Hero

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bethanyjanebooks द्वारा

Belle and Mr Gold were inside the animal shelter, trying to figure out what Gaston's unfinished business was.

"Belle, you don't need to do this to find his unfinished business. I know what it is... Killing me," Mr Gold said.

"What... No, no, I don't accept that. You can't judge someone without knowing their full story. Here. Gaston's locker," She sighed and looked at him, "Um, can you, uh... Can you magic this open for me?" Belle said.

"Well, I certainly care. Are you sure you want me to?" Mr Gold said.

"Of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be?" Belle said.

"Well, using my power to steal another man's property...Doesn't that qualify as dark magic?" Mr Gold questioned.

"This isn't murder. We're opening a locker," Belle said.

"Oh, so you get to be the judge of when the ends justify the means. I see. As I said, it's all about points of view," Mr Gold said as he flicked his wrist, unlocking the locker with his magic.

"Thank you," She opened the locker and found a book titled 'Her Handsome Hero', "This. I'm his unfinished business. I'll, uh...I'll wait for him. You should go," Belle looked at Mr Gold who wasn't moving, "Trust me, I...I can get through to him," Belle said.

Belle was waiting for Gaston in the animal shelter, looking through the book when the dogs started barking in the shelter.

"Gaston? Is that you?" Belle called out.

"Getting colder," Hades said as he walked in while the dogs continued barking.

"What do you want from me?" Belle asked.

"You mean other than that baby in your belly?" Belle looked at him anxiously and he chuckled, "Relax. I'm not gonna hurt either one of you. Actually," He exhaled deeply, "I'd like to help. How would you like to make a deal?" Hades said.

Belle scoffed, "I married a man who makes deals. I know what that means. Not interested," Belle said.

"What about what your father used to say... 'Don't judge someone until you know their whole story'," Hades said.

Belle looked at him surprised, "How did you know that?" Belle asked.

"I know lots of things. Perk of the job. Like you're trying to help Gaston move on," Hades said.

"And so what if I am?" Belle said.

"Oh, let's just say I like this little conflict between Gaston and Rumpel and I want it to go on," Hades said.

"And what could you possibly offer me?" Belle asked.

"Ohh, nothing... Much. Just the thing you want most in the world... Your baby," Belle looked at him slightly surprised with her hands on her stomach, "Got your attention now, don't I?" Hades said.

Belle's eyes were watery, "I'm listening," Belle said.

"Smart girl because this is the easiest deal in the world. All you have to do is let Rumpelstiltskin face Gaston. If one of them throws the other into the River of Souls, I'll take the mark off your baby," Hades said.

"No. I swore I'd help Gaston move on, and I keep my word," Belle said.

"Now, that is such a nice sentiment, but take it from me. Love makes you do crazy things. I bet, with your child on the line, you are capable of..." He chuckled lightly, "Anything," He walked towards the door and the dogs continued barking as he passed them, "Let me know if you change your mind," Hades said and walked out of the animal shelter.

In Regina's vault, Alana, Neal, Emma, Mary Margaret, Killian and Amy were still hiding.

"You know I could out there, in the shadows dealing with the monster, 3 seconds that's all I need, I can't die, I'd be okay, " Amy said as she pacing back and forth.

"Still as restless as you were when you were a child Phinia," Neal said.

"I'll give you restless, Bae," Amy said.

"And aggressive..." Neal commented.

The growling soon faded away and Amy stopped pacing, "I think the monster's gone away," Killian said.

They heard a rumbling in the distance and they all looked towards the stairs, Killian grabbed a sword. He walked over to the stairs and pointed it at the person who was walking down, Regina, she gasped and sighed as she saw him and he relaxed.

"Sorry, love," Killian said as he put the sword down.

"Well, I'm glad your reflexes are better than your sense of style," Regina walked into the vault as Killian looked at his clothes, "Well, this has turned into quite a day. Why are you all in my vault?" Regina asked.

"Short version... Thing with fangs trying to kill us," Mary Margaret said.

"And you're hiding instead of fighting?" Regina questioned confused.

"We saw the same monster in our dream and in the end it..." Alana said.

"...It killed me, so..." Mary Margaret said.

"We thought it was a message or some sort of vision of the future," Emma said.

"Well, you dreamt it. It's not like it'll happen. Maybe this dream isn't just about the monster. It's about you two working out some issues," Regina said.

"We don't have any issues," The twins said defensively and the others looked at them.

"As much as it pains me, I have to agree with Regina... I've known you two a really long time, what's going on?" Neal asked.

Alana sighed, "Maybe I... Feel like I failed everyone," Alana said.

"Failed? You saved me... If anyone failed it's me," Emma said.

Alana scoffed and shook her head, "Yeah, saved you but trapped everyone else in the Underworld in the process. What the hell was I thinking allowing everyone to tag along? Bringing Henry down here? Calla? This was a terrible plan, I should've done this alone. And now... Now, I'm always frightened. I'm frightened that someone will die, and it'll be my fault, again. And I'll never forgive myself," Alana said.

"And I failed everyone by not fighting. All my life I've had one thought in mind, protecting Alana and making sure she's happy... Now, she's here with our family, trapped because one man angered me that much that I wanted his head. I'm terrified none of you will go home, I'm scared someone will die, be tortured by Hades if not... If not sent to the place worse than this," Emma said.

"Alana, you didn't force any of us down here. We all wanted to come with you," Amy said.

"We know it would be hard, these things always are, but some things are worth it. You two have always been together, fear of losing your other half is natural. I gave your dad half of my heart when we needed to find you two again because of the Wicked Witch. Love for family is worth it, love for your partner is worth the risk," Mary Margaret said.

"If we didn't think it was possible or we didn't want to help, we wouldn't be here," Alana looked at Neal, "You weren't doing this without me... Like you can't lose Emma, I can't lose you," Neal said and smiled at her and Alana smiled a little back.

"Now, if you two want to get home, let's do what works. Let's face this monster together," Mary Margaret said.

Elsewhere, Gaston walked into the pawnshop with his bow and arrow, he walked into the back room and saw Mr Gold sitting at a table. Gaston shot an arrow at him and watched as Mr Gold fell to the ground.

Gaston chuckled, "I guess every beast has its weakness," He said but when he got a closer look at Mr Gold, he discovered it was a dummy that was disguised as him.

Belle sighed as she walked in, "So, you would really kill him if you had the chance," Gaston looked at her, "Yeah, I wasn't sure if you had it in you," Belle said

Gaston breathed in deeply, "This is pointless  Belle. Where is Rumpelstiltskin?" Gaston said.

"Look, Gaston, please stop this," Belle said.

"I can't!" He punched the table and breathed heavily, "Seeing him dead is the only thing I care about anymore," Gaston said.

"Are you sure about that?" Belle said as she placed the Her Handsome Hero book on the table.

"You broke into my locker?" Gaston questioned.

"Gaston, I want to help you move on. If you still have this book, it must mean something to you," Belle said.

"Of course it does," Gaston said.

"Is it because I gave it to you? Am I your unfinished business?" Belle asked.

"You think I have this book because I like it?" He chuckled, "I've tried to throw this out a...a hundred time, a...a thousand. It always reappears. It's part of my punishment down here," Gaston said.

"I don't understand," Belle said.

"This book reminds me why I died. Because you made me weak!" Gaston said angrily.

"What? Me?" Belle said confused.

"I should have gone after Rumpelstiltskin and Delphinia with an army, but I tried to follow your example. I tried to do what is right, but that book is wrong. Being a hero is not about compassion and having forgiveness. It's about strength! Doing whatever it takes to defeat your enemies," Gaston said.

"But Rumpel and Phinia aren't even your real enemy. Hades is," Belle said.

"Why do you defend Rumpelstiltskin? He kidnapped you. He made you a servant. You should want him dead, too and have Delphinia punished," Gaston said.

"Delphinia? She didn't kill you, she doesn't know you and doesn't know you're dead," Belle said confused.

"She took you with him and allowed you to be a maid, I want Rumpelstiltskin dead and I want Delphinia to pay," Gaston said.

"Yeah, well, I don't want Rumpel dead and I don't want Phinia to pay," Belle said.

"Why not?" Gaston asked.

"He's my husband and she's my step-daughter," Belle said.

Gaston chuckled softly, "Good, old Belle. You always did have a soft spot for a monster," Gaston said, he grabbed his bow and arrow then walked away.

Belle and Mr Gold were stood in the street and Belle was telling him what had happened when she was waiting for Gaston in the animal shelter.

"What kind of a deal?" Mr Gold asked her.

"Look, I can't... It doesn't matter 'cause I said no," Belle said.

"Take it from a man who trades in deals. It matters very much. What was the deal, Belle?" Mr Gold asked.

"Look, if I tell you, you got promise me something. You have to promise me you won't hurt Gaston no matter what you learn," Belle said.

"Belle, you can trust me," Mr Gold said.

"Alright. He said that if I let you and Gaston face each other and one of you ends up in the River of Lost Souls, he'll tear up the contract on our baby," Belle said.

"And you turned him down?" Mr Gold questioned.

"Of course I did. I failed once with Gaston, but I can fix this," Belle said.

"Belle, what Merlin said about a man that can control dark for good... I really want to be that man for you. Truly. Just... Not today," Mr Gold said and he waved his hand, disappearing in a cloud of dark purple smoke.

It wasn't long before Mr Gold had found Gaston and they were at the docks, by the River of Lost Souls, Mr Gold had Gason in a chokehold and he had him lifted in the air.

"Revenge is such a tricky business. I find it rarely ends wells, unless, of course, you're me. And now you get to spend eternity trapped in these waters," Mr Gold said.

"Well, I'm alright with that. You see, uh, this is the fun part," Mr Gold said.

Gaston grunted as Mr Gold lifted him up higher by the neck.

Belle ran over, "Rumpel! Stop! Please," She stood in front of Mr Gold, "For all that we've shared, let me tell you one thing before you go through with this," Belle said.

"Alright, Belle, what is it?" Mr Gold asked.

"I just want to tell you, I...I have always known who you really are. And that's why I love you," Belle kissed him, surprising him but he kissed back when she pulled back she held up the Dark One Dagger, "But I also know who I really am, and I can't let you hurt him. In fact, I command you not to," Belle said.

Mr Gold put his hand down and Gaston fell to the ground, "Belle, you're making a big mistake," Mr Gold said.

Belle walked over to Gaston, "Are you alright?" Belle asked.

"I will be," Gaston said as he stood up and quickly grabbed his bow and arrows.

"What?! No!" Belle yelled and she saw Gaston was about to shoot Mr Gold with his arrow, but she shoved him out of the way to try and stop him but he ended up falling into the River of Lost Souls.

"No," Belle whispered in horror of what she just did as she looked at the water, "What have I done?" She exhaled sharply and gave her husband his dagger back, "I guess you were right. Darkness always wins," Belle said.

Mr Gold embraced her, "I'm so sorry, Belle. I never wanted this to happen to you, but you saved me. You saved our child," Mr Gold said.

Hades appeared in blue flames, "Actually... Not so much. Sorry to break up this beautiful domestic scene, but your baby is still mine," Hades said.

"No, we had a deal. Gaston went in the sea," Belle said.

"I said I would break the contract if Gaston or Rumpelstiltskin threw the other in the rive. But since Belle did the deed..." Hades chuckled, "What a fun surprise that way... No deal," Hades said.

"No. I will get my baby free of you, you monster!" Belle said.

"Me? Well, you're the one who just doomed your ex-boyfriend to eternal torment," Hades said.

"Don't listen to him, Belle. He wanted this to happen," Mr Gold said.

"Why? Why did you push me to this?" Belle asked.

"Uh, I have my reasons," There was a flower blooming next to them when it started to decay and Hades picked up the flower, "Now, this... Is a beautiful flower..." He sniffed and sighed, "Imbued with my favourite scent... Hopelessness," Hades said and he disappeared with the decays flower in a blue flame.

Zelena was in the Underworld's Granny's Diner, she was drinking tea when a waitress placed a tray in front of her on the table.

"Um, I didn't order anything," Zelena said, she lifted up the lid and found the decayed flower, red paper wrapped around with a white ribbon and her name written on a piece of paper in Hades's handwriting. She picked up the flower, looked at it and smiled at it.

In the woods, Alana, Neal, Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret, Amy and Killian were walking in the good, Mary Margaret was tracking when she saw a paw print on the ground.

"It's close! Keep your eyes peeled," Mary Margaret said.

Regina saw it and pointed to it, "There!" Regina said, she and the twins shot their magic at him and the creature fell to the ground.

"Nice shot," Killian said and they all rushed over to it.

"Wait, everybody stay back! That thing could still be alive!" Emma said.

"Well, that's my queue," Amy said and walked ahead.

"Delphinia," Neal said.

"Oh my god... Uh, Snow..." Mary Margaret looked over, "I think I'm going to be in trouble," Amy said.

"What?" Mary Margaret said and walked over.

"What is it, love?" Killian asked.

"Oh my God," Mary Margaret dropped her bow and arrow, Amy dropped to her knees, leaning forward over the creature, "Girls, I think your dream was a vision. But it wasn't about saving me," Mary Margaret said.

"It was about..." Amy pulled over a red cloak and placed it over the wolf, they watched as it turned into Ruby, "Finding her," Amy said.

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