Born to unite (Born to be a s...

By SBany89

5.3K 230 18

After fifteen years, children of the royal family have grown up and are facing new tasks to make their countr... More



332 13 0
By SBany89

I had no time to sleep this morning. The sun was high enough to mark the visit of my teacher Tuan. In the garden, I collected some herbs to treat the old man with tea. Often he was not in a good mood, he had to walk, as my small house was quite far from the city. Sometimes he took a rickshaw and I hoped he did today.

No one has told me why I had the privilege to educate myself, where my poor parents got the money to afford a tutor after they passed away. They themselves were not the smartest either. Teacher Tuan refused to explain me. I was not complaining, gladly accepting each lesson, carefully following Tuan's teachings. I could compare myself with highborn ladies, except for the fine clothes and neat hairstyles.

The gravel on the road shifted and I knew, he had arrived. I heard grunts and frustrated mumblings coming from the oldtimer. The tea was almost ready and I struggled to choose my priorities - wait for the tea or greet the arriver?

"Kaiya! Kaiya! Are you at home?"

"Yes! I am coming!"

Holding a cane in one hand, he supported his back with another. The ash grey hair was styled in a short, high ponytail leaving no strand sticking out of place. Tuan's face had aged a bit, with distinctive ridges marking his usually upset features. I smiled in respect and bowed, but he grunted, responding with some unrecognizable words.

"Have you been practicing the writing?"

"Yes, as much as I could afford in my free time."

"Free time? Don't you have free time all day long?"

I saw irritation flame in his eyes. Could I argue with him? As a wealthy man, he, most likely, had no clue how hard life was for a low peasant. Fieldwork, keeping up the house, making sure I had firewood to warm up my home, and the hardest work was to keep my stomach from growling lately.

"I am afraid, not."

"Whatever." Tuan huffed. "As long as I am getting paid, I would care less."

We entered my home. I had only two rooms - one for sleeping, another one for guests and dining which held a small fireplace. The water was boiling and I poured the tea in a plain wood-carved cup.

"What is it?" He eyed the herbs floating with suspicion.

"Dandelion ..."

With a force, he placed down the cup, making its contents spill over the floor.

"I am sorry! I ... I have nothing better to offer at this time ..." 

Tears stung my eyes noticing, how unpleased the old man was. He struggled to form sensible words. The beginning of the day couldn't get any better.

"Pigs! How are they expecting me to teach anything, while I suffer the poor hospitality of this place?"

"My deepest apologies! I am so sorry!" I bowed in front of him holding in my tears. 

Today he was in a sour mood. I had not experienced his discomfort to such a level being in my house. Was it my fault? What could I do? I was not the one asking for his services, knowing too well I couldn't afford to invite even friends.

Our heads snapped to a sudden knock on the door. So silent had come the uninvited guest, we had not witnessed the slightest sound of the foreign presence.

"Who is it?" Snapped Tuan.

A man opened the decaying lettuce door, dressed in a black robe, reminding me a uniform of a soldier. He greeted us with a nod and took his attention at Tuan straight away. It seemed my teacher knew who he was.

"I am sorry to disturb you, but Huang's family wants to see you, urgently." The man's eyes drifted back to me.

"I just came here! Now I have to go back?"

"My apologies!"

With stiffness in his bones, teacher Tuan lifted himself, the 'guard' helped him get down the stairs and I was left standing with drying tears in my eyes. I was glad, he had to leave as no longer I was able to take his rude remarks.

I soaked up the spilled tea with an old cloth and cleaned the rest of the house. With old walls and gaps in them, dust found its way inside on daily basis. 

With the education I got, I could find a decent job, but something always intervened. I was unable to find my way higher, to make my life better. Instead, I was almost forced to live and suffer as if the godly forces had something in store for me, and I felt it was nothing bright.

Later that day, I decided to look for a way to gain some income, trying out my luck once again. The city looked, as usual, a mixture of people - nobles, merchants, other farmers, and beggars too. I could not see myself in the same situation. I would never ask for pity, for someone else's money. Maybe I held too much pride in myself, the hard work should repay me ... it should ...

My steps carried me towards the eatery, which looked more luxurious than common vendors, but not quite the place for the highest of nobles to visit. Fine crafted accents decored the entryway, the same way the place was built with decent woodwork.  It appeared to be a nice place to start.

"Good day!" I met the eyes of an older lady inside. She was dressed in comfortable attire, with plain earthly colors, but with a quality to match her status. She didn't smile, though her face emitted the welcoming aura. "I was wondering ... wouldn't this place need a helping hand? I ... I am looking for work ..."

She looked me up and down frowning a little bit.

"I don't want to disappoint you, but I doubt someone from your class would be suitable to work here. This place doesn't look much, but we have some regular customers from higher upbringings, thus we require manners and skills to provide them with the greatest service."

"I can do it!" I blurted out without thinking. "I might not look much, but I consider myself educated, I have practiced manners and studied reading and writing."


"Please! I really need a place to work."

"Alright. I will give you a chance. Can you show me your capabilities right now?"

"Yes. I have as much time as you need me for."

She gestured for me to follow her. We entered the backroom with buckets of water, delicate pottery, and robes for work, clothes for cleaning, and keeping the place tidy.

"Make yourself presentable, after that, come outside, I will show you what to do."

I bowed deeply in appreciation. When she left, my face bloomed with a smile, my heart drummed in excitement, that maybe today was my lucky day.

The place smelled of food, fine jasmine fragrance, and no speck of dust irked me.

Throughout the day my work duties consisted of delivering food to the few solitary rooms where the customers could enjoy privacy. With the new clothes, I looked more like a woman I wished to be. The house lady was satisfied with my performance and I could see myself working here every day. 

In the late hours, she ushered me to come to her. I couldn't tell, was she excited or troubled by something? Her face bubbled with lighthearted emotions. 

"Kaiya! Kaiya!" She shouted quietly. "You have done very well today. I could say, no one has been so hardworking in this place for a long time. Beyond that, just now came my best-prized customer. I have made the food ready and I want to trust you with its delivery." She gave me a warm smile.

"A noble ... man ...?"

She nodded. "More than that!"

The lady gave me a tray with the most gorgeous food, its smell swayed my thoughts into chaos. Who could it be? So important ... so special to her ...

Quietly I scurried towards the last room with my heart pounding in anticipation. I knelt and announced my presence, then opened the lattice door to lay eyes on the important guest.

My heart stopped as I gazed back at the pale, blue stare.

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