Nesscas Oneshots Galore

By Zuch124

4.7K 143 235

Nesscas and mild Clausten I don't own most characters I don't own any art I plan to make a lot of these Also... More

You and Me
Quickshot: Fun Dreams
Heist For The Ages
Lucky Draw
Neural Electronic Surveillance System
A Trip Together
Brawl In The Hall
I Can See Him
One Long Night
Schedule + Explanation
Camp Ultimate
I Am Thou
A Cult Following
LucasNess: Season 2
LucasNess: The Complete Collection
Room Mates
A Difficult Escape
A Radical Game
Lover Of The Seas
Take Your Time
The Partners Crusade
Brother Battle
Run In
The Demon Dilemma
Sword Fighting
A Day At The Park
Rap Battle
Lost Signal
Small Note
The Rock
Another Trip Together
Can't Post
Rap Battle II
First Days
Break Free
Lucas's Creepiness
AVGN Fighter Concept
Holy Infection
Short Notice
New Data
The Nice Guy
Cannot Into Space
Child Fuhrer
Home For The Holidays
I'm Still Here
Moving Up In The World Tonight
Game Over
Sub Liminal
Mission Impossible
All This Birthday and You Still Aren't Based
Hard Drive
Strike First
Analog of Fear
Analog of Madness

One More Game

50 1 4
By Zuch124

Hey hey. So, you have noticed that the past few oneshots have had a certain.....theme, when it comes to things like character prevalence. Sorry about that, as I know it's not exactly what you want to read. But it's because I've been working on a certain story quite a lot. This is the same story that has already had a couple trailers in this collection, and will have another one at the end of this chapter. That's all I wanted to say, and I hope you enjoy this shorter, differently styled story :D (Two out of place things are in this chapter, an image, and a video link. Neither of which belong to me)


December 28th

Hey, so I decided to do this because......why not? I got a new computer this Christmas, so now's as good a time as any to start. I've been interested in starting one of these for a good while now, but just never found the time for it. What will be on here? Eh, just my thoughts as I feel like writing them. Why should you read this? I have no fucking clue. I've just been wanting to do one of these. So, that's it for today. The first actual post will be tomorrow.

December 29th

Not much happened today, to be honest. I'm on break from school right now, so not much is going on. I wanted to spend the day with my best friend, Ness, but he was busy, so yeah. So here I am, writing down my thoughts late at night, while my brother is out with his boyfriend having a jolly old time. God, why can't I get a boyfriend? Well, it's not like I'd want anyone other than Ness. I just hope that I develop the courage to ask him out someday. Well, I guess that's all for day. I'm tired as fuck, so imma head to bed now. See you next time!

December 30th

Hey. So todays post I going to be a little shorter today. Not for any negative reasons, but just because I have to prep for a New Years thing me and my friends are doing tomorrow. This post also won't be very long. But I do have some good news........I'm going to try and confess to Ness tomorrow. Yeah, so I WAS going to do this back during Valentines Day, but I chickened out. But I will do it tomorrow, I promise. Wish me luck!

January 1st

Happy New Year! Sorry about not posting yesterday, but it was due to the aforementioned gathering I had partook in. And, guess what........I did it! I told Ness everything. And you know what.......he had the same feeling for me! My excitement is immeasurable and my year has been made.

I guess I should talk about the gathering. It was nothing special, Just me, my brother Claus, his boyfriend Ninten, and Ness. We all went to Ness' hometown to hang  out, and celebrate the coming New Year. Let's see here.....we played a few rounds of Baseball (which I am horrendous at, I might add). We watched the most beautiful sunset during the early evening, and by the most beautiful, I mean the MOST beautiful.

Ooh! But the highlight had to be when we went to the arcade. Ness' hometown has a decently large arcade, filled with retro arcade cabinets, and things like them. We probably spent a good four hours in there, just hanging out and having a good time. God, I must've played that one game at least a hundred times. I'm blanking on the name right now, but according to the arcade owner, it was some extremely old game that they received as a donation. 

But god, I'm gonna talk about the game for a bit. It has to be one of THE BEST retro games I've played in a long, long, time. While the gameplay was only slightly above par from other retro games, two other aspects stood out to me. The visuals and music. Both being phenomenal. They're just......well, I don't really know how to describe it. I guess you just have to play it for yourself to understand.

Sorry about going on for so long about some arcade game. But anyways, I guess that's it for tonight. Goodbye, and have a happy new year!

January 2nd

Today might have seemed fun, but in reality, it had a dark undertone of slight dread.....for me, school is starting back up tomorrow. Of course, I'm only joking, and don't mind school THAT much, but of course I prefer the break.

Ness and I went on our first "date" today, and I have to say, it went pretty well! We went to this Ramen restaurant that I've been wanting to try for a while. Not only was the food good, but Ness looked so handsome. God, it was practically the perfect night. That's as much as I'm willing to share on here, for personal reasons.

Side note, but I asked Ness about the arcade game I played on New Years. Polybius, is what it's called. He also said that I apparently played it for an hour straight, and that Claus had to drag me away. Personally, I find that hard to believe, but I haven't eliminated the possibility all together. He's probably just exaggerating, though.

January 4th

Sorry about no post yesterday, but I've been busy. The first day of school was fine, nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was, all around, the perfect example of an average day.

I looked up if there were any ROM's for Polybius, but for some weird reason, I can't find any. I don't know if it's because the game is so incredibly rare, or for some other reason. 

Well I guess it could be a custom made game specifically for that arcade. But I distinctly remember there being a publishing credit on the title screen. I guess the only way to find out for sure is to go back and look. But Ness' hometown is a ways away, so It'd eat up my afternoon and most of my evening. 

Anyways, that all for today, see you soon!

January 5th

So today's been.....odd. It started off normal, just a basic school day. The whole time, however, I couldn't stop thinking about Polybius. I guess it's only natural, as anyone can get excited over something like a new game. So today, after school, I bit the bullet. I drove all the way to Ness' hometown to play the game again.

And boy am I glad I did! It was just as good as it was six days ago. I must've played from the moment I got there, to sundown. I also managed to catch the name of it's publisher. "Sinneslöschen". It sound vaguely German, but I couldn't tell you if it is or isn't.

I looked them up, and it yielded no results. So, going off of the German info, I put it through a translator. After some fiddling around with it, two words came out..........Sense and Erase. Eh, probably just some bad translation on the computers part. There's no need to worry, it's not like a video game can do any harm.

Well, that's it for today. See you all soon!

January 6th

I went back to play Polybius again. I don't know why, I just felt a......craving, of sorts. Sorta like when you crave food, if you understand me.

This post is gonna be a little shorter, as I don't have much to talk about. Something kinda creepy did happen last night though. After I went to bed, I swear I could hear very faint screams. IN MY SLEEP! Eh, probably just a form of sleep paralysis. Also, when I woke up and went on my computer, my search history was filled with a ton of things. Like "How to sensory deprive a person" and "how long can a person last without senses".........creepy shit, right?

My best guess is that Claus used my laptop to look some things up. He's always been a little.....on edge. I should probably talk to him about it. 

January 8th

Sorry about not posting yesterday, but the arcade trips are taking longer and longer every time. I wish I could get a copy of Polybius for my room, but I can't find anything about it of any corner of the internet. I guess nothing could beat actually playing it on the arcade cabinet anyways.

Also, I've been hearing more faint screams as of late. God, I need to get this sleep paralysis in check.

I've been doing some research on things like lost video games and such. That rabbit hole led me to discover two interesting story's I feel I need to share with you. Both were posted on some forum, in the deep bowels of the internet.

The first one is about some song in a game that, because it was at the right frequency, made kids kill themselves. After hours of digging, the best name I could find describing it is "Lavender Town Syndrome". Which is odd, since I've definitely heard my friend, Red, mention a place called Lavender Town before......odd.

The second one is about some kid who drowned, and ended up haunting a game cartridge. As far as I know, this kids name is "BEN". There was one image of what was supposed to be him, and it looked strangely like my friend, Young Link.....creepy.

Why is this important? Well, I did it. I found the only other mention of Polybius on the internet. It was a post from, like, 14 years ago. It included an image of the start screen, which I've seen countless times by now. I'll attach it on the end of this post, so you can see it for yourselves. 

Attached with the image, was a paragraph or so of the person saying to not play the game. As if I'll ever do that.

January 11th

I've been having more and more weird dreams. One of the recent ones involved a woman crying. Another involved me doing nothing but play Polybius for the whole dream. I guess that's not that different than what I do in real life.

Tomorrow me and Ness are supposed to go on another date, and I'm indifferent about it. I'm still excited, but that means less time for me to play Polybius.

I can't stop thinking about it. It's the only thing on my mind. No other thoughts cross my brain except Polybius.

January 12th

I skipped my date with Ness, I needed to see Polybius again. I'm currently writing this from the arcade. It's around 2 A.M, luckily, this is a 24/7 arcade. I never want to leave, this is where I belong.

January 13th

WHAT THE FUCK! THE ARCADE IS CLOSED FOR "MAINTENANCE". What am I gonna do? How will I see Polybius? These thoughts alone are enough to make me hyperventilate. 

The dreams have gotten so bad, that now it happened when I'm conscious. I hear people crying, and hear screams constantly. I also feel Polybius called to me, begging to be played. I can't say no to it. A crowbar doesn't cost that much.....

January 14th

I'm in. No one suspected a thing, as it was 4 A.M when I did it. I'm now typing this as I play multiple games of Polybius, it's genius touching every aspect of my soul. This is the greatest thing to ever exist. I don't know how I managed to even LIVE without the anchor that is Polybius. That one guy on the forum was a fucking idiot, he deserves to die. I need to go now, to play one more game.

January 17th

WHAT AM I DOING! These posts aren't me! I don't remember writing this! FUCK! What is happening!? I can't stop playing, but I want to go home! I can't leave, I have to play another game.

January 23th

I wish I could port this game onto a ROM to share with you all. Everyone deserves to play this masterpiece. Polybius should WORSHIPPED! It is the the very foundation of existence. Even in this shithole arcade, I'm having the greatest time of my life!

January 28th

I'm so close. Close to reaching the holy grail. The secret song. The song that's been teased to me throughout all of my gameplay. The song I've been yearning to hear my entire life. I must work until I find it. I must win.

February 8th  

I found it. It was as wonderous as I expected. I think I'm going to die from happiness. My life's goal has been achieved. I will attach the song here, to bless all of you as well.

February 14th


March 23th

Polybius is all I require. I am alive because of Polybius. 

March 25th

I help it, it helps me. It's been stuck here, the poor thing. I'm it's only friend. It needs me. I can't leave. Ever. It weeps it's song while I comfort it. The men in black try to take it from me, but I won't let that happen. I belong to Polybius.

April 14th

I know no feeling anymore. Only Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius Polybius.

April 24th

I'm sorry, to everyone. But it is my duty to serve Polybius. I am eternally grateful for everything it has gifted me. For now, I'm just going to play one more game.

May 10th

I'm sorry Ness, but it's over. I'm with Polybius now. Polybius is my one true love.


Trailer #2 - This trailer will be a very broad overview of the first half of the story. It will span across multiple arcs and storylines. Over the next few chapters, I plan to make more trailers. Whether they'll be music based or not......depends on what the trailer will be. This one, however, will have a song. "I Believe" from Persona 5 Royal (The song choice has very little to do with what the trailer contains, it's just the song that fit the best. So don't worry, this isn't going to be full on Persona, even though the first scene in this trailer might make you think otherwise). I have also determined a release date for this story, and have put it somewhere throughout this chapter, so if you wanted to, you could know it.

The first scene would be all of the Phantom Thieves kneeling down, about to be defeated. Then, the opening instrumental would kick in. It would then cut to the golden legs of someone, who's walking towards the downed Thieves. During the "Life Will Change" riff, large tentacles will sprout from the ground, protecting the Thieves.

"It's time to" - The camera would pan up the golden clad person, until it reached their white cape. It would then be a clean cut, from the white cape, to another scene.

"Unveil the hype you've been waiting for" -  The camera would pan up, and would be an over the shoulder perspective of someone who I'm not going to name right now. Looking at this person, would be Ness.

"It's time to, bring an end to the question of who will win? It's us" - Samus would drop out of her gunship, landing on a metal runway. Already standing on the runway would be Donkey Kong and Captain Falcon. All three would walk towards the camera, passing it.

"I used to have that feeling" - Kirby, Yoshi, and Luigi would all be standing on a plateau of sort. They would all turn around, and look at the sky. Luigi's look would become slightly scared, at whatever they were staring at.

"Premonition, of falling short" - Fox would be sprinting down the same metal runway as earlier. At his side, would be Pikachu. after a few seconds of them having passed the camera, Jigglypuff would slowly waddle past as well.

"Now I have no fear" - Link would be standing  on top of a small hill. He'd be looking around the area, with a serious look on his face.

"Since we're here" - The camera would zoom into Mario, standing on a rocky plateau. Mario would look at the camera, smile a little, and give a thumbs up.

"To fight it together!" - The camera would be spilt into 12 sections, each with one of the original 12. They would all be giving serious expressions, except for Mario, who would still be giving his thumbs up.

"I believe!" - It would then cut to the twelve of them standing in front of a large, ominous figure. All twelve would be ready to fight.

"We can fly up in the sky!" - It would cut to Pit and Dark pit flying around Falco in his Sky Claw. on the word "Sky", all three would boost up further in to the.....well, sky.

"One day we may just" - I would cut to Red and Dr. Mario, standing on a rocky plateau. both would have serious expressions on their face, as Red gripped a Pokeball tightly.

"Be able to touch down, on a star" - The camera would then pan to behind Red and Dr. Mario, only to reveal them facing down a large army of Primids. Red would straighten his cap, before throwing his Pokeball.

"Off the road we have to go" - The silhouette of Lucas could be seen walking through a forested path. The camera would then shake, and for a second, a figure of a familiar commander is visible behind Lucas. 

"The roadless path we shall proceed until the end of our roles" - Mega Man and Snake would be running through a factory. Mega Man would throw a metal blade at a few Primids, while Snake kicked a few down.

"There's no turning back for us" - Simon would enter a familiar looked castle. The camera would then pan up, and look at the moon.

"Cause we will never give up!" - The camera would then pan down from the moon. Lucas would be standing in an area, shielded by some sort of dome. The surrounding would be strangely blocky.

"I thought that I told you I'm not a robot, no" - It would show ROB standing in a large jungle. Dropping by his his, would be Donkey Kong, and Diddy Kong.

"I thought I, told you I'm not a phantom I'm in your face" - It would show Joker land in front on Banjo & Kazooie, Hero, and Terry. They would all be standing in some sort of hallway. The hall would be lined with red X's. Joker would nod, look back at the other three, and run down the hall.

"It time to show" - Marth, Roy, and Ike would be standing on top of a castle. All three would jump off, and strike with their sword

"Everything we got" - Mr. Game and Watch, Pac-Man, and Duck Hunt would we slowly walking down a grassy field. The camera would pan over them, then in front of them.

"To find a way out, from this fake mirage"- Lucas would be placing his hand on the dome that covers the domed area. He'd close his eyes, and look down. The camera would then pan back, revealing the domed area to be quite blocky.

"Our life is happening in front of you" - Tabuu would be walking down a corridor. Along the walls of the corridor would be spheres with red X's on them. Tabuu would turn around, and glare at the camera.

"Right now" - It would be the same scene  as Lucas placing his hand on the dome. Although, it would be a different perspective. Lucas would be being watched by my OC, Davos. Davos would twirl his Sai, which has a gray stone imbedded in it. He would then teleport away, out of the dome.

"It's time to seize it!" - Lucas would then open his eyes, and it would cut to another scene. This time, Lucas would then be standing in front of Tabuu. The camera would then zoom in on Tabuu's face. The camera would the flash to a scene of two large beings floating in the sky. One light, and one dark. It would then flash back to Tabuu's face.

"I believe!" - It would cut back to Dr. Mario and Red. Red would smirk, and a large amount of Pokeballs would begin to rain down from the sky.

"We can fly up in the sky!" - Back on a rocky plateau, a few Primids would charge ROB. But not before Mario drops down, and takes them out with a fiery ground pound.

"One day we may just" - The camera would pan to another side of ROB, with more Primids coming. This time, Link would be there, and he would take most of them out with his boomerang.

"Be able to touch down, on a  star" - It would pan to yet another side of ROB, with an even greater amount of Primids approaching. Ness would create a large flash of light, before taking out the Primids with a pillar of fire.

"Of the road we have to go" - Bowser, Ganondorf, and King K. Rool would be running down the rocky Plateau. Flying above them, would be Ridley and Meta Knight.

"The roadless path we shall proceed until the end of our roles" - Little Mac, Ryu, and Ken would be standing in a triangle formation, surrounded by Primids. They would all smirk, before attacking.

"There's no turning back for us" - Tabuu would be hovering above the rocky plateau. He'd be eyeing down ROB.

"Cause we will never give up!" - A large subspace explosion would happen. This would cover the entire screen, as the camera fades to black.

"It's our turn" - This would be a flashback, of sorts. Ness and ROB would wake up in a room (not going to describe it yet). They would look around, trying to figure out where they were.

"To get back" - Ness would then be kneeling down in the rocky plateau. A green energy would be trying to leave his body, but he'd be fighting to keep it inside him.

"To grab the future which we fully believe" - It would then show Mario, Link, and Samus trying to do the same thing as Ness. To keep the green energy inside of their bodies.

"And is not given to us" - It would then show Lucas doing this as well. Lucas would seem to be struggling severely more than the others..

"It's earned!" - Lucas would then absorb the green energy back into his body. As he does this, everyone else does as well. 

"And I believe!"- Everyone would stand up, as the subspace void disappears. Tabuu would look down on the group, almost confused, as they stood up

"That we can fly up in the sky!" - Then, the Halberd would come flying through a portal. Aboard it would be Mr. Game and Watch, Pac-Man, Duck Hunt, The Ice Climbers, Dr. Mario, and Red.

"One day we may just" - Ness would look up the Halberd, and smirk. He would then turn to look at Tabuu.

"Be able to touch down, on a star" - Everyone would then charge forward. Tabuu would snap his fingers, and a large army of Primids would appear by green energy spiraling inwards to create them.

"Off the road we have to go" - Right as they're about to clash, the camera cuts to another scene. Tabuu would be standing in some sort of temple. Along the wall are strange, pixelated hieroglyphics.

"The roadless path we shall proceed until the end of out roles!" - It would then cut back to the battle field, with Tabbu holding Master Core. 

"There's no turning back for us" - Tabuu would then crush Master Core, a large amount of black energy expelling from the shattered core.

"Because you know that I believe!" - The black energy would then cover the camera, causing it to fade into a new scene. This scene would be Ness and ROB back in that room. They would both stand up, and walk towards a wooden door.

"We can fly up in the sky!" - I would cut back to the battlefield, where a large battle is going on. Tabuu would be sitting in a teal throne, observing the fight.

"One day we may just" - Lucas would notice Tabuu, and start to use his psychic powers to levitate towards him.

"Be able to touch down on a star" - Lucas would begin to accelerate faster towards Tabuu. Tabuu would tilt his head, and raise his arm, creating a large shield around him.

"Off the road we have to go" - Lucas would then attack the shield with all of his might. He would be actively pushing against it, trying to break through it. Lucas would close his eyes, due to the tremendous amount of effort he'd be putting behind the strike

"The roadless path we shall proceed until the end of our roles" - Lucas would open his eyes, only to find Ness at his side, trying to do the same thing as himself. Lucas would smirk, and continue assualting the shield.

"There's no turning back for us" - The shield would then begin to crack, as Tabuu became more visibly strained. Lucas and Ness would begin to push even harder against Tabuu at the sight of this.

"Cause we will never give up!" - Lucas and Ness would let out a large scream each, as they pushed even harder against the shield. On the words "Never give up" they would be successful, and the shield would shatter into multiple tiny fragments. Lucas and Ness would look up at where Tabuu was supposed to be, only to find that he mysteriously disappeared.

During the outro instrumental, Tabuu would appear inside the temple from earlier. He would dust himself off, and look up at something. He'd smirk at whatever he was looking at. The camera would then pan to what Tabbu was looking at, a group. The group would be led by my OC, Davos. He would be standing with six people behind him. Davos would smirk, twirl his Sai, and snap his fingers. the screen would then turn teal, ending the trailer.

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