Zombies 5

By Meloetta246

34.6K 658 701

*Sequel to Zombies 4* It's been two years since graduation and just as everyone is settling into their colleg... More

A Look at Our Lives
College Life
What Happens at Z-Tech, Stays at Z-Tech
The Championship Game
Such a Familiar Gleam
An Unwelcome Guest
Walk in the Woods
A Not-So-Warm Welcome
Old Ways, New Tricks
A Step Forward
Descendants News!
Once Upon a Dream
Solving Riddles
And Found
Come Home
Zombies 3 is Coming 2022!
The Painful Truth
Secret Sibling
More Than Meets The Eye
Family Ties
What Hurts The Most
Different Kinds of Love
The Start of Something New (Epilogue)
Coming June 16....

Look to the Past

943 21 33
By Meloetta246

Hey Brother, there's an endless road to re-discover.
Hey Sister, Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker
Ooooh if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do


The den was quiet, too quiet, but Wyatt didn't hesitate as he headed straight for the entrance. Zed and Addison followed, sharing a worried glance as they entered the main area of the cave.

They found the rest of the pack inside, huddled in small groups. The sounds of coughing and sniffling echoed off the walls, making their stomachs drop as they realized Walker's erupt departure with Wren had done little to prevent the spread of the illness.

Willa saw them looking about and quickly made her way towards them. "Please tell me they've made a cure?"

Wyatt shook his head solemnly. "They can't make one. That's why we're here. We need to talk to mom."

Willa held her head in her hands as she paced back and forth, shaking it in disbelief. "No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening!"

Willa's gaze immediately turned on Addison. "You said if we found Walker we could make a cure! That's what the Great Alphas told you! Why can't they make a cure!?"

"Because Walker isn't the Lupus' true Alpha!" Addison blurted out.

Willa's face morphed from one of anger to one of utter confusion. "What?"

"Walker isn't the Lupus' true Alpha." Addison repeated. "Alpha Wallace had another child, the only way to make the cure is to find him. Except, we don't know who or where he is."

Willa shook her head in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me. The lives of my pack are relying on some mystery kid that no one knows anything about? That's just great."

"First of all, it's our pack." Wyatt corrected, gesturing to himself, Willa, and Addison. "Second of all, none of us knew that Walker wasn't the Lupus' true Alpha, not even Walker himself. Thing is, we're wasting time by standing here and pointing fingers. So how about we put our grievances to the side and focus on finding a way to find this mystery wolf."

Zed nodded. "I'm with Wyatt on this one. We need to be working together. The faster we figure this out, the faster we get this cure made."

"Fine." Willa sighed, beckoning them to follow before leading over to where Alpha Wylda was sitting. She gave them a warm smile but it quickly faded as a nasty cough caused her whole body to tremble.

"Mom." Wyatt said, his voice laced with concern as he sat down beside her.

Alpha Wylda straightened herself up and patted his knee comfortingly. "I'm alright, I'm alright. Don't worry, I won't be brought down so easily. Now tell me, how are Wren and Walker?"

"That's what we came to talk to you about." Wyatt sighed. "We were wrong, Walker's blood can't be used to make the cure. Only the blood of someone who is half-wolf, half-human will work. We believe Alpha Wallace must have another child, a son, based on the pack's customs, but we don't know how to find him."

Alpha Wylda was quiet as she contemplated his words. This was a situation that seemed to continuously bring more questions than answers. The health of the pack was imperative, but finding a cure was proving to be difficult.

"I did not know Wallace well," Alpha Wylda admitted. "But I know it is not uncommon for wolves to stray from the pack. However, as he was an Alpha, such a relationship would have been frowned upon. Though, mistakes can be made and accidents do happen."

Addison nodded. "But what do we do? How can we find someone we know nothing about?"

Alpha Wylda frowned. "I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question. And unfortunately none of us can communicate with the dead."

Wyatt glanced over at Addison. "Well, technically Addison did. She talked to the Great Alphas of the past."

"But I had no control over that." Addison reminded him. "They came to me. I have no idea if I can do it at will."

Wyatt groaned. "We're doomed."

"Maybe not." Willa replied, her eyes sparkling as an idea formed in her mind and she turned to her mom. "How long ago did the last Great Alpha pass?"

Alpha Wylda paused. "Great Apha Wilma passed 20 years ago. Why?"

Willa smiled. "Because Walker is 20, like us. Meaning the person we are looking for is older than that. The Great Alpha has always been the bridge between our two packs right? Maybe Alpha Wilma can tell us something."

Zed shook his head. "That won't work. Addison just said she doesn't know how to reach out to the other Great Alphas. They came to her."

"But she could try!" Willa protested. "We have nothing to lose."

Zed opened his mouth to argue but Addison placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to pause and turn to face her.

Addison held her moonstone in the palm of her hand, studying it as she spoke. "Maybe I don't need to talk to Great Alpha Wilma, maybe I just need to channel her memories."

Zed and Wyatt stared at her in confusion as Willa's interest peaked.

"Alpha Wahija said I could draw from their pasts and their wisdom because we are all connected by the moonstone." Addison explained. "I just wish she had explained how to do that."

"That's it!" Willa grinned. "The moonstones are just like memory stones! They keep records of the past."

"Willa, what are you talking about?" Wyatt asked.

"Memory stones and Moonstones are one in the same. Our necklaces record memories just as the memory stones do." Willa explained. "Watch."

Willa held up her moonstone and faced the wall. She thought of her father and soon an image appeared on the wall, a recording of the past from long ago.

"Woah," Wyatt breathed. "Is that, dad?"

Willa nodded. "It is. I thought I would forget what he looked like, but that's him, clear as day."

"I remember him vaguely." Wyatt admitted. "He always told us stories before bed."

"The best stories." Willa agreed, letting the image fade from the wall. "But maybe if I can teach Addison to channel Great Alpha Wilma's memories. Maybe we can find our answer."

"It's worth a shot." Addison agreed. "What do I need to do?"

Willa beckoned her forward. "Just point your moonstone at the wall and think about the memory you want to see. In this case, think about Alpha Wallace and Great Alpha Wilma talking about him having a child or conversing in general."

Addison nodded, holding up her moonstone and closing her eyes. She thought about the memory she wanted to see and suddenly felt her moonstone grow warm. Addison opened her eyes and gasped when she saw two unfamiliar people being projected onto the wall. Neither looked happy and they seemed to be in a deep, serious conversation.

Addison grinned. "I can't believe it. I actually got it to work."

"Great job Addy." Zed smiled.

Addison smiled back but the moment was short-lived.

"We can't hear them though." Wyatt pointed out. "If we don't what they're saying we can't learn anything from them."

"There has to be a way to figure out what they're saying." Willa replied. "Right mom?"

Alpha Wylda sighed. "If there is a way, I haven't heard of it."

Wyatt slumped forward and sighed. "Great, so we're back where we started. With nothing."

Silence hung in the air as they absorbed his words. He was right, they had taken a step in the right direction only to get knocked back. They were running out of options.

"Maybe..." Zed mumbled under his breath as he thought out loud. "Maybe we can figure out what they are saying."

Addison looked over at him. "What did you say Zed?"

Zed stood up. "I have an idea. I'll be back as fast as I can."

"Wait, what?" Addison asked. "Zed, what are you talking about? Zed!"

Zed was gone in a flash without another word, running from the den as if he were running for the end zone.

"Well that was wierd." Willa admitted bluntly. "So what now?"

"Zed said he had an idea." Addison replied. "Let's wait and see what it is."


Addison and Wyatt had busied themselves with helping take care of the sick members of the pack as they all waited for Zed's return. Wade returned with buckets of water so Wyatt and Addison soaked rags and laid them across the wolves' foreheads to cool them as Wade and Willa passed out drinking water to keep them all hydrated.

They had just finished up when they heard footsteps echo through the cave as someone entered. They all turned and saw Zed coming toward him, and behind him, a zombie girl their age.

Addison vaguely recognized the girl from Seabrooke High after Zombies had been fully integrated, but she couldn't recall ever interacting with her.

"Zed, who is this?" Addison asked.

Zed smiled. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Ziva. We grew up together in Zombie Town. She's agreed to help us."

"Help us how?" Willa asked.

Before Zed could answer, Ziva made quick gestures with her hands, leaving Willa and Wyatt confused.

"What was that?" Wyatt asked.

"Is she okay?" Willa questioned.

"She was talking to you." Addison explained. "Its sign language."

"Sign language?" Willa and Wyatt said.

"Yeah," Zed nodded. "Ziva is deaf, so she speaks by making specific gestures with her hands to communicate, which is called sign language. She's also really good at reading lips, which was good since my sign language used to be terrible."

Ziva smiled and nodded silently in agreement.

"So, what did she say to me?" Willa asked.

Zed chuckled. "Ziva said she's here to help."

Willa nodded. "Well good, we could use all the help we can get."

(Italics indicate words spoken in sign language)

Zed led Ziva over to where they had been sitting and everyone took a seat as Addison got into position.

Zed tapped Ziva's shoulder and she turned to face him. "We just need you to tell us what the people in the projection are saying. It could help us make a cure for the sick wolves."

Ziva nodded. "I will do my best. I want to help."

Zed smiled. "You'll do great."

"Ready?" Addison asked.

Zed and Ziva nodded and Addison began projecting the memory. Ziva studied the figures on the screen then began to sign quickly as Zed translated.

Wallace: Alpha Wilma, there is something I must confess that weighs heavily on my shoulders.

Wilma: What is it Wallace? Please speak freely, this is a safe place. Words spoken here will not be spoken again outside this sanctuary.

Wallace: I have waited 6 years and my wife has yet to bare me any children. If I do not have a son to take my place in death, the pack will have no leader.

Wilma: Sometimes these things take patience Wallace. If it is ment to be, your wife will bare you a child. For some couples, this process just takes more time. Even if you have bo child, surely their is a strong wolf who can take over when you are gone.

Wallace: This pack is my family's legacy. Lupus blood has been shared by every Alpha, I will not let that tradition die with me. That's why I couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't wait for something that may never come. I had to do what was best for my pack.

Wilma: Wallace, what are you talking about? What have you done?

Wallace: What I had to do. I have insured my family's bloodline will continue and that our pack will have a leader. A woman in a town nearby bares my child now. A male child. All I ever wanted.

Wilma: Have you lost your mind? Baring a child with another, a human no less. Does she even know who you are? What you are?

Wallace: She knows only the story I fed her, nothing more. When the time comes, she will understand the great service she has provided me and that our son will live a life of destined greatness.

Wilma: You are treading in dangerous waters Wallace. Do you truly believe this woman will just allow you to disappear into the night with her child? And what of your wife? What will she think when you show up with a child that you conceived with another? You will be admitting your unfaithfulness and your lack of faith in her ability to give you a child of her own. This will not end well Wallace, with either woman.

Wallace: I know my unfaithfulness will be frowned upon, but the child will be worth it. She will learn to understand that his place is with me. As for my wife, I will be giving her a child to love, completing our family finally. I will ask for forgiveness and explain that I was only doing what was best for the pack.

Wilma: I only hope that you are truly sure that these actions are what is best. You are taking great risks.

Wallace: I am sure of my actions. My son will be able to carry my legacy into the future. He will be a strong Alpha.

Wilma: Have you chosen a name for this young Alpha you are so proud of?

Wallace: Of course. His name represents the nomadic nature of our pack. A reflection of the strong blood he comes from. I have chosen the name.....

Author's Note

Yeah, this is way over due. Also, its 3x as long as my normal chapters so enjoy the lengthy chapter. Things have just been crazy so forgive me for taking so long.

Lastly, please go check out Werewolf-eror . They just posted their first story, which is a Zombies Fanfiction. The plot is very intriguing so far and I can't wait to see what happens next. Also, please be respectful when you read their work. This author is not a native english speaker so the writing will not be perfect. However, it will be clear how much effort the author put into the story and how hard they are trying to convey what is going on in the story. I promise it is worth a read. Please go support this wonderful author and I look forward to seeing you guys next time. I promise the next chapter won't take as long!


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