𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧 • remus l...

By lenawriting

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'We'll 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧, the pieces of our broken hearts back together' "I have to brew a difficult potion... More

𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧
*𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲*
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Chapter 3°

11.2K 337 113
By lenawriting

Chapter 3° Unavoidable


Days went by and Remus felt like he was going crazy. Since the announcement of the project was made, he tried to find Amelia. But nothing. He couldn't find her. lt was like she didn't even go to this school. However, now he was able to understand why he didn't see her before, she just was nowhere to be found. Remus looked everywhere, not knowing if she was doing it on purpose or if it was just a coincidence. When they were in the great hall for either breakfast, lunch or dinner, he glanced through the whole room, trying to find her. In class he looked for the now familiar face, but he didn't seem to have any other class with her. Every time someone was passing him, he looked at them intensely, trying to figure out who it was. Remus identified every other Slytherin in his year, except Amelia. And he couldn't even ask others, as he did not know who she was friends with and he, sure as hell, wouldn't go up to some random Slytherin and ask for her, sounding like the biggest creep in the whole school. So he decided to wait till the next potions-class and then speak to her, even he was extremely annoyed and exhausted by all this trouble.

However, it was anything but easy for Amelia either. She tried everything possible to stay away from Remus. She was sure that he would be looking for her, wanting to talk about the project, but she didn't know how to handle all of this. Of course she knew, that it was absolutely stupid, considering that she will have to talk to him anytime soon, but Lia tried to avoid it as long as she could. She had talked about it with Mo, Jay and Laurie for hours, after she assured that there was no way to get out of this project. She even considered to change potions for divination, so she didn't have to work with him, but her friends stopped her from doing anything like that. They tried to calm her down and tell her that Remus might not be the worst partner to work with, despite the fact that she had to meet him somehow. Despairing what else to do about it, Amelia decided to run away from Remus Lupin. And let me tell you, it was not easy. Since he was looking for her, it was even more difficult, than usual. Him and his friends were everywhere. Well, everywhere she wasn't. She she ate earlier than everyone else, running into the great hall as fast and early as possible, eating really fast. In the corridors, that she tried to avoid for the most, she checked her surroundings, every time a door opened or she stepped around a corner. When she would catch eye of mine of the marauders, she would immediately turn around and go the other way. When she was in class, as she actually did have other subjects with him as well, she always sat in the last row in the corner. She was the last to walk in and the first to leave, if she even attended the class. Sometimes she just decided to skip it completely. Lucky for Amelia, she tried to stay unnoticed for years, so she had some practice for the whole I'm-Running-From-RemusLupin-Thing. But either way it was hard and stressful.


,,Amelia Grey, you can't avoid him forever. You have to do this potion with him and there is no way out." Laurie said solemly, her look not leaving any space for arguing. Even though the Hufflepuff was the most kind person to be around, she could be a very strict friend. Like I said, she really cares.

The two girls were currently sitting underneath one of the large trees in the court yard, as Jaden and Molero approached them. Mo was still wearing his school-robes, while Jay had already changed into muggle clothes. With a pair of baggy-jeans, a college-jacket and a pair of black sunglasses he looked really cool and stylish. Some might think it would be a little over-dressed, but Jaden liked showing off. While he decided to sit beside Laurie, Mo laid down, placing his head in Amelias lap.

,,What are we talking about?" he smiled cheekily, looking up at Amelia and Lauretta. However, their semi annoyed looks showed him that it wasn't quite the most fun conversation.

,,About Lia, who is running from Remus." Laurie explained, side-eying her friend.

Jaden growled. ,,Still?" This topic didn't leave their conversations since the day it was stated.

The ginger sighed knowingly. ,,Yes still. She just can't take a hint and stop this childish behavior."

,,Guys, its not that easy. You don't understand. He's everywhere I go. Why don't you tell him to stop chasing around like a stalker?" Why did she always have to be the problem?

,,This is not about him looking for you, which just shows that he takes responsibility of this years grade. This is about you, running away from him like a toddler." Jay explained.

,,Imma have you know, that I am not running like a toddler." Amelia pouted. ,,I just happen to be everywhere he is not." 

,,Lia, I have talked to Remus before and he was really kind and understanding. Why don't you give him a chance?" Laurie asked softly. She had met him two years ago, when she was reading in the library. He asked her for a recommendation, as she seemed to like reading as well. They spent hours talking about stories, but their connection never went further than those spontaneous and unplanned book-meetings.

,,That may be true, but you're a Hufflepuff. I'm an asshole-Slytherin, remember? Lupin might like people from other houses, but Slytherin will never be one of them. You know that the lions despise serpents." the brunette reminded. Even though the house really shouldn't matter in this situation, it simply did.

,,Honey,-" Mo started, sitting up and putting a hand on her cheek. ,,-that might be true, but it doesn't change the facts. You have to do this potion with him, no matter what. There is no other option. We know and we respect that you don't feel comfortable being around other people and working with them. That you prefer to be unnoticed and hidden, but you have to do this. Please promise me that you'll try it. Take your time, but don't let him chase you forever. He's just trying to get a good grade, like you should too."

Looking in his eyes, Amelia couldn't help but feel her heart melt. Her and Mo always had a really strong connection, especially after Callums death. He had always helped her, trying to keep her life in order. Listening to all her worries and problems, he tried to help anywhere possible. Sometimes Molero reminded her of her brother. Trying to protect her, was something Callum used to do and even if the memories of him hurt, knowing that he cared for her, warmed her heart. 

,,I promise. The next potions-lesson is on thursday, so I'll have to see him then. Give me time until the lesson." Jay, Laurie and Mo had helped Amelia a lot, trying to forget the world around her. She felt like she owed them to at least try, but it was hard for her to break out of that shell of isolation and loneliness to meet up with some boy.

,,I believe in you." 

Smiling at his friends, Jaden looked around them, spotting three boys moving in their direction. ,,Ehm- guys, not trying to interrupt this sentimental moment or anything, but Potter, Pettigrew and Lupin are walking straight towards us."

,,Oh, no." she panicked. ,,That's my cue to leave. Thanks for your worries, really and thanks for being with me, even if I'm so difficult. I'll see you guys." and with that, Amelia got up. She grabbed the book: Illustrated Love: Spells and Potions, that Laurie gave her for the project and her bag. Running towards the large doors in the opposite direction, that the boys just came from, Lia entered the castle again. 

However, the marauders did notice her before she ran away. They didn't see her face, but her back all the way. 

,,We didn't scare her away, did we?" James asked, as they approached the three students beneath the tree, looking after the girl that just absconded.

,,Oh, no. She just had to go to the bathroom." Laurie explained shrugging. She hated to lie, but would do everything for her friend. ,,Can we help you with something?"

,,Actually, we wanted to ask you something. Do you know a girl named Amelia? She's in Slytherin." Even though, he asked nicely, James seemed a little disgusted as he named her house. What a prat. While James spoke, Remus was still looking at the place where the dark-haired girl just sat. She ran away really quick, but something about her seemed familiar.

,,No, sorry. I don't think so." Jaden said casually.

,,Okay, thank you anyway. Have a nice day." Peter smiled at the three, while tugging at Remus' sleeve, bringing him back to the present. 

As the boys mind came back into the reality, he looked at Laurie and Jaden. There was something about their looks, that didn't seem right. They were lying. Remus had lied many times, if someone was asking where he was on full moon or if he was okay. He spent quite some time, trying to sound convincing. And he knew how it looked like when someone was lying, even if Jay and Laurie were quite good liars. But why would they lie? Remus wasn't able to answer that question and decided to leave it. Just because he was a liar himself.


It was around 9pm and Amelia was walking towards the kitchens. She skipped dinner to escape her housemates, thinking she'd be okay without any food, but now she was starting to get really hungry and decided to ask the house-elves. As she skipped the meals in the great hall quite often, she got know the elves in this school.

 Lia hated the fact that the creatures were forced to work and didn't get paid or anything. They were beings, as much as any other, so why did they have to do that? However, whenever she tried to argue with them or give them clothes, they irrevocably declined and said that they liked their work and that it made them happy.

,,Mimi? Toto?" Amelia asked into the empty room. Suddenly two little elves appeared in front of her.

Their big, round eyes widened and got even bigger, as they recognized the witch. ,,Miss Grey, what a pleasure. Mimi and Toto are very happy to see the mistress again."

,,I'm happy to see you too." Amelia smiled as she shook their little hands. She always did that, to show her respect and gratitude. ,,How are you?"

,,We're great. Today we made a big chocolate-cake with sprinkles. It looked so pretty." Toto squeaked excitedly, her eyes starting to glow.

,,That's amazing. I hope you are always treated well." Amelia said, while looking at their usual aprons. They were covered in flour, probably from the cake. Their skin looked clean and washed, like they were able to shower and wash themselves.

Toto started clapping his hands together. ,,Oh, we are, Miss. The headmaster always asks Toto and the others if they need something. We really love working here." 

,,I'm glad. Mimi, I have a request. I didn't get to go to dinner again and wanted to ask if you have something, that I could eat. I'm so sorry that I am bothering you two again."

,,Of course, it's a pleasure. Miss Grey is never bothering us. We are grateful to have such a nice mistress. I'll be right back." Not even two seconds after the elves vanished, they reappeared, holding a big box in their hands, smiling widely. ,,This is a slice of our cake, some freshly baked cookies and two bananas."

,,That's incredible. Thank you both so much. I have to leave now, please also send greetings to Lola and the other-" Before Amelia was able to continue, a voice interrupted her. She turned to the door, wanting to see who it was.

,,Yeah, Wormy, we'll ask for cookies. I also wanted to ask for some chocolate."

Suddenly the door opened, revealing two boys. Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Both of them were still wearing their robes, but some of the buttons were already opened, looking a little more casual. Remus was really tall and looked like he had some muscles, while Peter was shorter and skinnier. Amelias heart stopped and then started racing fast. What am I supposed to say now? she asked herself. A slight shivering started to take over her, looking at the floor.

As the Gryffindors stepped in, they immediately caught eye of the two elves and a girl. But not just any girl. The girl they've been looking for, for the past five days. Both of them were smiling, but as Remus recognized the person in front of him, his smile started to fade.

,,You're Amelia Grey, right? The girl I'm partnered with in potions." he asked straight forward, being glad to finally have found her.

Suck it up, she thought, putting on her mask of disinterest and looking straight into his eyes. ,,Yes. And I'm guessing you're Remus Lupin."

,,I have been looking for you for the past days, trying to talk to you. I wasn't able to find you."

,,Don't bother, I never left this castle. Maybe you were just searching in the wrong places." she said mysteriously and cold. ,,However, I feel honored that you were looking for me, Lupin, but I have to leave now."

Walking past the two boys who stood completely still, a little confused by what she just said, she stopped at the door, which was already opened. Amelia turned around, smirking at the boys behavior. ,,Good night, boys."

As she walked away, Remus turned around, looking after her. And now he knew why the girl that ran away in the court yard seemed so familiar. Her posture, her hair, her skin. 

It was her.

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