๐’๐“๐”๐๐๐Ž๐‘๐ // k.sugawar...

By yukisohmaily

38.9K 963 132

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2.3K 58 5
By yukisohmaily

A couple weeks had passed from your transfer to Karasuno. You became quite accustomed to the school and the people around you as well as your teachers .

You managed to keep your head down majority of the time, sitting as far in the back of the class as you could and 'pretending' to be busy on your phone when really you were hastily pressing random buttons on your phone so you would seem somewhat busy.

You bothered no one and no one bothered you, just like how you liked it.

Well of course that never applied to a certain silver haired male who had seemed to make it his life goal to befriend you. That or he may just be one dense person who doesn't know anything about taking a hint.

The day had gone by in a flash and you assumed it was because you had all your good subjects today like ancient history and english.

Locking your locker away you picked up your bag and the textbooks you needed to take home for the week which you may like to add felt like carrying bricks but whatever, and headed to the gym.

Yeah the gym. After your little vending machine incident with Sugawara and the fact that he said to stop by the gym if you ever needed him but never actually gave you directions on where the gym would be, (man you wondered how one could be so smart yet so stupid) you decided you actually did want to see it.

No not for Sugawara, definitely not, but just to take a look around. Back in your old school you wouldn't even consider what you had as a gym. It was a small undercover area if anything.

So yes eventually he realised and gave you directions towards the gym, he also stated that he plays volleyball in one of the many conversations he attempted to make with you, this one just so happen to be the only one you payed any mind too.

Walking past you happened to overhear a conversation from what you assumed to be a manager and a coach. It was a confirmed guess when you pieced the context clues together to make sense of what they were communicating about.

"Sir I think it's time we look for a new manager, someone to take over when me and the other third years graduate" A young girl with dark black hair and a navy blue sports set spoke.

Not my business do not get involved  you reminded yourself as you swiftly walked past them and  into the opening of the gym.

Wow is this gym big you though to yourself, your eyes scanning each and every corner of the room. As previously stated your middle school was super tiny and didn't have majority of the facilities this one had.

Too busy admiring you failed to realise that Sugawara was actually right behind you, "So your'e stalking me now?"

You jumped in shock from his words, "In your dreams, plus were you not the one who gave me directions to the gym anyways ?"

He chuckled, "Alright fair enough" backing away trying to make it through from your left. 

Pivoting on one foot you turned around and were about to head off home where you would procrastinate all of your advanced classes homework and worry about it another day.

That was of course until you heard your name being called from across the gym.

You turned around swiftly, your hair caught up in the wind as you attempted to tame it you saw Sugawara out the front of the gym doors. "[NAME] you're more than welcomed to stay and watch our practise if you like"

The idea lingered around your head for a while, what would you really have to loose? It wasn't like you would go home and be productive or anything.

Sighing you replied "I'll come watch your stupid little practise" 

Walking inside you found a lot of people getting ready, some where grabbing volleyballs out of the shed whilst others helped each other with stretches and the few tallers ones set up the net.

You made  yourself comfortable to what seemed like an okay spot to spectate. You soon realised that the same girl who you may or may not have eavesdropped on one walking right towards you.

"Hi there ! I'm Kiyoko Shimizu buy Kiyoko is just fine" her hand stuck out as a sign for you to shake, as you greeted yourself the same way.

She took a seat right beside you and pulled a clipboard out from under the chair before jotting down all sorts of what you guessed was sports terminology, yeah you knew nothing about that.

Practise went on for what was about to be an hour, you didn't  know how long these practises went on for as the guys were only having a drink break but you realised that everyone (yes including Sugawara) was extremely talented. They definitely took pride in the sport.

You didn't know if you were just paranoid but part of your swore that Kiyoko kept glancing in your direction. Is there something on my face ? you thought to yourself as you quickly swiped a hand over your mouth just incase.

"Hey [NAME] I know this is so sudden but I've been wondering if you wanted to become manager for the team ? I mean i know your new here and well, clubs are kinda mandatory so if you aren't signed up for one then think about this one yeah ?"

"And plus you know Sugawara ! It would be fun to manage your friends team"

Right yes because you and him were totally 'friends'

"Thank you so much for the offer Kiyoko, but for now I'll think about it. I will let you known as soon as possible though !" You gathered your items before leaving the gym. 

Practise hadn't quite ended yet but it was already getting late, and you needed to get home before your parents started to worry.

You didn't lie to Kiyoko about letting her know if you would join, the idea was there but becoming manager was the last thing you needed right now.

Also to be quite honest, the last thing you needed was to see Sugawara more than you already have too.

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