So Little Time: Dean Winchest...

By justsochelsea

18.5K 186 23

Dean Winchester always wanted a family but he never admits it. After finally discovering the family business... More

Meet the Winchesters!
Ava Age Throughout the Seasons.
Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Ava's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 5: Dean's Back from Hell
Chapter 6: Teenage Hunters
Chapter 7: Together, A Family
Chapter 8: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
Chapter 9: It's In My Blood
Chapter 10: Hunting Solo
Chapter 11: The Outsiders
Chapter 12: Let's Talk About Racism
Chapter 13: Family Doesn't End In Blood
Chapter 14: A Normal Apple Pie Life
Chapter 15: Slumber Party Over
Chapter 17: My Special Valentine
Chapter 18: Trust
Chapter 19: First Day of Senior Year
Chapter 20: Ava Ran Away from Home
Chapter 21: Back To The Future
Chapter 22: I'm Pregnant
Chapter 23: Patience
Chapter 24: Babysitting Chuck
Chapter 25: Wayward Sisters
Chapter 26: College Secrets
Chapter 27: Ava Scoobynatural Adventure
Chapter 28: Cassie's Journal
Chapter 29: Grandpa Switch
Chapter 30: Sneaking Out Is Hard To Do
Chapter 31: Uncle Sam Saved My Life
Chapter 32: The Terrible Twos
Chapter 33: Switching Places
Chapter 34: Ava Meets Charlie for the First Time
Chapter 35: Ava Meets Kevin
Chapter 36: Supernatural Book
Chapter 37: Supernatural Convention
Chapter 38: Ava Meets Her Cousin
Chapter 39: Ava's Sick Days
Chapter 40: Ava's First Date
Chapter 41: Mama Knows Best
Chapter 42: Dean's Past Mistake
Chapter 43: Because I stole shoes???
Chapter 44: Dress Code
Chapter 45: Token?
Chapter 46: Juneteeth
Chapter 47: Do It With A Sore Butt
Chapter 48: Hide and Seek Trouble
Finale 49: {Part 1}
Finale 49: {Part 2}
Finale 49: {Part 3}
Finale 49: {Part 4}
Finale 49: {Part 5 }
To Be Continued... (For Sequel to A Change In Time)

Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter

207 2 0
By justsochelsea

 Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter

Based on season 6. Ava just turned 11 years old.

An alarm beeps. It's seven am. Dean wakes up in bed next to Cassie.

Cassie: You okay?

Dean: Yeah, I'm good.

Beautiful Loser plays over a montage of Dean's life now in contrast to his hunting life.

Dean is having a beer with his friend Sid.

Sid: And thank God this is before Facebook, right? Because it'd be me and that goat all over the Internet. Don't get me wrong, right? No complaints. But if you'd have said to me, "hey, you -- fifteen years from now? Suburbia."

Dean: Oh. Yeah.

Sid: Right?

Dean: Believe me, I know.

Sid: So, you've traveled around a lot, huh?

Dean: Mm-hmm. Yeah, my whole life, pretty much.

Sid: And?

Dean: I don't know.

Sid: Come on. You -- what, you moved in, what, about a year ago?

Dean: Yeah, thereabouts.

Sid: So I been buying you beer for a year. And I think that means you owe me a couple of gory details.

Dean: Oh, no. There's not much to tell, you know? It's, uh... I lived on the road... Took, uh, crap jobs that nobody else wanted.

Sid: Like?

Dean: Like... Pest control.

Sid: Really? Pest control.

Dean: Yeah. You get to work with a partner. You get to help people. You have no idea what's in some people's walls. It could eat 'em alive.

Sid: Yeesh.

Dean: 'Course, that was then. And now...

Sid: You're practically respectable.

Dean: Yeah. Wow. I guess so. That's kind of scary, actually.

Waitress: Thanks, guys.

Sid: Thank you. I think she likes you.

Dean: (holds up receipt with her name Brigitta and phone number on it) You think?

Sid: What is it with you?! Like, every time!

Dean: It's like chicks specifically dig unavailable guys. Dean rips up the receipt. Who knew?

Sid: I will see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow.

Dean: Thanks, man.

Woman screams in distance.

Dean gets a flashlight and gun from his truck, and enters a deserted building. He finds some claw marks and blood.

Dean's house. He sits at his computer, on the phone.

Dean: And no one's called about a missing person? No, this would have been today. So no reports of anything around Vineland and Oak street, near that hotel renovation?

Uh, call it a hunch. I've been a cop for a long time. Okay, yeah. No, I'll call you tomorrow. You too, man. Bye.

Cassie: Hey. Who was that?

Dean: Sid. I'm just setting up a poker game.

Cassie: It's 11:30.

Dean: Is it really? Well, that explains why he was asleep when I called. I'll be right up.

Cassie: Okay.

Dean is in his truck when he sees claw marks on a light pole. He investigates and is startled by a small dog in his garage.

Sid: Dean! Is that a gun?

Dean: No, no. Yeah. Well, it's -- I got a permit for it.

Sid: What, to shoot the Glickmans' dog?

Dean: I thought that was a possum. Remember when I said I was in pest control? Well, possums carry rabies, so... (Imitates gunshot)

Sid: I did not know that.

Dean: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Possums -- possums kill, Sid. Oh, crap.

Sid: What's that?

Dean: Sulfur. I got to go.

Sid: Hold on, Dean! What the hell?

In the Garage. The impala is under a tarp. Dean opens the trunk and starts packing some weapons.

Cassie: Hey.

Dean: Just getting a hammer.

Cassie: hmm... hammer huh. So, I just ran into Sid. Did you almost shoot a Yorkie?

Dean: Technically.

Cassie: *sighs* Dean, What's going on? Do I need to be worried?

Dean: Nothing.

Cassie: How come I have a hard time believing you?

Dean: I just -- I, uh, I-I got this -- I don't know, spidey sense.

Cassie: Okay. Are you hunting something?

Dean: Honestly? Uh, at first, I thought that I was. But I'm pretty sure that I got worked up over nothing. It's, uh, you know...

Cassie: It happens.

Dean: Are you sure? I'll tell you what -- just because, you know, I have an OCD thing about this, why don't, uh, why don't you and Ava go to the movies, hit the cheesecake factory -- you know, hang out with the teeming masses, and I'll do one last sweep just to be 100%. *wraps arm around Cassie

Cassie: Okay. Be careful.

Dean: Careful's my middle name. *kiss her*

Cassie smiles and leaves and then the light crackles. As Dean searches the garage he is suddenly confronted by Azazel.

Azazel: Hiya, Dean. Look what the apocalypse shook loose. You have fun sniffing that trail? 'Cause I sure had fun patting you around.

Dean: You can't be...

Azazel: Oh, sure I can!

Dean: No.

Azazel: Yeah, kiddo. The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So why not me? Add a little spice to all that -- that sugar.

Dean shoots Azazel.

Azazel: Really? After all we've been through together? You know, you got a great little life here. Pretty Lady -- real understanding. Hell of a kid. And how do you keep your lawn so green? I mean, come on, Dean. You never been what I'd call brainy, but did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime, pal. You can't outrun your past.

Azazel starts to strangle Dean, and just as he passes out, someone comes from behind to save him - it's Sam.

Sam, in what looks to be an abandoned house, Dean was waking up, confused.

Sam: Hey, Dean. I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face -- something.

Dean: So I'm dead? This is Heaven? Yellow Eyes killed me, and now --

Sam: Yellow Eyes? That's what you saw?

Dean: "Saw"?

Sam: You were poisoned. So whatever kind of crazy crap you think you been seeing, it's not real.

Dean: So, then, are you...real? Or -- or am I still --

Sam: I'm real. Here, let me save you the trouble. All me.

Sam cuts himself with a silver blade and then puts some salt in a jug of water and drinks it.

Sam: That's nasty.

Dean: Sammy?

Sam: Yeah. It's me.

Dean hugs Sam.

Dean: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You -- you -- you were -- you were gone, man. I mean, that -- that was it. How the hell are you --

Sam: I don't know.

Dean: What do you mean you don't know?

Sam: I mean, no idea. I-I'm just back.

Dean: Well, was it God, or -- or -- or Cas? I mean, does Cas know anything about it?

Sam: You tell me. I've been calling. Cas hasn't answered my prayers. I don't even know where he is. I mean, I was... down there, and then, next minute, it's raining, and I'm lying in that field, alone. It's kind of hard to go looking for whatever saved you when you got no leads. But I looked. I mean, believe me, I looked... for weeks.

Dean: Wait, weeks? How long you been back? How long you been back, Sam?

Sam: About a year.

Dean: About a year?

Sam: Dean --

Dean: you been back practically this whole time?! What, did you lose the ability to send a friggin' text message?!

Sam: You finally had what you wanted, Dean.

Dean: I wanted my brother, alive!

Sam: You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something, and you were building something. Had I shown up, Dean, you would have just run off. I'm sorry. But it felt like after everything, you deserve some regular life.

Dean: What have you been doing?

Sam: Hunting.

Dean: You left me alone, and you were flying solo?

Sam: Not solo.

Dean: What?

Sam: I hooked up with some other people.

Dean: You? Working with strangers?

Sam: They're more like family. And they're here.

Sam takes Dean into the adjoining room.

Gwen: Hey.

Dean: Hi.

Gwen: My God, you have delicate features for a hunter.

Dean: Excuse me?

Sam: Dean, Gwen Campbell.

Gwen: Good to finally meet you. Sam's gone on and on.

Sam: And this is Christian... and Mark. Campbell.

Mark: Hi.

Dean: Cam-- Campbell? Like...

Christian: Like your mom.

Sam: Third cousin. (pointing to Gwen) Third cousin. (pointing to Christian) Something, something twice removed.(pointing to Mark ) They grew up in the life, like Mom and like us.

Dean: I thought all of Mom's relatives were gone. And I'm sorry. It's just, you know, why didn't we know about any of you?

Samuel: 'Cause they didn't know about you. Not until I brought you all together.

Dean: Samuel?

(flashback) Samuel: I'm your grandfather.

Samuel: Guys, give me a second with my grandsons here, please.

Mark, Christian and Gwen leave.

Samuel: Lot of resurrections in your face today. It's all right. Take a minute.

Dean: It's gonna take a little more than a minute. I mean, what the hell? H-how did this happen?

Samuel: We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up pulled me down. So, whatever this is, we're both a part of it.

Dean: But you don't know what that is.

Samuel: Bingo.

Dean: And you have no leads? Nothing? Well, this -- this is, uh... No more doornails coming out of that door, is there?

Sam: As far as we know, it's Samuel, and it's me.

Dean: Okay, am I the only one here that -- that -- that thinks that this can't all just be fine?

Samuel: Believe me, you're not. I wanted to come get you, of course. Sam was adamant about leaving you out, so we did. Until this.

Dean: Right. So, then you ended up in my garage how?

Sam: I got hit before you did, few days ago. Dosed up with poison.

Dean: By?

Sam: Couple of djinn.

Dean: Djinn? I thought those were -- were cave-dwelling hermit-type. That's pretty exotic.

Sam: Not anymore, at least. These...look like regular people. They can blend in. And all they got to do to kill you is touch you. Their toxins get in your system, all of a sudden you're hallucinating your worst nightmares, and pretty soon you O.D.

Dean: Well, then how are you breathing air?

Sam: Samuel had a cure.

Dean: You got a cure for djinn poison?

Samuel: Oh, I know a few things. Stick around, I'll show you tricks your daddy never even dreamed of

Dean: Uh... Okay, why are these things after us?

Samuel: Well, you did stake one a while back.

Sam: After they came after me, we were pretty certain that they were gonna go gunning for you next.

Dean: Cassie and Ava -- they're at the house right now. If that thing comes back --

Samuel: It's all right. I already sent someone over there to watch 'em.

Dean: You got to take me home right now.

At Dean and Cassie's house In a car outside Johnny Campbell is dead.

Dean: Cassie?! Cassie! Ava?! Ava!

Dean rings Cassie, just before she and Ava enter.

Dean: Where the hell have you been?

Cassie: We -- we were at the movies. You knew that.

Dean hugs Cassie.

Cassie: Dean, ow.

Ava: daddy, what's going on?

Dean: Go upstairs and pack a bag.

Ava: why? I don't want to leave

Lisa: Where are we going?

Dean: I'm taking us to go see Bobby. Go. It's okay. Go on up. I'll be there in a sec.

Just then Sam comes out and both Cassie and Ava looked shocked.

Cassie: What the hell?

Ava: Um...

Cassie: Oh, my God.

Dean: Cassie, Ava, you remember-

Cassie: Sam.

Bobby's House.

Bobby opens the door.

Bobby: Damn it.

Dean: It's good to see you, too, Bobby. It's been a while.

Bobby: If you're here, something's wrong.

Dean: Bobby, you remember Cassie and Ava.

Cassie: hi Bobby

Ava: Uncle Bobby! *hugs her*

Bobby: *lift her up* hey kiddo I miss you. You being good to your dad

Ava: do you not know me?

Bobby: of course why do I even ask *kiss cheek* Well, it's good to see you guys again, Mi casa es su casa. Maybe you two want to just go upstairs. TV's broken, but there's plenty of Reader's Digest. Just don't touch the decor, okay? Assume it's all loaded.

Ava: it's okay Uncle Bobby. Mom told me to bring something to keep me occupied, she remember you not having a lot of stuff for me to play with

Bobby: alright... go on up *puts her down and pats her bottom*

Cassie and Ava heads upstairs together.

Dean: So...

Sam: Hey, Bobby.

Bobby: Sam.

Dean: You knew? You knew Sam was alive.

Bobby: Yeah.

Dean: How long?

Bobby: Look --

Dean: How long?!

Bobby: All year.

Dean: Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Bobby: And I'd do it again.

Dean: Why?!

Bobby: Because you got out, Dean! You walked away from the life. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea.

Dean: Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?

Bobby: Yeah -- a woman and your kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30. That's what it meant.

Dean: That woman and my kid -- I went to them because you asked me to.

Bobby: Good.

Dean: Good for who? I showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books, trying to find anything to bust you out.

Sam: You promised you'd leave it alone.

Dean: Of course I didn't leave it alone! Sue me! A damn year? You couldn't put me out of my misery?

Bobby: Look, I get it wasn't easy. But that's life! And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. It ain't like I wanted to lie to you, son. But you were out, Dean.

Dean: Do I look out to you?

A little while later. Dean and Cassie were sitting on the staircase at Bobby's house.

Dean: How's Ava doing?

Cassie: she's okay. How are you?

Dean: Look, I know Bobby's a little crotchety, but he's great. He's gonna look after you guys. Me and Sam, we're gonna head out.

Cassie: For how long?

Dean: I'm so sorry, Cassie.

Cassie: For what?

Dean: Those things were coming for me. And I should've known.

Cassie: How could you know a monster was gonna show up?

Dean: I should've known. I should've known that if I stayed with you that something would come, because something always does. But I was stupid and reckless and...You can't outrun your past.

Cassie: You're saying goodbye.

Dean: I'm saying I'm sorry... For everything. Everything.

Cassie: You're an idiot. I mean, I know it wasn't greeting-card perfect, but we were in it together.

Dean: I was a wreck half the time.

Cassie: Yeah, well, the guy that basically just saved the world shows up at your door, you expect him to have a couple of issues. And you're always so amazing with Ava. You know what I wanted, more than anything was for her father to be in her life, someone that she can look up too. So, you're saying it's all bad, Dean? 'Cause it was the best year of my life because we were a normal family for once. Ava, and I will be fine, you go save the world just like you always do

Dean: *smiles* your the best you know that right

Cassie: I always am

Dean kiss the side of her forehead. The two stayed like that for a while.

Ava: I don't want dad to go *hugs her father's waste*

Cassie: Ava you know your father job is dangerous, if he doesn't do anything to stop it a lot of people would die

Ava: why does he have to be the one to save everyone. Why couldn't it be someone else. I want my dad

Cassie: Ava...

Ava: no mom *lets go of her dad* I'm not a baby anymore. I'm not that clueless little girl who doesn't see what's going on. I'm tired of everyone treating me like that. *looks around at everyone* Has anybody once have asked me how I felt about all this?

Dean: Ava, do not talk to your mother and everyone else that way. It's not their fault, something just came up

Ava: something always comes up! This is what I mean dad, you guys keeping things from me, like I'm some stupid little kid.

Cassie: honey we don't think you're stupid. We just feel that their are certain things you're too young to understand

Bobby: *drops to her height* look kid, I get it. Being a hunter's daughter is the most stressful job in the world because you're worried if your dad will ever come home. Trust me on this, your dad will be fine, you got nothing to worry about

Ava looks at everyone in the room and then at her parents and Bobby.

Ava: okay...

Bobby: okay?

Ava: just promise me that mom and I will be safe

Bobby: of course, you two will be safe with me

Ava: *turns to her father* daddy, you will be careful right?

Dean: *sighs* I don't want to promise anything incase something does happen, but I want you to promise me that you will look after your mom

Ava: I will *hugs him* I love you

Dean: I love you too baby girl

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