Not As Perfect As You Think

By CriminalMinds2001

8.8K 109 55

Lilly is the daughter of Jennifer jareau and Emily prentiss, she seems fine on the outside, but on the inside... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 8

440 4 0
By CriminalMinds2001

Lilly's POV-

It has been a week since I have gotten out of the hospital. It is January 9th and we have made an agreement with my school that today is the day I will start virtual school.

I had to make at least a B average in all my classes to pass 9th grade. I was also given a tutor because I am so behind in all of my classes.

I am basically being homeschooled.

I would go to the BAU to do my learning because the tutor I was assigned was part of the FBI learning program that had reached out offering to help me.

The learning program was basically school for kids with parents in the FBI so wanted to do it over actually school and some needed to because it was dangerous for them to be by themselves because of enemies of their parents.

I walked down stairs with my portable feeding tube back pack filled with my formula and extra nutrient things.

I hated my feeding tube with a passion, I felt sick every time I had to have a feed. Knowing that it was giving my body food that I didn't want. But I knew I had to if I wanted to live.

"Hey baby, you have a good sleep?"Em said curiously.

" Yea."

I lied, I have not really been sleeping since I got my tube in. Because it was an uneasy feeling knew I was getting food and the anticipation of gaining weight was their and it was giving me anxiety,

With that I saw my Mom(JJ) walk out of their bedroom and she came over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Then all three of us set off towards the BAU.

After about 30 min of driving, we arrived at the BAU. We all headed to the 6th floor but we departed after we got off of the elevator.

I headed to a conference room to meet my tutor which is really just my teacher. I walked in and I saw a tall woman with brown hair "hello I am Mrs. Maggie and I will be your teacher."

" nice to meet you my name is Lilly Prentis-Jareau."

" today is going to be An easy day, we will just start with science and math, then after your lunch break we will do history and language art."

I am skipping the other classes because I am so behind so I am only doing the main classes.

I nod in agreement

"Let's get started then."


Em and I were both hoping we did not have a case today so we could stay here with lily.

We did have a case but luckily it was in Virginia so we were working right out of the BAU.


-hey we just got a case, but it is local so we will stay here, on your lunch break why don't you come and help us. Fresh eyes could not help :)

Sounds good:) my lunch break is at 11- and my teacher said we could end early today if I worked hard so I might be done by 1:30!

-ok can't wait to see you:) and go ahead a start a feed:) everything will be ok.

Ok Love You-

-Love you to:)


I am happy that we are staying here mainly because I know Lilly likes helping on cases and it raises her spirits which she needs.

Lilly's POV-

I was so eager for lunch to end for one because I get to help with this case and for two because I get to go to the mall with Iman later tonight.

My parents have made a deal with me each week that I gain weight, even if it is a little, until I reach a healthy weight they will give me 50 dollars.

So far I have 50 dollars because I gained .5 lbs this week. I felt disgusted with myself but I knew I had to.

Mind over Matter.

Finally after 3 hours of seemingly easy basic of math and science, it was finally my lunch break. Is once today was my first day she let me have and hour lunch break. I hurried down to the bullpen and walked up the stairs to the bullpen.

I was greeted by a team of people happy to see me.

" what is this case about?"

Reid hands me a case file for me to look over it " two kids have gone missing within a week of each other, billy Mason and Conner Brian both 12 years old."

" any signs of struggle" I asked Morgan's answered " they were abducted both from their rooms In the middle of the night, it seems as they were taken out of the window because in both homes the windows were unlocked and the curtains were whipped from the rod as well as toys nicked down."

"How did the pre ya not hear, especially if the toys were nocked down."

" the kids has got a point."Rossi says

With that I mad and interesting discovery In one picture from each crime scene.

"Wait a minute, in both bus sho racks their is a spot that looks like it is missing a pair of shoes, Mabey the boys went willingly."

"I will call Garcia we now have to look into known associates of both families, if they put their shoes in and went willingly they new their abductor."Hotch says.

With that everyone except my parents walks out of the room.

"Hey that was a great catch" jj says with a smile on her face.

"You are doing great keep up the hard work."Em said patting me on the shoulder.

Soon after they walked out of the room, the team was going to question and gather information about the families.

I stayed their continuing to look over the case to see if I find anything else.

Sadly I don't discover anything new, then my hour break was up I walked back to the conference room and finished the rest of my school day.

After I finished school I walked back to the bullpen to find the team sitting in their desk doing paperwork clearly exhausted.

"Y'all catch the unsub?"

"Yea fortunately, a guy named Greg Marcos. And guess what we found the two kids alive and we could not have done it with out your help."

The thought that I saved two kids made me smile.

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