𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧 • remus l...

By lenawriting

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'We'll 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧, the pieces of our broken hearts back together' "I have to brew a difficult potion... More

𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧
*𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲*
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Chapter 1°

16.8K 396 195
By lenawriting

Chapter 1° Partners


sixth year:

A cold light shone through the window, straight into Amelias face. Heavy rain drops were splashing against the window frames, making loud noises. The drops ran down the windows like tears, which collected on the ground and formed into a large puddle. A puddle full of lifelessness and disappointment. Such was the rain that came and went, such was life fleeting, like everything else. However, Amelia seemed to be the only one to not be able to sleep through this. But to be fair, her sleep had never been really great, considering she shared her dorm with Narcissa Black, Arabella Greengrass and Alecto Carrow. Thank Salazar, she didn't have to live in the same room as Bellatrix Black. Otherwise she'd already be dead by dawn.

It was Thursday morning and currently 6am. Amelia always used to wake up this early. This way she was able to leave the dungeons and the other Slytherins before everyone was awake. She didn't want to be confronted with their stupid and unfounded blood-pride this early in the morning. Amelia tried to escape the other snakes to simply eat breakfast in silence and peace.  Growling tiredly, she pushed away the sheets, leaving her only in grey, long pajamas. Pulling down the sleeves, that rose up under the blanket while sleeping, she got up, stretching herself intensely before sliding into her slippers. Taking a minute to make her bed look acceptable and grabbing her clothes, she left the dorm to go into the bathroom. After rubbing her teary eyes with the back of her hand, Amelia stripped down her sleeping clothes and stepped into the shower. Feeling the hot water hit her bare skin, she let out an unmotivated sigh. This day would be just as boring and useless as any other.

After showering, Amelia dried herself and put on her robes. Standing in front of the mirror, she brushed her hair and teeth. The long, raven hair framed her sculpted face perfectly, as it fell down her face in big curls. However, Amelia quickly put her hair into a low bun, the sight of the black curls, reminding her too much of Callum. Turning away to not face herself anymore, she put on a pair of black sneakers and walked through the common room, right out of the Slytherin-rooms, into the empty and dark dungeons.

Amelia liked the dungeons. She always had. They were veiled. They hid everything, that was hiding down there without the slightest glimpse of light, greenness or hope. No surreal illusions of life. Amelia started to like those things a long time ago. She felt comfortable in this place of hiding, where she'd be able to be completely invisible, better than anywhere else. Hidden from the feelings, the people, hidden from the world. Except for the Slytherins, the students only came down here to class and left the floor as quick as possible. Many felt like the dungeons were scary and creepy. The emptiness was unknown and overwhelming to them. Being surrounded by nothing and being left alone with their thoughts, feelings and burdens. But that did not apply to Amelia. She found freedom in the abandonment, in the loneliness she felt ever since. Here she could let it in and let it fill herself. Here nothing would judge her past, present or future. In the dark, she was everything she was. However, that didn't seem to be much anymore.

Amelia walked through the lifeless corridors, leaving classrooms and the smell of cold stone behind and approached the great hall. The moving stairs led her past many living portraits and decorated walls. She stepped through the large entrance and walked towards the table, which was covered with a long, green tablecloth and all sorts of food. Looking around the hall, Amelia just spotted a few other students. She was the only Slytherin, but there were six Hufflepuffs, five Ravenclaws and two Gryffindors. Amelia was not surprised by the small number of people, considering it was pretty early and the class didn't start for another hour. However, she could guess the different reasons, the students came here at this particular time. The Ravenclaws wanted to prepare themselves well for class and new school material. As a result, they would be ready to participate in class without having a look at their notes. In contrast, the Hufflepuffs got up to use the whole day. They didn't want to spend most their time sleeping, when the great life was waiting for them. Bullshit. The only two lions in the hall were Lily Evans and Dorcas Meadowes. The two pursued the goals of both the other houses. Yeah, well and then there was Amelia. Trying to run from her housemates. Classic. Professor McGonagall and Flitwick were sitting in their seats at the huge front table, to watch over the few students, while eating and planning their classes.

After minutes of consideration, Amelia sat down at the Slytherin table, eating her breakfast. She decided to go for a toast with jam and a banana. Considering she didn't like pumpkin juice and was really tired, she drank a large mug of black coffee.

It was still heavily raining outside and a storm was approaching the castle. However, a spell was spoken, filling the great hall with warm sunlight and a blue sky. Amelia thought it was pathetic to do this. As quick as you leave the hall, you're going to stand under the grey and dark sky. You're going to see the reality, because this is all an illusion. And the reality is a disappointment in comparison. There is no endless light and sunshine everywhere you go. That's not how it works. This world is cruel and nothing else. Making it look like it was different won't change those facts. So why try?

However, the peaceful silence of thoughts was interrupted by four particular boys, stumbling into the hall. The marauders. Of course it had to be them. Amelia knew the boys. Well, knew of the boys, everyone did. Just because she was reserved and nearly no-one knew her, didn't mean that she didn't knew of the others. She was quite observant, considering she kept everything to herself, even thought you'd need to be blind and deaf not to acknowledge the four. However, Amelia tried to ignore them the best she could. Their childish behavior of pranks, annoyance, endless happiness and love was tiring and surreal.


,,Damn, moony. Why do we have to be here this earlyyyy?" Sirius whined, as he sat down on the wooden bench, letting his head fall into his hands, that he rested on the table.

,,I told you, you have to prepare yourselves for class." Remus explained for the third time in a row. He made his friends get up this early, because he knew that they could fail some classes. At least James or Sirius. The two weren't dumb. Actually they were far from being so. I mean, come on. They made a map that shows everyone at every time themselves and managed to not get exposed in all those years. The boys could be really smart and do well in class, if they'd just learn and study. They, most of the times, didn't do their homework, copied Remus or Peters notes for class and started reversing ten minutes before a test. Their laziness was tiring in any possible way.

,,Remus is right. I don't like being up as well, but you two need to study." Peter added for support. He knew that his friends could be smart, but they never get to show it, because of their stubbornness.

,,What if we don't?" James asked. Of course just hypothetically.

,,Then you both would fail classes. You would get grades, too bad to stay at this school, and would get expelled or need to repeat the year with younger students. No more pranks, no more Remus and me and no more Hogwarts."

Now they had all Sirius' and James' attention. No Hogwarts, they thought. Impossible. What would we do without all of this? ,,NO!" they exclaimed in union.

,,That's what we thought-" Remus started. ,,So let's make some notes for the next classes and then we can eat. It doesn't have to be much, but at least something to help. If you're just using my notes, you won't understand the content properly."

Still mumbling under his breath, Sirius took out his book and laid on the table, in between him and James, so they could share a book. They started reading and talking about the texts, actually working together. Remus smiled at them, actually trying to understand the information in texts. He knew that they would never want to leave this school and he didn't want them to leave either. He couldn't. Remus loved these boys with his whole heart. They supported him, when even he didn't want to be anymore. They kept him going and gave him hope. Always.


,,Hello, class. I hope you're all well." Professor Slughorn greeted the students, while entering the potions classroom in the dungeons. Amelia liked him. Other than his preference for purebloods, he was really nice and caring. He was definitely someone who liked to pick favorites, but that didn't bother her. If you were able to understand the necessary knowledge and he was a good teacher to do so, she was happy about it. And that he was. However, not everybody thought so. Many thought he was naive or overly involved in the students lives.

Both Remus and Amelia were sitting in this class, but none of the other marauders had this class with them, this year.

,,Today we're going to talk about your grades for this year, as it's going to be quite different than usual. You will be given an assignment that will make up the bulk of your annual grade. You will work on it independently and present your results at the end of the year." he announced. ,,Each of you will be assigned to a partner whom I will designate. Together you will get the name of a potion, which will also be determined by me. And before you get the idea of working in larger groups or to help each other: Every pair gets a different and individual potion. So you are on your own, your skills and your research. However, there is something else about the partners, that you should know, before I call your names. Every pair will consist a Slytherin and a Gryffindor-"

Loud noises and growls interrupted in the room.

,,Definitely not!"

,,I'm not gonna work with a blood-traitor!"

,,No way!"

,,Great, death-eaters as partners!"

,,QUIET!" Professor Slughorn called out with a slightly angry look on his face. ,,I don't want to hear any contradictions. I expect you to put any house-rivalries aside and work together in harmony. In the end it's your grade that gets damaged by your behavior."

Amelia began to shiver. She really didn't want to work with someone. And especially not with a Gryffindor. However, working with a Slytherin wouldn't be any better. If she would have work with a Slytherin, she would constantly be the blood-traitor and if she would work with a Gryffindor it would be death-eater. Yeah, terrible, I know. Amelia would have to work with one of them for the rest of the year, no matter how bad it will be. Goosebumps started rising up her skin, as she waited for her name to be called and to see who her partner was going to be.

,,Arabella Greengrass and Emilio Smith, Felix Felicis."

,,Rabastan Lestrange and Ian McLaggen, Draught of Living Deaths."

,,Severus Snape and Lily Evans, Polyjuice Potion."

,,Caden Cinna and Dorcas Meadowes, Wit-sharpening Potion."

Amelia lost track of the names that were called out, after the four first pairs were announced. That was until she heard her own.

,,Amelia Grey-

,,-and Remus Lupin, Amortentia"

Wait, what? Amelia thought her ears were betraying her. At least she hoped so. Remus Lupin? No, no that can't be it. Why him? Why did it have to be him? Amelia started shaking, thinking about his partner. Remus Lupin seemed smart and genuinely kind, but still. He was a marauder. A trouble-maker, a prankster and one of the most famous boys at this school. Everybody knew him and his friends. And mostly everybody knew about their intense hatred towards Slytherins. They despised them. I can't work with him, Amelia thought. I just can't. Looking around the room shaking, she quickly caught eye of the scarred boy.

His golden locks fell into his face and a confused gaze decorated his face. When Remus heard the female name, that was supposed to he his partner, he was completely perplexed. Amelia Grey. He was sure to never have heard this name before. And to Remus, that was uncommon. Remus was quite observant as well and he knew about everyone, but this name was completely new. Who is she? And why do I not know her? Slytherins were very open and pride with their blood and everything, so their families were pretty familiar. But he has never heard of someone called Grey before, ever. However, he was sure that she would be just another stuck-up Slytherin, like every other. Trying to find the face to this name, he let his gaze wander around the whole room. He looked to left and to the right, but no-one seemed to be looking at him. He looked around once more and intensely looked behind him. As he looked to the right again, he met the eyes of a girl. She sat in the corner of the last row, huddled together and stared at him. As Remus never had seen her before, he acknowledged her now. Her raven hair was held back and cleared her face, making the green tie around her neck very obvious. Her lips were red and slightly open and made face look even more sculpted. However, the look in her eyes was what confused Remus. She looked anxious and almost terrified. And he was sure to see her shaking. But why would she? Why would she be anxious? Why would she be scared? So many questions and so few answers.

As the teacher dismissed the class, Amelia quickly stuffed her books back into her bag and hurried out of the room. She didn't know what to do and panicked, so she just left as quick as possible, trying to clear her thoughts and well, run away from Remus Lupin. Actually Remus wanted to talk to her and ask about a place or time to meet, but as he walked towards her seat, it was already empty. He didn't even saw her leave.

,,What was that about?" Lily asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, as she saw the lost and blank look on Remus' face.

,,I have no idea."

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