His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Re...

By TomRiddlesWand1926

86.8K 1.8K 804

Muggleborn witch Y/N Y/L/N is a fifth-year Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts. Meeting new people and finding out... More

Back Again
Cold Hands
The future
Harry Freaking Potter
Authors Note
Chapter 13
Truth Or Dare
Room of hidden things
Chapter 18
chapter 19

Giving Back

3.8K 85 51
By TomRiddlesWand1926

You woke with the sun hitting your face. You sat up and yawned. You saw Suzy walking around the room back and forth.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Y/N! Good, you're awake." She rejoiced.

"Why is me being awaken from my sleep a good thing?" You argued as you rubbed your eyes and wiped the drool from your face.

"Because we're going to Hogsmeade." She said.

"Do I even have a say in this?" You asked.

"No, you don't actually ." She said with a smile. You looked at her confused. How could Suzy just be so energetic right after she had been dumped? But the more you thought about it, the more you admired Suzy for it.

"Y/N?" Suzy snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Yes?" You said as you looked at her.

"Well get ready." She said.

"Okay just give me an hour." You said as you stood up stretching your arms and back. You put on a white sweater and some blue pants. You walked out of your dorm and walked inside the common room soon exiting it.

You walked to the girl's lavatory to finish getting ready. Entering the girl's lavatory you saw the room filled with girls. You waited until one of the sinks was unoccupied and washed your face and brushed your teeth. You walked out of the girl's lavatory and bumped into Luna.

¨Ohh hello Luna!" You said as you smiled.

¨Hello there y/n." She said.

¨Would you care to join me for breakfast?" You asked.

She nodded in response. As you were walking to the great hall you stopped dead in your tracks.

"Are you alright Y/N?" She asked.

"Yes I just forgot that I have to go back up to my dorm, would you like to come with me?" You offered.

She nodded and you both walked to the Ravenclaw common room. You both entered and saw Suzy sitting down. Suzy got up from where she was sitting and walked over to you both.

"Took you long enough." She nagged.

"Sorry I forgot." You said.

"It's fine, so shall we go get breakfast." She asked.

"Please I'm famished." You admitted.

"Are you still hungry Luna?" You asked.

"Yes, I am" She said. The three of you walked out of the common room and headed back to the great hall. You all headed over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down. You quickly grabbed an apple and an omelette. You guzzled down the food and gulped down some water. You could sense Suzy looking at you from the side of your eye.

"Ahem?" You said as you turned to look at Suzy.

"What?" She said.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked.

"Like what?" She reckoned.

"I don't know...like I have three heads." You chuckled.

"Don't take it as an offense Y/N, I'm just mesmerized by the way you ate your breakfast so...monstrously." She with a smirk. You burst out laughing.

"Well thank you for the compliment, Suzy." You said sarcastically. You turned over to Luna and whispered,

"Do I really eat that bad?" You asked.

"No, I think you eat quite interestingly." She confessed.

"Huh well, that's better than "monstrously". You said.

"Ohh before I forget Suzy is it okay if Luna would accompany us to Hogsmeade? But, only if you want to go Luna?" You asked.

"Is it alright if I ask Ginny if she would want to join us?" Luna asked,

"The more the merrier." Suzy said.

"Well, why don't we go ask her?" You advised.

"Well then let's go." Suzy said as she stood up from the seat and walked over to the Gryffindor table where Ginny was sitting.

"Hello, Ginny." Luna said.

"Hello, Luna!" Ginny said.

"We were wondering if you would like to come to hogsmeade with us?" Luna said.

"I have nothing better to do so why not." Ginny said.

"Is it alright if I join you all as well?" Hermione said as she popped out from the side.

"Of course!" Suzy said.

"Are we all ready to go?" You asked. Everyone looked around at each other and nodded.

"Okay then." You said as you walked out of the great hall and left with your friends to hogsmeade. You took your gloves out of your pockets and put them on knowing how cold it could get during October. The walk wasn't to Hogsmeade wasn't very long.

"So what should we do now?" Suzy said.

"Mhh how about we go to honeydukes?" You offered.

"Darn it I forgot my money." Ginny said.

"Should we go back?" Hermione suggested.

"Yea we probably should." Suzy said.

"Okay well let's get going." You said.

"What with the rush Y/N?" Ginny said.

"No rush. I just like being on a schedule." You said.

"Doesn't seem like you do when you wake up late." Suzy snapped. The others laughed.

"That is an entirely different scenario." You said as you started walking back to the castle. As you all reached the castle Hermione and Ginny left to their dorms. You, Luna, and Suzy went towards yours. You entered the common room with Luna and Suzy. Luna followed you and Suzy to your dorm. You turned around and looked at Luna.

"Luna don't you want to get your money from your dorm." You asked.

"Do you mind coming with me?" Luna asked.

"Of course not." You said as you continued walking towards your dorm you opened the door. Luna followed inside and looked around the dorm room. Luna headed over to Fire's cage examining Fire.

"What a fascinating lizard you have y/n." Luna said.

"Ohh thank you! Her name is Fire, she's a bearded dragon." You said.

"Why do they call it that?" Luna asked.

"Well, when they feel threatened they will puff out their throat to scare away predators." You said as you grabbed your wallet and headed back to the door. 

"Are you ready Suzy?" You asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Okay, then Luna lead the way." You said as Luna started walking out the door walking to her dorm instead. Luna opened the door to her dorm room. Luna's dorm room was very similar to yours but she had more nicknacks around her area. Her roommates weren't in at the moment which seemed to put a smile on Luna's face. She walked over to the draw near her bed and took out her wallet.

"I'm ready." She said.

"Okay then let's go meet up with the others." You said as all the three of you walked out of Luna's dorm and exited the Ravenclaw common room. As you walked towards the entrance of the school you could see Ginny and Hermione leaning back against the castle walls. The three of you walked over to Ginny and Hermione.

"Are you all ready?" Ginny asked.

"Yup." Luna said. The five of you walked out of the castle and headed back toward Hogmeads. You walked inside of Honeydukes and the five of you spread out to pick you your goodies. You picked out some Chocolate Cauldrons and Sweet Crystals. You didn't want to get much to save some money.

"What did you get?" Luna asked as she crept up behind you.

"Chocolate Cauldrons and Sweet Crystals. And you?" You asked.

"I got some Dolly Mixtures and  Two blood-flavored lollipops." She said.

"Blood-flavored lollipops aren't they for vampires?" You asked.

"Yes but it's a very interesting candy and I thought I should try it." Luna concluded.

"Ohh well tell me if it's any good." You said.

"Luna do you know where the others are at?" You asked.

"I think they might've paid for their items already." She said.

"Ohh  well, c'mon we should probably go pay for our stuff." You said as you dragged Luna to the register. You put your goodies on the counter so Miss Flume could charge you for them.

"That will be one galleon dear." Miss Flume said. You took the money out of your wallet and handed the galleon to Miss Flume.

"Thank you! Have a good day now dear!."

"You too Miss Flume." You said. You waited next to Luna as she paid for her items. When Luna finished paying for her items the two of you walked out of the store into the streets of Hogsmead where your friends were waiting for you.

"There you are! We were waiting for you." Suzy said.

"Sorry." You apologized.

"It's okay. What did the two of you get."Suzy asked.

"Chocolate Cauldrons and Sweet Crystals." You restated.

" I got Dolly Mixtures and blood-flavored lollipops." Luna repeated.

"Be careful with those Luna, they don't taste the best." Suzy advised.

"What did the three of you get?" You asked.

"Some Charm Choc's, Sugared Butterfly Wings, and Wrapped Caramels." Hermione said.

"I got Sugar Straws." Ginny said.

"Do you want to go sit down somewhere we can eat?" Hermione asked.

"Yes but first why don't we go get some butterbeer?" Suzy said.

"Forget the butterbeer lets go relax for a bit." You said.

"Lead the way, Granger." You said.

"Gladly." She said as she started walking.

"Anyone plan on doing anything for Halloween?" Suzy asked.

"Well, we do have the feast." Hermione reminded.

"Other than the feast." Suzy said.

"Ohh well I might send a letter to my parents." Hermione said.

"Me too." You informed.

"Well, at least winter break is soon." Ginny said.

"How about you Luna?" You asked.

¨Mhh I know I will be writing to my father, but I don't really have anything planned.¨

¨Well I was thinking, why don't we all have a sleepover?¨ Suzy suggested.

¨But we'll get in trouble?" Hermione said.

¨Not if we're discreet about it?¨ Suzy reassured with a grin.

¨I wouldn't mind.¨ Luna said.

¨I second that.¨ Ginny said.

¨You're all insane.¨ Hermione said.

¨Well what do you say y/n?¨ Suzy asked as all eyes were now on you.

¨We deserve it so why not?¨ You said.

¨You know you guys are going to get in trouble for this.¨ Hermione protested.

¨C'mon it'll be fun.¨ Suzy said.

¨You work hard you need a break, Hermione.¨ Ginny said.

¨Okay fine but we at least have to incorporate some work time in.¨ Hermione said.

¨Okay we will.¨ Suzy said.

¨Splendid I'll bring some board games.¨ Luna added.

¨Hermione are we close to the sitting area?¨ Ginny asked.

¨Almost from what I recall we just have to walk for a little bit more." Hermione said.

As you walked the rest of the way you could feel the breeze on your face. It was nice to relax and to just catch a breather. School was sometimes very overwhelming and moments like these really helped.

As Hermione stopped walking you looked in the distance to see a small grass meadow.

¨Were here.¨ Hermione said.

¨Race you to the middle?¨ Ginny said.

¨Ohh your on.¨ You giggled as you positioned yourself to start running.

¨Last one's a rotten egg!¨ Ginny yelled as all of you started running to the middle of the meadow.  You were out of breath as you reached the middle of the meadow. 

¨I really need to work out more.¨ You said.

¨I need to lay down.¨ Suzy said.

¨Hold on let me see If i have a blanket in my bag." You said as you looked through your bag you found a blanket but it would be too small for the five of you to sit on.

¨Darn it.¨ You whispered.

¨What is it?¨ Luna said.

¨The blanket is too small.¨ You said.

¨Ohh well why don't we just use Engorgio?¨ Luna said.

¨Are you sure that's the right spell?¨ Hermione insisted.

¨I believe so? But all we can do is try it out.¨ Luna said.

¨Okay I'm going to try it. Take a step back.¨ You said. You placed the little blanket on the ground. You took out your wand and pointed it toward the blanket.

¨Engorgio!¨ You said as you started to see the little blanket grow.

A/N I am so sorry if I got that spell wrong. There are just so many spells.

You laid down on the blanket while the others sat around. You looked up at the sky and saw so many clouds in the gloomy sky. You didn't really like gloomy days like this but you didn't really mind.

You sat up and opened your bag and grabbed one of the sweet crystals out. You popped the crystal into your mouth immediately guessing that the flavor was cherry. You looked over at Luna and saw her about to try the blood-flavored lollipop.

You stayed looking at her to see what her reaction would be. To your surprise, she didn't even hesitate to taste it or even have a reaction to the taste.

¨Luna?¨ You said.

¨Yes y/n?¨ Luna said.

¨Does it taste bad?¨ You asked.

¨What tastes bad?¨ She asked.

¨The lollipop.¨ You said as you pointed your index finger towards it.

¨Ohh no actually it has a weirdly sweet taste but bitter? It's difficult to explain. Would you like to try some?¨ She offered.

¨Is it alright¨ You asked.

¨Certainly!¨ Luna said as grabbed another lollipop out of her bag.

¨Here you go.¨ She said as she handed you the ruby-colored candy. You took the candy out of the wrapper. You licked one side of the lollipop and the taste hit your taste buds. The flavor wasn't bad. It was kind of sweet like Luna had said but did have a tint of bitterness to it.

¨Do you like it?¨ Luna asked.

¨Yea I actually do.¨ You said.

¨You both actually like that stuff?¨ Hermione asked.

¨Its not that bad.¨ You said licking the other side of the lollipop.

¨The two of you must be vampires then.¨ Hermione said.

¨I wish." You said.

¨So what you're saying is that you'd rather be a blood-sucking thing that can't even go out in the sun?¨ Hermione asked.

¨Yes I would, what about you Luna.¨ You said sarcastically.

¨I think that they would have a rather interesting life but I don't think I'd ever hurt someone.¨ Luna said.

¨Fair point Luna.¨  You said.

¨But I do think I knew of a vampire.¨ She said.

¨Really?¨ Ginny asked.

¨Yes, Rufus Scrimgeour.¨ Luna said.

¨Your joking.¨ Hermione said.

¨My father wrote an article about him being a vampire but the ministry of magic forced him not to publish it.¨ Luna said.

¨That's very suspicious.¨ Hermione said.

¨I can tell you have many stories to tell Luna.¨ You said.

¨Not many but I do have a few interesting stories to tell.¨ Luna said.

¨Do tell.¨ Ginny said.

Luna talked about weird encounters with people and creatures. For what seemed like a very shy girl Luna had befriended many things and people. The more you got to hear these stories Luna really liked exploring and she was very curious which just made her more interesting.

¨Luna you're quite the storyteller.¨ You said.

¨Thank you y/n.¨ Luna said with a smile.

¨No really I mean it. You should consider writing a book about your encounters and experiences.¨ You suggested.

¨Shes right Luna there's a lot of work in the writing business.¨  Hermione said.

¨Not to interrupt but could we go get some butterbeer I have been craving it for so a while now.¨ Suzy said.

¨I second that, I actually have to go meet someone.¨ Ginny said.

¨Okay well then let's go get some butterbeer.¨ You said.

¨Wait where are we going to get it?¨ Hermione asked.

¨Hmm how about the three broomsticks?¨ You said.

¨Sounds fine.¨ Suzy said. You picked up the blanket from the floor and folded it back inside your bag. The five of you entered the establishment.

¨It was very nice talking to you all today but I have to go meet up with a friend so I'll be back in a bit.¨ Ginny said as she walked over to Dean Thomas who was sitting down in a table booth. 

The rest of you sat down on an empty table.

"I'm going to go order our drinks." Suzy said.

"Thank you!" You said.

After a few minutes of waiting, Suzy came back with four butterbeers.

"Here you go." Suzy said as she handed you your butterbeer. You guzzled down the sweet taste of the butterscotch and whip cream.

"I don't think there will be anyone else who makes Butterbeer better than this place." You said.

"You are indeed correct." Hermione said as she took a sip of her butterbeer.

You looked over at Ginny and Thomas who were cuddling each other.

¨When did that happen?¨ You asked Hermione. 

¨Not that long ago.¨ Hermione said.

¨Huh I thought she liked-¨ You cut yourself off before you could reveal anything.

¨Liked who?¨ Hermione questioned.

¨I rather not say.¨ You said.

¨Let me guess, is it Harry?¨ Hermione said. 

¨How did you know?¨ You asked.

¨Well it's not that hard to miss and I'm pretty sure Harry fancy's her too.¨ Hermione said as she took a sip of her butterbeer.

¨Ohh...¨ You said. You felt somewhat sad. You knew it was stupid to feel this way but you did feel something for him but this feeling would pass and hopefully soon.

Suzy rushed out of the establishment. You looked at Hermione and Luna in confusion.

¨Is she alright?¨ Luna asked.

¨I'm not sure? I'll be back. I'm going to go check on her.¨ You said. You walked out of the establishment and saw Suzy sitting on a bench with her palms on her face.

You walked over to her and sat down next to her. She sniffled.

¨Suzy are you okay?¨ You asked.

¨Yes I'm fine thank you for asking.¨ She said as she wiped the ears from her face and wiped her nose.

¨You know you don't have to lie.¨You said.

¨I...I know I just thought of him.¨ She said as water filled her eyes again. She started sobbing. You put your arm over her and hugged her.

She lifted her head up quickly and wiped those tears.

¨I'm done.¨ She said.

¨Done with what?¨ You asked.

¨Crying over him.¨ She said.

¨You know what I'm going to do y/n?¨ She asked.

¨What?¨ You asked.

¨I'm going to move on and find someone else.¨ She said.

¨Well I mean there are a lot of students at Hogwarts so you're bound to find someone new.¨ You said.

¨And then when I find someone I'm going to find someone for you.¨ She said as she stood up.

¨Ohh no I'm fine by myself.¨ You said as you stood up.

¨Please y/n for me? And plus you really need to stop liking Riddle.¨ She said. You laughed at her remark.

¨I do not like Riddle.¨ You said.

¨ Oh please y/n spare me the lies I see the way you look at him during herbology and stealing his diary just proved my theory.¨ She said.

¨Well obviously your theory needs more evidence because Riddle is just too rude for my taste.¨  You said.

¨Whatever you say.¨ Suzy said as she walked back inside the establishment. You walked behind her and sat back down inside.

¨Are you alright Suzy?¨ Luna asked.

¨Yes thank you for asking. I just needed some fresh air.¨ Suzy said.

"Well how was everyone's week?" Hermione asked.

"It was overall fine." Luna said.

"It was interesting." You said.

Suzy laughed. "Well my week was...not the best to be honest." She said.

"Why is that?" Luna asked.

"I got dumped." Suzy said bluntly.

"I'm so sorry that happened Suzy." Hermione said as she walked up to Suzy and hugged her
. Luna came up and hugged Suzy as well. As Hermione was hugging Suzy she signaled you to come over and hug Suzy. Suzy broke the hug and thanked everyone for their generosity.

The four of you talked for about an hour as Ginny was finishing her date with Dean. Dean and Ginny hugged each other and Dean left through the front door. Dean walked over to where the four of you were seated.

"Well how was the date?" Hermione asked.

"It was good." Ginny said.

"Well are we all ready to head back?" Ginny said.

"I'm ready." Luna said.

"Me too." You said.

"Well then shall we head back and eat some lunch?" Ginny asked.

"That sounds good. I was getting hungry anyways."  You said. The five of you walked out of the establishment and headed back to Hogwarts. You all entered the castle and walked into the Grand Hall. Hermione walked over to the gryffindor table and the rest of you followed, sitting down next to her.

You grabbed a plate and got yourself two turkey sandwiches. You didn't really talk much during lunch because food was something you liked to enjoy peacefully so it was better off just keeping your mouth shut and eat.

"Well I had a wonderful day with you all and hopefully we can do this again sometime." You said. 

"I had a great time too Y/N see you later." Luna said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Hermione said.

"Thank you for inviting me and hopefully we can still have that sleepover." Ginny said.

"Bye I'll see you all later!" You said as you stood up and started leaving the great hall. You walked inside the Ravenclaw common room and sat down on one of the couches. You sank down into the couch and sighed.

There weren't many people in the common room at the moment which was good because sometimes the Ravenclaw student could be a little bit too much. You tossed your head back and closed your eyes.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" A voice asked. You opened your eyes and looked over at the person.

"Of course go right ahead." You said as you scooted over to make some space for the person to sit down. You closed your eyes again trying to relax.

"My name is Michael, Michael Corner." The boy said as he put out his hand. You opened your eyes and looked at the boy's dark blue eyes.

¨Nice to meet you Michael I'm y/n y/l/n.¨ You said as you reached out for the boy's hand and shook it.

¨You're in your fifth year, correct?¨ He asked.

¨Yup. You're in your fifth year too right?¨ You asked.

¨Yes I am.¨ He said.

¨Oh neat.¨ You said.

¨Im sorry but you look really familiar?¨He said.

¨Well we do go to the same school.¨ You chuckled.

¨ Of course we do but I feel that I've seen you with someone I know?¨ He said.

¨I don't hangout with many people but maybe we just have some classes together?¨ You said.

¨Huh maybe.¨ He said. You didn't know how to respond back or even continue this conversation. This kid wasn't even very familiar to you and his presence didn't really interest you that much. So you decided that you would soon exit this conversation.

You stood up from the couch and looked at the raven-haired boy.

¨It was nice meeting you Michael, I hope that we can talk again soon.¨ You said.

¨It was nice meeting you too y/n.¨ He said. You walked away from the couch feeling bad that you didn't engage with the boy more. He was cute but you just didn't really feel like talking. You entered the dorm room and sat on your bed.

You looked over at your lizard who was staring right at you. You took off your shoes and tossed them aside. You laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. The ceiling was so mesmerizing at times.

The colors and the patterns just felt so comfortable and could send you to sleep in minutes. Which the ceiling eventually did. While you slept you dreamt of the journal you had hidden under your bed. The dream wasn't necessarily bad.

It was just a reminder of what you had to do. You woke up to see the dorm lights off and Suzy sleeping in her bed. You looked over at the small dresser on the side of your bed and looked at the time.

It was only a quarter after ten. You stood up from your bed and put on your shoes. You lifted up your mattress and grabbed the journal. You tiptoed to the door.

¨y/n?¨ Suzy whispered . You turned around slowly facing  Suzy.

¨Yes?¨ You responded.

¨Where are you going.¨ Suzy asked as she sat up from her bed.

¨I have some business I need to attend.¨ You said as you waved the journal in your hand.

¨Ohh Riddle business.¨ Suzy commented.

¨Something like that. But can you do me a favor?¨ You said.

¨Sure what is it?¨ Suzy asked.

¨Wait up for me, okay?¨ You asked.

¨I will just dont take so long.¨ She said.

¨I'll try.¨ You said as you walked out of your dorm. You entered the common room slowly tiptoeing to the door.

¨y/n?¨ A voice called out.  You turned around to find the blue eyed boy on the other side of the room.

¨Ohh hello Michael.¨ You said.

¨What are you doing?¨ He asked.

¨I was just going to the restroom.¨ You said.

¨But it's past curfew.¨ He said.

¨Oh I didn't notice but I won't be gone long I'll just be gone for a few minutes.¨ You said.

¨If the prefects find you they will take away points from us.¨ He said as he approached closer.

¨Don't worry they won't.¨ You said with your hand on the doorknob ready to leave.

¨Mhh alright.¨ He said as he retreated back towards his dorm. You opened the door and ran out as quietly as possible. You looked over every corner you came across trying hard not to get caught.

You saw the girls lavatory and ran towards it. You opened the door slightly to see if anyone was in there and headed inside. You scurried in one of the stalls because you actually did have to use the restroom. You exited the stall and headed over to one of the sinks and washed your hands. You heard footsteps approaching the front door and ran back inside one of the stalls.

You heard the footsteps enter the room. As the footsteps got closer to your stall your breathing got heavier. The footsteps were retreating. You didn't know what to do because you knew that you had to give the journal back to Tom but you didn't have the courage too. You looked through the slit of the door and saw Tom heading to exit the room. You took a breath and pulled out your wand and exited the stall.

¨Be quiet and listen.¨ You said as you pointed your wand at Tom's back. He turned around slowly now facing you. You could see him open his mouth to talk. But you stopped him before he wouldn't even let a syllable out.

¨I said shut the fuck up and listen.¨ You said as you got closer to him with your wand still pointed at him. He eyed you down. You knew he didn't like when others spoke up against him especially if that someone was a mudblood.

¨You know Riddle the only reason why I'm giving you back your diary is because-¨

¨Its a journal.¨ He said bluntly.

¨Its diary Riddle and was it really that hard to just listen and not say anything?''. You said.

"Mudblood I don't take orders from you so I sure as hell don't have to listen to you. So here is how this is going to go. You're going to give me back my journal and then you're going to apologize to me." He said.

You laughed at his remark.

"You know I've read your diary." You said.

"I can't say that I'm surprised." He said.

"Well, then shall we get to business." You said.

"Look, all you have to do to get your diary back is say sorry. And I want a sincere apology." You said.

He sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry that your too stupid to mind your own business." He snapped.

You walked up to him and lifted your hand to slap him. He caught your hand before you could even hit him.

"I'm tired of these games y/l/n, I want my journal." He said as he let go of your wrist.

"I still want my apology." You said.

"For what exactly?" He said.

"For putting your disgusting hands on me." You said.

"I could have done worse so try to think of my act of kindness as an apology." He said.



"You know what you can have your fucking diary back." You blurted out as you threw the diary on the ground. You walked by Riddle as he was picking up his diary.

"If you ever take my shit again I won't be as nice as last time. Do you understand?" He asked.

"Yes, orphan I completely understand." You taunted him as you walked towards the door.

Tom didn't say anything or even say anything so you just left back towards your dorm.

A/N I am so sorry that this chapter came out so late.

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