The Only Thing That Keeps Me...

By lydiamartinnn

145K 3.5K 606

"You!" He yelled at me, "You're the only thing that seems real to me, you're the only thing that keeps me san... More

The Only Thing That Keeps Me Sane || Stiles Stilinski/ Teen Wolf.
one || we're not sisters.
two || cheater.
three || hey-llo.
four || apologies, apologies.
five || A+.
six || amused Stiles.
seven || let's change the subject.
eight || bridesmaids and an alpha.
nine || no secret anymore.
ten || a big bad wolf.
eleven || night time.
NOT AN UPDATE! But, there will be one soon.
twelve || left out
fourteen || hallelujah

thirteen || karma

4.4K 134 30
By lydiamartinnn

     « « thirteen » »

   "Ugh-" I start to say before someone's hands cover my mouth. My eyes flutter open revealing it as Stiles. I take his hand in mine and lower it. Where the hell are we? I try to look around, but we're in a tight space. Is this a locker? Did I pass out? What the hell is going on? My eyes dart aroind and take in evey aspect of the locker. Just near the left of Stiles' head someone has written 'Jessabelle is a two timing slut'. Well, someone certainly does not like this Jessabelle. I realize where we are. The locker room.  I wonder if anyone had sex in here... probably. I shake my head. Now is not the time, Madelyn.

How did I even get in this locker? I look up at Stiles who's eyes are closed and his head into the side of the locker. I begin to rememeber everything. The alpha.The tiny forehead kiss. My panic attack. Oh, this is not good. This is so far from good. Stiles opens his eyes and looks at me. He sighs loudly, "Thank god you're okay." He says it so quietly, it's almsot inaudible. I want to say a million and two things, but I'm scared the slightest noise may give away where we're hiding to the alpha.

And I do not want that.

Stiles pushes gently on the locker, freeing us both from the tight space. I climb out, bumping into someone. Before I can get out a scream, I turn around and realize it's the janitor.

"Son of a bitch!" He says, obviously voicing that we had both scared the living daylights out of him.

"Quiet!" I whisper harshly.

He flails his arms, "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? The three of you get out." He yells. I notice Scott standing by Stiles and I now.

Stiles speaks up, "Will you just listen for half a second, okay?" He says in poor attempts to get him to listen.

The janitor shakes his head, "Not 'okay'.Get the hell out of here right now."

"God, just one second to explain," I say to him.

He blows me off and waves a hand towards me, "Just shut up and go!" He shoves us all out  of the locker room.

Does this man not understand that I am trying to save his life?! The door slams shut & the janitor's body is pressed against it. I hear the growlsof the alpha as it tears at the man's body. Scott tries to get into the door, but Stiles grabs him and begins to run. I cover my hand with my mouth in disbelief ad stay still. Stiles takes hold of my arm and runs with me. I turn to look back and see th janitor's body fall against the door, only to be drug back into the room. I turn away quickly & feel the tears stinging in my eyes. I'm so scared. I'm not supposed to be scared. I'm supposed to be fearless, but i'm not. Allison has always been the fearless one.

And I envy her for it. I wish I could be like that. But, i'm not.

Stiles lets go of my arm & I watch as him and Scott run full force into the doors only to be pushed back. I notice something is pushed between it throught the crack of the door.

I sigh, "Guys, he pushed a dumpster so we don't get out." The alpha is an asshole. A major asshole.

We walk down the hall. "I'm not gonna die here, i'm not gonna die at school." Stiles says, panic dripping off of every word he's said.

"We're not going to die." Scott reassures, but I'm not so convinced he's right.

"What is he doing?" I ask, obviously exasparated, "What does he want?"

Scott turns to me, "Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

"What a quality love story." I utter.

"Oh, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's beautiful." Stiles remarks in his usual sarcastic manner.

"Uhm guys--" I say, embarrassed, "I know this isn't a great time, but I have to pee. Badly."

Stiles looks at me, bewildered, "Well, hold it."

I start to bounce up and down, "I really have to go. Like bad."

"Madelyn, you can not go out there." Scott tells me.

"My bladder is the size of a peanut. I wet the bed until I was seventh grade. I am going to the restroom."

Stiles looks to Scott then me, "I'll take you."

"No--, no, I'll be fine." I say. I do not want to be escorted to the bathroom, even if there is an evil bloodthirsty alpha running around the school. When I have to pee, I have to pee.

"Go-god, okay. But, be careful. Okay?" Stiles tells me. His face had 'please don't leave' written all over it. Almost, like he cared about me. But, not care as in friend care. Like a care a lover has for another. Like Jack did for Rose. I brushed it off. I'm being ridiculous.


The walk to the bathroom was very uneventful. I was on edge the whole time. I'm terrified. I just wish i was home. But, no. I'm in the bathroom. Peeing. While an alpha could kill me. I sigh. I hear mumbling from the outside of the bathroom. This is it. This is the end of my life. I am going to die on a toilet, at school. I shut my eyes tightly as I hear the clicking of heels-- wait, heels? I open the door quietly.

"Lydia?" I speak, causing the redhead to cover her heart.

"Jesus, Madelyn, what are you even doing here?" She asks.

"What am I doing here? Lydia, why are you here?" The only thing that I could come up with is that Jackson and Lydia came here to--fool around.

"Scott texted Allison and said to meet her here," She pursed her lips.

"What? Why would he..?" My eyes widened in realization that it was not Scott who had texted her, but the alpha, "Lydia, we need to go." I grabbed a hold of her and dragged her out of the bathroom.

She pouted, "But, I have to use the bathroom."


Lydia opens the doors to the lobby, "Finally. Can we go now?"

The pipes above us began to creak. The alpha is in the pipes. That are directly above us. "Run!" I yell to the group. WE run into the classroom, slamming the door quickly. All but Stiles and I stand behind the group watching them pile desks, chairs, and other objects in front of the door. Obviously completley oblivious to the wall of windows.

"Guys-- Can we just wait a second?" Stiles says, no one listens, "Guys, Stiles talking. Can we just hang on a sec-second? Please?"

"HEY IDIOTS!" I yell at them, catching their attention, " beautiful, beautiful job. Now, what about the twenty feet wall of windows?" Stiles gestures towards them. Scott lowers his head.

Allison runs a hand through her hair, "Can someone please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why. Scott?" Allison looks toward him obviously wanting answers. I want to tell her. I feel like i'm betraying her, but i'm only keeping everything to myself to keep her safe. She's not ready to know yet.

"Somebody killed the janitor." Stiles said.

Lydia looks up, "What?"

Stiles shakes his head, "Yeah, the janitor's dead."

I'm practically chewing off my finger. I'm so nervous. I'm so many things. I can't think straight. I try to do everything I can to keep myself from having another attack. I tone the conversation out & close my eyes. I need to go home. I need to be somewhere else. Please, please. Let me be somewhere else. I open my eyes-- and sure enough. Still here, motherfu--.

"Derek, Derek Hale killed them." Scott says. Did he just, no. He did not just tell them that. I understand that Derek is dead or is maybe dead, who the hell knows, but I would have not done what Scott just did. I can see Stiles in the corner of my eye, his jaw is dropped. I really don't blame him.

"Call the police." I hear Jackass' annoying voice say

"No." I say. Thnking about Stiles' dad.

Jackson turns to me, "What do you mean 'no'?" How else can you take no? It literally means no. I open my mouth to make a smart ass remark, but Stiles beats me to the punch.

"She means no," He glances at me, "Wanna hear it in spanish? No." He says with an attempted spanish accent, "Look, Derek killed three people, okay, we don't know what he's armed with."

Jackson scoffs, "Your dad is armed with the whole sherrif's department. Call him."

Lydia holds her phone to her ear, "I'm calling."

This is too much. This is all too much. I walk away from the group and find a desk that isn't being used as a barricade and take a seat in it. I've said it once and I will say it again. I want to be somewhere else. I wish the alpha asshole would stop playing games. It's like he's the cat and we're the mice. And all he does is chase us. And all we do is run. I cross my arms on top of the desk and lay down. I start to sob softly, hoping no one hears me. I quickly compose myself. Now is not the time to fall apart. I raise my head and look at everyone. Jackson says something to Stiles and Stiles punches him. Dead in the jaw. I smirk, feeling everything, but sorry for Jackson. Karma is a bitch.

Stiles puts his phone to his ear, "Dad, hey it's me." He sighs, "And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now. Dad, we're at the school." Something begins to bang on the door. Hard.

"The door-- the door to the kitchen." I say.

Scott looks at me, "It only goes up."

"Up is better than here." Stiles says as he pushes the group forward.

We climb the starwell. None of us looking back. Me, beacuse I would rather go with out the haunting dreams of an alpha. I can't speak for the others. We make our way into the classroom and I quickly shove a stool under the doorknob. Everyone is silents as a shadow passes by. I give a sigh of relief. Stiles and Scott, for the millionth time tonight go off to themselves and I stay by my sister.

"Are you okay, Al?" I say to her, noticing she is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Her dark eyes glance up at me and she nods.

Scott makes his way over. "You can't go out there unarmed," My sister says to the shaggy hair boy. Scott notices a pointer and picks it up. Oh, dear god.

He shrugs his shoulders, "What it's better than nothing?"

Stiles' eyes are taking in everything around the room, "There has to be something else."

I watch as Lydia glances at the cabinet full of chemicals, "There is."

I roll my eyes, "What are we gonna do, throw acid at him?"

Lydia snarls at me, "No, like a firebomb. & everything in there, you can use to make a self igniting molotov cocktail."

"A what?" I ask, "Actually, I don't care. Let's just make the damn thing."

"We don't have a key for that either either."

Jackson rolls his eyes and shoves his elbow through it, breaking the glass. Well, that is one way to do it.

As Lydia prepared her-- cocktail, I whisked away from everyone again. This time, Stiles followed.

"A-Are you, uhm, okay?" He scratched th back of his neck awkwardly.

I chuckled, dryly, "Never better."

"Was that a--,"

I cut him off, "A panic attack. Why, yes. I got them as a child, after getting into a car wreck with my aunt when I was eight. I thought I wass done with them, but guess not."

He grabbed my hand with his, causing my heart to flutter. "We're going to be okay, Madelyn." He said sincerely. And I believed him. I offered him a faint smile to which he returned. My feelings for this boy are only growing and it is the best and worst thing I have ever felt.


A/N: SO this chapter took me two hours to write. And I'm still not done with night school. This is honestly my favorite episode I've ever written about. It is just taking foreverrrrrr. Sorry I keep cutting it off. I should be finished with night school in the next chapter, which will be uploaded late tonight/ early morning. Thank you all for everything.

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