Can i love you ?

By dcfanfic21

50K 2.8K 1.2K

I have always dreamed of experiencing a passionate and intense love, the kind of love that only happens in mo... More

37( Please I don't need more surprises)
38( Happy Birthday)
39 ( it's been 4 years)
40 ( are you jealous M)


1.1K 85 25
By dcfanfic21

POV Yoohyeon:

I wanted her to stay, but I didn't want to bother her. The timing of the girls' arrival was a bit off, and I could tell that she wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

Minji sat down next to me on the bed and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Honestly, I don't feel like eating," I replied, but my response didn't surprise her.

Just as she was about to say something, her phone rang. She stepped out into the corridor to take the call, discussing something with the person on the other end. From the bits I could hear, it seemed she had a meeting with someone. I took that opportunity to slip out from under the blanket and make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. However, as I entered the corridor, I was met with a surprised and disapproving look from Minji.

She pocketed her phone and followed me.

"I wonder what you're doing in the kitchen?" she said with a hint of irony in her voice, but there was also seriousness in her tone. Her gaze roamed over my body, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

Although, perhaps it was just the cold making me shiver since I was only wearing short pajamas. As I walked, I hadn't considered that the object of my adoration was so close to me. In other words, I hadn't planned on embarrassing her. But now I felt a bit uncomfortable standing in front of her in my short home shorts and a T-shirt.

"I'm thirsty," I replied, sounding naively and innocently, which instantly brought a smile to Minji's face.

"Go back under the blanket," Minji commanded. "I'll bring you a drink."

I sat down on a chair, not intending to crawl back into bed. I was tired of lying there. However, Minji persisted.

"Kim Yoohyeon, am I not being clear? Go!"

She looked at me, raising her left eyebrow, waiting for my reaction.

"But I'm tired of lying there. Can we watch a movie?" I asked with hope and anxiety in my voice, looking into her eyes.

She pondered for a moment, studying me carefully.

"Okay, but only if you go under the covers now, or at least get dressed. Even I get goosebumps when I see you like that," she said, starting to prepare a fruit drink for me.

"Because of the cold?" I asked jokingly, although I wondered if I should be joking like that with my teacher.

"Go to bed! Otherwise, I will punish you!" she responded playfully.

I obeyed, but before leaving, I added, "You just promise."

Minji turned around with obvious surprise but didn't have time to answer.

Entering my room, I sat down at my laptop and started searching for a movie.

When Minji came in, she grunted in displeasure, placed the tray of drinks on the cabinet, and walked over to me. I tensed a little, although I tried not to show it. She placed her hands on my shoulders and squeezed them, her nails digging into my skin. It was a pleasantly painful sensation. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling. She leaned in closer and whispered:

"Does the naughty student remember that we agreed on obedience, hmm?"

I froze, relishing the moment. I enjoyed her proximity, her touch, her voice, her whispered words tickling my ear. I was afraid of scaring away this moment, afraid that it would dissolve. I felt my body trembling slightly, and this time, it definitely wasn't due to the cold. I remained silent, but all the air that had built up inside me burst out. I exhaled audibly, and I thought she seemed pleased. Or maybe I was just fantasizing?

As soon as she removed her hands, I felt a sudden coldness and loneliness, as if something precious had been taken away from me, something that warmed and touched me. I turned around to face her. She stood next to me, looking at me, as if expecting my reaction or response. I didn't know what to do. I simply stood there, facing her, looking into her eyes, occasionally glancing at her lips that enticed me.

She bit her lower lip and extended her hand towards me. I immediately responded to her gesture. The room was dimly lit—getting darker outside, with the lights turned off, and only the laptop screen providing illumination. I wanted to snuggle up to her, taste her lips. I wanted more than just a touch. But I couldn't bring myself to take that step, and I sensed she couldn't either because of the moral implications, just like me. We had different statuses, different ages, and shared the same gender. It was too complicated.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch?" Minji spoke softly, as if afraid to disrupt the intimate silence that had enveloped us.

"I've never watched a horror movie, but I'm open to any other genre," I replied in the same hushed voice.

"You didn't surprise me. I thought you were one of the timid ones," Minji said with a grin, this time in a normal voice.

"Oh, as if you're a fan of horror movies," I retorted, feeling a slight sense of resentment. Her remark sounded like "I know you inside out." If she wanted a horror movie, no problem.

"It depends on the type of films. I don't categorize them by genre, so let's watch whatever you choose. I'm curious to see your taste," the teacher replied, smiling, as she sat down on the bed.

"Let's watch a horror movie, but you can choose," I suggested.

"Aren't you afraid to spend the night alone here?" she asked.

"I'm not afraid. Do you think I can't convince myself that it's all fiction?" I responded confidently.

"Okay, agreed," she said, grinning, as she found a movie about the Annabelle doll or something similar on the internet.

We sat side by side on the bed, and I crawled under the covers. The room was still illuminated by the light from the laptop. The movie began.

After ten or twenty minutes, I started to regret my choice of film. I would be alone here when I went to sleep. Damn my stubbornness. It happened at the worst possible time.Minji, on the other hand, hardly flinched. Is this movie not new to her? I'm just a coward. And as always, she's right. I feel embarrassed.

But then, I jerked suddenly in surprise and closed my eyes tightly. Damn it, why did I agree to watch a horror movie? Never again!

Minji, who had been glancing at me and laughing, suddenly turned all her attention towards me and said tenderly:

"You don't need to prove anything to me. Do you want me to turn it off?"

"No, I need to watch a horror movie at least once in my life," I replied, sitting with my eyes closed, feeling tense.

"Okay," she said and hugged me.

I was afraid to move. She was so close. Her face, her lips, just a few centimeters away from me. But I couldn't risk it. What if she took it the wrong way?I could feel her breathing, hear the beating of her heart—hers or mine? Or perhaps they found a shared rhythm? I wished we could sit like this forever. I felt safe and comfortable. What was she thinking at that moment?

Resting my head on her shoulder, I inhaled the scent I longed for. This closeness was so meaningful to me. I could sense her tension, but I couldn't understand the reason behind it. Was it unpleasant for her?

As the horror movie continued to play on the laptop screen, we remained in our embrace, my head resting on Minji's shoulder. The tension in the room was palpable, a mix of anticipation and unspoken words hanging in the air. It felt as if time had slowed down, and we existed in our own little world, detached from everything else.

I couldn't help but wonder what Minji was thinking. Was she aware of the effect she had on me? Did she sense the longing I felt in this moment? Or was I simply projecting my desires onto her? It was all so confusing, yet undeniably intoxicating.

The movie's suspenseful music filled the room, creating an eerie atmosphere. I found myself clinging to Minji a little tighter, seeking solace and comfort in her presence. It was a strange mix of fear and safety, and in that moment, I realized how much I craved her touch, her closeness.

Suddenly, something incredibly strange occurred in the film, prompting me to close my eyes, even though I hadn't been watching it. Minji seemed amused by my reaction. Opening my eyes, I frowned to show my offense. However, she ran her hand gently over my face, coaxing me to relax and find pleasure in closing my eyes. I wondered if she would make a decision, as I couldn't seem to make up my own mind.

Soon, we both realized that the film had ended. Regrettably, it had been a short one, leaving us wanting more.

I got up to put the laptop back on the table, and miss Minji stood up from the bed, appearing uncertain about what to do next. The room had grown dark, indicating that it was already around nine in the evening. As she approached me, it seemed like she wanted to say something, but before she could speak, I turned around abruptly, and our gazes met. In that intense moment, she took a half step towards me, closing the distance between us even further. 

Surprised, I leaned back against the table, my mouth hanging open. Without hesitation, Minji unleashed her emotions, kissing me demandingly. Her right hand found its place in my hair, while her left hand rested on the table behind me. Overwhelmed with pleasure, I couldn't suppress a moan that reached her ear, and I felt a satisfied smile through the kiss. I pressed myself against her tightly, my hands gripping her waist. It was a dream come true, something I had longed for but never believed could actually happen.

Her tongue explored my mouth, sending goosebumps across my skin. Her hands dropped to my waist, occasionally teasing but not allowing herself to go too far. Our breathing quickened, and we both knew we wanted more. However, as suddenly as the kiss had begun, it ended. Minji took a half step back, leaving me confused. Yet, it was evident that she herself was equally confused and scared. My body trembled as she looked at me with fear, expecting some sort of reaction.

"Yoohyeon, forgive me. I should probably leave," she uttered hesitantly, heading towards the corridor. I remained in the room, unsure of what to do, and unable to comprehend whether she regretted the kiss or not.

I heard the door slam shut, the sound echoing in the empty room. I heard it, but I was unable to respond or say anything. Did she regret it? The realization stung. Why did she leave? I was lost, unsure of what to do. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stood alone in the dark room, consumed by the pain of her absence. It seemed that our first kiss would be the only one we would share.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! The long-awaited first kiss has finally happened, but its outcome has left Yoohyeon in a state of confusion and longing. The story continues to unfold, so stay tuned for the next chapter.

(editing the grammatical mistakes in the book)

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