An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Seventeen

550 27 6
By TempestariiDragon

Chapter Seventeen

Once everyone is at the Ice Rink we head in as a group. We quickly collect our skates and head straight to go and put them on not wasting any time at all. I end up waiting for Loki again though as he struggles to put the skates on again. I quickly help him and place both our shoes in the same locker. I help him onto his feet and out onto the ice again.

Loki murmurs “I’m not too sure about this Brooklyn I don’t want to make myself look a fool.”

I comment “Just hold onto the side.”

Loki grips the side of the rink and looks around at the others. There are a few who I know will fall over so it’s just waiting for them to fall over before Loki so he will hopefully become more confident.

Rocco skates up beside me smiling “I bet I can beat you in a race.”

I grin “You’re on. Three times around the rink from the entrance nearest the lockers.”

Me and Rocco go to the entrance that I was talking about and got Raya who was passing by to count down for us. We quickly push off though once we’re allowed to and I take the lead quickly being faster than Rocco anyway. We skate around twice but on the third circuit Loki manages to move away from the wall and unfortunately right into my skating path making me collided with him making both of us fall over. Loki lands on the ground with a pained yelp and I land on top of him with a pained groan.

I moan “Well that’s going to leave a mark.”

I roll off Loki and slowly get back to my feet. Rocco skates over quickly and steadies me as I hold my shoulder in pain. Loki tries to get back to his feet but fails falling back onto the ice with a pained moan. Phoenix skates over and he holds his hand out for Loki to grab. Loki takes hold of Phoenix’s hand and my Leopard immediately takes notice growling protectively inside of me. Unfortunately the growl seems to emanating from me again and my eyes have changed to my Leopards. Phoenix quickly notices this and releases Loki with a sympathetic look.

Phoenix explains “Brooklyn’s Snow Leopard is extremely protective of me and Thea because of our past.”

Loki nods his head but I can see the questioning look he’s sending my way. I shake my head to put off my Leopard. Loki can be trusted now. He’s never made a move to hurt anyone I doubt he would do now.

Rocco lets go of me but stays close. I turn and offer my own hand to Loki. He hesitantly takes my hand and I pull him up.

I comment “Sorry about that I should have been paying attention to where I was skating.”

Loki announces “No I shouldn’t have come away from the edge.”

I notify “No it’s good that you tried skating away from the edge.”

Rocco smiles “I’m going to say that you won that race Brooke as you were quite far in front of me before your collision.”

I smile “Hell yeah I was.”

Rocco laughs then asks “You two okay though as that was quite a tumble.”

I admit “I’m okay.”

Loki admits “I’m physically well also.”

Rocco smiles “I’m glad.”

Phoenix hugs me while commenting “You need to be more careful sis.”

I hug him back while notifying “That’s too boring but I’ll consider it.”

I notice Loki looking at both me and Phoenix longingly but his gaze shifts quickly once he’s realised that I’ve caught him staring.

I suggest “Come on we should start skating again.”

Phoenix and Rocco skate off slightly leaving me with Loki. I take one of his hands and begin to skate bringing him with me. We get joined by a few people one of which is Athena who I know is one of the people who falls over regularly.

Just as predicted Athena wobbles and soon falls over. Unfortunately since I was directly behind her I have to jump over her but thankfully since I’m a skilled skater I can pull off the move without falling over myself. Loki even manages to dodge Athena.

I ask as I skate to her “Athena you okay?”

Athena smiles “I’m okay.”

I help Athena back onto her feet then help Loki as he begins to wobble slightly.

Roxy suddenly appears squealing “Brooke!”

I smile “Roxy!”

“Can you please do a performance?”

“A figure skating performance I’m guessing?”

“Of course! It’s my birthday after all. You got to be nice to the birthday girl and do as they ask.”

“I guess but only because it’s your birthday.”

Roxy jumps up and down on the ice slightly her feet not actually leaving the ice though.

Roxy orders extremely loudly “Everyone off the ice Brooke is going to do a performance!”

Everyone begins to pile off the ice with the exception of Loki who looks confused.

I explain “They want me to do a solo performance as entertainment since I’m the person with the most skill apparently. I need all the ice in order to perform meaning you need to go stand outside of the rink with the others.”

Loki nods then tries to move but wobbles a lot. I grip his hands then skate him to the exit and usher Rocco to help him up off the ice as he’s the nearest person to the exit.

Roxy asks quickly “Do you need music Brooke?”

I admit “Yes of course I do. If you get my iPod out of my bag in the locker I was using and put on the song I called Skating routine one song.”

Roxy smiles “Sure I’ll do that for you.”

I comment “If you can’t find the locker ask Loki to help find it he should remember where it is.”

Roxy nods then grabs Loki’s arm who looks at me nervously. I smile at him reassuringly and turn around on the ice.

I announce the other who are watching me “I just need to properly warm up while Roxy finds my iPod with the music.”

I skate around getting as much speed as I can before stopping and spinning using my original speed to fuel the speed of my spin. I smoothly glide out of it and skate around again before going to lift my leg up and glide for a few seconds before coming to a stop to see Roxy with my iPod. I quickly skate over.

Roxy asks as she shows me the iPod “Is this the one?”

I look at the iPod briefly and nod my head “Yes that’s the one.”

Roxy smiles “Alright I’ll go and get the place to play the song.”

I move out to the middle of the ice rink and wait. Eventually Roxy returns and gives me a thumbs up.

A voice notifies over the speakers that surround the ice rink “When you’re ready just give us the thumbs up and we’ll play the song.”

I give a thumbs up immediately and the song, called ‘Halo’ originally sung by Beyonce and then edited by me for the purpose of this, begins to play around the ice rink.

I begin to do the routine that I had learned for my first ever ice skating competition. I let my mind flow with the music and allow my senses to roam. My eyes began to wander towards Loki when they were able to. He’s watching me with an amazed gleam in his eyes mixed in with an emotion that I can’t quite understand.

Slowly but surely I come to a stop as the song and my routine finish. Everyone around the side of the rink erupts into cheers and I turn to look at Loki. He is clapping and smiling happily. I bow slightly and skate over to the entrance where everyone is entering the rink from. I wait for Loki to attempt to get on the ice before fully going up to him.

Loki congratulates “Well done Brooklyn that was beautiful to behold. You are very skilled.”

I smile “Thank you Loki.”

Loki admits “I wish that one day I could be as good and be able to perform with you.”

I ask “Why me though?”

Loki comments possibly without thinking “Because I really like you.”

Loki’s eyes widen as soon as he’s said that and he tilts his head away while what looks like a blush spreads across his face.

I smile trying to make him feel better from his slip up “Well I’m glad it means we should continue to get on just fine.”

What he just said though does make me think. How much does he like me and in what way? Friendship or something different? Wait why the hell should it matter to me? It’s not like I could return the feelings. Is it? Could those feelings be returned by me? He’s not even my type so how could I return the feelings? My type is tall and muscular men. Loki might be tall but he is not a muscular as the men I would usually go for.

Coming back to reality with a bit of a crash as Roxy jumps onto me squealing happily with Morgan standing not too far away on the ice.

Loki laughs at how playful Roxy is being and tries to skate over to Morgan. He manages to get there and stop showing me how much he’d improved in the short time that he’d been skating.

I ask as Roxy continues to hug me tightly “Are you going to let go anytime soon?”

Roxy smiles “That was brilliant Brooke I swear you get better every time.”

I shrug “Who knows.”

Roxy releases me and grabs Morgan quickly skating away. I begin to skate with Loki who is looking rather happy. We skate around together talking often getting joined by others as well. After four hours of almost constant skating we all decide that enough is enough and we call it a day.

We head to a nearby shifter friendly restaurant and all cram round three tables in a long booth. Loki is squished in the corner with me having to sit half on his lap and half on the actual booth seat since there isn’t enough room for everyone to have their own space. We’ve all ordered some form of burger including Loki because I ordered for him. Again we’re all talking but this time together as a group reliving old times and Loki is joining in on the conversation obviously trying to learn about the clan.

During this story telling time Thea decides to smile in question “Remember the time when Brooke decided it would be a good idea to dress up as a murderous clown and parade around town pretending to murder Rocco?”

That earns a mass eruption of laughter from everyone except for Loki who looks incredibly confused.

Loki asks soon after the laughter has quietened down slightly “What happened?”

I explain “Well one night me and Rocco were incredibly bored and together we came up with the idea that it would be a good idea to prank the general public of Anchorage...”

Rocco interrupts “I remember it being that it was you who came up with the idea and that I just agreed to do it because it sounded funny.”

I continue “True. Anyway I was dressed up as murderous clown fake blood; pretend knife and everything else that we needed. I decided to hide in the older car park which is enclosed and extends for at least five levels if not more and have Rocco walk to his car and I would come along and pretend to stab him whenever we saw someone coming then I’d chase after them. After a few successful goes at it we were pretty confident and having a laugh. Anyway this in disguise cop comes along and we do the same thing and he pulls out his gun and starts to chase me instead of me chasing him. I leg it leaving Rocco on his own and at the mercy of the cop. I hid behind the corner and listened when it seemed like he was about to get arrested for it I decided to try and scare the cop again this time in my lovely Snow Leopard form. Let’s just say she chased him around for a good ten minutes or so before he got into his car and fled. We didn’t stay much longer either.”

By the end of the story everyone is in hysterics again including Loki now as well.

Afterwards we continue to chat until food arrives then we eat while holding small conversations which Loki continues to join in on. Greta hasn’t chirped up at all so far which is a great change from her usual annoying persistent behaviour.

Once everyone has eaten their fill at least two hours later we head out into the early night. I’m guessing that we’ll be heading towards the fairground now since its getting dark and it’s always fun to go on rides in the dark.

Morgan announces “Alright everyone get into whatever car you’re going in and follow Brooke’s car as we head to our last activity before heading back.”

After the announcement everyone begins to get excited again and quickly piles into the nearest car available for them to ride in. I now have Loki, Morgan, Roxy, Skye, Phoenix and Raya.

As I begin to head out I turn on my radio system inside my car so that Rocco, Nora and Pierce will be able to communicate with me in case they lose anyone. These radio systems have saved us before so they were such a good buy. Only the Enforcers have them installed in their cars as technically when a clan member leaves the main territory they should have an Enforcer with them for safety.

Taking the radio handset I turn it on so that I can talk into it and order “Roll call between cars. Let’s see who has their radios on.”

Immediately Rocco reports in soon followed by Nora and finally Pierce. With that being done I allow my entire focus to go onto the road and within the next half an hour we’re at the funfair. Morgan has blindfolded Roxy so that she doesn’t know where we are.

I park the car and get out making sure to take the keys out of the ignition as I head round to the side to help Morgan get Roxy out of the car.

Morgan quickly comments “We’ll be fine you just take care of Loki it looks like he needs it.”

I turn to look around and he’s face to face with the old cow who has pretty much appeared out of nowhere. Although she was obviously riding with Rocco’s lot as they are the only ones to have arrived yet.

I sigh then quickly head over to Loki and Greta luckily catching the last of what she was saying to him.

Greta had pretty much growled “You’d better keep an eye open while you’re staying here otherwise you will be fed to the animals.”

I growl threateningly allowing my Snow leopard to voice herself after being disobeyed.

Greta stands her ground and I begin to feel the unmistakable feeling of Alpha Vibes crashing into my body which only sets of my Snow Leopard more. Loki obviously also feels the vibes making him cringe slightly and back away. I stand my ground and continue to growl pretty much dismissing the old hag’s Alpha Vibes although I will admit that they are strong.

Let me explain something here. Alpha Vibes are used as a display of dominance and power which is used mainly by someone who has a dominant or Alpha temperament who are trying to display superiority over someone else. When someone is hit with the Alpha Vibes they can either submit to them and lower their own stance or they could stand up to them and release their own Alpha Vibes to combat that of the other persons in a battle of dominance without having to actually fight. Being hit with Alpha Vibes can sometimes be painful but it depends on how dominant their animal is inside them as that’s where the Alpha Vibes originate from. The only thing I can think of to describe what it feels like to be hit with extremely strong Alpha Vibes is this it is like being hit by a fully loaded truck. It can hurt and the only way to dampen that hurt is if you’re more dominant.

When I don’t feel Greta’s Alpha Vibes disappear I release my own. Rocco and Maya are nearby growling in my defence since I’m the Head Enforcer and it’s their duty to also protect me even though I don’t need it. I hear Loki gasp as soon as my Alpha Vibes are released. Morgan and Roxy are hanging back although by the looks of it Morgan is extremely angry and is glaring at his Grandmother.

Eventually I feel Greta’s Alpha Vibes wane slightly then disappear all together. I pull mine back in and growl in disapproval of her. I notice that everyone else has arrived and are watching although all the Enforcers plus the Beta pair look incredibly pissed.

Greta snaps in challenge “I challenge you Brooklyn Kelly.”

I growl in question “You challenge me for what?”

Usually when someone is challenged the challenger usually states what they are challenging you for, for example for me it would be for my title as Head Enforcer.

Greta clarifies while pointing at Loki “I challenge you for the custody of him.”

I growl in question “And if I win this challenge hag?”

Greta orders “Name your right.”

I announce “If I win you are to leave Loki alone. If you speak to him it would only be to ask him something of a friendly nature.”

Greta smirks “You would not claim a right for yourself.”

I growl “I don’t particularly want you to become homeless without a clan. I am not heartless Greta.”

Greta snaps “Fine then I also challenge you for the title of Head Enforcer and if I win then you will leave the clan forever. What say you? Do you accept my challenge?”

I growl “I accept your challenge Greta White.”

Loki objects “Brooklyn you cannot accept on my behalf.”

I turn to Loki and growl “This is not on your behalf. She challenged me not you. If she had challenged you then I could not do anything about it just like you cannot do anything now.”

Loki argues “Brooklyn you could lose a lot more than I would if you were to lose this challenge.”

I growl “I refuse to back down to the likes of her Loki I downright refuse.”

I turn back to Greta and growl “This challenge will be completed tomorrow after we’ve finished celebrating Roxy’s birthday.”

Greta growls but nods her head.

I turn to Pierce and ask in a way which makes it more like an order “Pierce can you take Greta back to the main territory please?”

Pierce nods and steps forward grabbing Greta’s arm and pulling her quite roughly over to his car. Morgan and Roxy walk over quickly.

Morgan sighs then comments “I’m sorry that it has come to this Brooke I never expected her to challenge you.”

I comment “I don’t particularly care. I knew it would happen eventually. We just need to hope that my Snow Leopard doesn’t tear her limb from limb.”

Morgan hums his agreement while nodding his head.

I notify so that everyone can hear me “I don’t want this to ruin the rest of the evening so no more talk on it.”

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