Harry Styles Fanfiction - Mea...

Por harrystyles_stories_

34.4K 226 84

Y/n is a young photographer who happened to get one of her biggest jobs at a young age. She is the photograph... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 4

1.2K 9 1
Por harrystyles_stories_

We went into my house the boys were already drinking and dancing around. My sister Gemma was there and my mom Anne too.
„Hey you must be Y/n Harry always talks about you but I never really got to talk to you." Gemma said as she welcomed her.
When I heard she said that to Y/n I tried to show her to stop talking by making signs to her  but she didn't get it.
„Oh really?" Y/n said and looked surprised at me back and I just smiled because I didn't know what else to say.
„Well I always wanted to meet you but this guy never let me until now." Y/n added.
„I think he must have fallen on his head once on a concert that's why." Gemma said laughing.
„Hahah yeah maybe." Y/n said.
„You know what, I'll get a drink." I eventually said.
„Yeah you do that." Gemma told me.
I had to get away from them it was too embarrassing. I went to the bar to get a drink, I also got one for Y/n. When I wanted to bring her the drink I saw ger talking go my mom. It seemed like they like they get along very well, so I decided to let them talk for a moment.
„Harry." I heard Louis say tapping on my shoulder.
I turned around.
„Louis what's up?"
„It seems like Y/n gets along very well with your family." he said.
„Yeah it really does."
„So Y/n huh?"
„What?" I asked.
„You still like her Harold." he said.
„No I don't." I answered.
„Oh please I see how you look at her when you see her and how you protect her. Like today at the concert I saw how you always glanced over at her and then when that incident happened how you reacted gave away everything." he said.
„Alright I like her but I think she'll never like me back."
„Don't say that. You barely tried."
„One of the reason I invited her was because I wanted to ask her out but I'm not so sure anymore." I told him.
„Why?" Louis asked.
„Because she got a little scared today about the party because she doesn't know anyone and is not used to these things we do. I'm scared that she's never gonna go out with me becasue I'm famous now." I ecplained.
„That's mot true. Maybe she is not used to it but if she really likes or even loves you that doesn't matter. Try to ask her out believe me we know her for a few years now and she's not gonna say no."
„I'll try but thanks mate." I said.
„No problem but now go over to her, talk to her!"
He literally pushed me over to her.

„Y/n here I got you a drink." I said, handing her over a glass.
„Thank you that's my favourite how did you know that?"
„I just know.."
„Uh that reminds me of something I wanted to ask you." she said.
„What is it darling?" I asked.
„You said today something about my favourite song of you guys."
„Yeah Night Changes." I funished her thought.
„Yes, how do you know that this is my favourite song?" she asked.
„Because I'm a good listener and I love listening to you." I shyly admitted.
„Aww I didn't know you can be so cute." she said smiling at me.
„Because I'm not."
She laughed.
We had a really good time together I almost didn't even talk to the other guests I only talked to Y/n.
„Hey it's getting very loud in here do you want to go outside in the garden there is a swing bench we could sit in there." I suggested.
„Yeah sure."
So we went outside and sat on the swing bench. Nobody was there just me and her.
„Wow look at the stars, they're beautiful." she said, looking up the sky.
„Yeah I didn't see a sky full of stars in ages."
„It's really freezing out here." She shivered and rubbed her arms.
„Here take my jacket." I said taking off my blazer.
„But then you're cold." she said.
„Don't worry."

I then put my blazer on her shoulders.
We didn't talk anymore we just enjoyed the evening when she started leaning against me. She laid her head on my shoulder and I laid my head on her.
„I wanted to ask you something for quite a bit now." I said.
„What is it?"
„I wanted to ask you if-„
The door to the backyard opened and Zayn came outside.
„Harry! Come in now!" he yelled.
„What? why, what happened?" I asked.
„Some guy just harassed your sister. He touched her everywhere." he explained.
„What?!! Who was it?" I asked.
„I don't know, I don't even know him." Zayn said.
I stormed in to find that guy. He was still trying to touch her when I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
„What the fuck are you doing with my sister?! And who in the hell are you?" I shouted angry.
„What's your problem she's hot as fuck!" the guy said.
I grabbed again his arm and pulled him out of the house.
„Go before I call the police!" I yelled.
I saw how Harry threw him out of the house and then all of a sudden this guy just punched Harry and then ran away.
„Omg!" I screamed out.
I rushed over to him.
„Are you okay?" I asked.
„Yeah I'm okay, I'm fine." Harry said.
„Harry your lip is bleeding and I think he really hit your eye. C'mon let's go in I'll get you ice." I said taking his arm and heading inside.
We went inside a lot of people already left, there were only the boys, Gemma and Harry's mom.
„Sit down on the couch." I told him.
Anne already got ice and put it on his eye. Meanwhile I went to check on Gemma.
„Is everything alright Gemma?" I asked her.
„I guess so I was just shocked. But it's okay, I'm just glad Harry threw him out of the house." she said.
I rubbed her shoulder and then went over to Harry again.
„Does it hurt?" I asked sitting down next to him.
„A little but it's alright."
„Hey what did you want to ask me eralier?" I asked.
„Ooh...uhm I guess, I-I forgot." he said looking down on the ground.
„Oh okay. Uhm besides what happened now, I really enjoyed the evening." I told him.
„I'm glad about that, I enjoyed it too."
„If it's okay I'm gonna go now, I'm really tired." I said.
„Sure I'll drive you home."
„You sure you can drive like that?" I asked.
„Yeah I can drive I told you it's not that bad it's just a little bruised." he said.
„Well then let's go."
He drove me home and accompanied me until my apartment door.
Before I went in I said goodbye to him.
„Thanks for the night and for the ride home." I thanked him.
„It was a pleasure." he said smiling at me.
I hugged him to say goodbye and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. I then turned around, entered my apartment, turned around one last time to say goodbye and closed the door behind me.

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