By Amnarhhhh

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Asmau's life takes a huge turn when her father arranges her marriage to Abubakar Sadeeq Saleem, a doting fath... More



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By Amnarhhhh


"Umma, I'm heading out," I announced to my stepmother, when I came into her room.

"Alright then. I'll also be going to the hospital soon," she replied.

"Okay." As I turned to leave, she called me back, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Asmau, when are you planning on returning to your husband's house?" She inquired.

Why did she have to ask this now?

"Soon. I just want Auntie to wake up first," I replied, hoping she wouldn't pry further.

"It doesn't matter whether you are here or there when your mother wakes up, Asmau. You'll still see her. So, I see no reason for you to leave your husband and come stay here. Kids of nowadays take marriage as a joke. Kinmanta Aljarnanki tana tafin kafansa neh?" She asked, firmly and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, it's just that—" I began, but she cut me off.

"Just stand up and go. A dawo lafiya," I  muttered an "Ameen," and left the room.

Outside, a drizzling rain greeted my face, and the weather looked really dreary. I hurried to my car and drove away.

"Mummy!!" Noorie exclaimed, her excitement evident as she sprinted toward me, enveloping me in a tight hug.

"I missed you," she whispered into my ear.

"I missed you too, my baby," I replied, kissing her cheeks.

"Where's everyone? Feeya and the rest?" I inquired after we settled on the couch.

"Ya Feeyah is in the kitchen with the twins, making a mess. Ya Ansar is upstairs, occupied with who knows what, and Daddy is out," I smiled, gazing at Noorie with affection.

"Alright, let's go check up on them," I suggested, and she nodded as we made our way to the kitchen.

Standing by the kitchen door, I observed Feeyah baking, her back to us, engrossed in her task. Meanwhile, Afeen and Afeena seemed to be engaged in a flour war. A warm smile played on my lips.

"Mummyyy," Afeena called softly, noticing my presence. She grinned, revealing her four front teeth.

"Afeena, mama isn't here yet, but she'll be here soon," Feeyah assured her, still engrossed in her baking.

"Are you sure, Ya Feeyah?" Noorie chimed in, her face beaming.

Feeyah was about to respond, but her words caught in her throat when she saw me. Her eyes widened, and a grin spread across her face.

"Mummy!" she exclaimed, rushing over and wrapping me in a warm hug.

"I missed you, Ya Feeyah," I whispered, returning her embrace.

"I missed you more, Mummy. When did you arrive? I didn't even notice," she said, ecstatically.

"Not long ago. I didn't want to interrupt your baking session," I replied, gesturing to the twins, who were still immersed in their flour adventure.

"Afeen and Afeena! Stop!" Feeyah scolded them, but they simply pouted their lips.

"Alright, let's stand up and get you changed," I said, attempting to take their hands, but they resisted, preferring to stay put.

"Come on, twins, let's get changed," I urged, but they shook their heads, adamant about continuing their mischief.

"Mum, don't worry; I've got this," Ansar declared as he entered the kitchen. He swiftly lifted Afeen and Afeena, placing them on his shoulders as they giggled and squirmed.

"Aren't they heavy?" Feeyah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all," Ansar replied, although he seemed to be struggling a bit. I couldn't help but chuckle as I took Afeena from him, soothing her tears.

"Mum, she will ruin your dress," Feeyah said.

"Don't worry, I'll dust off the flour once I've cleaned them up," I assured her.

We headed upstairs, and I began cleaning and changing the twins. It wasn't easy; they wriggled and cried, making it a bit of a challenge.

"Where's your Daddy?" I asked Safeeya, gazing out the window at the heavy rain.

"Wallahi, I don't know," she replied.

"He should come back home; it's raining quite heavily outside," I expressed my concern.

"Don't worry; he'll be back soon," she reassured me, scanning the room.

"Mummy, where's Afeena?" she suddenly asked, her eyes widening.

"Ya Allah, where could she have gone?" I sighed.

"Afeenaaaaa!!!" Safeeya called out loudly as she left the room in search of her. I couldn't help but wonder how the girl could be even more stubborn than her brother. Ya ilahi, Allah ya raya de.

I noticed Afeen playing with a socket near the bed.

"Afeen," I called out, and he turned to look at me with his innocent eyes.

"You're such an adorable little boy. Allah yayi muku Albarka," I said, lifting him up and showering him with kisses.


"Mummy, I'm done with the cake," Safeeya announced as she entered the living room.

"That's great! Bring it to the dining room, let me have a taste," I replied.

"Okay, just give me a minute," she said before strolling back into the kitchen.

Ansar rose from his seat and approached me. "Mum, here's a piece of advice: don't eat that cake. I repeat, don't eat the cake, or else you will poison yourself," he warned, mischievously.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Come on, Ansar, I trust my baby. I'm sure she's made a delicious cake."

"Wallahi, Ya Ansar, her cake is delicious," Noorie chimed in, coming to her sister's defense.

"Would you hush? Manya na magana kina magana?" Ansar shot back, leaving me amused.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who's the 'manya' here?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Both of us," he declared, pointing at himself and me, a smile on his face.

"Okay then, go collect your iPad from Afeena; she's about to murder it," I teased, gesturing toward baby Afeena who was about to drop his iPad on the floor. Ansar rushed to the rescue and swiftly took it from her, making her giggle as she clapped her tiny hands.

"Enemy of progress," he joked, with a playful glare.

Safeeya returned with a smile. "Okay, Mum, let's go so you can have a taste of my delicious chocolate cake," she suggested.

Ansar muttered something under his breath, clearly still not convinced.

"Ya Feeyah, Ansar was busy trying to convince Mummy not to eat your cake," Noorie chimed in.

"Just ignore him; he's envious of me," Feeyah declared with a teasing glance at her brother.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening drew our attention, and Abubakar walked in, completely drenched by the rain.

"Abubakar, you got drenched in the rain! Innalillahi," I gasped, genuine worry etched on my face as I went to towards him.

"I-I-I am okay, d-d-don't worry," he stammered, shivering from the cold.

"You're not okay; you're shivering. Let's go upstairs," I insisted, taking his hand as we made our way to his room.

"Go take a shower, and I'll prepare something hot for you," I said, handing him a towel.

"Please, don't stress yourself. I'm okay," he protested.

"If you don't care about your health, I do. Now, go take a shower," I replied with a firm tone.


I went to the kitchen and prepared some hot ginger tea. Once it was ready, I carried it up to his room.

"Abubakar, you shouldn't wear that; it's too light," I pointed to his shirt. I went to his dresser and retrieved a thicker long-sleeve shirt with a coat. "Wear this," I instructed as I handed it to him.

"Okay, I'll wear the shirt, but not the coat,"

"Ah, ah, wallahi, why don't you care about your health? Alright, wear whatever you wish," I feigned disappointment, about to leave.

But then, he held my arm and pulled me closer. "Okay, I'm sorry; I'll wear the coat," he conceded, and I couldn't help but smile victoriously.

"Better for you," I teased, giving him a playful smirk.

"You're happy you won this time, huh?" he asked, shaking his head in amusement.

"Of course! Now, drink your tea. Are you hungry?" I inquired.

"Honestly, I am a bit hungry, but I hope I don't catch a cold," he replied, voicing my concerns.

"Oh no, you won't, In shaa Allah. Just tell me if you feel anything," I reassured him, worried.

"It's okay, I'll be alright," he replied.

"Alright then, I'll head downstairs. Call me if you need anything," I said, but I wasn't quite ready to leave.

"What?" he inquired, noticing my reluctance to go.

"Oh sorry," I chuckled, then sprinted out of the room, leaving him to rest.


"Yummy, this is delicious, Feeyah," I exclaimed after tasting the cake.

"Thanks, Mummy, I'm glad you liked it," she beamed.

"Ansar, the cake is delicious, right?" I asked, turning to him. He shook his head negatively.

"Not at all, it's so awful, I feel like throwing up," he teased, making a disgusted face.

"Then stop eating it," she retorted and playfully snatched the plate away from him.

"It's not good to waste food; just bring it here, let me finish it," Ansar chuckled.

"Just say you love it," I laughed.

"Don't mind him. Take it, then," she said, giving him back the plate, and they shared a sibling moment.

"Feeyah, I'll take some of the cake home," I said, and her smile faded.

"Don't tell me you're leaving?" She asked, disappointment in her eyes. I nodded with a sad smile.

"Please stay for today, Mummy. As you can see, it's even raining," she pleaded.

"It's better I leave, darling, but I will go check up on your Dad first," I replied. I gave her a kiss and then made my way upstairs to Abubakar's room.

The sight I saw there made my heart skip a thousand beats.

"Oh, my Abubakar!" I rushed to him, lying on the bed, shivering. I covered him with the duvet, worried. "Why didn't you call me?" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. I placed my hand on his forehead, and it was hot. "You're coming down with a fever; let me call the doctor."

I grabbed my phone and called our family doctor, Dr. Funtua. After he picked up, I explained the situation, and he said he was on his way.

"He's okay now, but he needs rest and must take his prescribed medication on time," Doctor Funtua explained.

"In shaa Allah, Doc. Thank you so much," I smiled.

"You're very welcome, Mrs. Abubakar. I'll take my leave now," he said and left. I returned to the room where Abubakar was sleeping.

"I have to stay and look after him," I decided.

I went downstairs to prepare dinner and some hot chicken vegetable soup for Abubakar to help him feel better. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Saratu already getting ready to cook dinner.

"Saratu, you don't have to cook dinner today; I will take care of it myself," I told her.

"Thank you, Aunty Ma'u. Wallahi, I feel so lazy today," she admitted, and I chuckled.

"Go and rest; I'll take care of everything," I reassured her, and she agreed, doing as told.

"Hello, Ibty," I answered a phone call.

"Ma'u, where are you? Won't you come back?" Ibty asked.

"I won't return home today."

"Why? What happened?"

"Abubakar is sick; I have to take care of him. I can't leave him alone."

"Aww, irin wifey duty," she teased, and I playfully responded with a hiss.

"You don't have sense, Ibty. I have to go; I'm cooking."

"Okay, my regards to him. May Allah grant him a quick recovery."

"Ameen. Bye, love you," I said and hung up.

After I finished making the soup, I took it up to Abubakar's room. "What are you doing? Why are you getting out of bed?" I asked, rushing to him as he tried to sit up.

"Can't I use the bathroom anymore?" he joked.

"Of course, you can," I said.

After he finished in the bathroom, I handed him a bowl of soup.

"You want me to take this?" he asked, looking skeptical. I nodded with a warm smile.

"It'll be good for you."

"Can't I have something solid? A good meal, at least?" he requested.

"Okay, if you take the soup, I'll bring you something delicious to eat. Have the soup now before it gets cold," I urged, and he relented.

"You're staying here?" he inquired.

"Yes," I nodded. "I'm staying for the night to make sure you get well."

"I'm really okay now, but I'm glad you're staying over," he admitted.

"Alright, then. I'll go check on the kids. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Yeah, that good dinner you promised me," he said with a smile, and I chuckled.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I replied, leaving the room to attend to dinner.


"Abubakar, goodni..." I stopped talking when I realized that he was fast asleep. I walked further into the room and stood beside his bed, looking at his sleeping figure.

"Goodnight, habiby," I muttered and kissed him on his forehead. I switched off his side lamp and was about to leave when I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Your habiby needs you," he whispered, and I froze. So he heard me. Gosh, Asmau, you are the worst.

"Sleep here, please," he raised up his head and looked at me.

I was silent for a while before I nodded, "Okay."

I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. Luckily, I still had clothes here. Then I went back to Abubakar's room.

I carefully hopped onto the bed, not wanting to wake him up - well, that is if he's actually sleeping - and then I lay down.

I thought everything was going well until I felt his hands around my waist, and then he pulled me to himself, burying his head in my hair, inhaling the sweet scent of my lavender shampoo.

"I missed you," he muttered, kissing my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling all giddy inside. I wanted to tell him to stop, but a part of me that still craved his affection and love didn't let me. I turned around to face him, then cuddled up to his body with my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for everything," he whispered.

"Shush, it's okay. Let's just sleep," I whispered back, closing my eyes, and in a matter of minutes, I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the comforting feeling of being close to him again.


Edited version

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