sweet chaos - hyungwonho

By chaoskkyun

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hyungwon is an ex-gang member now working as a hitman after losing his members, his loved ones. he, for years... More

you make me


81 9 9
By chaoskkyun

"The compass in me is spinning like crazy."


The two men stared at each other in silence until a laugh came out of the older man. The black mask was discarded onto the floorboards. "You slithered your way back here, I'm quite surprised. If I was you I would have never come back." Hyungwon clenched his jaw and looked away. "Work is work." the ex-hitman responded quietly. His head was forcefully turned and tilted upwards.

"Look at me when I'm talking. I guess your free years made you forget the senses I put into you." The man scoffed, raising his hand to hit the younger. Hyungwon couldn't help the way his body flinched, but the hit never came

"Let go of me, woman." The man hissed. Hyungwon raised his head, eyes meeting with the soft chocolate-like eyes of his mother. The eye contact didn't last long as the woman was harshly slapped and pushed pack. "Don't hurt her!" Hyungwon spat. The older man rolled her eyes. "You're the same." He muttered, slapping his child on the cheek. Hyungwon clenched his jaw and pushed the bigger man back before he started to stand up.

"I'm... I'm much different." He said coldly, brushing off his clothes. Mr. Chae raised his eyebrows a little. "Sure. You flinch at every move I make and your eyes still tell everything." He mocked. Hyungwon stared down at the older man. Surprisingly he had grown past the older, but it didn't give him much confidence.

Hyungwon glared at the man. Without even hesitating, he smacked the older in the face. It felt good, in a way, finally landing a hit on the devil's face. As the man tried to compose himself from the sudden hit Hyungwon grabbed the gun he had dropped and aimed it at the old man's head. 

"You're arm's shaking." He mocked. Hyungwon tightened his hold on the weapon. His eyes shortly darted between the man, who he refused to call his father anymore, and his mother who was holding her cheek. If he couldn't hit him, he would hit her. "Why are you stalling? Shoot me." Mr. Chae stated and stepped forward. The gun barrel was soon pressed against his forehead.

He couldn't pull the trigger. Killing the man now would lead to more issues down the line. So he ended up hitting the side of the man's head with the gun. Mr. Chae then grabbed the weapon from the younger's hold, turning it on the original owner. "Coward..." He laughed. Hyungwon backed up a little.

"I won't shoot you. I need you alive." He scoffed, throwing the gun away. Hyungwon's shoulders relaxed. "What do you need me for?" He asked, glancing towards the door before turning to the older one who had stayed quiet. "Answer me!" he demanded. 

Hyungwon already knew, but he needed the words out of the other's mouth for confirmation. Mr. Chae sneered. "You're supposed to stand by my side. Or, you're the heir for my throne. Isn't it obvious?" 

"I'm not ever going to take your place. I'd rather die." Hyungwon answered angrily. If the man thought that, he was delusional. A wicked grin came onto the man's features as he walked closer, shoving Hyungwon back a little to make him crash against a table. "That's not up to you, now is it?" The man said and grabbed Hyungwon by his throat, instantly making the dark-haired man's eyes widen. "I destroyed those bastards who hid you away and I won't hesitate to do anything like that again." 

Hyungwon grabbed the old man's wrist attempting to move his hand hastily. "You..." He started, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. He wouldn't land a hand on the X-Crew. No fucking way, "I'll rip apart everything you love, one by one until you're crawling your way back to me." Hyungwon stared at the monster silently. "I have nothing you can rip away. Not anymore." Mr. Chae let out a laugh, sending shivers down the ex-hitman's back. "You're still bad at lying."  

Hyungwon took a deep breath to argue back but was interrupted by the door bursting open and light flooding into the dimmer room. "Back away from him!" Minhyuks raspy voice carried into Hyungwon's ears. "Or what?" Mr. Chae shot back, yet took his hand off of Hyungwon's throat. "I'll shoot," Minhyuk stated simply, glaring at the old man.

The old man raised his eyebrows a little and hit Hyungwon over the head with the taser in his hands. The man winced due to the pain but he didn't have much time to dwell on the pain as he was grabbed by his hair and pulled up a little so that his head was tilted upwards. The ex-hitman's hands shot up to try and get the man's grimy hand untangled from his hair.

Minhyuk gritted his teeth angrily when he saw how panicky and scared the younger was. He had heard enough over the line,  more than he honestly would have wanted. You could see how erratic his breathing pattern was and Mr. Chae was clearly having the time of his life basically abusing the fearful man. 

Hyungwon rarely showed any signs of discomfort or fear or anything on that scale; it pissed Minhyuk off. To see someone, who had grown to be a family member, be hurt made his blood boil. This old fuck was lucky it was only him and not Shownu or Wonho for that matter. The old grouch would get his shit rocked if it came down to it.

"What's this? You two work together now? I thought you had no one important, Hyungwon.." Mrs. Chae scoffed and rolled his eyes pressing the taser prongs against Hyungwon's neck. Hyungwon tried to move away from the taser to no avail. "He's not..." "You're a fucking traitor, Lee." The man said, interrupting the younger male's statement. Minhyuk let out a humored chuckle and stepped closer. "Can't exactly be a traitor if I'm not in a group." The silver head stated snarkily. It was a lie but Hyungwon didn't care. It was better if they don't know.

"As if. You wouldn't survive a day on your own." Minhyuk's eyes darkened at the statement. "You don't know me." He spat pulling back the slide on the gun.

"Now let him go," Minhyuk demanded gun still aimed. Mr. Chae hummed softly, yanking Hyungwon's hair a bit and earning a wince from the man. "Why should I? He's my kid." Hyungwon looked up at his teammate who cocked the gun towards the woman in the room. The woman instantly cowered. "I'll kill her." The ex-hitman was about to open his mouth to protest against what Minhyuk had just said but didn't get a chance. "You wouldn't do that. You don't hurt women or kids and we both know that" The old man laughed making Minhyuk frown.

"Minhyuk. Just go." Hyungwon muttered, making the silver head laugh but it was clear he was angry. "As fucking if." the man scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You know... I came in here, considering I wouldn't actually waste any bullets." Minhyuk sighed, angered by the fact that Hyungwon thought that the older would leave him behind.

A gunshot echoed in the room and Hyungwon closed his eyes, completely expecting to be used as a human shield. But that didn't happen. A pain-filled groan came from Mr. Chae and at the same time, the taser fell onto the floor with a loud clank the bullet stuck to the black casing. The hold in Hyungwon's hair loosened and he instantly scrambled up and towards Minhyuk. He brought a hand up to massage his aching scalp.  

"You little shit, Lee." Mr. Chae spat, holding his bleeding hand. The bullet had made a gruesome-looking hole in the man's flesh. "I warned you." The man stated calmly and lowered his gun.

"Let's go," Minhyuk muttered before clearing his throat.

"If I see anyone following us, I'll kill all of them." The silver head barked in a hostile tone and started pulling Hyungwon out of the room, fire raging in his generally calm eyes. "I'm sure we'll see each other soon enough. I missed you, son!" Mr. Chae yelled after the two, his tone flowing with mockery.

Hyungwon turned to the man and glared at him. He was about to attack but Minhyuk held his arm tightly. "The next time we see, I'll put a bullet in your fucking skull!" He spat as he felt more confident now that there was a distance between them but only earned another mocking laugh. "We'll see about that." 

Minhyuk observed the interaction silently for a moment before dragging Hyungwon away.

Within five minutes the two were running down the gravel road. Eventually, they slowed their pace when they saw their car. "I fucked up... I.. Fuck.." Hyungwon mumbled while trying to even out his breath. Minhyuk sighed and shook his head. "It'll take a while until they realize we planted it..."

"What's more important that we got out safely..." Minhyuk stated and Hyungwon nodded his head a little before crouching down. His throat ached and burned from being stepped on and the running made his ankle hurt. "So.. You're..." Hyungwon groaned, interrupting whatever the older man was about to say, and covered his face with his hands. "I'm just full of, huh?" The younger stated sarcastically. 

"Are you two okay? I heard..." Changkyun asked when the two men entered the car. Hyungwon only nodded his head. "Let's just go. It's late so let's... Sleep in a motel on the way if we need to..." Minhyuk said from the backseat.

Hyungwon stayed quiet, watching as the sceneries passed. "Hyungwon-ah," Minhyuk called after a while. The man in question looked over his shoulder at the older. "Are you sure, you're okay?" The silver-haired man asked, clearly worried. Hyungwon rubbed his neck a bit had slowly moved to the front of his throat. He figured that there was, or at least would be, a lovely bruise in the shape of the bottom of a shoe on his skin. "Yeah... I think I'm just... I.." Hyungwon sighed defeatedly when he got nothing sensible out so he just ended up nodding.

He wasn't okay, but it was hard to admit that.

"By the way. Throw your earpieces out. They took mine. We don't want them to tap in..." Hyungwon said, moving the conversation away from himself. The other two hummed in agreement and soon the two last earpieces were out of the window. 

Around 3 am the driver stopped in front of a motel. "Let's continue driving in the morning... I'm sure we're all done for the day" The younger said. Minhyuk agreed and got out of the car. "Hyungwon Hyung," Changkyun called carefully tapping the sleeping man on the shoulder. "Let's let him sleep. Just carry him inside." Minhyuk stated and the youngest couldn't do anything but nod his head and get out of the car.

Minhyuk took the sleeping beauty out of the car. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Changkyun asked eyeing the sleeping man concerned. Minhyuk just shrugged his shoulders. "He's gone through so much. He must have a point when he can't take it anymore." The younger said and frowned softly. Minhyuk sighed, nodding. "He might have already gone past that point and is just... Living with it as if it's normal. We wouldn't know." 

"We should tell Wonho," Minhyuk said once they had gotten a room and placed Hyungwon on a bed. The group of men had gotten a weird look from the woman in the lobby when they asked for a room for the three of them. 

Changkyun had settled down onto the other bed while MInhyuk sat on a chair, head leaned against the backrest. "About them knowing where our place is? Or Hyungwon?" The younger sighed, glancing over at the sleeping male. "Both." He then said after thinking about it. 

"I'll tell him myself..." Hyungwon suddenly mumbled, his voice quite raspy. Minhyuk sighed and leaned down against his knee, looking at the man who had barely opened his eyes. "Will you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows a little skeptical. Hyungwon shuffled a bit and turned to face the older of the two. 

Would he?

"One day, yeah.." This earned the sleepy male a disappointed sigh. "That's what I expected. You'll put it off until it comes out in a way that you yourself don't need to say it. He might have taken lightly to you have been in the Black Rose but this is a bigger thing and could cause more trouble..." Minhyuk argued and crossed his arms. "Just go back to sleep..." He then continued, making Hyungwon sigh tiredly.

"I'll go call Wonho..." Minhyuk muttered and stood up, walking off to the balcony.

Hyungwon sighed once again and closed his eyes. "What was it like? Living with him as a father" Changkyun asked but when Hyungwon didn't respond right away he thought the older had fallen back asleep. 

"I... It was hell. Though I've repressed most of it and tried to forget. Being face to face with him..." Hyungwon responded quietly. Changkyun glanced at the older who had now sat up and leaned against the wall. "You've heard what he is like as a gang leader. Violent and even insane to some extent... Just imagine him as a father." the man continued stiffly and shuffled in his place.

"You don't have to talk about it," Changkyun stated calmly, seeing how uncomfortable the older was getting. "I'm sorry for asking. I should have figured it out..." Hyungwon only shook his head, signaling that he wasn't mad. "It's fine. I thought it would have been over once I ran away from home but then... Well, you know what happened with my old gang..." Hyungwon paused as a thought came to him.  "Once he realized who his men had caught and brought back, he decided to make the final move. He wanted to keep me at "home" after the Black Rose was eliminated. That's why Jeongwoo wasn't supposed to let me run away or die... God..." Hyungwon rambled quietly.

He hated to even think about it. The thought that the massacre had been caused by his mistake was already planted in his head and the newly revealed information didn't help at all. It was caused by his status in another group. Because he had been unfortunate enough to be born to the psychopath, who he had to call his dad for 15 years of his life.

"I should have stayed as a faceless hitman until death came for me." The man mumbled in a low tone and brought a hand to rub his bruised throat a little. Changkyun frowned hearing this but before he could even talk, Hyungwon opened his mouth again. "I just bring misfortune to everyone. My mom, The Black Rose..." Hyungwon forced a bitter chuckle out and lowered his hands onto his lap. "My fucking fiance..." 

"And now even you guys." Changkyun cocked his eyebrow up at the statement. "They were planning an attack on us for a long time, Hyung. This isn't some domino effect that started from you joining." The younger argued back and crossed his arms. "I believe everything happens for a reason. And if we go down then I'm glad we're going down while fighting a lunatic."

Hyungwon smiled weakly. "Go to bed. You must be tired from all that driving..." he said and laid back down, turning his back to the younger.

Changkyun sighed softly, nodding his head. "Sleep well.." He mumbled.


Around 8 am the car ride continued. It was silent as there was nothing to talk about.

The tall man stared at the passing sceneries, shuffling in his tiny seat at times. The road signs were showing they weren't far from Seoul so that would mean they'd be home very soon and the three couldn't be more glad.

After some time Minhyuk, who had taken up the task to drive them home the rest of the way, took a turn onto the gravel road leading to the base. "Wonho and the others started gathering everything important after I called. We might be leaving right away." Minhyuk stated. "Yay. Where are we moving?" Changkyun asked, sounding very enthusiastic about the ordeal.

"Don't know yet. Probably the other place in Seoul. We have no reason to move further, yet."

Minhyuk soon stopped the car in front of the building. "Let's go in." The oldest sighed and got out of the car. Hyungwon huffed and stepped out, stretching out his limbs a little. 

Hyungwon was the last one inside the building. Kihyun rushed to the youngest member, pulling him in a tight, loving hug. "You all are okay, right?" The guy asked after basically suffocating the other man in his arms. Changkyun stayed in the embrace even when the older turned to the other two.

"I have no physical injuries, at least." Minhyuk hummed and scattered off to his own room, probably to get whatever he needed.

"What about you, Hyungwon?" Kihyun asked before suddenly pulling him into a hug. Hyungwon hesitantly wrapped his arms around the elder man before nodding. "I'm fine for now... Did.." "Wonho wanted to see you." Kihyun then said before the younger could even ask. Hyungwon sighed and nodded his head. He pulled out of the hug he was held in. "He's in his office."

Hyungwon thanked the older before heading towards the leader's office. Suddenly he felt anxious again. Minhyuk had probably told the man everything. Was it going to be bad? Hyungwon wasn't sure but it still made his undiagnosed anxiety peak. Hyungwon paced around in front of the door before stopping. "Fuck..." Maybe he was being overly dramatic but he felt as if he was stepping into hell. He rubbed his face and let out a deep breath. "It'll be fine... Just calm down.." Hyungwon mumbled to himself.

As he was about to knock on the door it opened before his hand could even touch the wood. Hyungwon lowered his hand and bowed his head a little as a greeting after short eye contact. "Come in," Wonho said and stepped out of the doorway. Hyungwon nodded his head and walked inside, rubbing his hands together. 

Wonho went over to his table and sat down. "Take a seat." The older said quite bluntly, nodding towards the other chair. Hyungwon followed the order and sat down without hesitation. Hyungwon's eyes darted around for a few seconds until he lowered his gaze to stare at the lines in the wood the desk was made of.

"First, I'd like to say that the bug you planted is working fine." The leader started talking after a moment of pure silence. Hyungwon hummed quietly. "That's good. At least something I did works." He responded, voice low.

Wonho then crossed his arms and let out a sigh which made the younger visibly tense up. In his eyes, the other man looked like he had walked into his execution. He could understand why that could be, but it wasn't the case. "Second of all. Are you okay?" Wonho then asked. The younger man looked up and nodded a little. "Be honest." The leader demanded, not believing the bleak head movement.

Hyungwon frowned a little and turned his head to look away, hiding the internal chaos shining through his brown eyes. "I'll live." The man responded bluntly yes he sounded like he didn't even believe the statement himself. Wonho sighed deeply and shook his head disapprovingly. 

He eyed the younger man. He definitely looked fine on the outside, apart from the bruising on his throat and... what looked like a burn mark from a taser, but Wonho was sure his head was a mess as he had met the distraught gaze when he opened the door to his office. He heard the younger pacing around outside and if the situation wasn't like this; he may have found the anxiousness slightly amusing.

But there was no time for humor.

"I trust you had a good reason to keep all this hidden, it's not easy to open up or reveal parts from your past you've buried. And I won't force it out of you. I'm just worried that you'll end up worse if you keep going like this. Mentally, if anything." Wonho spoke in a soft tone. 

It wasn't rare for a leader to care about his subordinates, but Wonho liked to make sure they knew he cared.

"The worst that could happen is me going back to them. That's what he wants and now that he knows I'm alive; He'll do whatever it takes." Hyungwon responded and turned towards the older. "I can deal with getting shot, stabbed, and or even getting my bones snapped in half... What I can't and don't want to deal with is history repeating." The bitterness was evident in his voice, though Wonho wasn't sure where it was coming from or who or what it was directed at. Maybe it was a cover-up for his true emotions. All his bottled-up emotions were ready to burst out.

Wonho sighed and nodded his head. "You never had the chance to deal with the issues he caused you." Hyungwon looked at the man before looking down, not fond of the mention of his childhood trauma. "Of course it would affect you. I can't say I know how you feel but I'm here, and the others are too if you want to talk about it."

"And we won't let anything like that go down." He then reassured, crossing his arms. Hyungwon looked down, nodding a little. He knew he could trust the older but hesitation was clear in his whole demeanor. 

"I'm just glad you all got out of there." Wonho then sighed and rubbed his neck a little. "If I had known I wouldn't have sent you." Hyungwon shook his head at the words. 

"I knew what I was heading into. I just didn't expect him to fucking burst into the room all of the sudden or even have a fucking taser at that." The younger ranted and sighed, maybe feeling a bit lighter after having let the frustration out. Hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows a little. "I just should have been more careful."

He should have. He always as careful so why did he not accord for that? 

Hyungwon raised his head and sighed, sounding maybe a bit relieved in Wonho's ears. "But.. Thanks, I guess..? I thought you'd be. I don't know, angry? I mean. Me, the child of your biggest enemy, would be a risk to have around..." Hyungwon mumbled, forcing out a chuckle after. Wonho sent a warm smile the other's way which felt surprisingly comforting. 

"I was surprised, but you didn't choose to be his kid. Besides, we're your family now. And if anything; we could use it to an advantage, if need be. And of course, if you're willing." He explained and shrugged a little. Hyungwon felt a smile tugging at his lips. "You have your way with words." He said with a chuckle and waved the older off. Wonho smirked softly and sent a joking wink the other's way.

"Did you have something else?" Hyungwon then asked. "Ah. Right." Wonho hummed and straightened his posture. "While you three were out, I contacted some people. Including Park Sungjin." Wonho hummed and crossed his arms. Hyungwon tilted his head. "What did he say?" "He's more than willing to work with us. Thanks to your help we have one more group to rely on." 

Hyungwon smiled softly. "That's good to hear. Really.." He said, relieved. Wonho watched the other. "Do you still regret joining?"  He suddenly questioned, managing to bring the mood slightly down again. The younger huffed quietly, rubbing his hands against his thighs. "What happened made me regret it quite a lot, actually. I thought that maybe I should have stayed as a hitman for anyone to hire and use..." he started, playing with the golden ring. It was a habit. 

This seemed a bit like a boot-leg therapy session but it was fine. Hyungwon felt completely comfortable talking with the older man. Maybe it was the fact that they had both been raised in the business or completely something else. It didn't matter. 

"But I know more than well that this life is where I belong. This is what I grew up with. This is home, I guess." He ended his statement with a slight nod. "Honestly the time I've spent here I've felt more alive than in the eight years I spent alone." Wonho smiled a little. "Can't say I'm not glad you feel like that."

Silence fell between the two. Hyungwon cleared his throat and stood up. "I should go pack my things..." he stated. Wonho nodded his head. "Don't take anything that's not necessary. At this point, I'd just say take everything that could be tracked down to you."

Hyungwon hummed in agreement. "Won't take me too long. It's not like I have much with me anyways."


"Did something happen?" Kihyun asked quietly while embracing the youngest member. Changkyun hummed softly. "Though I'm not sure if I can talk about it yet..." The man explained, burying his face in the crook of his lover's neck inhaling the scent of his cologne.

Kihyun let out a sigh and nodded his head. "Wonho seemed serious and worried. I honestly haven't seen him like that in... In a while. Not since... You know; Her.." He spoke softly and rand his fingers through the younger's black strands. 

Silence fell between the two lovers. Kihyun was just glad all of them came back in one piece, even if the newest addition to their family was clearly shaken up. One glance at those dilated coffee eyes and you could see the mess inside his head, even if you wouldn't be able to decode it.

"Hyungwon's been here for a short while, but I'm worried for him. I'm sure we all are." Kihyun spoke out softly. Changkyun hummed in agreement letting the other man play with his hair. "This mess with the Devil's Choir must be tough for him. I mean... He lost everything because of them and having to deal with them right when he comes back to this business must have some effect on him." The younger sighed and glanced at the older. 

"But we're all in this together. And we won't lose anyone." Kihyun stated, sending a smile the younger's way.


"So where are we going?"  Hyungwon asked as he settled in the backseat next to Jooheon. "Other side of the city. It's a nicer place than this." Jooheon responded and let out a content sigh as Shownu started driving. 

"Are not going t-" Hyungwon's sentence was interrupted by a loud explosion. He looked out of the rear window and watched as smoke rose in the air. "There it goes." Minhyuk chuckled amused. The ex-hitman turned around, lips parted in surprise. That answered his question he didn't even get to ask. "I've never had to do that. That was actually fun." The silver head stated excitedly.

Shownu chuckled. "Don't get overly excited, Min. That's probably a one-time thing." The oldest said while keeping his eyes on the road, but Hyungwon could see the small smirk on the man's lips.

Suddenly the driver's phone started to ring and Minhyuk picked it up since driving and texting was a big no-no when he was in the car. "Put it on speaker," Shownu demanded and the younger man did just as he was asked. 

"When you get to the bigger roads, make sure you aren't followed. The smoke will definitely catch the attention of cops and possibly other gangs." Wonho's authoritative voice came through from the phone. "Roger that. You be careful too." Shownu stated and the leader chuckled. "I always am. If someone starts tailing you, lose them first before coming home." The call cut off after that. A groan came from Shownu. "As if I don't know what to do when someone follows me. That's like the basic rule." The driver muttered and stepped on the paddle.

Hyungwon leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes. Only mere seconds later Jooheon's head landed on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" The younger asked quietly. Hyungwon nodded his head a little. 

He did still feel a bit shitty, but talking with Wonho definitely helped him to an extent. Wonho seemed to have quite a calming effect on the ex-hitman if you take into accord the night Hyungwon had his nightmare and today, even if talking to Hyungwon was sometimes like talking to a god damn wall. The older man was good with his words, what can Hyungwon say?

Maybe Wonho should have become a therapist instead of a gang leader, though you can't really choose your occupation if you grow up with a parent who is in the business. 

Hyungwon let out a sigh and adjusted his position a little. "You tired?" the man asked the younger leaning on him. "A little." The man responded. Hyungwon hummed quietly as a response, letting the other man just lean against his body. 

"Joo, aren't you getting a bit too comfortable?" Minhyuk said from the front, clearly joking but the youngest man scoffed. Hyungwon opened his eyes and glanced at the silver head before wrapping his arms around a pouting Jooheon. "Can two guys not snuggle in peace?" The hitman exclaimed, feeling Jooheon chuckle against him. "Yeah, Minhyuk Hyung? Or are you just jealous?" Jooheon shot back. Minhyuk was looking over his shoulder at the two men, mouth open.

"First of all. Hyungwon. Speak politely." Minhyuk sated, making Hyungwon smirk. "Sure, Ajusshi." He said and then high-fived Jooheon. Minhyuk groaned and rolled his eyes at the two. "Second, no. I am not jealous." The man said and turned around, crossing his arms. "Imbeciles..."

The two younger men snickered quietly. Hyungwon sighed softly and kept his arms around the blonde man who in turn had now relaxed against him. "We need to tell Kihyun to feed you more." Jooheon suddenly stated. Hyungwon looked at the other. "What?" "You're really skinny." Hyungwon laughed a bit at the statement. It was true, though. "My metabolism is a bit scuffed." He responded and sighed.

Not long after the car stopped. Hyungwon peaked out of the window to see that, presumably, they had arrived at the new place. "Jooheon-ah. We're here." Hyungwon mumbled, shaking the half-asleep male a little. Jooheon raised his head and nodded. "I'm up..." The man muttered and rubbed his face.

Hyungwon freed himself from the clutches of his seatbelt and Jooheon's arms and got out of the car. He stretched his body a little. Sitting in a small space was inconvenient for his lanky body.

Hyungwon's attention turned to the house they were standing in front of. Thankfully, it wasn't another cement block, but it was in the middle of some trees once again. How does one find anyone finds these kinds of places near Seoul? Well... They weren't exactly close to the city but still.

"Let's go in. The others are taking another route for safety." Shownu stated, smiling softly. The oldest headed inside first the last three following suit. Hyungwon was at the back of the line because he was just looking around.

The four men soon were inside and settled in the living room. "This place definitely needs tidying up..." Minhyuk said, face scrunched up a bit. "Well. We haven't been here in years since there was no need... So the dust has collected." Jooheon stated, running his fingers along the top of one of the two bookcases before wiping his hands off. 

"Apart from that, it's nice," Hyungwon commented along with a small shrug. "It is." Shownu sighed and sat down on the dusty couch.

Maybe thirty minutes later the last three of the seven arrived. "You didn't even bother to start cleaning?" Kihyun sighed and set down his bags. "I thought we would settle down. You would complain that we were cleaning wrong anyways." Shownu stated while keeping his eyes on his phone.

Kihyun huffed and sat down. "Fine, fine." the man mumbled, leaning his head back a little. "I assume the rooms are still the same?" Kihyun then asked, glancing at Wonho. The leader nodded his head before his face lit up as if he had realized something. 

"Though we've only ever accounted room for six... Since Kihyun and Kyun share one room there are only five bedrooms." The leader said, scratching his head a bit. Hyungwon turned to the man before glancing at the others. "I can sleep on the couch." He stated simply. He could deal with it; the sofa would probably be more comfortable than sleeping on a mattress on the floor anyway.

The leader sighed and shook his head and everyone else seemed to disagree with the thought too. "It gets cold in here during the night..." He stated and quieted down then. "I'm fine with it," Hyungwon mumbled. He really didn't care where he would sleep as he could fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. The muscle pains and other issues that the sleeping spot caused could be solved later.

"Wonho. Your bedroom is the largest..." Shownu stated. The oldest had finally lowered his phone and was eyeing the leader who looked hesitant about what the other man was suggesting. Hyungwon bit down on his bottom lip. "I'm seriously fine with just sleeping in the living ro-" "I guess it's fine," Wonho spoke up as if Hyungwon hadn't just spoken at all.

The ex-hitman let out a small huff. The leader then turned to Hyungwon. "We can try to figure out another room, but until then we can share the room," Wonho stated, clearly adamant about not changing his mind. Hyungwon nodded his head, having no choice but to agree. "Sure.."


"But once I see your smile, everything becomes OK."

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[Completed]✓✓✓ "You either get killed by us or turn into one of us" He left her alone after he gave her the last warning.
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𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 /𝙝ō𝙢/ The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. ― 𝙄𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙬𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖�...
13.9K 546 17
changkyun always found a way to tease or flirt with his best friend. everything is fine until kihyun starts returning his actions.