Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

54.6K 1.8K 871

This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Road Trip
A Bond To One Another
You Are My Ideals
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Over Coming The Dark Within
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
Crimson Blood
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma

I Am Curse From Above!

7.9K 126 62
By StarGizer789

/We begin this story in our world, during a dark night. A young man lies on the street, dying, feeling the flow of his own blood slowly leaving his body. The dying young man can barely see what has happened to him, but he can make out the heavily damaged white car, which is not the only one, in his surrounding area. As time passes, his vision darkens further, just like his life will soon enough. People start to gather at the crash scene, but the young man's vision is already as dark as black. His last thoughts are/

Young man: (I'm... going to... die...)

/Those last thoughts were spoken in the final moments of the young man's life. Soon after, the life left his eyes, and he passed away. From the perspective of the deceased young man, he opens his eyes and sees only pure darkness. He thinks to himself/

Young man: (Where I am..., well I guess it's pointless to think about it..., I'm dead now..., I wonder if the others are alright..., I guess I can sleep now...)

/The young man was about to close his eyes in the darkness of the world he was in, when suddenly a dotted light shone brightly enough for him to see, surprising him. As he approached it, he thought to himself/

Young man: (This light..., it's warm..., it's a nice feeling..., just let me reach it...)

/Soon after, the light grew brighter and brighter, engulfing the young man. Then, darkness was all he saw. However, he felt something different. He thought to himself/

Young man: (Now I feel tired..., I'll... go to sleep now...)

/The young man soon fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly, everything seemed to happen all at once. The view of what the person we know as passed away saw a dim light once again, but this dim light grew brighter quickly. He then soon heard something. He heard crying and thought to himself/

???: (Crying, why am I hearing crying, why is everything dark, why do I feel warm and wet, why am I feeling so many feelings!?)

/The person hears speech patterns that are unfamiliar to him, as they are in a foreign language. However, he is somewhat familiar with it and soon recognizes it. More importantly, he realizes something about himself/

???: (Wait I'm a baby, how, okay okay, think about this, perhaps I was reborn as someone yeah that makes sense I think, but now what, I know this is japanese, does that mean I was born in japan, okay that kinda sucks sense I have to study so much and work my life away, dear god why did you send me here?)

/The newborn listens to two talking adults while being held by the mother. The newly reborn baby listens as best he can, even though his view is darkness/

Unknown mother: She's beautiful honey, I think I know what to name her, Sakura.

/As the baby hears his name, he is unsure about what the mother said about anything else/

Sakura: (Okay wait Sakura, so I'm a girl dang I like being a guy, well whatever I guess but it sure is weird to think about it, I use to be a guy but now I'm a girl, I wonder if they'll be okay with me being a lesbian, hopefully they're not religious because I want nothing to do with that.)

/The reborn baby girl, now named Sakura, listens more to her parents talking while trying to make sense of their words, but she couldn't. This continued for a time until finally, baby Sakura was able to open her eyes and see the world around her with a limited view, but well enough/

Sakura: (Finally I can see, heh kinda remains me of a saying back in Naruto, I wonder if they'll know the joke?)

/Then, baby Sakura finally hears someone coming and realizes it is none other than her mother [here's a pic of it]/

/Sakura finally sees her mother for the first time, and it surprises her. She thinks to herself/

Sakura: (Wait what, no I'm sure it's just a coincidence, perhaps my mother is just weird and is really into Naruto, yeah I mean it's been around since I was a kid before I passed away, yeah that makes sense I'm sure her husband must feel embarrassed or perhaps they're both cosplayers, yeah maybe that's why they've named me Sakura, right...?)

/Then, the father of Sakura came to see the baby [here's pic of him]/

/Sakura herself couldn't deny it any longer, but she tried anyways/

Sakura: (Dear god..., no..., no, you're kidding me right, come on you two, you're cosplaying right, right!?)

/Years passed until Sakura reached the age of 4. She looked at herself in a full-body mirror and expressed shock on her face as the reality of who she truly is came to light with full force [Here's a pic of Sakura looking at herself]/

Sakura: (There's no denying it now..., I am Sakura Haruno from Naruto..., but how, how is this possible, I just passed away from a car crash, how does this make any sense!?)

/Sakura takes deep breaths to calm down, as she is panicking. Finally, she relaxes and calmly thinks to herself/

Sakura: (Okay, okay relax, don't panic I'm sure there's something I've missed here, ah... I can't remember what happen to me at all, all I know is that I died from a car crash and I still remember my former life, but I don't know what happen to me during when I was dead, all I remember is darkness, well no point in thinking about it even if I knew what happen it's not like I can undo all of this now, so that's it I'm Sakura Haruno I have to accept that as my own reality...)

/Sakura gazes at her own reflection in the mirror, seemingly deep in thought/

Sakura: (You know now that I think about it.)

/Sakura expresses a bit of delight with a hint of a smile/

Sakura: (It might not be so bad, sure it sucked that I couldn't be anyone else in the show, I would have like to be Naruto, Sasuke, or perhaps Shikamaru he's pretty cool, but sense I'm Sakura I have to do what I can during the years I have, 8 years at least, I have 8 years to improve upon myself, being a ninja, being effective, so as Sakura it would be best to be a medical ninja, after all it is good to know how to save lives, but why stop there, yes.., I think I could learn about Fuinjutsu as well, I'm young and learning japanese isn't so hard, I wonder if it's because it come naturally to me or perhaps it's Sakura's intelligence that I was able to learn it so quickly, either case I'll use any means to go far but it doesn't mean I won't live a little, after all I did die before so why not live this life.)

/Then, Sakura turns to look at her parents with a smile and thinks to herself/

Sakura: (Well then I guess I'll live my life to the fullest as Sakura Haruno, I'll do what I want, I wonder how being a doctor will be like?)

/We do a two-year time skip. Sakura, now 6 years old, is reading a book about the basic medical knowledge of the human body while walking, not paying much attention to her surroundings. Suddenly, she bumps into someone and stumbles, falling down to the ground and landing on her butt/

Sakura: Ouch..., ah sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

Naruto: It's okay.

/Sakura was surprised and soon looked up to see who she had bumped into. Sure enough, it was Naruto, offering her his hand with a shy smile. Sakura was still a bit surprised, but less so now. She quickly took his offered hand and Naruto helped her up to her feet [here's a pic of kid Naruto]/

Sakura: Uh thanks..., um well...

/Sakura placed her hand on her chest in a dignified manner and introduced herself with a simple smile to Naruto, as they were meeting for the first time/

Sakura: I'm Sakura Haruno it's nice to meet you um...?

Naruto: Oh I'm Naruto Uzumaki believe it.

Sakura: Naruto right.

Naruto: Yup, so what ya reading Sakura?

/Sakura looked at the book she had in hand for a moment, then looked at Naruto with an awkward smile in a shy manner/

Sakura: Oh this, well it's about how to heal small cuts and stuff like that, it's really hard.

Naruto: So why are you reading a book like that for?

/Sakura thought for a moment, looking up at the sky, and then looked at Naruto and answered him with a simple smile/

Sakura: Well you see, I have a dream.

Naruto: A dream?

Sakura: Yeah, I want to be a medical ninja, the best one in Konoha.

Naruto: A medical ninja, that's cool!

/Naruto cheerfully smiled at Sakura, who was a bit surprised by Naruto's expression/

Sakura: You think so?

Naruto: Well yeah, being a ninja is always awesome!

Sakura: So are you going to be a ninja Naruto?

Naruto: Heck yeah, the best there is a Hokage!

Sakura: A Hokage...

/Sakura looked at the four faces of the Hokage mountain, and Naruto looked at the Hokage mountain with her/

Sakura: Hokage..., that's a big dream Naruto.

/Then, Sakura looked at Naruto in question for a moment, then returned her gaze to the Hokage mountain/

Sakura: Are you sure you want to be something like that?

Naruto: Yeah, the best that ever was, that ever will be!

/Sakura couldn't help but smile and looked at Naruto from the corner of her eye while she thought to herself/

Sakura: (You're already a Hokage in my eyes Naruto, considering everything you've done to reach that goal, well I'll help you out so it could happen faster after all it would be an honor to be your first friend as Hokage, just make sure to raise my pay check, hehe.~) That's might be harder then you realize and you can't slack off by simply saying you'll be Hokage out loud.

/Naruto felt a bit discouraged, but he noticed that Sakura was smiling cheerfully. She turned to face Naruto while smiling/

Sakura: So if you want to be Hokage then you better work hard for it by eating healthy, studying hard, and training hard too, if you want I'll help you out if you're okay with a book worm like me.

/Sakura gave Naruto a sort of cute smile, causing Naruto to start blushing in awe. Soon, Sakura noticed Naruto's expression and got a bit worried, as if she got carried away. She thought to herself/

Sakura: (Crap, maybe I did it a bit too much, down it a bit.) Um Naruto...?

/Then, Naruto quickly snapped out of his gaze on Sakura and paid attention/

Naruto: Huh oh yeah, so does that mean we're friends?

/Naruto looked at Sakura with a hopeful expression, causing Sakura to look at Naruto's expression and blush a bit. The feeling of seeing how cute Naruto's expression of wanting to make a friend was endearing/

Sakura: (Aw even as a former man how could I refuse, look how cute he is, why was Sakura so mean to him in the first place!?) Ye-Yeah of course.

/Sakura smiled shyly at Naruto while blushing, seeing how cute Naruto's hopeful expression was. This caused Naruto to smile like a ball of sunshine, and Sakura, upon seeing how cute Naruto was in that moment, blushed even more deeply, to the point where her face was fully red and her mouth was slightly open from surprise [here's a pic of it]/

Sakura: (I'm going to get a heart attack if this doesn't stop!)

Naruto: Really!

/Sakura tried to calm down in order to speak normally/

Sakura: Uh... yeah, we're friends.

/Naruto was so happy that his smile just shone through, causing Sakura to smile a little herself/

Naruto: Alright!

/Then, Naruto looked at Sakura with excitement, finally having a friend for the first time/

Naruto: Hey let's get something to eat, do you like ramen!?

Sakura: Sure I guess. (I had some back in my country it was pretty good, but that was a long time ago.)

Naruto: Great come on!

/Naruto grabbed Sakura by the wrist, surprising her as she was still holding the book with her other hand. Naruto, who was dragging Sakura along in a rush, was going a bit too fast for Sakura, causing her to yelp/

Sakura: Hey Naruto slow down, wait!

/Then Sakura and Naruto rush off to Naruto's favorite place, Ichiraku Ramen [Here's a pic of it]/

/Sakura and Naruto entered Ichiraku Ramen together as newly formed friends. A man with a cheerful smile greeted them and addressed both of them [here's a pic of him]/

Teuchi: Welcome ah Naruto, oh did you bring a new friend with you?

Naruto: *Nodded with excitement for a moment* Yeah her name is Sakura!

Sakura: *Sakura feeling a bit shy* Uh it's nice to meet you sir.

Teuchi: The name is Teuchi young lady, but my she's quite the cutie Naruto make sure to be nice to her, hahaha!

/Teuchi chuckled in his cheerful manner, and Sakura simply smiled and had a thought to herself/

Sakura: (Well at least now I know his name, now for the daughter I guess she isn't here today, well that's too bad.)

Naruto: Hey pops I want the usual!

Teuchi: Coming right up and for you miss?

Sakura: I'll get what's he's having, I'm not familiar with what type of ramen you have.

Teuchi: Well that's fine, coming right up.

/Teuchi began cooking, while Naruto and Sakura took their seats next to each other and engaged in conversation/

Sakura: So Naruto what made you want to be Hokage?

Naruto: Gramps well you see he's a Hokage and I want to be just like him, I want everyone to acknowledge me and never look down on me, believe it!

/Naruto looked at Sakura with his usual smile, while Sakura had a deep, somewhat sad expression as she thought/

Sakura: (Being alone for so long to simply want attention from someone else, it's heartbreaking to hear from a kid like Naruto, someone like him should have loving parents, supportive, and always there when you need them, he shouldn't be alone, if I was him I..., I don't think I could handle it well..., so I'll be there for him.)

/Sakura shook her head to clear her dark thoughts and forced a simple smile/

Sakura: The 3rd Hokage, you know him?

Naruto: Well yeah.

Sakura: So does he teach you anything cool?

Naruto: Well not really.

Sakura: That's too bad, well it doesn't matter I'm sure you'll be great someday.

Naruto: Yeah...

/As Naruto felt a bit lost in thought, Sakura glanced at him out of the corner of her eye without facing him directly. She was deep in thought/

Sakura: (I hope you're not doubting yourself Naruto, but I'll be here if you need me.)

/When the ramen was ready and placed before Naruto and Sakura, Teuchi spoke up/

Teuchi: Here you go enjoy.

Naruto: Oh wow they look great, let's eat!

Sakura: Right, thank you for the food.

/Naruto and Sakura ate the ramen together, much to the delight of Teuchi, who smiled at the sight of his special customer, Naruto, finally having a friend. As the sun began to set, they finished their meal. Sakura attempted to pay, but Teuchi raised his hand to stop her, still smiling cheerfully/

Teuchi: It's on the house young lady.

Sakura: Oh thank you.

Naruto: Yeah thanks a lot pops!

Teuchi: Don't mention it, why don't you kids run along.

Sakura: Thank you very much.

Teuchi: It's no problem.

/As Sakura and Naruto walked out, Sakura noticed that the sun was setting/

Sakura: I should be heading home.

Naruto: Oh...

/Sakura noticed that Naruto seemed a bit down upon hearing that she had to go home. She spoke up to cheer him up/

Sakura: Hey why don't we meet up at the ramen shop again, maybe tomorrow?

Naruto: *Feeling Hopeful* Really!?

Sakura: *Smile* Yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow then.

Naruto: *Smile* Yeah!

/Sakura gave a small bow to Naruto, then began to walk home by herself, still holding the book she was reading. Naruto watched her leave with a smile and a blush on his face. Eventually, Sakura arrived home and was greeted by her mother/

Mebuki: Welcome home Sakura, I was wondering when you'll get home.

Sakura: Oh sorry mom lost track of time.

/Sakura took off her shoes before fully entering her home. She then put on pink slippers and walked to the living room, where Mebuki was speaking to her/

Mebuki: You normally don't take that long, did something happen?

/Sakura was momentarily surprised, but then regained her usual expression and looked at Mebuki with a simple smile/

Sakura: (Can't lie out of this one.) I made a friend today, he was really nice. (Please don't question me on who.)

Mebuki: So what's his name?

Sakura: (Damn...) His name is Naruto.

/Mebuki expressed the worry that Sakura expected her to express/

Mebuki: Sakura dear perhaps it would be safe to not meet with that boy.

Sakura: (Ah..., of course the old parent talk, if only you knew...) Why?

Mebuki: Because Sakura he's dangerous.

Sakura: (The old just because, jeez could you at least try to be convincing.) I don't understand mom, how is he dangerous?

Mebuki: Sakura please just listen to what I said okay.

Sakura: Alright. (As if.)

Mebuki: That's a good girl.

/Mebuki gently stroked Sakura's hair, then went to the kitchen to cook as she spoke/

Mebuki: So have you ate?

Sakura: Yeah, I had ramen before coming home.

Mebuki: Oh.

Sakura: I'll head to my room to study.

/Sakura started to head towards her room/

Mebuki: You've been doing that a lot lately.

/Sakura stopped to glance at Mebuki and put on a fake smile for her new mother/

Sakura: I do want to be smart.

/Sakura headed towards her room and closed the door behind her. Mebuki sighed once Sakura was in her room, and then spoke to herself/

Mebuki: I hope she finds some real friends soon and forget about that boy.

/Sakura was inside her room, leaning against the door with her back to it. She heard what Mebuki had said and softly muttered to herself/

Sakura: If only you knew..., well I should study now...

/Sakura went to her bed to read a basic book about the human body. The next morning, she was asleep with the book next to her on the bed. She soon woke up, yawning and stretching, rubbing her eyes to become more alert. In a sleepy voice, she softly muttered to herself/

Sakura: Aw... I hate mornings...

/Sakura picked up the book that was next to her on the bed and placed it on the table in her room. She then dressed for the morning and retrieved the book once she was fully dressed in her usual clothing. She made her way towards the kitchen at a slow pace and placed the book on the table in the living room, which was next to the kitchen. She noticed that Mebuki was cooking breakfast/

Mebuki: Morning Sakura.

Sakura: Morning mom.

/Sakura took a seat at the table to eat the breakfast that her mother was cooking for the morning meal/

Sakura: The usual?

Mebuki: That's right.

/Mebuki prepared a traditional Japanese breakfast consisting of steamed rice with cooked fish, a bit of miso soup, three rolled omelettes, and five slices of cucumber. She placed the breakfast before Sakura, who ate at her own pace. Mebuki smiled as she saw that Sakura was eating everything without complaint. While Sakura ate, Mebuki spoke up/

Mebuki: Is it good?

/Sakura finished chewing her food with her mouth closed, swallowed it, and then gave her mother Mebuki a simple smile/

Sakura: It is.

Mebuki: That's good to hear.

/Mebuki seemed deep in thought, which Sakura noticed. She wasn't sure what to make of it, but she continued eating her breakfast. When she was finished, she performed a little prayer, as was typical for Japanese women/

Sakura: Thanks for the food it was good.

/Sakura was about to gather her own plates and bowls, but Mebuki stopped her, surprising her. Mebuki quickly gathered Sakura's dishes for her/

Mebuki: You don't have to gather them up Sakura, I could do them.

Sakura: Oh thank you, well I'll be heading to the library now.

/Sakura got up from her seat and went to retrieve the book she had placed in the living room. As she was about to leave the house, Mebuki spoke up/

Mebuki: Sakura.

/Sakura stopped and turned to face Mebuki, who had called her attention/

Sakura: Yes?

/Sakura noticed the deep, contemplative expression on Mebuki's face, and then spoke up/

Sakura: Is something wrong mom?

Mebuki: Oh it's nothing dear, go and have fun Sakura.

Sakura: Alright.

/Sakura smiled cheerfully and then took her leave. Mebuki watched as Sakura left the house, then sighed and spoke softly to herself/

Mebuki: Sakura...

/We now see Sakura walking outside, making her way to the library with a book in hand. She was deep in thought as she walked/

Sakura: (I wonder if I should worry..., maybe I'll worry about it later, better put this book back since I'm done with it.)

/Sakura went to the library to return the book she had previously borrowed. Then, she went to the section on basic Fuinjutsu and gathered three books on the subject. She then went to a different area of the library to get two more books, one on medical healing with chakra, and the other on chakra control. Sakura approached the librarian to have the five books checked out, and the librarian smiled at her. Sakura returned the smile/

Librarian lady: Here you go.

Sakura: Thank you.

/The librarian placed the five books in a bag, and Sakura took it. She gave a small bow to the librarian, then left. As she walked, she remembered the events of the previous day with Naruto. Sakura headed towards the ramen shop, muttering to herself/

Sakura: Almost forgot... hopefully he's there right now...

/Sakura rushed to the spot where she and Naruto had promised to meet. She now stood near the ramen shop, waiting for Naruto to arrive. It didn't take long, as she soon heard a cheerful shout/

Naruto: Hey Sakura!

/Sakura turned to see Naruto running towards her at high speed. He quickly stopped before her [here's a pic of it]/

/Sakura was surprised at Naruto's quick running, but he stopped just as fast. Naruto felt a bit nervous, but then smiled happily to see Sakura/

Naruto: You came!

Sakura: I did promised.

/Sakura gave a small smile to Naruto/

Sakura: So let's go somewhere I think I know a place.

Naruto: Okay!

/Both Sakura and Naruto headed towards the third training ground, and soon arrived there [here's pic of it]/

/Naruto looked around the open field of the third training ground with wonder and simply asked/

Naruto: So what are we doing around here?

Sakura: Well I wanted to show you something cool, first.

/Sakura placed a bag containing her books on the ground. She then went to one of the trees and focused her chakra towards her feet. She placed one foot on the tree and then the other, now standing on the side of the tree. Naruto was amazed by Sakura's feat, as he had never seen anyone standing on the side of a tree before. He was in awe of her abilities/

Naruto: Oh that's so cool, how are you doing that!?

/Sakura giggled at Naruto's reaction, then relaxed and began to explain/

Sakura: This was something I was working on when I was reading at the library, I learn that we could all do this trick, but it's really hard at first but when you learn how to do it, it get easier.

Naruto: Okay show me, show me!

Sakura: Okay, slow down first I'll tell you how.

/Sakura did her best to explain the basic concept to Naruto, who struggled to understand it. Despite his lack of comprehension, she didn't give up, recognizing that Naruto had never been taught these things before/

Sakura: So do you get it?

Naruto: I think so.

Sakura: Well try it out, just focus first okay.

Naruto: Right.

/Naruto tried to do as Sakura explained, placing his foot on the tree. However, when he tried to lift his other foot, he fell down due to his lack of chakra control. Sakura smiled, as she had expected this outcome/

Naruto: Aw come on!

Sakura: Don't worry Naruto, it was hard for me too, you'll get it, just keep practicing it.

Naruto: But what's the point it's not some cool moves like those awesome jutsus.

/Naruto's expression turned gloomy, and Sakura noticed it. She spoke to Naruto to cheer him up/

Sakura: Giving up now Naruto, didn't you say that you were going to be the best ninja ever?

/Naruto looked at Sakura with a hint of sadness in his expression/

Naruto: Well I did, but...

/Sakura jumped down from the tree and looked at Naruto, who had a gloomy expression/

Sakura: Naruto I know that it's hard but trust me.

/Sakura approached Naruto with a gentle smile/

Sakura: When you get this down learning all those cool jutsu will be way easier I promise.

/Naruto blushed and looked to the side, feeling self-conscious as Sakura's face was close to his/

Naruto: Well...

/Sakura, still smiling, easily thought of a solution, as if an idea was flowing effortlessly like water down a river/

Sakura: How about this then if you can stand on the tree like I did.

/Sakura smiled even more cheerfully, trying to give Naruto a boost of motivation/

Sakura: I'll do something nice for you.

Naruto: *Naruto surprised* Really?!

Sakura: Yup, I'll cook you a nice home made meal.

Naruto: Well alright, I'll do it, it'll be easy!

/Naruto felt motivated, and Sakura watched as he tried his best to walk on the tree using his chakra control, even though he wasn't very skilled at it yet. Sakura thought to herself as she watched Naruto's progress/

Sakura: (I hope you'll forgive me Naruto for pushing you like this, well I wonder what I should cook him, mmm it might be harder then I thought..., but I'm sure mom would help just as long as I don't tell her about it being for Naruto, yeah that could work, heh I'm so smart.)

/Sakura read a book while Naruto trained to stand on the side of the tree. Some time passed, and Sakura noticed that the sun was about to set/

Sakura: Hey Naruto it's break time.

/Naruto stopped his tree walking training, feeling disappointed that he wasn't making any progress. He walked towards Sakura, who smiled kindly at him/

Naruto: Man I was lame...

Sakura: It's okay Naruto, I didn't get it on my first try either, you're doing fine.

/Sakura playfully tapped the tip of Naruto's nose and said/

Sakura: Boop.

/Naruto looked surprised as Sakura playfully tapped the tip of his nose/

Naruto: Huh, what did you do that for?

Sakura: I thought it would cheer you up, did it not...?

/Sakura expressed a small apologetic expression, causing Naruto to panic a little as he spoke up/

Naruto: Ah no, no it totally helped believe it!

/Sakura giggled and smiled at Naruto/

Sakura: That's good. (Sorry Naruto I just wanted to see you panic like that, so cute.~)

Naruto: So are you going home?

Sakura: Well yeah I kinda have too, I'm sure mom and dad will worry about me...

/Sakura realized what she had said and noticed that Naruto seemed a little down and lonely. She knew that it was a sensitive topic, so she placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto looked at Sakura and she simply smiled at him/

Sakura: But I'll come back tomorrow and I'll bring something nice to eat too.

/Naruto's spirits lifted and he grinned at Sakura/

Naruto: Yeah I'll wait for ya, tomorrow!

Sakura: Yeah. (There's that classy Naruto.)

/Both Naruto and Sakura said their goodbyes and then Sakura headed home by herself as usual. She soon entered the house and was greeted by her mother, or at least that's what usually happened. But this time, both Mebuki and Sakura's father, Kizashi, stood before Sakura at the entrance. Sakura had a gut feeling about what was going on, but she tried to act innocent by putting on a fake smile for her father/

Sakura: Dad you came home, did you two waited for me?

Mebuki: Enough Sakura.

/Sakura realized that she had been caught and her expression gave it away. Now, she, Mebuki, and Kizashi were seated on the living room couch, ready to have a discussion/

Mebuki: Sakura I'm disappointed in you, you promised to stay away from him.

/Sakura had a remorseful expression on her face as she spoke to her mother/

Sakura: I'm sorry that I lied mom, but I don't see what's so bad about Naruto, he didn't hurt me or anyone.

/Kizashi had a sympathetic expression, understanding Sakura's new friend/

Kizashi: Sakura...

/But Mebuki noticed it and speaks up quickly to stop Kizashi from encouraging Sakura to still befriend Naruto/

Mebuki: Kizashi don't!

Kizashi: Ah...

/It was evident that Kizashi was reluctant to prevent Sakura from seeing Naruto, as indicated by his expression. As a husband in a married couple, Kizashi had to defer to his wife, Mebuki, even though it may seem unfair. In traditional married relationships, it is often the wife who holds the majority of the power/

Kizashi: Listen Sakura I'm sure that you're mother knows what's best.

Sakura: (Yeah right, but it's not like you and I can do anything sense I'm just a kid and you're married to mother, jeez why are things this annoying!?)

Mebuki: That's right, so Sakura find some other friends and forget about him.

/Then Sakura looked shocked, as if she had been slapped, and her expression became downcast and gloomy/

Sakura: Alright...

Mebuki: Sakura I know it's hard but trust me you'll be glad that you've listen.

Sakura: (It's funny how usually over protective mothers are, they're just over baring and controlling without care, now I see how Sakura turned out the way she did, it always starts with the mother!) I'll be in my room now...

Mebuki: Okay.

/Sakura retrieved the bag filled with her books and went inside her room. She placed the books on the table and then lay down on her bed, pulling her blanket to cover herself. Sakura sighed and began to reflect on her thoughts/

Sakura: (It's strange that I'm feeling like this now..., I've been mostly alone my hold life, but...)

/Now tears fall from Sakura's eyes, revealing that she is crying/

Sakura: (It hurts...)

/Sakura buries herself under her blanket, trying to conceal her tears from the world. She sobs quietly, trying not to make a sound/

Sakura: (I'm sorry Naruto...)

/Sakura buries herself under her blankets, silently shedding tears as the full moon shines outside/

End of chapter 0


This was the strangest story I have ever started, I had it in my mind for quite while now I hope you enjoyed it, perhaps I'll explore the more female traits and how this would effect the on going story oh and another thing I'm using ChatGTP to assist me in this story I'm only changing the small things so far I hope you don't mind cause I just want to tell a story to the best of my ability and capture the many attention of people I hope you understand, anyways I'll see you in the next chapter, bye.

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