11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

29》End Court

271 22 6
By JeonMina_05


Wonwoo really wish he can company his wife at hospital in this two days, but because of their biogical fathers case, he need to take over and bring lots of proof to pull them into jail.

Not like Mingyu, he can take day off how long he want, but Wonwoo stick with rules and work. Who cares if people keep complaining why he always on his work and dont spend with his family, he just used to it and now married to Mina, he try to loose the time between work and her.

She still his priority and he not believe her much when she keep dodging his question about past. He sure she hide lots of secret from him and the one who only know about her pain story, Tzuyu.

Wonwoo cant ask her because she is Mingyu wife and of course he had to respect her as younger sister in law.

But it isnt wrong to know from her, right?

Sometimes they both get dejavu from each other. If Wonwoo can ask Mina past, why she cant? If Mina can ask if he ever lover her, why not he ask her too? But they two always dodge it and try to make other excuse. Its like there is wall cover them from telling truth.

*ring ring*

He look down to his phone when hear there is ringing. He glance the clock, 3 pm, certain workers already went home except him. Its not like he dont want to go home, but its been two days he being alone without Mina.

No one cook for him or company him work his laptop. A soft voice that nonstop nagging and screaming he used to hear was silence. He cant deny, he miss her. Tzuyu and Mina really did made their husband feel alone.

"Hello Mingyu?"

"Dude! They awake! But Mina need you! She has crying for almost 5 minutes but i didnt dare to touch her. Tzuyu also still dont had enough energy to calm her."

"Im on my way! Did dad and mom know?"

"I will call them once you take over Mina, she try to release the wire on her arms."


He hang up and leave his office to hospital as soon he heard what Mingyu said to him. His sound was panicked and sure enough Mina made something crazy. Wonwoo speed his car when see the time run 4 minutes, he curse little when see the traffic still red.

How can he calm or relax when Mina behaviour always out of expected, she had done something he never thought she would do it. He remember when Mina did hit him at his face when she rebel about her ex manager. Not count again when she almost kick him at stomach when she had nightmare while sleep after they all met her dad at restaurant when they had lunch.

He never expect she would dare to be that harsh so he not gonna suprise if now she doing something stupid again.

"Let me go!"

"Dont touch me!"


"I dont want to stay here!"

"Let go!"

"Help me!"

He hear the screams from ward room H-4. He didnt hestitate to go, open the door and what he expect ago is true.

Mingyu and Tzuyu hugging each other while stare Mina in worried.

There is two nurse there at Mina bed.

She struggling herself, try to pull the wire away, almost hit nurse, and tears keep falling down.

He cant count how much she cried since their enggaged time. For him, she may had lots of tears than blood inside her body.

"Let me handle her. Close the curtain."

Mingyu help the nurses there to close the curtain and give both of them space when Tzuyu also start to cry in sudden make Mingyu panick like how Wonwoo earlier. The nurses quickly leave and he didnt waste time, hold Mina wrist who still try to release herself.

"Calm down, bubble."

"No! Let go! You will hurt me!"

"I never do that, look at me."


"Hey Jeon Mina! I said look at me!"

He grip her both shoulder tight made Mina raise her head and wide her eyes. Her breath were uncontroble and her tears wont stop flowing down. Her lips trembling again and how she want to touch Wonwoo but her body still weak.


She burst into sobbing leaving Wonwoo no choice to seat down beside her and pull her into his hug. He cares her back gently and sure enough Mingyu and Tzuyu hear it. Her body keep pumping up and down while her hands try to clutch his chest.

"You will be fine. He not gonna hurt you anymore."

"He pull me...he slap me....he cares me....he touch me!"

"Dont think of it again. Its already three day pass."

"They tried seperate me with Tzuyu!"

"I know, we all saw it. Now they dont."

"You not at my place! Its really hurt!"

He sigh and run out of idea to calm her. He keep cares her back amd let her head lean his shoulder, dont mind she finding comfort spot on him. At this time, he know she will just cry and keep sobbing until she fall asleep or let her head pain.

"Three days more, we will attend the court for your cases with them and with your mom."

"No! I dont want to see them again!"

She moving her body to protest but Wonwoo had to tighten their hug again. He know she wont agree it, thats why he didnt mad or being sensitive, he just calm and relax for now.

"You should, Jeon Mina. Tzuyu will go too, so please dont try to make fuss now. I didnt get enough sleep to settle this cases."

"Am i being....burden to you...again?"

"Sort of, but i told you, we married, you are my wife and you are my responsiblity. Your problem doesnt count as burden, despite if you try to do out of your mind."

"Im sorry..."

"Im tired to hear your sorry, Mina. I dont want hear that words again."

Suddenly a curtain open a little showing Mingyu stand to say something.

"Bro, i already call them, they will get here tomorrow."

He close back and sit down beside Tzuyu. Wonwoo sigh and break their hug to see Mina look down while sniffing her nose. He glad her cry stop but what made him notice is her lips and arms.

The lips on her still had bruise and her arms that almost pull out the wire, had some wounds.

"Why you pulling the wire, Mina? You know its for your recovery body."

"I dont want to stay here. I wanna go home! I hate hospital."

"No one love it....err except Tzuyu. You miss Nova, arent you?"

"I didnt feed him yet...Hannah? Hows is she?!"

She suddenly panick and before she can freak out, Wonwoo close her mouth.

"She is fine, moms fine and everyone safe. She handle your boutique and keep the secret well."

"C-can i just go work?"

"Yes you can but not this time. You will back your work next week."

"Ahhh Wonwoo....but--"

"Who is your husband here?"


"Jeon Mina."

"Okay okay! Its you! Are you tired?"

"Did you ever see im happy now?"

She sigh and lean back on bed. They can hear the step from side curtain, when Wonwoo peek, Mingyu and Tzuyu make a way out for a while leaving the ward just between of them.

"You hungry?"

Wonwoo try to ask her but she just shake her head and turn her head a side from looking at him. She dont know wether she should happy because she awake and see him, or little down when he feel tired and dont heard any sound of joys from him.

Mina dont care if right now she want to being selfish but she just want to feel little happy after free from her biogical dad. The kidnapped day still running to her mind, so she try to cheer herself despite thinking about it again.

"You sleepy?"

She nod eventhough her eyes just heavy.

"You thirsty?"

She shake her head.

"Then what you want?"

"Nothing. I dont want to do anything."

"Stay here, i will go out for a while."

He get up and go without wait for Mina talk or stop her. She feel annoyed when he go leave her alone and Tzuyu also not here after Mingyu bring her nowhere.

Her phone or even her handbag at Wonwoo, and sure he wont let her use her phone. Mina moving herself side to side, groaning in bored and fidgeting the blanket in frustation.

Who would like to stay in hospital for long hours and the window beside her slowly turn to dark, if she can walk now, she would run away or go to rooftop.


She turn her head to see Wonwoo put the food on table, but she just roll her eyes and hide herself into blanket.

"Now what?"

"Im not hungry, Woo. Im sleepy."

"You didnt take your medicine yet."

"I will take it if i want."

"Since when patient allowed to arrange their time to eat medicine? I didnt know hospital made a new rules."

She groan when mock side from him show up. Mina seat up and hug her knee while glaring him.

"Where is the medicine?!"

"After you eat."

"Hufft! You eat first, i will just take a nap."

Before she can lay back, Wonwoo hold her wrist and pull the table infront her. He sit beside while open the food, she seem know what he gonna do, so she turn her head and grip her mouth close.

"Dont make me use other way to force you eat, Mina. Im being nice now to feed you, or you want me to push the food using knife."


The spoon suddenly get inside her mouth made her struggling her wrist from his hand. His face just cold and dont even care if she did mad because his action.


"I told you, Jeon Mina. When im being nice mood, please be obedient."

"You said you didnt get enough sleep, so you the one who should eat and sleep. Im fine here."

"Did you usher me go home? Well i---"

"I didnt mean like that! I meant you could just rest here and eat."

"I really tired but i need to take care of you, my job as husband is to look after you so dont try to be leader of family, Mina. Im a guy."

"Fine! Just let me eat by myself."

She take the spoon from him and start to eat leaving him stare her eating. Suddenly he yawn made Mina had her chance to feed the food to him.

When she success did, he cough and try to swallow the food slowly.


"Thats what you get after you fed me like that."


"This your medicine."

Thankful to nurse come with medicine, their argue stop and bow to her. After sure she go, Wonwoo glare back to her who busy eating her food.

"You seriously had bright future to go hell."

"Oh dont sound so happy, Wonwoo. I will pull you in too. And that time i will drown your face with lava and let your handsome face destroy."

"And i will wash your hair until it bald."

They glare until she break it and continue to eat. After she done her food, she lean back to bed while hugging her knee when see Wonwoo busy with his phone.

"Where is my phone?"

"At my car."

"Two days in your car?!"

"Relax, i already charge it and who else put their birthday date to their password."

He retort made Mina suprise to know she get caught again change her password. She sure she made new password without his notice, and sure enough she never told him her new one.

"I told you, try hard to change it, still fail to hide it from me."

"I change or not, there is nothing important inside there."

"Oh it did. The record between your conversation with your dad. Its evidence and the text, i snap it and paste it on pendrive."

"Whatever! I wanna sleep!"

She turn opposite from him and stare the window. The sky right now already turn night and she feel like time fly fast. Wonwoo tap her back but she still wont face him.

"You didnt eat your pill."


"Are you try to test me?"


"Then take the medicine."

"Can you not force me?"

"I wont if you listen to me. You being stubborn right now."

"Im not! Im just tired."

"I count to five, eat or do with my way."

"You always try to threat me."


"You seriously dare to do mean things to your own wife."


"You being stubborn too!"


"Like im scared, Woo. Your way is old."


"Count and count, im not scared of you."


Wonwoo drink some water after put the pill inside his mouth and quickly pull Mina head.

"You don---"

Their mouth unite and what make her shock when he move the pill into her mouth. She wide her eyes and push his chest, but he really hold her neck strong and it waste her energy to fight him back.

After Wonwoo sure the pill on her mouth already swallow, he break their lips apart. She wipe her mouth and glare Wonwoo in mad.

"Did my way is old for you now?"

She whine in frustatiom, try to hit him but he just hold her hands and bring himself to her side. He make sure there is enough space for them and put her head on his chest.

"What are you doing?!"

"Sleep, Mina. We need rest."

"Its not enough space here! You or me will falling down!"

"Hug me and dont talk again. Im really tired. "

She hit his chest and force herself to hug his waist. He try to cares her hair, pat her back while close his eyes.

"Thank you."

"So sudden?"

"F-for taking care to me a-and saved me that time...eventhough its not s-sincere."

"Tch! Ungrateful girl. Whatever, as long you safed now, nothing trouble."




Everyone gather in court, Jong Suk and Joon Gi hire almost 30 guards to watch outside so no media, camera or stalker see Mina attend the court. Hannah as her assistant had to be witness, after she accidently involve to her boss problem.

So far Mina reputation still safe because the day when she and Tzuyu get kidnapped, no people at parking lot and cctv there was facing opposite way.


He turn to see Mina sit beside him as first witness, the other side was police with Lyan and Akira. Nobody one to be their lawyer and today they need to hear Mina, Tzuyu, Hyo Joo and Hannah speak the truth, meanwhile Mingyu, Joon Gi, Chae Won and Jong Suk remain seat at behind them.

"Are you sure im the first one?"


"I-im not ready yet. C-can we postpone it."

"Of course no! We already discussed this thing last night, Mina. You the one who said you want to first witness. Also you had lots of evidence to pull them into jail or death sentences."

"Okay...but please, dont pressure me."

"I wont, give me your phone."


"Just give me, i will show to everyone the proof."

She hand him her phone and wait for judge walk in. Behind them are their family who remain silent and stay calm but only Hyo Joo and Tzuyu hestitate to do the case.

*knock knock*

"The court is begin now! Mr. Myoui Akira, please take a seat at witness area. For everyone, please remain quite or you will get warning!"

They all follow the instruct and Wonwoo get up to start the court. Mina at first holding his shirt, but had to release it and watch him stand in the middle.

"Mr. Akira, on **/**/****, mind to tell us, why you try to rape your own daughter? And that time you already divorced with miss Hyo Joo."

"Oh nothing biggy, Hyo Joo fault for leaving the house unlock and still used our old house. I didnt try to rape Mina, but i really want to. The court rules is to be honest, so i honest here."

All of them inside court exchange their looks and Mina cant believe how relax he is admit it like he knew the jail is just safe place for him. Wonwoo try to remain calm and take a deep breath after give a sign to judger to continue.

"Then, why after many years, you free from jail, looking for Mina?"

"I cant see my daughter? Her face everywhere and i heard from many people she take a break from her carrier. So i didnt waste my time looking for her. I just want to greet and share the miss with her. She the only child i had."

"You threathen her a money, and try to sexualize her back."

"I didnt do anything to her. She the one who over react much when i try to go near her. Is it wrong to ask money from my own daughter? Million amount wont big problem for her."

Mina grip her hand and wish to slap him. How rude he is here and dare to be arrogant infront of judger.

"Are you trying to twist the story? We had lots of proof here, and you cant lie the truth, sir."

"Oh then? Just show it, going jail or not, it wont change the decision. Of course i dont want to twist the story. Hyo Joo also knew that i hate baby girl, i want a son so i can raise a useful child. You know? How loud and burden when Mina was a baby, she cant stop crying and keep clinging, so annoying."

Mina close her eyes as she hold her tears, Hyo Joo at her back notice how her daughter shoulder going down, Tzuyu feel pity how her sister need to accept how jerk her biogical father are.

"We will show all evidence at the end of court, right now i dont have any question for you. Judger! Im ready to go next round."

*knock knock*

"The court has turn for second round! Mr. Chou Lyan, please take a seat at witness area and Miss Kim Tzuyu can replace Miss Jeon Mina seat! The court starting now!"

Mina and Tzuyu pat their shoulder together after exchange the seat. Wonwoo glance to Tzuyu as sign he will and she nod to let him be.

"Mr. Chou Lyan, on **/**/****, did you admit doing abusing child to Mina and Tzuyu when they were kids?"

"Yes, yes i am. They cant stay still and there is my way to teach them a lesson. They should know a manner in young age."

"But that action is crime and almost cause a death to them. Also, why you had intention to steal their step dad position?"

"Because i can take back my family. Hyo Joo married a man who had lots of money so she can raised her daughters with rich tittle and lots of property."

Hyo Joo grin her teeth when hear it, Jong Suk hold her hands and Chae Won cares her shoulder. Mina and Tzuyu cant think anymore how cruel their biogical father are.

"You and Mr. Akira cooperated each other to kidnap them and hurt them with knife. Wont you ever realise your action can bring you to death sentence?"

"We just joking, so dont take it serious. We already gave two months to give the money and the contract position, but all of you just silent. So we dont have choice to take them and had between dad daughter talk."

"We will see the final words after this. Judger! Im done with second round. We can move to another round!"

*knock knock*

"The court has turn to next round. The first witness, please take your seat and will be given for 10 minutes to say everything the truth! The court start now!"

Mina walk with heavy step and seat at witness chair, seeing people watching her, gripping her dress tight and shaking eyes.

"You may talk now."

"So far i r-remember, when i was a kid, d-dad first time hurt me when i was...4. I dont remember what my mistake but he did abuse me with b-belt. He keep do it until my whole body had bruise, it made me feel shame to go school. I have s-seen he hurt mom and i-i get hit too when i t-tried to protect her. After mom and divorced....dad get into jail for 3 years. U-until he free, he barge in o-our house and...---"

She cant continue her words, her mouth trembling and her voice stuck. She grip her skirt and glance to Wonwoo. He sign his eyes to her as she need to spit it all the truth without any single left. The others still waiting for her while Akira seem dont care what she will said to everyone.

Her tears fall down and grip her eyes, she glance again to judger, his eyes was soft and give Mina time to gather herself.

"H-he barge in, saw me and Tzuyu at our room! He pu-push me on the bed....touching my f-feet so i wont run....Tzuyu st-still toddler and know nothing that time, so i scream loud until n-neighbour came and save me... he a-almost torture my shirt and tied me with belt....after long years, five months ago, he saw me at back alley where i work as Wonwoo temporary assistant. I t-thought he really change but! He dare to ask me the money for 2 months! He said i-if he didnt get what he want, Tzuyu or m-me will be a return....when they kidnapped us...dad pulled me to ch-chair and use his knife to touch me....they two seperate us and he did slapped me so i wont shout until i-i couldnt fight b-back....."

She look down after she done talk, waiting judger to oet her go and anytime she could out her sobbing. Only tears fall and people could see her being weak and fragile infront of everyone.

*knock knock*

"Thank you, first witness. You may go back to your seat. Second witness! Take your seat and will be given 10 minutes to say the truth. The court stat now!"

Mina get up and had time to touch Tzuyu finger before she sit beside Wonwoo. He just give her tissue and stay silent when Tzuyu start to talk. She can see Akira look at her with mad face and glare eyes that full of revenge. She lost herself a while, not minding what Tzuyu said and whats going on now.

"You may talk now."

Tzuyu take a deep breath and glance to her family also to Mingyu who loyal himself watch her from far.

"I remember when i was 5, dad back home with mad face because of his bussiness flop and destroy..... He even dare to pull mom until she hurt her leg. He keep asking mom if she had money to gamble and play with cheap woman...... Drunk every night, there is one day he back and Mina accidently throw the paper to him, so he almost kill her with bottle......Thankful to security near our house saw it and quickly caught dad. Mom decide to divorce him when he still 2 months inside jail........Dad did twice try to pour the hit oil to me and try to hurt ne with knife......... He scream in mad, curse us to die, pull us lock into store room and try poison our food....... He do all of that to me and my sister so he can easy his life with mom. When we get kidnapped, he tied me at pole building and grab my hair with cover my mouth with napkin......... He threathen me, if our step dad wont give the money, he not hestitate to crawl my stomach and tear my face....... But thankful so much my step dad and Mingyu came at right time and saved me."

She stop talking without stutter but she did hestitate to talk all the truth. Mina stare her without emotion cause she cant stay the situation anymore. Mingyu feel proud how she try to brave herself and their family glad Mina and Tzuyu success to reveal the truth without left single fact and secret.

*knock knock*

"The court will had discussion in 10 minutes! Please remain silent and give judge had talk while looking the evidence!"

Wonwoo get up and hand the judger all proof he had and seat back after glare Lyan and Akira. He notice Mina besife him spacing out while grip her skirt. He touch her hand, try to snap her back and cares it gently.

"You done a good job."

"Thank you. I-"

"Enough cook for our dinner to thank me. I wont ask anything for return, Mina. I do this for our family and your image. You still my priority."

"I didnt do any mistake, right?"

"No. But its embaressing to cry infront of everyone."

She chuckle while look at judger. His face was tense and one by one checking the paper that full of evidence. For first time, she feel heavy burden on her shoulder gone. Mina sure Tzuyu also felt what she feel now.

Her pain she hold and face she cover for almost her entire life now, vanish and she dont have to hide scars inside her heart again. But Mina there is one thing she still keep from everyone. But onky Tzuyu knew and that thing, she hope Wonwoo will never know.

*knock knock*

"The court has made the decision! Myoui Akira and Chou Lyan, will be sentenced to 30 lashes and 20 years in prison on charge of attempted murder, child abuse and rape of women!"

*knock knock*

Police quickly pull Akira and Lyan up, push them walk to van after judger made his final words. They two had time to grin their teeth while glaring the others. Hyo Joo just stare how awful her ex husband and let Jong Sul pull her to go home. Joon Gi dont waste his time usher others to out from court.

Mina remain there to wait for Wonwoo until he already out.

"You still had work?"

"No, we can go home now."

"Since you want me to cook for you, what do you want to eat? I will cook everything!"

"Suit your taste, i wont complain."

"Dont be like that! You helped me today a lots! Not forget to count you saved me last week."

"Okay okay! Lets go buy some groceries. There i will take what i want and let you think what to cook."

"Okay lets go!"

Without her notice, she hold his hand to their car. Its true, both of them not always had basic skinship but sometimes it little awkward for them.


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