Cassiopeia Kane

By vara_gr

6.9K 164 25


Season 2- 01


274 7 2
By vara_gr

"My friends this is the historic Unity Day. Every year we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form the Ark but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year on the ground." Jaha said through the screen with a bunch of people clapping after his speech.

All of the delinquents where gathered near the drop ship where Raven and Cassiopeia had set up a screen so they could see this year's Unity Day.

"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller said.

"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven replied and Cassy chuckled.

"For 97 years, we have eked out an existence hoping that someday our descendants will return to Earth." Jaha continued talking but Cassiopeia was lost in her own thoughts.

"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! I call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" Jasper called out wearing his black goggles as everyone cheered and followed him.

"There you go." Jasper said as he poured the liquid into the delinquents' cups.

Cassy was about to get her cup filled but she saw Octavia looking around her suspicious and then exited camp. Suddenly Cassy found herself quietly following the girl through the woods.

When it was getting darker Octavia stopped and observed a white flower that she grabbed and then continued on her way to the cave. "Why is she going to the Grounder?" Cassy as,Ed herself hesitant to follow but she knew that if anything happened to her Bellamy wouldn't forgive Cassy.

There where a few more flowers leading Octavia to Lincoln. In Cassy's opinion it was quite cute but this was t the time to think about love. When Octavia disappeared into the cave Cassy waited for a moment and entered it too.

"We'll make a warrior out of you yet." Cassy overheard Lincoln say to Octavia and then kissing sounds were heard. Cassiopeia's face burned from embarrassment so she quickly scurried out of the cave and waited outside until she thought they were done with their secret relationship.

After an hour Lincoln and Octavia emerged and kissed once again. "Took you long enough." Cassy said emerging from the shadows.

"Cassy?" Octavia asked as she grabbed Lincoln's wrist. "What are you doing here? Did Bellamy tell you to spy on me?" Octavia asked angrily.

Cassy chuckled. "No, I wanted to make sure you were alright." Cassy said. "Now I overheard earlier on your conversation before you had sex. I want in. Not on the whole making love thing. I want you to teach me how to fight and your language." I said.

"If Lincoln trains you then you don't utter a word to anyone about what you saw." Octavia said.

"You got yourself a deal." Cassiopeia replied with a smirk.

Octavia and Lincoln kissed again goodbye but this time Finn emerged from the shadows with a look of disbelief.

"Finn?" Cassy asked.

"Lincoln wait, wait, he's my friend!" Octavia said when Lincoln was ready to pounce on him with a knife in his hand.

"I think you lost this." Finn said and gave Lincoln the poisonous knife he used to try and kill Finn and Cassy.

After that they went back inside the cave and they all sat down. "What are you doing here?" Octavia asked Finn.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied as he looked around the cave. "I could also ask how long you've know he speaks English. But I won't."

Then Finn grabbed a horn and said "you blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you."

"I stabbed you." Lincoln enlightened.

"And we tortured you." Finn retorted. "If the two of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it."

"It's not that easy Finn. How do you expect our people to get along with the Grounders that are trying to kill us." Cassy said.

"For starters no killings." Finn said trying to set some rules.

"I don't have the power to call a truce." Lincoln said.

"Then bring me someone who does." Finn said decisively that made Lincoln scoff.

"Hey look, the rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days." Finn said making Cassy nudge him to stop talking.

"You really want to tell him that kind of information? What if he snitches and their people attack tonight?" Cassy asked. She didn't fully trust Lincoln yet, not like Octavia and Finn. She remembered that she was a step away from death because of him.

"And because of the attacks they're sending mostly soldiers, people that enforce our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost. You know, kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here, if they feel threatened, they will start a war. And I don't want that. Neither do you. And I think that's why you blew that horn. Once the soldiers get here, it will be too late. And we'll have no power to stop them. But if they see that we're at peace then maybe we have a chance to stay that way." Finn said talking straight from the heart.

After a moment of silence, Lincoln replied "alright. You bring your leader, I'll bring mine."

"What Bellamy? He'll never go for this." Octavia said and Cassy nodded in agreement.

"No. Not your brother. You and the blonde." Lincoln said pointing his finger at Cassy that was stunned. She didn't expect Lincoln to call her a leader.

"Can you see Clarke?" Cassy asked Finn when they got back to camp to get her so they could go meet the Grounder leader. But the problem was that most of the delinquents were squashed together drinking and partying.

"Found her." Finn said and they walked in the crowd with Cassiopeia following him.

Clarke was with two other delinquents that Cassy didn't recognise but thought that the boy was cute. She was trying to balance a coin on the bridge of her nose.

"Hey." Cassy greeted them when Finn didn't talk. "I'm Cassy." She introduced herself to the boy and girl when Finn rudely grabbed Clarke and left. "Um see you around." She send and then winked at the guy and left.

"I set up a meeting with the Grounders." Finn said to Clarke when Cassiopeia caught up with them.

"A meeting? I don't understand. With who? How?" Clarke asked confused.

"We were with the Grounder we had in the drop ship. His name is Lincoln." Finn replied.

"Wait a second. He spoke to you?" Clarke asked shocked.

"It's not important. If we wanna live in peace-" Finn said but Clarke interrupted him.

"We can't live in peace with people who e done nothing but kill us!" Clarke said what Cassy had said before when they were in the cave.

"Can you think of a better way to stop the bloodshed?" Finn asked Clarke.

"Yeah, with the guns that the Guard bring down." Clarke said shocking Cassy. She hadn't expected the girl to choose violence over peace.

"You really want a war? Because at this rate, that's what's coming. Look I know it's a long shot but this is our world and I think we could do better than the first time round. I trust him." Finn said.

Clarke looked at her half-sister. "I trust Finn." Cassy told her honestly, she still had her doubts about the Grounder.

"If we go, we have to bring backup." Clarke said.

"No way." Finn shook his head as he said that. "We're not bringing guns. Those weren't the terms. And if we're going to do this we gotta give it a fair shot."

"Okay, I'll get my pack and I'll meet you at the gate." She told them hesitantly then Finn made his way to the gate leaving the two sisters alone.

"Tell Bellamy." Cassy said and then followed after Finn.

When the trio arrived at the meeting spot, which happened to be on a bridge, the sun had already risen. Octavia was pacing around nervously all by herself.

"So that's how you set this up." Clarke said when she put all the peace's together. "You helped him escape, didn't you?" She asked Octavia.

"I trust him Clarke." Octavia said seriously.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke said and then looked at Finn that had said the same thing earlier.

"Someone's coming." Cassy said when she saw someone running towards them. When the group noticed that it was Lincoln, Octavia sprinted towards him and hugged him.

"Oh my god. Horses." Cassy exclaimed when three horses with a Grounder on them emerge from the other side of the bridge.

What Cassy assumed was the leader was on the middle, she had brunette-blonde hair and looked skinny. She was riding a brown horse unlike the other two men next to her ridding black horses.

"Hey we said no weapons!" Finn said when he saw the swords the two Grounders were wearing. Luckily for Cassy she still had her little knife tucked in her belt just in case it got violent.

"I was told there wouldn't be." Lincoln said.

"It's too late now." Clarke said and looked at Finn and Cassy.

When the trio took a step forward Lincoln stopped Finn. "They go alone." Finn tried to argue but he knew that if he did then the meeting will end.

"We'll be fine." Cassiopeia reassured the worried boy.

"It's time to do better." Clarke said quoting Finn. They then walked at the centre of the bridge where the female Grounder leader met them. The lady had such a confident stride that made Cassiopeia question why she was even born.

"Your name is Clarke and Cassiopeia?" The female asked as she studied them from head to toes.

"Yeah." Cassy responded for both of them.

"I'm Anya." The lady said. Clarke gave out her hand for a handshake but all the leader did was just stare at it until Clarke pulled away.

"I think we got off to a rough start. But we want to find a way to live together." Clarke said.

"Peacefully. You know without the killings." Cassiopeia added.

"I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end." Anya said.

"What? No, we didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason." Clarke said confused.

"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground." Anya explained.

"The flares?" Asked Cassy. She wanted to make sure they were all on the same page. "That was a signal. Meant for our families. We had no idea-"

"Your invaders." Anya interrupted. "Your ship landed in our territory."

"We didn't know anyone was here. We thought the ground was uninhabited." Clarke explained.

"You knew when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him." Anya said clearly referring about Lincoln.

"He kidnapped us first!" Cassiopeia exclaimed. She felt like this whole situation was unfair for them.

"These are all acts of war." Anya said ignoring what Cassy had said.

"I see your point. That's why we need to put an end to all of this." Clarke reasoned.

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down. Warriors." The Grounder leader acknowledged.

"The Guard. Yes. But also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other. But not if we're at war." Clarke said.

"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us? That they'll accept the terms we agree on?" Anya asked. Cassy was about to scoff but she stopped herself when she remembered that the answer to that question was life and death for them.

"We promise we will do everything we can to convince them that they honour the terms we set." Clarke said.

"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya asked.

"To be honest I'm wondering the same thing." Cassy muttered under her breath but unfortunately Anya heard her and gave her a deadly look.

"If you fire the first shot, our people won't bother negotiating. Our technology. They will wipe you out." Clarke told Anya.

"They wouldn't be the first to try." Anya replied unfazed by the death threat. Cassy really wished she was Anya, she just idolised her aura and the way she talked, she was like a true leader. "We also want your night-blood." Anya said when she remembered.

"Out what now?" Clarke asked confused and Cassy stood there shocked.

"Your night blood." Anya repeated.

"Meghan is a busy right now." Cassy said making up a fake person. She sure as hell didn't want the Grounders to do who knows what to her.

"Who's Megan?" Asked Clarke making Anya raise her eyebrow. Cassiopeia didn't have the chance to talk again because Jasper shouted "girls run! Run!" with a traumatised voice and then a bunch of bullets were released from his riffle. Shortly after arrows were fired and swooshed in the air trying to hit their target.

Anya reached for her sword but Cassiopeia grabbed her knife from her belt and pointed it at the Grounder's throat. "Don't you dare." She growled lowly and then a bullet went in Anya's shoulder making her groan in pain. Cassiopeia looked behind her to see who did it, it was Bellamy.

"Clarke get down!" Cassy yelled. Clarke immediately did what she was told and made it just in time before the Grounder threw his arrow at her.

"Finn, get back!" Clarke yelled when the boy came to the rescue.

Anya and the rest of the Grounders she brought (that weren't already dead) left with their horses and they all ran back with Ella my, Jasper and Raven that were the backup plan.

When they arrived back at camp they panted heavily. "Got something to say?" Bellamy asked Finn, Cassy and Octavia.

"Yeah. I told you no guns." He yelled at Cassy.

"Why are you blaming me?!" She asked.

"Because you told him!" He replied.

"What makes you so sure?" She asked Finn angrily.

"I don't know?! Maybe it's because your fucking him!" Finn said that made Cassy scoff.

"I told him!" Clarke yelled. "I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders and I was right."

"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asked her boyfriend.

"I tried but you were to busy making bullets for your guns." Finn explained furiously.

"Your lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you Finn." Bellamy said.

"You don't know that. Jasper fired the first shot." He blamed the boy.

"You ruined everything." Octavia told Jasper and then ran off somewhere into camp.

"I saved you!" He yelled at her but she was long gone.

"Well if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now." Finn reminded them. "You didn't have to trust the Grounders, you just had to trust me."

"Like I said, best Unity Day ever." Bellamy told Clarke and then everyone went their seperate ways apart from Bellamy and Cassiopeia.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" He asked the girl.

"You think Clarke had the bright idea of you following us?" She asked with a smirk. Their conversation was cut by a noise. They both looked up at the sky to see the drop ship heading to the ground.

"The Exodus ship? Your mum is early." Bellamy said and Cassy cringed by the thought of calling Abby her mum.

"Wait. It's going to fast and there's no parachute." Cassiopeia voiced her thoughts and then the drop ship landed with an explosion on the ground. Cay covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

"You said my mother was on there?" She asked Bellamy that nodded silently. A tear escaped her eye. Maybe after all she was never going to meet the person that gave birth to her. Bellamy sensed her sadness so he brought her in a hug.

"I'm sorry." He said as Cassy buried her head in his chest.

"There was nothing you could do." She said and then parted from the hug.

"We should get some rest." The boy instructed and then yawned.

"Goodnight." Cassy said and then went to go check up on Clarke.

The blonde girl was in her tent crying and sniffing. "Hey." Cassy said sadly making Clarke quickly recollect her emotions. "You don't have to mask your sadness." She said and then the girl went back to crying.

Cassy stood near the exit awkwardly not knowing what to do until Clarke patted the seat next to her. When she sat down Clarke hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

"Shh everything is going to be okay." She reassured the girl.

"What is a night blood and who on earth is Megan?" Asked Clarke when she remembered.

Cassy didn't know from where to start so she grabbed her knife and made a small scratch on her hand. The black blood poured slowly from the wound. "I'm a night blood. I have the black blood." Cassy said.

"Why do thaw Grounded want you to go with them?" Clarke asked confused.

"Lincoln told me that the people with black blood are born leaders. That means that when their next leader dies, all of the night bloods have to fight each other for the throne." Cassiopeia explained.

"Oh." Clarke said comprehending all of the information. "I'm not going to let them take you. You are the only family I have left."

Cassy's heart warmed up. She didn't expect Clarke to consider her as family, if anything she expected her to ignore Cassiopeia for the rest of her life.

Authors note:
Vote, comment and follow please.
Go check out my other work if you are interested in the Hunger Games.
Sorry if I made any mistakes.
This chapter was based off of Episode 9- Unity Day.
Have a nice day/night and stay safe. 🏕☄️🛤

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