F**k You

By INeedHolyWaterOopss

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Yoongi mafia AU FF (meant to be funny/cringey and less serious) As always with my stories there is smut ther... More

Love of my life
am I still pretty
Glad you stayed?
My car
I'm okay
Sneaking out
Doing the world a favor
I see a litte bit more in you
Home Sweet Home
The Promise
It'll be okay
It's in their hands now
She's on drugs
Getting information
waste of skin
Hope 2
New bitch
Idle hands
I know nothing
Be Safe
Time for change


9.1K 416 403
By INeedHolyWaterOopss

Everything was a blur. 

The house exploded and sent Jimin and I flying across the street.

Yoongi, didn’t make it out of the house before the explosion. 

Our home was nothing but rubble and flames as the ambulance stuck me on a gurney and ushered me away, I cried and screamed until they sedated me. I managed to tell them about my pregnancy right before the sedative knocked me on my ass.

When I woke up four days later, everyone was in my room, and everyone was crying their eyes out. Gia held me and sobbed harder than I had ever seen her cry before in our lives. I had to plan a funeral before I could even get out of my hospital bed. Jimin held me together. 

Days, weeks, months. It all blended together. 

Mafia leaders, police officers, friends, family, kids that he had saved, they all came to pay their respects and praise him for the work he had done, even if it wasn’t legal. He had done so much good as a mafia leader that everyone in South Korea mourned him. People even flew in from the states. People applauded me for not only having to raise Vinny on my own, but for also keeping the baby that Yoongi and I had created.     

I had to learn how to walk again after the funeral, physical therapy while pregnant was awful. Jimin helped me every step of the way, Jungkook never let me do anything on my own, and whenever I turned around there was always someone there making sure that I was okay. I was so thankful for my family, and the connections Yoongi had built within the police. We managed to keep everything secret, cleaned up all of our messes, and were free to live our lives. 

I stared out the window and watched the wind blow the trees, the sun was shining and the grass was finally looking green and healthy. 

Country life was so much better than city life. 

Normalcy was so much better than living life in a mafia.

That’s all I ever craved, normalcy. 

I never really had that. Between losing both parents, working my fingers down to the bone, and eventually meeting Yoongi and everything that transpired after that. I couldn’t be more thankful for the life I have now. 

Vinny is eight now, Jay is six, and my little bean Georgia is only a year old. I love being a mother. My three kids make me happy, they keep me grounded, and after everything Vinny went through, and what happened while I was pregnant with Jay, I find myself waking up in a cold sweat sometimes scared that something has happened. That someone from my past has come back. That one day I’ll wake up and they'll be gone.  

I’ve lost so much, and been through so much. 

But as I watch Vinny play with Jay in the tree house, I feel content. 

“Mamamama” Georgia babbled making me laugh as I tilted my head down to kiss her chubby cheekers “Dadadaada!”

“Where’s daddy baby?” I cooed 

“Dada dada!” she giggled as Jimin popped up behind me and cooed at her 

“Ally Cat” he smiled as he pecked my cheek 

“How was it?” 

“Good, great actually” he smiled as he kissed Georgia’s face

“Dadada” she giggled and smacked his face making him laugh 

“Wrong Korean man sweetheart, close though” he joked making me laugh 

“someone looking for me?” Yoongi said as he walked into the living room

“Dada!!” she squealed as he took her from my arms and kissed her face all over before quickly pecking my lips  

“Jimin said that it went well today?” 

“It did, they said that the foal is going to be fine. Is everyone still coming tonight?” 

“Yup, Jin said he’ll be late, but everyone else said they’d either be on time or early” 

“I’m early” Jimin shrugged 

“That's because you live with us, dumbass. You and kook, I swear to god” I rolled my eyes. 

Once Yoongi was officially deceased, and buried...at least, on paper. And in the eyes of the public. 
He and I moved, we bought a huge lot of land, built a big house, and took in a few animals just because we could. We thought it might help teach the kids responsibilities, while also giving us something to do besides raising our children since we were officially jobless, rich, and Yoongi was ‘dead’. Jimin, and Jungkook live with us. 

Gia and Joonie, bought a new home on the outskirts of Seoul, they had two babies shortly after and finally got married. 

Jin had settled into his own new home, got himself a girlfriend, and they opened a little convenience store together where they sell..well..anything really. From gum, to random pastries they make in their kitchen, toys for kids, and even hot food, mostly for people who can’t afford much. Everything is either free or extremely discounted. Jin still wanted to be able to help people, but stay out of the public eye, and they had decided this was the best way to go about it. 

Tae had finally found someone who was just as fucked up, funny, caring, and sweet as him. She keeps him on his toes and he can’t get enough of her. 

Hoseok. My dearest Hobi. He opened up his own hair salon. Apparently, he had always wanted to be a barber, and a hairdresser. He took advantage of the fact that he no longer had to live the life he was living and put himself through school and began to accomplish his dreams. He’s even done hair for celebrities because of his reputation. 

Everything worked out better than any of us could have ever dreamed of. 

And we are all family. 

We’re closer and happier today than we had ever been before. And we put each other first, and always make time to get together. This week family dinner was at our house and I had rushed around like a maniac to cook food for everyone while also making sure Vinny, Jay, and Georgia were taken care of and not destroying the house. 

“Dad!” Vinny yelled as he ran into the house 

“Hey buddy” he smiled as Vinny wrapped his arms around his waist in a tight hug 

“Aw man, dad’s home?” Jay whined “Now we have to get ready for dinner” he rolled his eyes 

“Hey, you love family dinner mister. Go get dressed” 

“Is uncle Kookie’s girlfriend coming? She freaks me out” Vinny pouted 

“She freaks all of us out” I shivered making Yoongi throw his head back and laugh his ass off scaring Georgia in the process 

“She is a bit odd isn’t she?” 

“Leave June alone” Kook said as he rolled his eyes and entered the living room 

“She is a bit odd kook” Jimin said with a smirk earning a smack to the chest from Kookie 

“My baby” he cooed as he took Georgia out of Yoongi’s arms, she giggled as he gave her lovins “Hyung, I brought your cane in. You left it at the stables again” 

“Gee thanks kook, because it totally wasn’t on purpose” he rolled his eyes and I smacked his chest playfully.

Surviving an explosion like that, came at a price. One leg was so shattered they had to amputate it and give him a prosthetic while the other was broken and in a cast for months. He couldn't get out of bed, couldn't take care of himself, I couldn't help him, but he made sure they wheeled him into the delivery room to be there while I delivered Jay.

“The older we get, and the longer we’re together, I realize you’re the more stubborn one in this relationship you grumpy butthole” I cheesed making him chuckle as he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my lips 

“I only need it for long distances baby, you know that” he pouted making me giggle 

“Still, god forbid your knees give out and you need it.”

“Then you can just come and pick me up” he smacked my ass playfully making me jump and giggle 

“Will you two cut it out in front of my baby?” Kook scoffed as he covered Georgia’s eyes “tell mommy and daddy ‘ew’”

“Ew!” she squealed and laughed making me laugh even harder 

“Come on boys, time to wash up. Daddy needs the bathroom because he smells like horse poop, and your family is gonna be here any second” I ushered my sons towards their rooms to get clean clothes so they could clean up 

“Haha daddy! Mommy said you smell like poop!” Vinny yelled down the stairs 

“He does always smell like poop!” Jay giggled behind his older brother making me laugh 

“My sons are so rude” he shook his head and then leaned over to kiss Georgia on her cheek in kook’s arms “My little girl will be nice to her daddy though right?” he tickled under her chin and she blew a raspberry in his face before laughing her little ass off “I guess not” he pouted making me laugh. 

I walked out into the kitchen and hummed to myself as I began mixing up the cake batter, Yoongi came in and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck, he took a deep inhale and let it out slowly, causing goosebumps to attack my skin. 

“What do you want mister Min?” 

“For my wife to pay attention to me Mrs Min” he kissed my neck softly 

“Well, your wife must be awfully stupid not to give you her full attention” I chuckled making him smile 

“Eh, she’s always been a bit s-”

“Don’t you finish that sentence” I elbowed him and flung some cake mix at his face making him laugh his ass off as he wiped it off his cheek and put it on my nose 

“I love you” he smiled before kissing my lips 

“I love you too Yoongs” I closed my eyes and kissed him back 

Everything, and I mean everything, was totally worth it for this moment right here. 


Lordt. That was a ride. I feel like I could have made it better and longer if I had just stuck to my original plan, but I hope it wasn't too awful and that you guys enjoyed it even a little!

Thank you for reading ♡

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