Crush. (Miniminter x oc)

By PosionedApple17

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(Simon Minter x WillNE's sister.) In which Simon Minter has a little crush. Olivia Lenney grew up in Newcas... More



879 6 4
By PosionedApple17


WillNE: Haway the Toon! Feels good to be home. Also look at this lazy sod sleeping in the bloody car! @LivLaughLove

GeeNelly: enjoy your Christmas at home you two xx

TrueGeordie: nice one lad, black and white life forever! 🔥

Wroe2Shore: lmao imagine being from Newcastle 😹

^LivLaughLove: yeah but imagine being from Guernsey 🤮

^Wroe2Shore: we are no longer friends

Miniminter7: @LivLaughLove how do you do that? Sleep literally anywhere? X

Usename1: kisses from Simon? ❤️

FreyaNightingale: city looks lovely. Also kisses? #Olimon !?

^LivLaughLove: mmmmmmh no

WillNE: @FreyaNightingale absolutely not- take your shipping shenanigans away from my feed!

^KSI: bro don't see why you're fighting it, you were clearly ok with it on the holiday.

^Callux: JJ!

^Wroe2Shore: @KSI you stinker!

KSI: shit.

(KSI has deleted a comment.)


Simoné: hey did you see JJ's comment? xx

Liv: yeah I did dw, the fans will spiral for a day then it'll calm down. Xx

Simoné: ok as long as you're ok. You happy to be home? xx

Liv: I am, missing you and your cuddles though xx

Simoné: awww I miss you and your cuddles too love xx

Liv: I love when you call me that xx

Simoné: me too xx

Liv: I think I'm gonna tell my mum about us- she won't let it slip to Will xx

Simoné: well go for it then, glad to know I'm good enough to be talked about 😉 xx

Liv: hmmm don't let my mum's knowing if your existence effect your ego too much 😉 xx

Simoné: well me and Nick are nearly home, gonna stop at an Asda, ft tomorrow? Xx

Liv: sure thing- see you then xx

Simoné: see you then love ❤️ 😉 xx


"Who you texting?" Will asked me as he pulled up onto our old street. "Just Freya texting me about the shit JJ said on your post. "Aye? What's she said?"
"Nothing she just said she still thinks I fancy Simon."

"And do you?" He suddenly asked, his voice deadly serious. "Uhhh no."
"You're a shite liar you know." He said and I looked up at him. "Wha....what?"

"I can read your phone from here how long has that been going on?" He deadpanned and I looked up at him. "We've been official a few weeks- but we kissed after the holiday."

"Well as long as you're happy and he treats you with the utter most respect, then I don't care." He said and a grin grew onto my face. "I love you Willy."

"Call me that again and I will crash this car."
"Jesus! Ok! Sorry!"
"Aye better be."


"Mam! Dad! We're home!" Will yelled up the stairs as we stood in the entrance hall of our old home.

It was a pretty simple house in the Whitley Bay Area, right near the coast. It was a good half hour to fourth five minute drive from Newcastle city centre and a stone throws away from our old secondary school and sixthform college.

Our younger brother and sister (idk or care how many siblings Will has, their names and the parents names are also made up.) Lucas and Sophie still went to that school, Luke was in year twelve in the sixthform and Soph was in year ten, she was the baby of the family.

It was only five in the evening but snow had been falling over the are for a good few hours as we drove home and it being winter, it was already dark out.

"Will? Liv?!" It was our mum who came down the stairs first- still in her work clothes- she engulfed us both in a massive hug kissing our cheeks and trying (but failing) to place her arms around our shoulders. Clearly neither of us got our height from Mam. We were both a good few inches taller then her.

"Oh I'm missed you my babies!" She cried squeezing our middles and forcing Will and I to hug her and one another for a straight five minutes.

"Oh take your coats off, they can go in the cupboard under the stairs." She said pointing to said cupboard. "Dad been painting again?" Will asked looking around. Indeed the walls were once again a changed colour.

"Yeah, that man and his bloody projects." She sighed, "come on shoes too. I'll pop the kettle on, your da will be home for seven- I'm saving tea till then."

"Sounds good mam, where's Lu and Soph?" Will asked her.
"Lu's got his band rehearsal and your dad's gonna go get him and Soph's out with her boyfriend." Mam replied.

"Wait! Sophie's got a boyfriend!?" Will demanded and mum rolled her eyes, "I know- bloody fourteen year old thinks she's got a boyfriend." Mum nodded, seemingly just as miffed as Will was.

Little did either of them know, me and Sophie both knew about one another's boyfriends and she'd been getting boy advice from me since before she even got into secondary school.

"Surely dad's got something to say about that?" Will said and mum shuck her head. "He doesn't know. He think Jessi is a girl." She said and Will's eyes widened, "fucking Jessi? What kind of name is Jessi?!" He shrugged off his coat and took mine to throw in the cupboard.

"William! Language." Mum chastised but you could tell she agreed. "Sorry mum......speaking of boyfriends...."
"Finish that sentence and I'm letting Luke have the gift I gave you." I snapped at him.

"You told Si you were gonna tell her!" He whispered back so mum didn't hear while she lead us into the kitchen. "Well not yet you twat. So drop it." I whispered back before I followed Mam and arrived in the kitchen. Holiday time here we come.


"Liv! Will!" Sophie came barrelling through the kitchen later that evening, throwing herself at Will and I as we both threw down the cooking utensils in our hands and caught her.

"Hey Soph!" Will enthused kissing her head and hugging her back. I hugged her too, squeezing her in my arms before she pulled away. "I missed you both."
"We missed you to munchkin." I poked her nose. "Are we sharing again?" She asked me and i nodded, "sure are."

"Sophie let your brother and sister breath, bloody hell." Mum chastised before she opened the door and met darcy run outside into the garden.

Sophie had had the dog out with her when we got back so Will, who was obsessed with that bloody dog, was already coo-ing over her again. "Where's dad and Lu?" Sophie asked mum who nodded at the clock, "they'll be in in a bit your sister with the veg will you." Then she turned back around.

"Who dropped you off?" Will asked Sophie as the three of us started peeling carrots and potatoes again. "Jessi's mum." She shrugged back.
"How is Jessi?" I teased and she looked up at me with a scowl. "He's wonderful thank you, Olivia. How's Simon?" She replied and I shot her a deathly glare.

"Who's Simon love?" Mum asked confused and I groaned, "he's a friend mum- all of our fans and mates have a joke about us-."
"Nah ah! You don't get to chicken out now lass! Simon is Liv's Boyfriend mum." Will cut me off and I flushed.

"You have a boyfriend?!" Mum span around as quick as a flash. "Uh yeah." I replied defeated.
"And you didn't think to tell me? Olivia!"

"Mam! I'm sorry." I threw my hands up in surrender, still gripping the vegetable peeler in my left hand. "Livvy and Simon sitting in a tree-."
"Shut up Soph." I muttered before I flicked her side.

"How come Sophie and Will knew before me?" Mum asked looking at me in the stern maternal fashion she always did when I'd annoyed her. "Well I told Soph when she told me about Jessi and Will just found out in the car up."

"Well.....well I need more details then that! I wanna know all about this boy!" Mam demanded.
"Mam you met him at the football match last year." Will reminded her, "he's the lanky blonde fuc- lad." Will corrected himself mid sentence.

"Oooh he was a good player." She nodded, "he was the one who you hugged when he came off. Wait! How long has this been going on?!"

"Mam we've barely been together officially by a month and he's supper sweet don't worry." I assured her then Sophie spoke again with a smirk, "Plus he's really tall and fit."
"Sophie Marie!"
"Sorry mum!"


"I really did miss you both you know." Sophie said as her, Will and I moved into her room after getting changed before dinner. Dad and Luke were five minutes away.

"We missed you too." I repeated.
"It's annoying how far away you are all the time." She said with a pout and I nodded, "it's ok, we'll visit more often and soon you'll be off at uni." Will assured.

"Will that's four years away!" She groaned sitting on the edge of her bed. "Don't worry- it'll fly by." I nudged her. "You promise?"

"I sure give me a hug." Will then pulled her into his arms, me joining them soon after sending the three of us flying backwards onto her bed.

"Ah!"  We all yelled before we all started laughing amongst ourselves.

"Kids! Dad and Luke are home!"

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