Chance of a Lifetime ✰ AOT x...

Av ackerm4nz

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CH. ONE | A Warrior
CH. TWO | Faith
CH. THREE | United With You
CH. FOUR | When We Meet
CH. FIVE | Confessions
CH. SIX | Their Goodbyes
CH. SEVEN | My Truth
CH. EIGHT | Their Side of the Sea
CH. TEN | One Truth and a Lie
CH. ELEVEN | Heaven and Earth
CH. TWELVE | Welcome, Rina
CH. THIRTEEN | With Grace
CH. FOURTEEN | What Gets You Hurt
CH. FIFTEEN | New Alliances
CH. SIXTEEN | Return to Salvation
CH. SEVENTEEN | Home Lies Ahead

CH. NINE | Brave Volunteers

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Av ackerm4nz

*from now on, at least for what I'm planning, the POV will be in third person.

WATCHING ALONG THE GREEN tents belonging to the military of Paradis, a few of their strongest and most experienced soldiers stay stationed in the rocks above the site on lookout.

It was only an hour after the Marleyan fleet had arrived with new guests who claimed to be working on forming an alliance with Paradis. All consisted of Eldian's who were trapped in that country's wretched hands of the internment zone.

Even Marley's own best war soldier turned on them. No one ever expected someone so dedicated to dwindling down their years living for a country, joining the opposing teams side.

The talk whether or not both parties could gain each others trust, was happening. Currently residing in a single tent placed in the middle among all.

"That huge lady of theirs shot and killed her comrade." a young male with a buzz cut spoke, shuddering at the memory. "Wonder what her goal is."

"Don't forget the so called soldier who accompanied them. She broke that mans arm and wrist like it was a stick. Who knows? Whether friend or foe, they're not to be trusted." another tall male with sandy brown hair spoke in response.

To the side of both men, laying perfectly undisturbed and asleep, a brunette who yawned quietly some drool coming from her mouth.

Immediately standing up to awaken the sleeping girl, a ravenette gripped onto her ponytail, pulling her head up.

"No napping, Sasha."

The brown haired presumably named Sasha gave no response and stood sound asleep completely unfazed.

A blond boy with bright ocean blue eyes had watched the tents from the view, his hues sparkling with some excitement.

"But their willingness to share information is unbelievably lucky for us. That girl turning herself in just to become part of our military is also a big advantage. She's worked in their ranks and has skill we've never seen before."

"Yeah, we've been really lucky." said a teal eyed boy who sat crouched next to the blond. Long streaks of red covered the skin under his eyes, signaling him as the famous titan shifter of Paradis.

"We stopped their landing by pure chance. If Marley comes in force, we'll be screwed. We've gotta do something."

"But there's something about that girl who accompanied them without the whole ship knowing..." he continued on, eyeing the specific tent where she was located.

Everyone turned to look at him out of curiosity, eager to hear his reasoning.

"It's driving me crazy, but I feel like we've met somehow, and are connected. When she first turned to look at me from the ship's deck, there was this spark in her eyes that I've never before seen."


Peering through the opening of a hand gun, a female (sorry to those who refer to Hange as they/them. I personally use she/her pronouns and call Hange a woman.) soldier awed at the newfound weapon.

"Ah, I see! That's how it shoots a bunch!" she said ecstatically, playing with the loaded bullets pushed into the barrel.

"That's standard-issue in Marley." the extremely tall woman named Yelena explained, taking a sip from her teacup.

"The Marley army has 20,000 soldiers per division. With 50 divisions, thats 1,000,000 soldiers." she turned in her chair a bit to look at a figure who was standing in the corner of the tent, hands tied behind their back.

"Y/N here, was among those 1,000,000 soldiers. Marley claimed she had the brute strength and flexibility of all of the soldiers in each private division combined, which gives her the title of 'Marley's prized war possession' or 'secret weapon' as you may have heard. Rival nations of the country feared of what she could do, noticing the damage that had taken place once she was let lose on the battlefield in a previous war."

Y/N who had zoned out ignoring the conversation going on between the four was soon pulled out of her thoughts and glanced at the soldier holding the gun.

Hange had a wide-eyed expression, nodding her head at Yelena's given details of the Marleyan weapon.

The man who accompanied Hange, Levi, glared at the female with a cold look. His crystal grey eyes not failing to tear at her skin with ease.

"So their strongest weapon, is a person? Specifically this girl?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of Y/N who didn't dare to shift uncomfortably while being tormented under his gaze.

Yelena nodded in response, taking another sip of her tea.

"There's also the navy with three fleets, each comprised of 21 battleships. They've made tremendous progress in new weapons and aerial warfare as well."

"Aerial...?" Hange asked.

Levi let out a 'tch', finally releasing his long-term  staring contest from Y/N.

"In other words, vehicles allowing one to attack the enemy from the sky." Onyankopon, the dark skinned male from the clothing room prior spoke answering Hange's question.

"Huh?! From the sky?!" her hands hit the table with a loud thud as she stood up from her chair out of shock.


Hange's face turned into one of worry. "If Marley had such capabilities this whole time, why haven't they attacked instead of sending ships out to investigate?"

Y/N interfered before the blondie could even talk again.

"Marley has been caught up in war requiring every single division of the military to undergo serious training. They sent ships out to investigate whether the walls had fallen or not after the departure of the Warriors that were left. But not one ship has returned with any new information deeming these scouting missions dangerous and extremely incomplete."

"That's where I come in somewhat. A decision was brought up whether or not sending a Warrior from the Warrior unit out to Paradis to investigate and destroy whatever was ruining the ships would help. I was part of the Warrior unit, and volunteered on my own behalf to 'kill' whatever lay out here. Since I was the most skilled and mostly everyone thought they could trust me, the main command along with chief of the unit allowed me to sneakily board a ship set to sail to Paradis, which resulted in me standing here talking to you guys while being confined in handcuffs."

"The restraints are precautionary measures. We saw what you did to that guys hand and aren't taking any chances." Levi spoke stoically. He was completely unfazed by the confession, and a tad bit relieved to hear exactly why Marley hasn't attacked.

Hange stared at the female with a questionable look, processing all the information given forward.

"There are also two other main reasons." Yelena started.

"One being the pure Titans released here. Even with the latest weapons, they would hinder a land assault. They were used as a tool to confine Eldian's within the walls. But in turn, they've protected Eldia from invasion."

"Yeah. Well ain't that funny?" Levi commented, his tone laced with sarcasm.

"Though dawn is coming soon, and that's when Titan's are active. But if we're way out here, sipping tea outside the walls, you must have killed all the Titans roaming around. Is that true?" she questioned, turning her attention back to the two in front.

"And what if it is? You gonna report it to Marley?"

"No, it blows away my expectations." Yelena looked off into the distance, eyes widened from shock.

"And the second reason?" Hange asked, reverting the blonde's attention back to her.

"Y/N had already partially explained this reason. Currently, Marley is at war with multiple nations. They can't be bothered with Paradis. You defeated the Warrior unit, the pride of Marley, and captured two of their main weapons, the colossal and female Titan's."

"And now with their most valuable weapon here in your possession, offering her knowledge and strength to this island of so-called 'devils', Marley just lost what they cherished the most as well."

Y/N visibly stiffened in place upon realizing.

Two of her friends were here. One was in captivity. The other's memories were living among the Eldian who inherited them.

She hung her head low, the salty tears that slowly started to build up in her eyes threatening to run down.

'No. Don't cry.' she thought. 'Not here. Not now. They wouldn't want you too, even after finding out you're going behind their backs.'

"Marley's many enemies took notice and were quick to unite and declare war. Though, once they find out that the one weapon everyone dared not to come across is gone, more of them will team up causing more problems."

"If you guys are secret agents who infiltrated Marley, I'm guessing you came from conquered nations?"

The two on the opposite side gave no response, concluding Hange's theory.

"Oh. I'm right?! If you're going against Marley, I bet you've got big backers!"

Yelena set her teacup down with a clink, gazing into the cup while the light brown liquid swished around.

"We're not secret agents or anything of the sort. We were powerless. Marley took our homes and forced us to be soldiers. We were close to losing hope at ever striking back."

"Until we met him."

Y/N perked her head up a bit, now paying close attention as to why this certain bunch of people were teamed up and planning to rebel against Marley.

"A Titan that people of the world feared, calling it a devil.  But I saw something completely different..."

"A god. One that gave hope to the powerless."

'A god?' everyone thought together in unison.

"Under Zeke Jaeger's command, we shot our superiors. We're the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. Our goal: to free the Eldian people. Those are his specific demands, which is why we were sent here. He wishes to free the Eldian race of discrimination."

"Zeke..." Y/N mumbled, her lips trembling.

Everyone one the room turned their attention towards the corner where she stood, heads tilted at her outburst.

"Zeke Jaeger... is a... is a... traitor..." her lips curled up into a slight smile. She giggled under her breath a bit, calming herself down.

"My oh my, I've always known something was up with him. Wanting to miss out on our meetings after being appointed chief of the Warrior unit. He was all in favor of sending me out. So my prediction has been proven correct..." she let out a sigh of relief, remembering when Zeke had approached her right after the final decision was made.


"I have faith that you will be successful with the fleet mission. You are the strongest of us all." Zeke assured, walking beside the female in who he was accompanying.

"I presume I will be too."

Zeke stopped walking, causing her to follow in suit.

"I'm all in favor of sending you out. Don't let the others get in way of accomplishing what you want."

With a pat on the back, he walked away leaving the girl dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway.

'Usually, Zeke, you would hesitate along with them. You're plotting something, and I can sense it.'

'Are you planning to go against Marley, too?'


"Tell me, Y/N. Just what exactly brought you here other than your duty of killing? Why are you so dedicated to joining our side instead of sticking with the place who worshipped you?" Hange asked setting the gun down and laying her head on her folded hands.

Y/N cleared her throat, standing upright with a small smirk on her face.

"That disgusting place saw me as nothing but a weapon and breeder for children I don't want. Something to do with my blood that they ended up killing my mother just for me to be controlled. To them, I'm not human. Just a tool. Someone of Eldian blood. A devil. I only exist to produce young for those people. Not even once have they told me what's so special about it."

"You yield special blood? Like royal, or perhaps, something more distinguished?"

She shrugged, the chains of her handcuffs clanging in the room.

"Beats me. I didn't even know until I was what, eight or nine years old? My mother died before I was able to regain any memories of her. I can barely depict her face or anything that she's told me. My earliest memories are from when I was with my adoptive family. I don't recall them knowing anything regarding my mother. But what I do remember is that Marley said my blood was special. The reason is unknown to me."

"There must be some sort of explanation as to why they aren't telling you." Hange concluded, standing up from her chair with Levi following in suit.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we must get going back to the walls for a meeting regarding Zeke Jaeger's demands. Our subordinates will escort you to your tents at dawn. Feel free to roam this area as you wish. Y/N, you will be kept under supervision by the Levi squad, requiring you to accompany us to the wall. We're riding out at 10 later today."

Reaching the sprawled open exit, sunlight peered into the enclosed area.

"Oh, Hange." Y/N called out.

"I do remember something though.  A meeting between people who are aware and know of my origin. It has to do with the Founding Titan." she confessed just as the two were about to exit the tent.

Hange turned to look at her, an eyebrow raised.


"I was standing outside the main unit listening to a conversation with the Commander of the Warrior unit and the head of divisions. If I remember closely, they said that once the Founding Titan was in their hands, I would have something to do with it. Like a path of some sort. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but once I continued on living in the military, I was to bear children because my blood was 'too important to be lost' or something like that."

"They justified my mother's killing by saying she didn't have the blood they needed for this project, and found it odd that I possessed that certain type of blood. The type my mother should've had."

Hange stared at the girl with a sort of shocked expression.

"Y/N. This is a very important question and I need you to answer truthfully. Do you remember your mothers name at all? Was it ever mentioned?"

"I suppose so, but it was very brief. Why?"

"Do you mind telling me?"

Y/N thought long and hard, trying her best to recall that name which was mentioned so long ago.

'It started with a Y, I know for sure.. but what exactly was it..?'

"I don't quite remember it exactly, and this may be very off but it started with a Y."

"Y/N... what's your last name? Do you know it?" Hange asked, walking back inside of the tent.

"Oh, it's L/N. I think my sister back in Marley, Nixa, gave it to me."

"L/N..." Hange kept repeating aloud.

As if you could see it, a lightbulb went off above her. Her eyes widened suddenly as she paced around the isolated area, hands holding her head.

"Levi." she called.


"Bring Eren over here immediately, along with the books we found in the Jaeger's basement."


"Eren!" Mikasa called out to him from the rocks  above the sandy area of the beach.

Eren, who stood there looking off into the distance, taking in the gorgeous sight of waves swaying back and forth didn't bother paying attention to the girl who was standing, calling his name.

With a scoff, she trailed down the rocks, jumping off right next to him with a small thump.

"Eren. Captain Levi is calling for you right now. It's urgent."

He gave no response and continued staring at the deep blue water.

"It's about that female soldier."

Now that was what got his attention.

The mysterious female soldier he swore he had this unknown connection to. The girl who had this spark in her eyes which intrigued him.

He turned his head to face Mikasa who had her arms crossed facing towards the rocks.

"What about her?"

"You'll just have to see for yourself. Let's go."

She grabbed onto his wrist, pulling him over the rocks to the tent where the Marleyan fleet was earlier today.

Everyone else from the Levi squad had gathered around the specific area, talking about random things.

"What's so important? Did they find something out regarding Marley?" Eren spoke, disrupting their conversations.

Jean who had his back towards Eren turned around with his arms crossed.

"Who knows. We were all just called here so abruptly. Apparently, something is going on with the girl from Marley."

"They haven't given any details?"

Everyone shook their heads in response.

"Oi." Levi called out from the right side, walking towards them.

"We're heading back into the walls right now for a meeting with the Queen regarding Zeke Jaeger's requests. There's also been some new found information on the Marley soldier you all are so desperate to meet. Everyone get to your horses, we leave in five minutes."

The whole squad secretly questioned what was going to happen.

Would she be killed? Was she really a traitor, or just a secret spy sent to investigate Paradis?

"Eren. You need to stay for a bit. There's something important I have to tell you."

With a salute, everyone scattered off leaving Eren behind with the male captain.

Mikasa was hesitant at first, but Armin talked her out of it and pulled her away to the stables.

"Hange has a theory." Levi started to explain.

"She thinks that girl, the soldier, is that specific guard you need. The one we've been looking for all over the walls."

"What makes you say that? Why would it reside in Marley, that far away from where it belongs?" he asked, looking at the tent where she was apparently being kept in confinement.

"Her last name. The one your dad had written in those books long ago. She has it, but doesn't have the slightest idea of what it means. She has no recollection of her mother either, and also claims that the Marleyan military had a 'plan' for her once they supposedly recovered you from the walls."

Eren's gaze looked back up to the sky, grazing along the distant clouds filling the blue saturation.

"So it's really her? She was there all along?"

Levi turned away from him, starting to walk off towards the horse stables for departure.

"Looks like, we're about to find out."


Heads of the Paradis military were seated in a room. The Head Commandant sat up front, representing the Queen who sat next to him.

A meeting was going about, explaining exactly what Zeke Jaeger had offered just to free the Eldian race from their awful years of misery.

"That concludes Zeke Jaeger's requests." Hange had explained prior, summing up what Yelena had told them.

"For the sake of all Eldians whose existence is threatened-"

"Absurd! I don't even want to hear it!" someone interrupted with a shout.

"He's the Beast Titan! He turned the people of Ragako into titans and incited panic! This is the same person who nearly annihilated the Scouts!"

"His one and only goal is to retake the Founding Titan. Since he can't do it by force, he'll attempt to do it diplomatically."

"He should know we'll expect that. Let's hear what else he has to say." Commander of the Garrison regiment interfered.

"According to Zeke, he has a secret plan to solve the Eldian issue. To carry it out, it requires the Founding Titan and a Titan with royal blood. The holder of the Founding Titan must also have the blood of a special bloodline, who's existence is scarce. With all three, the world can be saved."

"However, he will only reveal the plan when his conditions are met. Though, finding the last and final piece will be hard, Zeke already has a thought of who might be the possessor."

"Bullshit! He must think we're idiots!"

Eren suddenly stood up from his chair, slamming his hands on the table startling everyone.

"Eren?" Armin who sat next to him tried to comfort.

"He's telling the truth. I remember." he said.

"The one time I was able to use the Founding Titans power, barely making a dent in anything since the surge wasn't strong enough, was when I touched a Titan with royal blood."

"That Titan had to be my fathers other wife, Dina Fritz. Zeke, Dina's son must have figured out a way to elude the vow renouncing war."

"The one single hope remaining for us Eldians. To find the last heir of this special bloodline, wake the millions of Titans sleeping in the walls and activate the rumbling."

Levi turned around in his chair, facing Eren who was now standing up straight and finished explaining.

"You... Why did you keep quiet about this for so long?"

"I was concerned for Historia's safety. I couldn't let her get made into a Titan based on some hunch of mine. We don't even have the missing piece yet either, so there wasn't a fair enough point."

"Yeah, it was careless of me."

"We'll talk about it later."

"But if that's really true," Hange started again. "Zeke's secretly plan holds up half of the way."

"Are you nuts?! You trust them?!" an MP complained.

"Yeah! We can't have all those soldiers on the island!"

"We oughta hang 'em all!"

"No, we can't do that." Hange silenced everyone.

"To protect the island from Marley's scout ships, we need the volunteers and the Warrior soldier. Without their "wireless radio" along with the soldiers skill, we are done for. We would have no knowledge of who is coming to try and infiltrate."

"Warrior soldier?" someone amongst them asked.

Hange let out a sigh, setting down her report on the table.

"A soldier from Marley, who accompanied the volunteers here unknowingly to them, has worked with their Titan shifters in the so-called 'Marleyan Warrior Unit' has offered her information along with her brutal strength and agility in war to become allies with the island. She wants to see the destruction of the nation that only sees her as nothing but this weapon."

"Her intentions are very clear and spread out. Placing her in our military amongst our ranks is a big advantage. According to what the volunteers and soldier have stated themselves, she was the strongest in their entire military which consists of a million soldiers. She holds a strength none of us have ever seen before. Basing off of this, she is most likely stronger than both Ackerman's combined."

"Giving her services to the Scout regiment who travels outside of the walls and deal with the fleets the most will allow us to have the upperhand."

"Is this soldier here with you currently?" Commandant Zackly asked, scanning the room for the said girls presence.

Hange nodded her head, walking towards the door.

A brief thud could be heard behind, along with the sound of shackles.

Opening the huge door leading into the room, a gust of wind pushed through, welcoming the unnamed female soldier who was chained at the hands and feet in handcuffs.

"Commander Hange." a Scout spoke while saluting.

"We took more precautions and cuffed her ankles along with adding more barred chains after an incident while leaving for the walls."

"An incident?" Hange asked.

"Yes. On our way over to the carriage to escort her here, one of the non-volunteers had said some disturbing things towards her which resulted in an excessive amount of force to his face by her foot."


Walking down the rocky roads of the island to a carriage as her escort, Y/N was still in handcuffs, passing by a group of non-Marleyan volunteers who were shackled completely, unable to leave the manmade prison cell.

"Hey! L/N! You backstabbing traitor!" one called out to the passerby as she stopped in place.

"We should've known a filthy Eldian like you would betray a place that has shown you nothing but gratitude!"

"You disgrace Marley! You disgrace the Warrior unit!"

"Go back in the pigsty you disgusting wh-"

The man never got to finish his sentence as Y/N had already taken a hit on his face with her foot, stomping it continuously into the ground filled with dust.

"Shut the fuck up your dishonorable piece of shit." she spoke through grit teeth, continuing her stomping as her personal escorts tried to pry her off unsuccessfully.

"You haven't felt what it's like. Keep your trap closed before all the teeth you have end up stuck in the leather of my boots."


Hange was left speechless, holding the door open while Y/N gave a slight smirk and peered behind her into the big room.

Shaking it off she stepped to the side, grabbing onto Y/N's wrist and pulling her forward towards the crowd who was waiting for her arrival.

Removing the girls cuffs from her wrists and ankles that were most likely sore, Hange nudged her to start her introduction.

"And you must be?"

With a grin from clearing her throat, Y/N was met eye to eye with the Queen and Chief.

"Y/N L/N, heir of the L/N bloodline from Marley, your grace." she said with a smirk.


-A/N: another chapter that i feel like i'm rushing it's just i'm really excited to reveal this whole thing for the reader and yeah and i'm stressed hwjdfkkg anyways i hope you guys enjoy and thank you for 2k reads!! that makes me really happy i love you all and i love seeing people add my story to their reading lists! have an amazing day my beautiful readers i love you all so much!

• Q/A: list some possible love interests you would like to see the reader end up with (other than eren i have a whole thing planned out for that)


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