James "Bucky" Barnes Imagines

By nittchh

163K 3.8K 1.3K

I was in my straight phase when I wrote this More

I didn't want to
"Because i love you"
Sleeping buddies
Truth or dare
Falling but not in love
Secrets and Jealousy
Sacrifices: Part 2
Sacrifices: Part 3
(A/N) New Book
Bucky Head canons
Giving up
Blip [Pt. 2]
A day out
Trust [TFATWS]
I'm not the new winter soldier

He killed my mom

3K 55 12
By nittchh

Draft loll - this is not proof read and kind wordy sorry :(

This is basically THAT scene in CA:CW but you're Tony's sister. 

(Once again you know Bucky killed your parents. I didn't know how to write it so that it was a reader x bucky any other way. Sorry.)

Words: 4051 (ikr?!?!)


The large hatch on the ship opened revealing hideously cold winter weather in Siberia. The snow poured down onto the ground fast, as a gust of wind hit your face harshly causing you to hiss at the goose-bumps that surfaced your skin. 

You, Bucky and Steve were the only ones who successfully got onto the jet, sadly leaving Wanda, Clint, Scott and Sam to get caught. Steve told you it was for the greater good and that you'll get them out of there, but you were sceptical about it. 

When Secretary Ross first introduced the Accords, you knew there was going to be a disagreement, and it was almost immediately clear who was on who's side. 

Nat, Vision, Rhodey and Tony were for signing the accords, but you, Steve, Sam, Clint and Wanda didn't see the point. 

   "Secretary Ross has a congressional medal of honour, which is one more than you have," Rhodey pointed at Sam who had his arms crossed, looking rather angry. You looked over at Tony who sat slumped in his chair, his palm covered his face in disappointment and tiredness.

   "So let's say we agree to this thing," Sam argued back. "How long is it going to be before they lojack us like a bunch of common criminals?" 

   "117 countries want to sign this," Rhodey explained. "117 Sam. And you're just like 'no that's cool'-" He exaggerated his point by lifting his arms in a way to mock Sam.

Sam interrupted Rhodes, done with his bullshit. "How long are you gonna play both sides?" Sam turned his body to face Rhodey's next to him, tilting his head waiting for an answer. 

You sat next to Natasha on the double couch, opposite the two fighting men. You decided not to get involved anymore, knowing if you said anything Tony would immediately assume you were on his side. Which by the way, was completely wrong.

Finally, Vision spoke up; "I have an equation," He crossed his legs as all gazes turned to him. "In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially." He intertwined his fingers and placed them on his knee dramatically. "and during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commencer rate." 

Your brows furrowed as you sat up from your seat, putting your elbows on your thighs. "So you're saying it's our fault?" You asked, looking straight into his eyes.

   "I'm saying there's maybe a causality." He paused, thinking. "Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict and conflict...breeds catastrophe. Oversite is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand," 

Rhodey's face slightly light up, "Boom," He nodded his head in agreement, turning to look at Sam who wasn't pleased. 

You shook your head and looked down for a second before turning your gaze to Steve who was staring at you, trying to find out what you were thinking about doing. You simply shook your head at him and he understood you didn't want to sign. 

   "Tony," Natasha said in a almost too-joyful voice. "You're being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal," She smiled at him. Your heart raced at what she was planning to do.

   "It's because he's already made up his mind," Steve interrupted. 

Your brother stood up from the sofa lazily, walking closer to the kitchen that was right next to him. "Oh you know me so well. But actually in nursing my electromagnetic headache," 

You saw Natasha try to supress a smile, which made your eyebrows furrow in concentration. Tony started talking about something but all noise turned into incoherent hums as thoughts raced 100 miles per hour. Will I be forced to fight my friends? Will this even turn into another fight?

   "There's no decision making process here," Tony shrugged. "We need to be put in check and whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations we're boundary less we're no better than the bad guys," 

You sighed loudly, receiving a disapproving look from Rhodey and Tony. Steve looked away from you and started speaking. "If someone dies on your watch, you don't give up," 

   "Who said we're giving up?" Tony asked, raising a brow.

   "We are for not taking responsibility for our actions, this document just shifts to blame," 

   "Sorry Steve, that is dangerously arrogant. This is the united nations we're talking about. It's not the worlds security council, it's not SHEILD, it's not Hydra." Rhodey butted in. His brows were creased in dissatisfaction.

   "No but it's run by people with agendas," You suddenly spoke up, receiving shocked faces from your peers. "And agendas change,"

Tony, out of fury, stood up and walked closer to the group. "That's why I'm here. When I realised what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands I shut it down, I stopped manufacturing." His voice was laced with venom.

   "Tony. You chose to do that." You explained, "If we sign this we surrender our right to choose,"  The air felt thick as you tried to make your voice more confident. 

   "I'm sorry who's side are you on?" Tony leaned against the back of the sofa. His eyes stared at you as if he was an eagle stalking its prey. You felt as if he saw right through you onto the wall behind you.

You looked up at him sadly then looked back down again. "I think Steve's right," You shrugged. 

Steve continued instantly, trying to move the attention from you to him. "What if this panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go? What if there's somewhere we need to go and they don't let us? We may not be perfect but the safest hands are still our own." 

   "If we don't do this now it's going to be done to us later. That's the fact and that won't be pretty," Tony's voice rang in your ears.

   "You're saying they'll come for me," Wanda's voice made your head turn to hers, making Tony's voice in your head fade away.

   "We would protect you," Vision ensured Wanda, who looked at him sceptically.

   "Maybe Tony's right," Natasha unexpectedly said causing you to cringe. Sam must have seen because he gave you a sympathetic look when you turned your head back to Natasha. "If we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer. If we take it off-" 

   "Aren't you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a couple years ago?" Sam asked, almost appalled. 

   "I'm just- I'm reading the terrain," She sighed. "We have made some very public mistakes and we need to win their trust back,"

   "Focus up, I'm sorry. Did you just agree with me?" Tony asked sarcastically. 

   "Oh I wanna take it back now," Natasha smiled.

   "No, no, no. You can't retract it," 

Your eyes rolled dramatically. This was really not the time to be messing around.

After the debate, Tony pulled you aside and tried to persuade you to join his side. But when you refused, he said some pretty heart wrenching things.


Somehow, you ended up here. In between the two super soldiers, who were checking their weapons worked. 

Steve looked at you as the three of you exited the ship. 

   "You sure you want to do this?" He asked carefully. You were holding a replica of Bucky's gun in your hands, and Steve had his shield.

You looked up at him and stared at him until the satisfying sound of snow crunching sounded from beneath your feet. He's asked you a million times if you were sure, but this time his voice was stern and more dominant.

    "For the greater good, right?" 


The three of you entered a spacious but small corridor. You were holding onto your gun loosely, contrasting to how Bucky held his. Bucky was first to climb the small set of stairs that lead to another bigger room, but a sound that emitted from the door made all three of you turn around. 

You and Bucky aimed your guns at the door, waiting for any threat to come your way. You stood at the bottom of the stairs, therefore unprotected by Steve's shield unlike him and Bucky. You silently prayed that there wasn't thousands of Hydra agents behind the steel door. 

   "Ready?" Steve asked, quietly but clearly. 

   "Yeah," Both you and Bucky breathed at the same time. 

The door slowly began to open as you held onto your gun tighter, only to be met with Tony's suit walking through the door. You immediately dropped your gun in surprise, but Steve and Bucky remained on edge. 

   "What the fuck are you doing here, Stark?" Your voice was harsh. 

   "Do I have to remind you, you're a Stark too?" 

You scoffed as you let your hands drop to the side. "You told me I'm no longer a Stark if I joined Cap's side," 

    "Maybe your story's not so crazy," He shrugged. Your blood boiled, but you decided to keep quiet as you were still unaware of why he was here. 

The mechanical sounds of his armour filled your ears as the room fell into a heavy silence. 

Tony turned to Steve; "You seem a little defensive," He shook his head. 

   "It's been a long day," Cap replied as he walked past you and off the stairs.

Tony noticed Bucky's stern posture and the gun he was pointing at him. "At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you," 

   "Then why are you here?" You asked firmly. 

Tony walked over to a pillar and leaned on it. "Secretary Ross has no idea I'm here and I'd like to keep it that way," He shrugged once again. "Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself," 

Steve lowered his shield and you huffed, annoyed that he avoided your question twice. "Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve replied. You couldn't see his face but you could hear his smile from behind him. "It's good to see you, Tony."

   "You too, Cap." Tony replies with a gently smirk on his lips. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop that..." Tony pointed at his gun and all your gazes turned to him. Steve subtilty raised his hand to tell Bucky to put his gun down. 

You turned back to Tony. "You might of made up with your best friend here," You pointed to Steve. "But we're far from equal," You snapped at him as you started pointing between you and him with your gun. His face dropped and he looked down in shame. 


You, Bucky, Tony and Steve walked further into the facility, waiting to be attacked by the other Winter Soldiers. 

   "I have heat signatures," Tony stated. "Only one,"

As the four of you entered the vast chamber the lights came on. Hazy, yellow mist descended within the capsules that each contained an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiment. 

The grip on your gun tightened once more as you and Bucky walked side by side, letting Tony and Steve walk in front. You looked at the soldiers inside the capsules, shot in the head and a string of blood dropping down each of their foreheads. 

   "What the hell?" You heard Bucky ask in a whisper. 

Sudden realisation hit you. Your stomach churned as you tried to speak up, resisting the urge to throw up. "Oh, my God. He's not here for them," You breathed, straightening your posture and letting go of your gun slightly, allowing yourself to look around more freely. 

   "What?" Bucky asked confused, but still on edge and ready for anything to happen. 

   "He's here to separate the-" The sudden noise of a voice interrupted your explaining. 

"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. Did you really think I wanted more of you?" A distorted voice sounded from above. "I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here." 

Zemo opened a hatch that revealed his face. Steve instantly threw his shield at the glass that separated Zemo from Steve but it simply bounced off the surface. "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." Zemo scoffed.

   "Separate what?" Bucky whispered at you, taking your attention from Zemo's conversation to your own. You knew what was going to happen. Steve told you it was Bucky who killed your parents right before you guys discussed the accords, hence why you decided not to sign at all. 

   You sighed trying to explain quickly. "He'll show Tony who killed our parents in an attempt to make them hate each other," You looked up at his face which lacked it natural colour, even in the yellowish haze that emitted from the capsules. 

   "I lost everyone. And so will you." Zemo said in a mocking tone. The small computer that stood in front of the chamber Zemo lit up with a frame of a familiar setting. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumples from within? That's dead . . . forever." 

Both Steve and Tony walked closer to the screen. You didn't hesitate to walk over too, curious on what happened. Steve only told you what happened, you didn't know the details. 

Bucky let go of his gun with one arm and grabbed your wrist and you spun to face him. "Please don't," He pleaded with tears in his eyes. "You already know anyway, right? Don't do that to yourself," 

You looked at his eyes that were soaked with tears. "Bucky it won't make me hate you," You shook you head putting your hand on his. "I didn't sign the accords because of this," You gestured around the room. "I know it wasn't you just please let me see them," 

He looked into your eyes deeply, slowly nodding and letting go of your hand. You rushed to Tony's side who was now facing the computer. 

   "I know that road. What is this?" Tony asked with wide eyes. 

Steve's gaze turned to yours. "(Y/N)." You just nodded your head and turned back to watch your parents car crash into the tree you went to visit so many times. You felt Tony flinch when the car made contact with the tree, smoke flew from the front of it. 

You turned to look at Tony who watched open-mouthed as a motorcycle parked next to the smoking car. Bucky had moved to stand behind the monitor, in view of both you and Tony, ready to be killed by either of you. He made brief eye contact with you but put his head down in shame right after. 

You continued to watch Tony's expression more than the recording. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the Winter Soldier pulling your dad out the car by his hair and your heart shattered when you heard your mothers scream.

A single tear escaped your eye as you attempted to blink it away. Tony flinched much harder when he saw the Winter Soldier's fist connect with your dads face, then placing his corpse back into the drivers seat.

You inhaled harshly when you saw the him walk to the other side of the car, wrapping his human hand around your mothers neck, strangling her with a straight face. 

The recording cuts off when the Winter Soldier walks up the the camera and shoots it with his pistol. Tony's gaze evilly turned to face Bucky's, who awkwardly turned his head from Tony to the floor. 

Your brother suddenly lunged to try and attack Bucky, but Steve grabbed his metal bicep and you went and stood in front of him. You saw Bucky point his gun up at Tony at the sudden movement he made. 

   "Tony." Steve's voice warned. Without wasting a second, your brother looked at Captain who was still holding onto his arm tightly. 

   "Did you know?" 

Steve took a second to scan Tony's then your face. "I didn't know it was him," 

   "Steve." You warned as you tilted your head in disapproval. "Just tell him."

Tony's head snapped to yours. "You knew?" His voice was soft as he looked at you with pure pain in his features. "Since when?"

You sighed as you felt Bucky behind you shift. "Before discussing the accords. Steve told me," 

He stepped away from Steve and slightly nodded his head, but instantaneously reengaged his helmet back on, punching Steve to the ground. He turned around to lunge at Bucky but you grabbed his arm that was about to emit energy at Bucky and pointed it at the wall next to him. 

   "Tony this is what Zemo wants," You grunt as he resists your grip. He didn't listen and threw you off making you fall against a wall near by. Bucky's gun snapped up to aim at Tony but he blasts his weapon with his suit, making it drop to the ground. 

You looked over at Steve who lay on the floor groaning. You jumped up and grabbed his shield that laid next to him after you saw Tony grab Bucky by the neck and fly with him to the other side of the chamber, slamming him onto the floor. You threw Captain's shield at Tony no matter how much pain in caused you that you had to fight your own family. 

It hit Tony's armour on the head, distracting him slightly making him miss his attempt to kill Barnes. He turned around as Steve unexpectedly caught his shield that bounced off Tony's helmet and pushed him off Bucky's body. Iron Man ran towards Steve who guarded himself with his shield and Tony shouldered him to the floor, aiming his hand at him right after. 

You took the opportunity to jump in front of Steve and two metal magnets bound your legs together, pinning them to the ground. You groaned as your body collapsed to the hard floor and you reached down to feel at the metal on your ankles. 

They weren't moving anywhere, no matter what direction you pushed them in. 

All you could do is watch Bucky punch Tony with this metal arm until he grabbed Barnes again and flew up with him slamming him against a machine. He raised his fist to punched Bucky again but he caught his arm and squeezed it harshly, making on of the lights fade and Tony's arm twist. A rocket shot out of his suit while Bucky still had a grip on him, making the rocket explode on one of the other massive machines in the facilities. 

You eyes widened as you realised the debris of pipework and metal was falling straight at you. Your breathing hitched when a shower of sparks started emitting from the broken structure. The last thing you saw was Tony letting go of Bucky, letting him fall ten feet down right next to you before a piece of metal landed right in the middle of your thigh. 

Pain and agony shot through your nerves as your blood ran cold. The scream that escaped your throat was heart wrenching as you reached down to remove the metal stuck in your leg. 

You knew you weren't supposed to but it was too big to move around with. Debris continued to fall on top of you, trapping you beneath it. Bucky pushed the fallen metal off of his body and then pulled you out from underneath. 

   "Come on," He reached out to take your hand to help you walk to a nearby fallen piece of concrete. Your vision blurred as you felt blood leak out of your system, making you dizzy and nauseous. He grabbed your waist for support and pulled you closer.

You heard a faint "Get out of here," come from Steve and you felt Bucky pick you up, carrying you somewhere. 


You woke up with screaming and grunting flooding your ears loudly. You pulled yourself up with your elbows to see what was happening more clearly despite the increasing pain that flowed through your body. 

You were still at the facility and Iron Man was pressed up against a concrete wall by Bucky, who's metal arm was pressing up against the reactor on Tony's chest that powered his suit and his heart. Without warning, his reactor spewed a ball of energy throwing Bucky down, ripping his metal arm off with it. 

You groaned as you twisted, trying to stand upon two feet again. You reached up to the wall for support as you slowly lifted your legs up, letting you stand properly. 

   "This isn't going to change what happened," 

   "I don't care. He killed my mom," 

You blinked away the tears that formed on the bottom of your eye lid as you began walking towards Bucky, who laid on the floor unconscious on his back. You collapsed next to him, gently reaching up to brush the hair off of his face that fell onto his eyes. He groaned and turned his head to look at you. 

You yourself were half dead from the blood loss and the possible concussion you had. 

You heard Steve pant; "I can do this all day," and the sound of Tony's suit charging up, ready to shoot Steve out of the building. Your mind raced with thoughts on what to do, and the first one was to spin and grab Tony's ankle. Thankfully, it distracted him enough for Steve to walk up to him but not fast enough to stop Tony kicking your face, making you unconscious. 

You heard Bucky shout and felt his human hand on your face, lightly slapping you back awake. 

Your body felt exhausted and indescribably sore as your eyes opened from unconsciousness once again, staring at Steve straddling Tony's armoured body, slamming his shield into his heart. 

Blood flowed down across your top lip violently as your vision was filled with white and black spots. 

   "Steve. She's not good," You heard Bucky say faintly, grabbing your jaw gently to show Steve you face.

You opened your eyes wider to see Tony's helmet off, looking at you in horror at what he did. Realisation hit him. He almost killed you. 

Steve stood up lousily, barely being able to stand on his own two feet. "Look what you did to your sister, Stark," Steve whispered as he lifted you up from the ground, putting on of your arms over his shoulder and then helping Bucky up, who wrapped your other arm around his shoulder despite the pain he was in. 

   "That shield doesn't belong to you." Tony said. "You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Steve stopped walking momentarily and dropped his shield onto the floor in front of Tony, who still lay on the floor on his side. 

   "Is that really what you care about?" Steve asked not even looking at Tony. "It was her parents too," 


You woke up with the annoying sound of machines beeping around you. You groaned as you opened your eyes to see Steve sat next to you, eyes closed, in a peaceful slumber. 

   "Steve," You whispered with your sore throat. His eyes slowly opened to look at you. "What happened? Barnes okay?" 

He nodded and yawned. "Wanna see him?" 


You and Steve walked-or rather limped-into the room that Bucky was in. He sat on a cot as a doctor just finished wrapping his ripped off metal arm up. Even though your leg still hurt from the metal that previously impaled you, you rushed to Bucky's side, enveloping him in a hug. 

He chuckled and wrapped his remaining arm around your torso. "Hey, doll." His nose made its way into the crook of your neck, inhaling the hair that loosely lay there. 

You heard Steve exhale. "Are you sure about this?" 

You pulled away confused. "Is he sure about what?" You turned to face Steve who looked sadly at you. 

   "He wants to go under the ice again," 

Your brows creased as you turned your head look at Bucky. "I can't trust my own mind, doll," He sighed and smiled. "So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing...for everybody." 

You looked at his blankly for awhile until you breathed in heavily and nodded. Wrapping your arms around his neck once again. "We'll be here when you leave," You whispered into his shoulder. 

   "Thank you," He muttered back. 


You stood beside Steve in front of Bucky's glass chamber, watching it close. You sighed when the ice covered the small chamber from bottom to the top. 

   "How long Steve?" 

   "2 years," 

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