The courtesan (Lesbian story)...

By Rain12bow

107K 5.3K 509

It's not easy to be a special courtesan. There's 11 of us in total. Each girl lives in our Community House. E... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7/I.
Chapter 7/II.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Special scene for my special readers
Author's note

Chapter 23

2.4K 137 20
By Rain12bow

Rosalinda's POV

"Are you sure this is going to work?"


Louisa's POV

So today is the day when I am going to die. But I didn't' lose hope yet.

Someone must have already realized that I was kidnapped. Like Mia.

A couple of hours and I will be burned alive for my so called 'sins'.

I never thought about going to hell I always found the idea ridiculous. Why would I be going there if I didn't hurt anyone in my life? It's not my fault that I like women, it just happened.

I remember the first time I noticed my strange behavior towards them. I was walking around with my mother and the moment I saw a woman I founded attractive, I straightened my shoulders making my breast visible by pushing them out. Of course, none of them noticed this.

The first thing that came to my mind was that I do this because I want to look prettier, but the more I thought about it, I realized that I didn't want to compete against them.... I wanted their attention. I saw women doing this when they were talking to a handsome man.

I did this several time, only realizing what am I doing on that day. My body did it naturally.

Sitting later that night in my bed, I was thinking about it over and over. My body never did it in front of men.

I was so confused, thinking about how surreal it is that my body has its own mind and knows how to react when I am not even aware of it myself.

One year later I lost my virginity with the baker's daughter. She was the sweetest person ever. Being 3 years older and more experienced than me, she knew exactly how to bring my body to its own release.

Before that we would secretly meet each other under the night. She was the one who kissed me first, making my belly explode with thousands of butterflies.

Then we got caught by my parents in the barn.

I got disowned and she moved into another town with her family. It turned out her family had known all along what is happening between closed doors, but accepted and loved their daughter nonetheless.

I wish I had the same fate.

Suddenly I heard someone coming. Keys rattled in their hands as they made their way downstairs.

A bald man appeared holding the arm of someone, pulling them down the stairs harshly. The man did not even glance at me as he tossed the new prisoner into the cell next to mine.

"Be good or I am coming back for you."

Shutting the door above, duskiness surrounded the prison again.

The new prisoner started to cry next to me. It turned out it was a she.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to her.

She jumped in fright hearing my voice coming from next to her.

"Who are you?" she asked back with a shaking voice.

"My name is Louisa and you?"

"I am Flora."

"What happened? You are the first one I see down here other than the guards."

She scooted closer to the light which came from the small window from my cell. Her face slowly appearing, I let out a quiet gasp seeing all the bruises and blood. Her clothes were torn and dirty telling a brutal story what might happened to her before she got locked in.

"They think I am a witch." She whispered her voice cracking. I felt sad for her, usually people who has a voice like this had been screaming nonstop.

"Where are you from?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, I will never be able to go back." Poor girl...she must be around 15, but she already lost all her hope.

"Why did they think you are a witch?" I asked her softly, trying to understand her story in the remaining hours of my life.

"My family owned a herbal shop at the countryside. We healed a lot of people with herbs so they wouldn't have to buy the expensive medications. Obviously, the governor and the doctors were not happy about it as they lacked from the people's money." She took in a sharp breath. "They told the church that we were using witchcraft to attract innocent and sick people for their money, which was not true at all, but no one cared."

"They came two days ago, killed my parents and took me." Her tears were flowing freely again, but her face remained expressionless. "The man who brought me down raped me twice on the way." She told me while staying emotionless.

Brining up my hand I lightly touched hers through the bars questioningly. I didn't know how she would react. But to my surprise she held on me tightly, not wanting to let go.

Now she was crying harder clutching onto my hands like her life depends on it. I hugged her trough the cell and finally broke down too. I've been holding it in long enough.

But I wasn't crying for myself...I was crying for her... She was just a kid.

It wasn't just the tears of sadness but anger too.

If I need to die today, I am bringing that bald motherfucker with me too.

Hi there! Don't forget to vote or comment if you liked it! :) Thank you so much for reading!

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