An Alian's Pet

By Mcat1124

230K 3.7K 390

human rule, human create and humans distroy. But what happends when Clover discovers shes not in control of h... More



2.5K 53 3
By Mcat1124

Carlo POV

It's been 2 days since Caleb and I found them mateing. I haven't done to much to them becides feeding, bathroom breaks and giving them a bath. I'm unsure what to do now. Should I take them to the vet? Or at least sky? Unsure what to do I walk into the pets bedroom.
"Morning little ones"
Sky and pinto stir in there sleep. They are so cute it's not even funny.
"Come on time to wake up"
Sky wakes up and looks at me. Pinto remained asleep. Well I guess all I need is her. I decided I was going to take her to the vet. I went and grabbed the collar and leash. I picked her up and she squeaked.
"Sorry did I scare you"
She just looked up at me. I quickly fastened the collar and leash around her waist. I hope this won't hurt the baby. Pinto was still asleep in his bed. I took this chance to leave the room and shut the door. I set sky on the ground and pulled the lead a bit to tell her to walk. She slowly followed me to the door. I open the door to see the bright sun. I look down to see sky covering her eyes how cute. I pulled her lightly again and she followed me to my car. I picked her up and put her inside. I buckle her up and stared my car. I saw her jump a little. She must be so scared without pinto. It didn't take to long before we where at the vets office. I unbuckle sky and pick her up. She squeaked again. Poor baby. I enter the clinic and go to the receptionist.

"Hello how may I help you"
" hi I was wondering if you have any appointments available today."
"Yes we do what's wrong with your pet"
"Well I walked in on them mateing and was wondering if she is carrying"
"Ah yes we can do a blood test to see is she's carrying"
"What's you and your pets name"
"Carlo and this is sky"
"Alright please take a set and someone will be with you shortly"
With sky still in my arms I walk over to a chair and sit down. As I'm sitting with sky in my lap I notice her start to shake and look around frightened
"It's ok baby" I say petting her soft hair. She jumped at my touch.
"It's alright sweetheart your alright"
Although I kept saying sweet nothings she didn't calm down.
"That's me"
I picked up sky and walked behind the doctor. He lead us into a room and I set sky down in the examination table in the middle.
"Now it says here the reason for your visit is to see if your pet is carrying."
"That's correct she mates 2 days ago"
"I see, that can be pretty stressful for them especially for the female"
"I did t play with them to much after that happened I just took normal care of them"
"Ok great, I will start by drawing some blood. Warning she will not like it, most humans don't they tend to yip and squirm around"
"But it won't hurt her correct"
"No not is she stays still so in order to do that you need to help me hold her down. Don't worry you won't hurt her"
"If your sure"
I hold sky down and she starts to squirm like the doctor said she would. He then helped out her arm and took a blood sample. All the time she was yipping and squirming around. Once he was done I let her go. She ran far away from us and looked like she was favoring her arm.
"It looks like it might have hurt her"
"No she's just scared and shocked they always react like this. Please don't worry"
"Please wait in here for a few minutes while I test her blood"I sit in the room watching sky rub her arm
"Sorry baby"
Sky just looked at me with sad eyes.
"I know it hurts and I'm sorry I just need to know if your carrying"
She just looks at me with the same sad expression. I feel so bad for her but what can I do I can't understand what she is feeling just like she can't really understand what I'm saying. It saddens me that we can't understand one another. After waiting a bit the doctor came back in.
"Well I have good news and bad news"
"Ok hit me"
"Good news is she is carrying, keep in mind she's only 2 days in. Bad news is her white blood cell count is kind of high"
"What does that mean"
"Could mean two things. One she is carrying so it could be because of that. Two she could have an infection somewhere"
"Oh god what can we do now"
"I can give her an examination to see if there is any visible sign of infection. If I turn up empty I'd like to do an ex ray"
"Alright please do"

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