Magic of Etheria

De IorekoftheHorde

40.6K 1.7K 2.7K

• Catradora • Adora's POV • This story expands upon the She-Ra Netflix series. • Takes place after the even... Mais

Chapter 1 | The First Morning of Peace
Chapter 2 | Whispers
Chapter 3 | A New Quest
Chapter 4 | The Anomaly
Chapter 5 | By the Light of the Campfire
Chapter 6 | HmmHmHm
Chapter 7 | Focus
Chapter 8 | Unstable Memories
Chapter 9 | Cast out the Shadows
Chapter 10 | Take Care of Each Other
Chapter 11 | Catra
Chapter 12 | A Sudden Curiosity
Chapter 13 | The Moon Market
Chapter 14 | Aurora
Chapter 15 | Stay Close to me
Chapter 16 | The Long Game
Chapter 17 | Dip Down
Chapter 18 | Fizzy Thievery
Chapter 19 | Those That Dwell
Chapter 20 | On Track
Chapter 21 | Tales of History
Chapter 22 | Why is a Raven like a Writing-Desk?
Chapter 23 | Forge of the First Ones
Chapter 24 | Fear is the Mind-Killer
Chapter 25 | Razzle Dazzle
Chapter 26 | Legend of the Pink Pearl
Chapter 27 | Octopus Cove
Chapter 28 | Honesty
Chapter 30 | Signal
Chapter 31 | Rendezvous
Chapter 32 | Dreadnought
Chapter 33 | Living with Fear
Chapter 34 | Of Yogurt and Letters
Chapter 35 | Conspir-ice-y
Chapter 36 | For the Honour of Horde Prime!
Chapter 37 | Shadow of Deceit
Chapter 38 | Winter Wonderland
Chapter 39 | The Days Without You
Chapter 40 | Scratches
Chapter 41 | King of the Trolls
Chapter 42 | Fear Incarnate

Chapter 29 | The New Routine

588 32 20
De IorekoftheHorde


An entire, painstaking month passed by.


We returned to Bright Moon the day after Catra confided in me on the beach in Salineas, immediately setting up patrols around the nearby settlements and their supply routes. I also reconnected with Hordak, who filled me in on the situation in Dryl.

Entrapta was obsessed with experimenting with the refined Etherium, leaving Hordak to keep an eye on the signals. He had been monitoring the airwaves of Etheria non-stop while also working ever closer to completing his observatory. I checked in with him everyday, and everyday he assured me that he would contact me as soon as anything changes.

Catra has been very understanding. I expected her to tell me to take it slow, take a break, not to worry so much - but that didn't happen. She's been as motivated as me to find our phantom attackers, those that destroyed supplies and took innocent lives. Knowing she felt this strongly about it reassured me that this was right, that we were doing the right thing.

Since our talk, Catra and I were much more comfortable around each other. The passion we had toward one another at the beginning of our new relationship two months ago has been evolving toward comfort, solace, a loving warmth that I wouldn't trade for anything. That's not to say there weren't still moments of passion... And of course, I still hadn't asked her to marry me. It hadn't seemed appropriate considering the reason for these apparently endless patrols.

There was a meeting scheduled with all available princesses, which wasn't many, for later that morning where we were to be given a new patrol route for the next week or so. The week before, we had been patrolling around Plumeria since Scorpia and Perfuma moved on to the Fright Zone.

Catra kept in contact with Scorpia throughout, checking in on them to see how it was going over there. From what Catra told me, the Fright Zone sounded like it was in a shambles at first. Before Scorpia and Perfuma arrived, Lonnie and Rogelio were trying to hold the whole place together on their own, Kyle being about as useful as he can be. Many of the Horde soldiers still refused to accept that the war was over, that Etheria was actually at peace now. Most of them had been raised in the Fright Zone or were zealots that joined of their own will. To have their ideal, their only way of life, stripped away after utter defeat had been hard for many of them to accept. Perfuma had started leading meditation sessions, which were not popular at all at first, but as the days turned into weeks more and more ex-soldiers began turning up and participating. It was a slow process, but the Fright Zone sounded like it was finally beginning to turn around. Catra also agreed to go and over there to visit them for a time once everything in and around Bright Moon calmed down somewhat.

Looking up from the tracker pad on my lap, I observed Catra sitting at the vanity in our room. We had woken up not too long ago, still not fully dressed, and needed to get ready for the upcoming meeting. Catra gazed intently at her reflection in the mirror, tugging a clump of her hair down her face, apparently trying to see if it had grown any longer.

I put the tracker pad to one side, having finished reading the reports from the other patrols from the day before, and picked up the book that I had been writing in on and off for a while. Mostly, I just wrote random thoughts. But today, as I watched Catra staring at herself and messing with her hair, I felt like sharing a bit more than usual.


Hi Book, it's me again.

I've been writing about our patrols, how we still haven't found anything, but I haven't written about Catra in a while. So, here goes.

I love her. So much. We've been close this past month, ever since Salineas, and I've loved every second with her. I know I should be focusing fully on finding what it is that's attacking, but it's been a while, so I'm allowed to let my mind waver a bit.

Every other day we've been training together, keeping each other on our toes. Catra's been getting better with her magic too. Even though she's still not great with water, she's really taken to using the Electrokinesis, as Entrapta called it. Scorpia's power. She's also been using her energy weapons to spar with, and she's practically doing it without thinking now.

One time, she went a bit too far while training, using too much magic at once. That put her in bed for a day, so I've been watching her closely ever since. She seemed really cuddly immediately after, but grew impatient and difficult later on, before apologising and making up again.

If this month has proven anything, it's that we can work. She really does want to be with me, she's told me as much enough times. The word "forever" keeps coming up. I'm convinced she's dropping hints. I know that she knows what marriage is, but I may need her to wait a bit longer. I have to come up with the best place to propose, and I won't be doing it while we're going on patrols every day.

Catra has also been napping on me a lot, especially after sparring. Sometimes I lose feeling in my legs and Bow and Glimmer have to come and help me up from under her. I just don't want to move her or wake her up. I live to hear her purr, it's intoxicating, and she knows it. She's steadily figuring out what I like, and often uses it to her advantage. Sometimes, during meetings, she-

On second thought, I'll keep that between us for now.

I'm going to go cuddle her now, maybe I can get her to purr.

Wish me luck, Book.


I put the book down, stretching my arms, and steadily got up from the bed. Stepping over a lounging Melog, I walked over to Catra, wrapping my arms around her shoulders from behind and burying my face in her neck, taking in her warmth.

'Hey, Adora.' She smiled at my reflection in the mirror, running a hand along my arm.

'Hey, Catra. Seeing if your hair has grown?' I asked, knowing the answer. Her hair had definitely grown back some over the last two months, but it was really starting to be noticeable now as it began filling out. Catra was eager for it to grow more so that it would cover her neck and the scar that was still there from the Horde chip. She hadn't said it out loud, but I knew she hated that scar and wanted to hide it as soon as possible.

'Yeah. The longer it grows the less it... the more it feels like me, you know? I wish it grew faster... I think I also want to try doing something else with it...'

'Hmmm...' I thought for a second, running my hands through her hair and managing to coax out a purr. Success. 'Maybe we should ask someone what you could do with it when it grows out more... I think Netossa does her and Spinerella's hair.'

Catra laughed, 'I don't want anything that fancy. I just... I want to...' she let out a sigh, 'I don't know what I want.'

I trailed a hand down the back of her head, reaching her neck and gently stroking my thumb over the scar there. She tensed up. 'I do,' I whispered.

She spun around on the stool, wrapping her arms around my waist before burying her face in my stomach. 'Adora...'

'Yes?' I asked, beginning to scritch behind her ears.

'Where do you...mmm.' Her voice trailed off as she started purring deeply, moving her head in time with my fingers. Her tail flicked around behind her happily.

I stopped moving my hands and smiled down at her, 'where do I what?'

Catra looked up at me, her eyes wanting for more. 'No, don't...' she began, before looking down again, 'don't stop...'

As she wished, I continued gently scritching behind her ears. It wasn't long before that purr sounded once again. 'Catra, you're adorable.'

'Shut up... you know I... you know I like this.'

'So what were you saying?' I asked, trying to hide how smug I felt at getting her to purr so easily. Book would be proud.

'Mmm... Where do you think they'll send us this time?'

'Oh, no idea. We've done our rounds of Elberon and Thaymor already, last week we did Plumeria... maybe it'll be Alwyn or Erelandia.'

'Maybe it will...' I felt a warmth against my back and gasped as Catra's hands slid underneath my vest top. She hooked her thumbs into the fabric and started pushing it up, exposing my stomach and planting kiss after kiss all over it.


'What? I'm not doing anything...'

'You know exactly what you're doing.'

I felt her grin against my skin. 'Oh, you're right. I guess I do.' Her hands suddenly shot upwards, pulling my top over my head before sliding it down my arms. I shivered at the sudden exposure and flushed when I saw how blown out Catra's pupils were.

'Catra!' I laughed as she tossed the vest top across the room but was silenced as she rose from her seated position and planted her lips against mine.

Catra pulled away, looking deep into my eyes and trailing her hands down my body. 'Do you think we have time to...'

A heat sprang through me, followed by shivers as I felt her claws against my skin. 'Absolutely not...' I breathed, closing my eyes and relishing in the feeling of her hands exploring me.

'Should I stop?' She asked. I could hear the smugness radiating from her.

'Absolutely not.' I repeated sternly.

Catra began nudging me back towards the bed, smiling as she watched Melog vanish from behind us. 'As you wish, princess.'

I yelped as she pushed me backwards, bouncing on the softness of the mattress. Catra then climbed on top of me, planting one of her legs between mine and pinning my wrists above my head with her hands. 'Catra...'

She leant down, her lips brushing lightly against mine, sending shivers through me and making my whole body tremble with anticipation. 'Tell me you want me, Adora,' she whispered.

'I-I want...' I rasped, barely able to think straight.

She leant down, brushing her mouth against my neck before tracing the line of my collarbone with her fangs. 'Tell me what you want.' Catra moved back up, resting her lips just above mine.

I met her gaze and let myself get lost in those amazing eyes, almost black with her arousal. 'I want... I want you.'

I leant upwards and she kissed me gently, carefully. But that's not what I wanted, not after she got me so worked up. I pushed my lips harder against hers and she groaned softly, deep in her throat, before nipping my bottom lip, making me gasp, and using the opening to deepen the kiss. She gave in to my desires as our breathing became wilder, the kiss becoming more passionate. Her grip on my wrists tightened and she lowered herself against my thigh...

A loud knock on the door thundered through the room. Catra sat up immediately, her tail fritzed and her fur stood on end as she bored a hole through the door with a deadly stare.

'Guys! You're late for the meeting! Are you up?' It was Bow's voice.

Catra's expression relaxed and she grinned mischievously. She planted her hands on my breasts, hiding them, before shouting, 'what did you say? I can't hear you, come in!'

'Catra! No, Bow, don't - ahh!' My eyes shut tight and I accidentally let out a moan as I felt Catra's tongue on me, licking a line up from my navel to my sternum.

'I said you're late for the - OH! NOT AGAIN!' Bow shouted, slamming the door behind him as he sped back out of the room. 'Sorry!' He called, his footsteps quickly growing quieter as he ran from the door back towards the meeting room.

Catra howled with laughter as I pushed her off of me. She rolled to the side, curling up on the bed and clutching at her stomach.

'Catra! You're going to give Bow a heart attack if you keep messing with him!'

'He should know better than come in here when it's just me and you, Adora.' She grinned, leaning up on her elbow as she watched me walk over to the wardrobe.

'Bow's too trusting to doubt you when you say "come in", Catra.' I pulled out my usual clothes before tying my hair up in a ponytail and securing my hair poof.

I heard Catra groan behind me. 'Again with the hair? Leave it down!'

'No, Catra. If something happens, I don't want my hair in my face.'

She growled, laying back onto the bed. 'Fine, but I'm taking it out as soon as we're back.'

'You can try.' I shot her a playful glance and she fired a smirk back at me. Challenge accepted. 'Now come on, get dressed, you can help explain to everyone why we're late - if Bow's face doesn't tell them first...'


The meeting room fell silent as we entered. I immediately spotted Bow shifting uncomfortably in his seat next to Glimmer as she stared daggers at us. Netossa just smirked and Spinnerella avoided making direct eye-contact. They all know.

Micah cleared his throat, rising from his chair as Catra and I took our seats at the table. Melog sat next to Catra's chair as she put her feet up, resting their head on the arm of it as she stroked their head absently. 'Welcome, Adora and Catra,' he began, 'as you know, we are still no closer to finding whoever, or whatever, attacked Elberon over a month ago. To that end, we will be giving out your patrol areas for this week in this meeting. It is vital that we continue to patrol until the threat is found, we can only assume that for the past month the patrols have been working as a deterrent but there's no telling when another attack may occur. Glimmer, if you would.'

Micah returned to his seat as Glimmer stood up. I could feel her gaze on me, but I didn't meet her eye. I would definitely be getting a lecture after this...

'Thanks, Dad. Netossa and Spinnerella, we're assigning you to the area within and around Alwyn. Adora and Horde Scum, we're assigning you to Erelandia.' I felt myself relax a little when I heard Glimmer call Catra by her nickname - she couldn't be that mad after all. 'Swift Wind will be going with you to Erelandia as there's a lot of ground to cover. Bow would like to request Melog goes with him to Thaymor.'

Catra looked down at Melog, petting their head. 'You hear that bud? Arrow Boy wants to borrow you again.' Melog mewled before vanishing, reappearing a moment later beside Bow's chair. Bow reached a hand out and scratched behind their ear, nodding his thanks to Catra before quickly averting his eyes. Catra grinned.

Glimmer clapped her hands together. 'Okay! I think that covers everything. Catra, Swift Wind is waiting outside the throne room if you would meet him there.'

She stood up, glancing at me, 'Wait, what? What about Adora?'

Glimmer teleported next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 'Don't worry, Horde Scum, I'll bring her back once I'm done with her.'

I gulped and smiled nervously up at Catra, who just shrugged and waved over her shoulder as she started walking towards the door. 'I'll see you there, princess.'

Standing up, I met Glimmer's eyes - she seemed to be waiting, asking permission. I nodded, letting her know I was ready. She then teleported us in a shower of sparkles and I found that a cool wind was suddenly blowing against me. Looking up, I saw that we were standing below the Moonstone, in the flower-shaped tower that housed it. Glimmer let go of my shoulder, walking over to look down from the tower and out over Bright Moon.

'Glimmer...' I began but stopped as she held up a hand.

She sighed, slouching where she stood. 'I don't know what else to do, Adora. We've been sending out patrols for a whole month and haven't found anything. They must have caught on to what we're doing, stopping their attacks while we wear ourselves out. Do they know we're spread thin with all the princesses in their own kingdoms? We can't keep patrolling forever, but I worry that if we stop...'

'They'll attack again.' I finished. Glimmer nodded. 'Look, Glimmer... Catra and I are committed to finding whatever or whoever was behind those attacks. We have to wait for Hordak to find the signal again, but if the patrols are keeping whatever it is at bay...'

Glimmer turned to face me. 'Do you think we need to stop the patrols? Bait them out so Hordak can find them?'

I shrugged. 'It's a possibility. At the very least, maybe we should try being more secretive with what we're doing. Something was watching Catra and I the day Melog went missing, the same thing that had a First Ones crystal embedded in it. The same kind of crystal that was embedded in Ol'Pointy in Octopus Cove. Before, those crystals usually just affected First Ones tech, but now they're corrupting actual living things. And that's not even considering that the Forge in Underdryl was breached by a virus of some kind. All of these things have that green glow connecting them. There's something else going out there, Glimmer. Something we're missing.'

'And there's no way it's Horde Prime? You and I both know he's the only one that's been capable of hacking into First Ones temples. It stands to reason that he could somehow manipulate other kinds of First Ones tech too?' This had been a recurring topic in a lot of our meetings, often the topic that hours of brainstorming ended up skating around.

'We've been over this Glimmer...' I started pacing back and forth, trying once again to fight the fear within me that Horde Prime was somehow still alive, 'I erased his mind from Hordak. He's gone. I felt it. It has to be something else.'

'What if it isn't, Adora?' Glimmer crossed her arms, watching me with a steady eye. 'What if he survived?'

'Then... then... then we'll defeat him again.' I looked up, meeting her gaze. I could feel my hands shaking at the thought of him returning. I closed my eyes, focusing. It had been so long since I felt this feeling rising within me... I recited those words in my head over and over again, trying to calm myself down...

I am afraid. I feel my fear. But I accept it, as a part of me. I will allow it to pass through me, I will not resist. When the fear has passed, there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

I felt Glimmer's hands on my shoulders, squeezing. 'Adora? Look, I know how this affects you. I'm sorry for pressing you about it, that was wrong of me, but... I have to think of the bigger picture.'

Once my hands stopped shaking, I took a deep breath and met Glimmer's concerned gaze. 'It's okay, Glimmer. I know you didn't mean to freak me out. You're just concerned as Queen, as you're right to be.'

Glimmer glanced over toward the throne room and I followed her line of sight. Catra was stood there talking with Swift Wind, waiting for me. 'Looks like your girlfriend is waiting. Maybe take it easy, Adora. Use this patrol as an excuse to breathe. Here...' she said, handing me two earpieces, 'these are for keeping in contact with the other patrols. Hordak also has the frequency so he'll contact you if anything happens. And, Adora...'

I looked up at her, stealing my eyes away from Catra.

'Maybe lock your door? I fear for Bow's sanity. There's a reason I don't teleport into your room anymore. I will not be making that mistake again.' She chuckled softly.

'Thanks, Glimmer.' I said, laughing along with her. 'In my defence, Catra was unusually forward this morning... I couldn't say no...' I could have absolutely said no, but I would never. She didn't need to know that.

Glimmer seemed undeterred. 'If only Bow were so bold, he's just a little bit too concerned about me sometimes... And I know this whole thing has gotten in the way of your proposal plans, if you had any, but there may be something coming up that could provide a perfect opportunity. I'm going to meet with a certain other princess today, after all. So try not to worry about it for now, leave it to me.'

I frowned, wondering which princess Glimmer would be meeting with that could provide me with a perfect opportunity to propose. That thought was interrupted by the sight of Catra and Swift Wind suddenly ahead of me. Glimmer had teleported us down to them, apparently content that our conversation had reached its end.

'Okay, Horde Scum,' Glimmer said, addressing Catra, 'she's all yours.' Glimmer then promptly teleported away after shooting me a quick, knowing smile.

Catra walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently. 'Adora? Are you okay? I can smell when you're afraid, you know. Plus your horse could sense something was wrong.'

'Yeah. I'm good, I just had a wobble. You ready, Swifty?' I asked, looking up at him.

Swift Wind was visibly concerned, but his expression softened as I addressed him directly. 'Absolutely, Adora! Ready when you are! Just one question... where is it we're going again?'

I looked into Catra's eyes, smiling reassuringly while hoping she wasn't worrying too much. Her expression seemed impassive, as if she was still deciding whether or not she would need to interrogate Glimmer later on. Looking back to Swift Wind, I took a deep breath before answering his question.

'We're going to Erelandia.'

(A/N: A fun little tidbit of info for you - with this chapter the story has officially passed 100k words!)

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