The boy across the street (A...

By -Disney_Princess

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Everything seemed to be going well for Jordan until she moves to North Carolina where she seemed to fall for... More

Good bye new york
See you in the morning
Because im a girl?
Told you i loved bethany!
Those little things
Better then a Grier?
Thats not gonna stop me
Shouldve stayed home
What happened?
Dont come home drunk again
Just a dream?
Big brother nash
Welcome carter.
Another girl?
it all happen so fast
Break free!
Hello there!
Little dates
Can she please leave?!
Cant undo mistakes
Forgivness isnt always easy
Flash backs
Never give up
Ice skating!
I have loved you since we was 18
Goodbyes and youtube
Thanks for reading!
Hotels and singing?
I would like to....
A sequel?

I need you!

199 1 0
By -Disney_Princess


"This is an amazing place" I said as I walked into the restaurant nash brung me to. It was so amazing and kinda fancy. It looked expensive. I'm glad we have little dates like this.

"Reservation for grier please" the lady lead us to a table where it had played and forks was just amazing. Te lady left us our menus. Nash pulled out a chair for me. What a gentleman.

"Thanks" I sat down. He headed over to his seat. He looks so handsome in his suit. He doesn't wear it often but when he can figure that out.


"That was the best meal. Thank you" I said. I gave nash a kiss on the cheek. He started to blush as he lead me to a park. We interlocked our fingers together as we walked on the path.

"Maybe after this we could-" before he could finish I heard a gun shot.

"Nash. We gotta get out...." My voice faded when I turned to see blood on his suit. He soon fell to the ground.

"Nash!" I yelled. I looked up and saw who shot him. He looked me in the eye. I couldn't see his face but before I knew it everything was black. I blacked out.


"See told you I could beat you!" I told hayes. We've been playing 2k 15 for over an hour. I've lost a couple times but managed to beat him more then twice.

"Yeah. What ever" he said. I laughed. We then heard sirens going past the house. Maybe a robbery. Who knows?

"Hey ima head off to bed." I said. I got up and went to my room. I turned on the tv and saw the news.

"A few moments ago there has been a shooting at a nearby park this evening. Witness say there was 3 males who shot a teenager and his date. Scott has the news" the reporter says. I started paying attention since the park is near here. "Thanks sarah. Tonight has been one of those nights a date has lost one another. Nash Grier an his date paris hills sadly was hurt. Many people know them as the viners and youtubers of the world. Nash was shot while paris won't wake up. If anyone saw the people that did this please call."

"HAYES!!" I yelled as I ran to his room with tears in my eyes. When I got there I could see he got the news. He was crying on his bed. Seeing him like this is sad. Nash is shot and Paris won't wake up.

"I'm going to the hospital." I told him. He looked at me with puffy eyes. Seeing him like this makes me feel terrible. He's always happy.

He didn't say anything. He got up and walked past me with tears on his face. I heard him telling his mom and then I heard more crying. I sighed and walked into my room for a jacket. The news was still on.

"Paris hills has yet to wake up." The lady said. I quickly grabbed my jacket and headed out not wanting to listen to the news.

When I got downstairs I saw Elizabeth with her jacket on as well as hayes and little Skylynn. She didn't know what was going on and I'm glad. She didn't have to know.


"Nash Grier and Paris hills" I ran to the desk and asked the lady. She looked at some papers and I heard yelling. I turned and saw cameron carter Lox the jacks and Kenny.

"Jordan!" Cameron ran up to me. His eyes was puffy and red like the rest of them.

"Right down the hall" the lady said. We ran to the room and I stopped at the door.

"I'm going to Paris room. I'll be over" I said. They nodded as I walked to Paris room slowly. I opened the door and saw her with wires hooked up to her body.

I walked over to her bed and sat in the chair next to it. "Hey paris" I smiled. " sorry. You don't deserve to be in here. You should be with nash on the date not in the hospital with me talking to you."

"Please wake up. I can't lose you. I need you. We all need you. I wasn't suppose to tell you but nash was gonna give you a present. Something more big then a tour. You was gonna meet Shawn and go on tour with him. He's coming later. Paris. If you can hear me please please come back. I miss you." I held her hand. I started crying softly. She doesn't deserve this. I bet I knew who did this to get back at me.

"Hey" I looked up and saw lox. She was so pretty. She walked to the other side of Paris and sat down. "I remember when I first met her. She was so energetic. So full of life." Liz explained. Her eyes started filling with tears.

"How's nash?" I asked.

"The doctor said he should be waking up soon. When he wakes up the doctor wants to put them in the same room if that's ok with nash" she said. If he doesn't freak out first.

Carter walked in and stopped as soon as he saw Paris. He walked back out and I followed him. He walked back into nash room. I walked in there and saw a hurt nash. He was hooked up to wires to.

I heard crys from everybody. Cameron was sitting next to nash bed. I didn't see skylynn so I'm guessing Elizabeth took her home. I walked over to hayes who was nonstop crying. I couldn't blame him. I would've been crying for hours. Nash is a good person. All the things he does for people.

"Hayes come with me" I held out my hand. I looked up at me and grabbed my hand. I wanted to get him out of here for a bit. I lead him outside to the parking lot. We sat underneath a tree.

"The one day at magcon we was at the hotel and nash went around smack caming everyone. He chased me all the way to the pool." He chuckled. "I miss those days."

I didn't say anything just listened to his stories about Magcon. So many memories. So many good times that they will never forget.

"Jordan" hayes said. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "would you join magcon if you had a chance?" He asked.

"Yeah. There are a lot of people you could meet" I said. He nodded and kept staring in my eyes. It wasn't awkward for neither of us. We always stared into each others eyes. He always does this thing where he looks into my eyes then down at my lips back to my eyes.

He started leaning in. Was this happening? We've been friends for about 2 months and he's gonna kiss me? Before I knew it our lips connected. I closed my eyes and took in the moment, I kissed back. When I realized I couldn't be doing this. Not after what happen last time. With my ex. But I can't pull away. I'm in a trap. I can't pull back because I don't want to hurt him but what if he finds out?

Hey guys. So this chapter is the first part of many things that is gonna be happening. They finally kissed! I wanted this to happen for awhile so more drama could spark. Paris isn't waking up. And nash is gonna wake up. What happens when he finds out paris won't wake up? Next chapter on Monday!

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