Son of Darkseid

VgNishiki tarafından

81.8K 1.3K 465

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... Daha Fazla

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.46
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-First Contact
Old Gods-Lust and Power

Justice League vs Suicide Squad

1.1K 17 3
VgNishiki tarafından

Power does not corrupt. Fears corrupt...perhaps the fear of a loss of power" 

--John Steinbeck.

A man was descending the stairs of an underground corridor, This person was going to a door that looked well reinforced and that was being guarded by two armed security guards who did not allow anyone to pass without authorization

???: Good morning, Gentleman.

Guard: Authorized personnel only, sir.

Anyone else would have stopped and turned around at the warning of a guard but the stranger had no intention of turning around.

Guard; Sir! You need to stop right there. We're under to strict order to call in any--

???: That won't be necessary. You'd both rather kill each other instead.

Both men without hesitation and without control of themselves aimed and shot each other, ending their lives in an instant, leaving the mysterious man free to enter the restricted area.

???: Thank you.

The man opened the door and inside there was a place called the catacombs, the most secret prison in the world. there was a scientist in the center of the place with some control panels that kept the cells closed so that the criminals could not escape or will try to do so

???: The catacombs. The most top secret prison in the world ... constructed to hold only a handful of dangerous convicts.

Scientist: W-what are you doing here?

???: Release the Prisoners, Doctor.

Scientist: You don't know what we went through to get them contained! Do you understand what they are? They don't belong to this world!

???: I know ... Now let them out.

The stranger began to approach the control panels and for some reason the scientist began to obey the orders of the man in front of him.

Scientist: Why would you do this?

He approached the scientist and whispered a few words in his ear.

???: Because I belive in second chances.

The doors began to open, drawing smoke and the whole place turned red, guards began to enter to try to prevent the inmates from escaping from their confinement.

Guards: Don't let them escape!

???: Sometime I feel like the end of the world has already come and gone ...

One of the guards was simply beheaded by a sword that was on fire scaring to death his companion who was next to him.

???: But I still have hope ...

The guards were about to have the same fate that their partner just had, a great lightning bolt that had a shade of green disintegrated them in a blink of an eye

???: ...that I can inspire us to do better. All I need are brave souls willing to take on the weight of the world ... willing to put their very lives on the line to save others.

The last three soldiers alive began to have the same cruel fate of their companion that they had already killed, they began to be crushed by pieces of metal and beams making them scream in pain and when their suffering ended their blood splashed on the scientist's face and gown. .

Scientist: Oh god.

But the slaughter had not ended, the one who kept them locked up had to die too and the whole place that kept them locked up had to be destroyed equally, a yellowish light began to illuminate all sides causing the doctor to start to scare because he knew what he was to happen

Scientist: Please ... don't ... I did what you asked.

???: I belive all of you understand this more than most.

The only thing that scientist could do was give one last cry of pain before his body disintegrated, leaving only his bones and the base that kept these criminals locked up exploded. C

That stranger and the 5 mysterious figures were above the rubble of what was left of the doomed structure that held them captive leaving without any problem.

???: Now follow me ... into the heart of darkness.

Location: Badhnesia

Suicide squad. It is a team that had been formed by amanda waller to do the most dangerous missions that any normal soldier could not do so she did not put any soldiers she thought of something different ... Villains ... who could not oppose the orders that they were put on or they would die from an explosion to the head.

Killer Croc, Harley Queen, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and their newest addition Killer Frost found themselves fighting on the shore of a beach against simple minions of a cult.

Harley Queen: What a lovely day to die!

The fight was not going unnoticed they're we're being watched by Waller with his typical stoic and serious look in his secret base. The only thing that could be heard inside the room was the sound of keys of the computers being pressed by the workers around and the sound of the fight on the screen but the silence ended when She heard a voice behind her that did not sound happy at all.

Rick Flag: What the hell, Waller ?! You sent the suicide aquad on a mission without me?!

Rick Flag was the field leader of Task Force X for an extended period of time.

Waller's thoughts towards this man were very good. If it were not for having put him as the leader The last three soldiers alive began to have the same cruel fate of their companion that they had already killed, they began to be crushed by pieces of metal and beams making them scream in pain and when their suffering ended their blood splashed on the scientist's face and gown. .

Scientist: Oh god.

But the slaughter had not ended, the one who kept them locked up had to die too and the whole place that kept them locked up had to be destroyed equally, a yellowish light began to illuminate all sides causing the doctor to start to scare because he knew what he was to happen

Scientist: Please...don't ...I did what you asked.

???: I belive all of you understand this more than most.

The only thing that scientist could do was give one last cry of pain before his body disintegrated, leaving only his bones and the base that kept these criminals locked up exploded. C

That stranger and the 5 mysterious figures were above the rubble of what was left of the doomed structure that held them captive leaving without any problem.

???: Now follow me ... into the heart of darkness.

Location: Badhnesia

Suicide squad. It is a team that had been formed by amanda waller to do the most dangerous missions that any normal soldier could not do so she did not put any soldiers she thought of something different ... Villains ... who could not oppose the orders that they were put on or they would die from an explosion to the head.

Killer Croc, Harley Queen, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and their newest addition Killer Frost found themselves fighting on the shore of a beach against simple minions of a cult.

Harley Queen: What a lovely day to die!

The fight was not going unnoticed they're were being watched by Waller with his typical stoic and serious look in his secret base. The only thing that could be heard inside the room was the sound of keys being pressed by the workers around and the sound of the fight on the screen but the silence ended when She heard a voice behind her that did not sound happy at all.

Rick Flag: What the hell, Waller ?! You sent the suicide aquad on a mission without me?!

Rick Flag was the field leader of Task Force X for an extended period of time.

Waller's thoughts towards this man were very high. If it were not for having put him as the leader of that band of criminals who always worked alone and ruined and compromised missions, the Suicide squad would not be effective as today.

Rick Flag: What happened to needing me to keep your unmates in line?

Amanda Waller: Short Notice, Flag. I made an executive decision.

Rick Flag: Caitlin is with them? she's too inexperienced.

The screen that Waller was seeing was fixed on Killer frost that was taking the life of one of the soldiers by mercilessly freezing his head to death.

Amanda Waller: Killer Frost is a survivor, Flag. She might need to feed on the life force of the living, but her freezing powers felt ... suited for this mission.

Rick Flag: Which is?

Amanda Waller: Two hours ago, a death cult called the Brimstone Brotherhood stole a quake pulsar from S.T.A.R Labs. The Brotherhood plans to use the pulsar to cause an earthquake that will destroy the small island from Badhni Sia. They're lead by a man named apex, who plans to use the island's destruction as a ritual sacrifice to their god. The squad needs to retrieve the quake pulsar from Apex before he activates it.

Killer Croc could overhear what Waller and Rick were talking about while he was easily finishing off the cult members with Harley. He questioned Waller's actions to save a simple island and spoke into his comlink.

Killer Croc: Why do we care about a stupid island in the middle of nowhere anyway, Waller?

Waller did not have to answer the questions of the criminals but if she wanted their full support in the missions of the suicide squad she sometimes had to give them this type of information so that they would not bother.

Amanda Waller: The united states has a secret outpost there and an earthquake could draw attention to it.

Enchantress: The earth will shake and take the souls of many.

Deadshot realized that they were wasting time with these simple members if they did not hurry they would end up failing the mission so an idea came to his head and he started running in search of a remote place.

Deadshot: Squad keep the brotherhood distracted while I get a shot at Apex Himself!

Rick, who had a great fury inside himself, had tired of watching the fight from the screen and being still watching how the mission was failing and he could not do anything, began to leave the room.

Rick Flaq: I'm heading out there! they're gonna need a pickup whether they succeed or fail.

Killer frost was taking the life of one of the brotherhoods by piercing the chest with a piece of sharp ice that had formed in his hand.

Killer Frost: Do all your missions got this badly.

Captain Boomerang: Your first time is always a bit of rough ride, ice princess ...

She turned around and looked with great disgust at Captain Boomerang and it was not because he was slitting the throat of one of the members right now but because of his obscene words.

Captain Boomerang: ... But you can trust Ol'digger to show ya a good time, luv.

Killer Frost: Uhgg, I'm sure.

Captain Boomerang: Giving me the cold shoulder, huh? that's a'right ... I've never minded a girl who was icy to the touch.

Boomerang was about to touch Frost's shoulder but before he did something silly and killed himself for touching her someone stopped his hand.

El diablo: Killer frost's touch could kill you.

Captain Boomerang just ignored what his partner said and smiled. The seriousness of the villain was never his strong suit and he always depended on his bad charisma and innuendo to women when speaking in conversation which mostly always ended badly for him.

Captain Boomerang: Eh...always figures I'd die by a woman's hand.

Harley Queen: Ya sick Digger! you should see someone.

Harley had heard every word from Captain Boomerang's mouth for some reason every time she heard him speak, he always found some way to make her feel more disgusted and hated for the Australian but he couldn't let him know more than he already did. I did it because she knew he would find a way to annoy her more

Captain Boomerang: That's yer professional opinion, Doc ?! I'll lie down on yer couch anytime.

The three of them began to approach Harley who for fun was hitting the head of a cult person with his giant mallet.

Harley Queen: Frosty, baby ... stick with me an 'you'll make it out of this in one piece! probably.

Killer Frost: What if we just told Waller we quit?

Harley Queen: Then she'd make yer noggin go KABLOOEY!

Frost was scared to hear what she had just said that when Waller had told him that his head would explode if he did not follow orders he thought she was joking.

Killer Frost: Wait - Waller was serious about that ?!

Harley Queen: Having a bomb injected into your neck has a way of changing yer p.o.v ... don "t it? Now lets find this damn quake pulsar before apex turns it on.

Killer Frost: how will we know if he does?

The team start to run off the beach to enter the city and just when the new addition to the group asked a strong shaking started in the entire city causing all entire squad to fall due to the force of the earthquake.

Harley Queen: Auch, call it women intuition. This reminds me of the time mistah J spiked the Arkham guard's dinner with joker Venom and they started a mosh pit in the mess hall.

Killer Croc: Thats was a fun thanksgiving.

Apex: I hope you enjoyed killer my brothers today ... because it will be your last act on this earth. Your souls will be a gift to our god!

All the villains looked up and found the apex with the quake pulsar in hand.

Location: WatchTower

Batman had called a meeting of the high ranks of the Justice League, those present were Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Simon Baz a green lantern, Jessica Cruz and his newest member Dav-Vel, all were in a round table waiting for batman to release the information for which he had called.

Batman: Recently, I've been building a file on a top secret goverment sanctioned program called ... Task force X. Incarcerted Criminals are giving reduced sentence if they complete a series of dangerous missions ... hence ... nicknamed .. .The suiced Squad ... this program is made up for our enemies.

Aquaman: I've noticed a few team-ups among theme before, Batman ... but I belived it was just to honor among thieves.

Aquaman: That's whats they want us to think, Aquaman.

Simon Baz: And no one would question it?

Batman: If the suiced squad were caught, it would just be chalked up to another criminal act.

Superman: They'd have plausible deniability.

Batman: Correct.

Aquaman: If I discovered Black Manta was part of something like this.

Flash: Right? how can we ensure any kind of justice if criminals are being give hall pass? Who is behind this.

Batman took a control and lit a hoogram on the table. Everyone fixed their attention on the face of a woman.

Batman: Amanda Waller a High-Ranking goverment bureaucrat. I recently work with her on a mission to Santa Prisca and saw firsthand how destructive this group can be. Waller used de Oportunity to break into the batcave while I was gone to investigate exactly how much I knew about her and Task Force X. Waller used me just like she used the squad.

Dav-Vel: These criminals should have a chance to rehabilitated...they should...but this is not the right way. Just imagine how many jail breaks or take from an entire facility have been to get its members out and how much damage they have left. How many times have we stopped a villain not knowing they were secretly working for Amanda Waller?

Cyborg: Good Question.

Jessica Cruz: Wait...these are bad guys, right? why would they ever sign up to work for the goverment? why they just don't escape?

Wonder Woman: Perhaps Waller is controlling them?

Batman: She thinks she can control them. But she's going to be on the wrong side of--

Cyborg: I've monotoring the Watchtower's database of known incarcerated convicts and checked for any sightings of two or more together in the same location ... And you won't believe what I just found in Badhnisia.

Location: City of Badhnisia

Apex: This device will ensure it!

Apex had the Pulsar quake raised in the air, the ball was surrounded by a yellowish color, the squad tried to get closer to Apex but everything around him began to shake violently, the only one that could stand was enchantress and she was not going to wasting time.

Enchantress: Allow me to show true god to Worship. RISE FROM THE DARK--

Apex was not going to waste time and with the Pulsar quake he attacked with an air sling knocking out Enchantress.

Harley Queen: Hey Waller! we might have a bit of pickle here!

Waller communicator: Finish it, Queen. Or I finish you.

Diablo: You want us to burn this psycho, Waller ?! I'll MAKE HIM BURN.

Waller Comunicator: Thats the spirit, Diablo.

Diablo threw a large bowl of fire at Apex that began to move from his feet to his hips but the pain did not matter to the cult leader as he raised the Pulsar Quake into the air to activate it.

Apex: I have no qualms dying as part of this sacrifice!

Buildings, houses, mountains and different structures around the island began to shake violently.

Killer Frost: Every time Apex uses the Pulsar, It ramps up the sesmic activity. I don't think this island can't take much more.

Captain Boomerang: Least you die with O'l digger by your side Luv.

Apex: The ocean will be our grave--


A bullet pierced Apex's skull causing him to let the quake pulse fall from his hand, ceasing the terrible tremors all around the island.

Deadshot was in one of the buildings with his sniper that was with smoke out due to the firing, his plan had gone as he wanted.

Deadshot: Done. You should just send solo, Waller.

Harley Queen: Hey, I stepped in Apex's brain...that means I helped, right?

Captain Boomerang: Bloody Hell Deadshot always stealing me Glory.

Deadshot felt the building he was in start to shake and realized that the entire building was about to fall.

The devil: Dios mio...

Killer Frost: It's coming down - there's people inside!

DeadShot: This isn't good

Killer Frost: Enchantress use your magic!

Killer Croc: She's still out!

Killer Frost: Waker her up!

Harley Queen: Maybe Waller will pstill see this as a Win-loss...

El diablo: I don't care about Waller ... How are we going to settle this with our own soul?

Up in the building Deadashot ran to the ptrp side of the roof he was on to see that there were only more houses but nothing that he could jump into and save himself.

Deadshot: Shit. Can't jump that.

DeadShot knew what was to come, that shot was going to be the last he would do. From his suit he takes a photo of him and his daughter. If he was going to die at least he was seeing her for the last time.

DeadShot: See you in hell, Amanda Waller.

Both he and the building began to fall directly into the houses of the people who lived in the town but before Deadshot collided with the building, Superman caught him in the air.

Superman: Not today, Deadshot.

Simon had stopped the fall of the building with his ring while the other heroes were rescuing the people who were affected by the rubble of the building.

Flash: We got the people on the ground!

The Suicide Squad were simply watching the league save people from their mission mistake.

Killer Croc: What the hell is the Justice league doing here?

Killer Frost: Cleaning up our mess croc.

Superman left Deadshot with his team and gave him the photo of his daughter who almost got lost when she fell from the building.

Superman: You dropped this.

DeadShot: Thanks. Now if you'll excuse us.

Dav-Vel: You won't go anywhere, none of you will. It would be better if you came with us voluntarily.

Harley Queen: If I had known you were coming I would have dressed better dear. You miss me ?

Dav-Vel: This isn't a conversation, Harley.

DeadShot: This is a misunderstanding.

Batman: It's really not, Lawton. We Know you are working for Amanda Waller. That she send you to this disaster. What if we hadn't been here to stop that building from collapsing.

El Diablo: Slow your roll, Batman. The earthquake ain't on us.

Killer Frost: Are we really about to do this?

Harley Queen: Aw, don't worry about these party poopers. Whatcha gonna do ... LOCK US UP.

Superman: Waller is using you.

Wonder Woman: We can help you get away from her. Somplace safe.

Captain Boomerang: I got a shot.

El Diablo: Are you crazy?

Simon Baz: Isn't this a little one-sided? that dude just has a boomerang.

Flash: Don't underestimate him, he's a killer.

Simon Baz: Yea. but aren't boomerang a little lame.

Captain Boomerang couldn't believe how he dared to say that about his Boomerang, an incredible rage flared in him and he tried to attack the green lantern but the devil stopped him.

Captain Boomerang: YOU DID NOT JUST BLOODY--

DeadShot: The heats is on Waller. What do you want us to do here?

Waller communicator: I think you know.

DeadShot: I want to hear you say it.

Waller Comunicator: Do not let the justice league take you alive or you're dead.

DeadShot: You hear her squad.

Lawton raised his arm pointed at Batman with his armband weapon causing both sides to prepare to fight.

Batman: Lawton aiming a gun at me is something you never want to do.

DeadShot: You don't get it Batman ... we got the real advantage here. Every damn day we walk out into the world with no expectations of tomorrow. The odds are always against us. Except today you see ... the Justice league doesn't kill ... BUT WE DO!

The members of each team charged against each other in a fight that the squad considered life and death.

Location: The Swiss Alps.

The night was dark, there was a heavy rain that had hit the castle in which the villanps were

???: It took me along time to find you. I love this word ... but something happended ... there has been a change. It seems I'm the only who can see that humanity is broken and the people with the powers to fix it don't know how. We can take advantage of that. It's why I freed you from that prison. You were forgotten. Together we can finish something I started a long time ago. And if you help find what I need ... I'll help you get what you want. I'll help you kill Amanda Waller.

The 5 mysterious figures are revealed and they are Lobo, Doctor Polaris, Emerald Empress, Johnny Sorrow, Rustam.

Each of these villains was dangerous in their own way and that is why they were locked in by how destructive and impulsive they could be.

Lobo: say we do all that ... what's in it for you? , Maxwell right?

Maxwell Lord: Me?  I'm going to save the World.

Okumaya devam et

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