The Pianist - One Direction

By elinandersson

24.1K 579 444

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~Victor Hugo More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41


355 8 12
By elinandersson

The offer I got was to follow a band on one world tour and that tour was coming to an end.

The boys had been writing their next album during the journey and the last months they visited studios to record songs before concerts. I was asked to play a few pieces that couldn't be done in the computers and I loved it. Even when I wasn't needed any longer, when their management had found some guy with better musical education than me that would follow the band after the tour, I would be able to listen to their album and know that I played some of those parts. The thought of that made knowing that it was coming to an end less painful.

That day, Zayn had asked me to come with them to the studio even though they would sing most of the time. It was pretty fun for a while but I got bored quickly and left the room to look around in the building. I walked past a few doors and realised how much alike the corridors looked to the corridors of the building where I had met the band the first time. I really had no idea at all then how it would be later. I could never have known how much I would love it. How I felt like this tour was exactly what I needed. To get away from everything and see new places. New people.

We were located in an extremely tall building and the room I walked past had a view over half the city. The sky was in this beautiful pink colour and the window inside was huge. I opened the door and when I had taken a step inside I realised that this was also a studio. It didn't contain the normal guitars and drumsets and microphone stands, but more classical instruments. In front of the huge window stood the most beautiful grand piano I had ever seen. Not even the piano I used at my audition for the school was this extravagant. I almost didn't dare to touch it, but I still moved towards it like a magnet. Not even the beautiful view could make me take my eyes off the piano. I sat down slowly and made my fingers touch the keys. I didn't even push them down yet. Just touching them lightly. Before I knew it I was playing my favourite pieces. I hadn't played classical music for a pretty long while and god did the piano sound amazing. It took my breath away.

Nothing could take my focus away from the music in that moment. I was playing better than I had ever before. I almost cried out in pure joy. Not much could make me feel so happy.

Except, of course, the guy who was standing in the doorway, looking at me with his glimmering eyes filled with proudness. Zayn was almost as breath-taking as the view and the piano together. Almost.

He didn't interrupt me, though. He stood completely still until I was completely finished. I glanced at him once or twice and if he wasn't staring at me with that smile, he had his eyes closed and enjoyed the music.

When I finished, he walked towards me slowly, as if I was a protective bird mother that would hurt anyone who came near her precious baby. He had this huge smile on his lips and the look in his eyes told me he was thinking of something I was unaware of. He was going to tell me something.

"What is it?" I asked. He shrugged but couldn't stop his smile.

"Nothin'. You're even better since last I heard you. Proper talent." He told me. I rolled my eyes, not sure of how you answer a compliment like that.

He suddenly gasped and I tried to see what had happened. Apparently he hadn't seen the beautiful view and the sky until then. He walked to the window and looked down, watching how far it would be to the ground.

''What is it you're not telling me?'' I asked him again, curious. He was going to tell me sooner or later and I preferred sooner. I could see how his shoulders shook a little by his laughter. He was enjoying this, seeing me almost begging. ''It's good news right? Or you wouldn't smile like that.'' I tried finding out myself. He looked over his shoulder, his hands was in his pockets and when he was standing in that light he looked more perfect than ever.

''It's good news.'' He simply said. I groaned. I stood up and started pacing in the room - a habit I didn't have before but I did way too often now.

''Okay, ehm, did one of the songs you got to write make it to the album? That's what you were recording now?'' He wrinkled his nose a little.

''Nah, I don't think the songs I write will reach any album. Don't fit with some crowds I think.'' It was a shame. He could create amazing music with the right people.

''Okay, are your family coming to see you soon?''

''Nope. Or, they might show up at the last show so that's pretty soon, but that's not it.''

I had stopped pacing and instead I was sitting on top of the piano, my legs swinging back and forward. These babies were good quality. I could weigh 300 pounds and not break it even if I wasn't careful.

''Seriously, Zayn, I don't know. Is Sarah cooking your favourite for dinner or something?'' I said, giving up. He laughed and walked towards me. Did I say he looked amazing? Like, completely breath-taking? Gorgeous enough to make me shiver and my heart race just by how he was standing in front of me. He shook his head and blinked with his long eyelashes and golden eyes and why was he doing this to me?

He placed his hands on either of my thighs and leaned in to me, standing on his tippy toes. I met him half way and leaned forward, my hands found his hair as usual. He didn't kiss me though. Our foreheads met and he looked at me with that silly smile while his hands went up and down my legs. He totally knew what he was doing to me. He was enjoying seeing me confused and so... well, I guess I was pretty turned on by his actions as well. Or very.

''I have very, very good news for you. But I'm not allowed to say it.'' He said.

''You will tell me these good news, Malik, or I will be angry at you all day. You don't want that.'' I threatened.

''That's true, I don't. I guess you'll have to practise on your acting then so you'll be equally happy when they tell you.'' His voice was hushed now and his nose was almost touching mine. He was coming closer to kissing me, but he did it painfully slowly.

Finally, he gave in and with the help of his hand on the back of my head he tried pulling me closer to kiss him for real. I only let his lips just touch mine before I leaned back an inch again. He groaned at me, his fingers tightened around my legs and he almost jumped to reach me, just to see me back away again.

''Stop teasing me.'' He breathed out between gritted teeth, frustrated. I clicked my tongue and shook my head.

''You started. Also, I won't kiss you until you tell me.'' I stated. He would give in. I gave it a minute until he would give in. He backed two steps and looked at me angrily. I found it cute.

It took thirty seconds.

''Okay, okay, okay, I'm telling you.'' He said loudly. His hands were in the air, as a sign of defeat. I squealed and almost clapped my hands, but even I had limits. I had turned into such a girl. Chelsea and Sam wouldn't recognise me when they came to the last show in London.

''Okay, ready?'' He asked, his crooked smile back again. I nodded frantically. He smiled wider and his eyes were sparkling of excitement.

''I just heard from Simon. You're our pianist for real. You're staying with us. With me, forever. ''

I stared at him. My eyes widened and I felt like crying. I almost got dizzy. I was going to stay with them. I didn't have to leave. I didn't know what to do or how to react. I was the happiest I had been in ages.

''Are you serious?''

He nodded. I squealed and jumped up in his arms, wrapping my legs around his hips. I laughed out loud and heard him laughing with me. Zayn looked up at me with shining eyes and a proud smile that made me feel all warm inside. If I could stop time only once in my life, it would've been in that exact moment.

I had held my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling, but instead I took his face in my hands and leaned down to kiss him. He had to take help from the piano so he could focus on kissing me back and not carrying me. Soon I felt him putting me down on the piano completely and his hands were wandering up from my hips, touching as much he could reach of my body as he pressed his body against mine, leaving no space between the two of us.

''Can someone come in?'' I said between heavy breaths.

''No.'' He breathed back and let his hands up under my shirt, creating sparkles of fire along my skin before he took it off completely. I laughed at him for not wasting a second and he was just as fast to take his own shirt off. If I had a hard time breathing before, feeling his naked upper body just below my hands made my breaths and heartbeat go crazy.

His hands went to my shoulders and he pushed me back gently, but determinedly. I couldn't help but giggle and soon he was on top of me. On the piano.

''You do realise we're on a piano, right?'' I asked. He shrugged and went down to kiss my neck. I gasped and couldn't remember what I asked him. He looked down at me, a stray of his long hair fallen down in his forehead. He smiled cocky, proud of the effect he had on me.

''You're the expert. Will this brand of piano fall to pieces by this? Or if we went a bit further?'' He asked, kissing further down my body. My eyes were shut, hands in his hair. I swallowed. What did he ask again? Right. Piano. I had seen the brand when I walked in but there was no way I would remember the name now.

''No it won't.'' I said. They were solid instruments. They wouldn't break down easily.

''Now that we're safe - oh, I'm different kinds of safe in case you're wondering - I'm planning on continue. Now shush.'' He said and pecked my lips with my chin firmly in his hand. I blushed furiously by his words but laughed at him. He was still smiling like mad and left a trail of kisses down my stomach. It tickled and he laughed with me, which tickled even more.


''Yes babe?'' He looked up at me seriously. Still with a happy expression but he was carefully listening. Seeing him like that really took my breath away. I took a deep breath and leaned on my elbows, closer to him. Maybe it wasn't the ideal time to say this, but I wanted him to be certain of it before he went any further.

''I love you.'' I took a breath. It was more difficult to say those words than I thought. "Really much."

I changed my mind. If I got to stop time one single time in my life to see one expression again- it would be to see his face by those words. He looked at me like I was sunshine, or a star-filled night sky. Like I was what he needed to survive. What kept him on this planet. He let out a small breath, as if he couldn't believe it was happening.

''I love you too.'' He came back up to kiss my lips again. ''My little Pianist.''

The End


A/N: When the idea of this story first came to my mind I was with my friends on a sort of camp for a week. I suppose the five of us who got to share a room (we're best friends now) had very dirty minds at the moment, one thing led to another, and I said that before I died I would sleep with Zayn Malik on top of a grand piano. A month later I published my first fan fiction on wattpad: The Pianist. Almost two years later I write the very chapter we were talking about. This baby has now come to an end. Thank you for reading it. xxx

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