Nesscas Oneshots Galore

Af Zuch124

4.7K 143 235

Nesscas and mild Clausten I don't own most characters I don't own any art I plan to make a lot of these Also... Mere

You and Me
Quickshot: Fun Dreams
Heist For The Ages
Lucky Draw
Neural Electronic Surveillance System
A Trip Together
Brawl In The Hall
I Can See Him
One Long Night
Schedule + Explanation
Camp Ultimate
I Am Thou
A Cult Following
LucasNess: Season 2
LucasNess: The Complete Collection
Room Mates
A Difficult Escape
A Radical Game
Lover Of The Seas
Take Your Time
One More Game
The Partners Crusade
Brother Battle
Run In
The Demon Dilemma
Sword Fighting
A Day At The Park
Rap Battle
Lost Signal
Small Note
The Rock
Another Trip Together
Can't Post
Rap Battle II
First Days
Break Free
Lucas's Creepiness
AVGN Fighter Concept
Holy Infection
Short Notice
New Data
The Nice Guy
Cannot Into Space
Child Fuhrer
Home For The Holidays
I'm Still Here
Moving Up In The World Tonight
Game Over
Sub Liminal
Mission Impossible
All This Birthday and You Still Aren't Based
Hard Drive
Strike First
Analog of Fear
Analog of Madness


55 1 4
Af Zuch124

Ok, so this isn't technically a oneshot, and it barely qualifies as a cohesive story. But, in all honesty, I kinda needed a break due to personal stuff. So instead of pumping out a half-assed story, I just decided to do this. This will be a story/trailer for that story that had a trailer a couple chapters ago (if that made any sense). I've also been working on the story for almost a year, so it kinda makes sense for me to be writing this. These also won't be direct scenes, more like a culmination of scenes and events.

Side note....we hit 1000 views! I couldn't possibly thank all of you enough. Even though you might not care about me, I'm glad you're staying for the stories. I'm also working on a special oneshot to commemorate this, so keep an eye out for that.

Also, this whole trailer/story idea was inspired by Breakdown003. So, as I've said many times before, go and read their oneshots.


The annual Smash Tournaments. One of the most anticipated things in the city, and possibly the world. As the name suggested, they only happened around once a year, either at the start or the end. They'd only been going on for a few years as well, and yet they were one of the most popular things amongst everyone in the world.

Each tournament was hosted in a large stadium, in the middle of quite the large city. The stadium itself was nothing to scoff at though, being exceedingly large itself.  It also acted as a sort of centerpiece to the city, being the main visual draw. Some say it even rejuvenated the city's economy, which most find absurd due to the length of which the tournament has resided in the city.

The stadium's crown jewel, was the famed Smash Core. It sat in the foyer of the stadium, encased in the ground. It was only visible through incredibly thick and sturdy glass, so thick that it may as well have been steel.

Each year, for the past few years, twelve would gather in the stadium and compete in a tournament. As the tournaments progressed, the amount of contenders increased. But something.....happened at the last tournament. Someone was taken. This person just so happened to be one of Lucas' closest friends. Lucas was now looking for anyone, or anything that could help him. Help him find his friend.


Lucas was in his room, getting dressed. He was in his room, readying his things. Lucas had gotten up rather late, due to staying up all night researching. But today, he finally had a plan. He was going to get some help in order to find who he was looking for.

Ness, one of his closest friends, had already left the city. He was headed back to Onett, where Lucas would be going in just a few short days. But for now, he needed to focus on his mission.

Almost all of the others had already left the quarters. Mostly because they were afraid....of Lucas. When Lucas was on a mission, especially a personal one, it was common knowledge to stay out of his way. As they say, appearances can be deceiving.

Lucas walked out of his room, and made his way down to the entrance of the building. The only person left in the entrance was Young Link, one of Lucas' friends. Lucas approached Young Link, and gave a serious look. "Good morning," Young Link said, quite friendly.

Lucas' expression didn't change, and somehow became even more stern. "How's the progress on finding those mercenaries?" Young Link gulped. He didn't want to tell Lucas the truth, but it would be worse if he lied.

"W-We've made no're elusive as all fuck..." Lucas gave Young Link a deep glare.

"And I assume that means progress on Tabuu is out of the question?" Young Link frowned, and gulped yet again. 

"N-No...w-we have nothing on Tabuu..." Lucas stepped closet towards Young Link. Lucas smirked for a second, before returning to his stern look

"So you......have nothing...?" Lucas clenched his fist, as psychic energy began to overflow from his palm. 

"A-A-Actually.......I-I think we h-ha-ave a name.......f-for their l-leader," Young Link gulped again, sweat now dripping from his forehead. Lucas unclenched his fist, and gave a large smile.

"Great.....what is it?"


Lucas smiled at Young Link, and patted him on the shoulder. "Let's hope you're right," Lucas turned around, and walked out of the building. He headed for the nearest station.


Lucas made his way to what looked like a large mansion. He walked inside the large double doors, and into the mansion's foyer. The foyer was quite empty and silent, unusual, but not impossible. Lucas made his way through the mansion halls, and towards one of the rooms in the back.

When Lucas entered, two other people were already in the room. That being Cloud and Ganondorf. They were watching some sort of video feed. Cloud paused it as Lucas walked in. Before either could speak, Lucas walked to the table that was at the center of the room. "Any world on Snake and Mega Man?" Ganondorf shook his head, and looked down.

"They've been dark for a while.....that factory is no joke" Hearing this made Lucas angry, and he slammed his fist down on the table. As he did this, a wave of psychic energy flowed out from the spot where he had slammed his hand down. He looked up at the video feed, and his look became curious.

"Who are they?" The video feed was displaying a past recording of one of the mansions courtyards. There were eight figures visible. Lucas only recognized one, the being Shulk. Shulk appeared to be fighting of the other seven.

"They attacked last you know, our dwindling numbers made for a.....lackluster defense," Lucas looked deeply at the video. He felt like he recognized one of the other people in it. He shook his head, and brushed this off.

"Nevermind you know where Joker is....? I need his assistance," Cloud nodded, and turned off the video feed at Lucas' clear disdain of it.

"He went back to Shibuya......some sorta...Phantom Thief emergency? I think that's what he said," Lucas sighed, turned around, and left the room. He walked back down the mansion's halls, and left.

As soon as Lucas left, his phone began to ring. Lucas pulled it out, to look who it was. It was Ness. Lucas smiled, before answering it. "Hey, how's it going?" 

"'s Onett?"

"It's......been weird...." 

"What do you mean?"

"This....kid appeared last night....."

"A kid....? What does he look like? And what's his name?"

"He hasn't said anything since he appeared....but he had brown hair, and this green and yellow shirt."


" how's it going.....have you found Red yet?" Lucas sighed.

"N-No....I'm going to see Joker now....hopefully he can help me," 

"Okay....well that's good." Lucas nodded, even though no one was watching.

" is." 

"....I miss you." Lucas smiled, as he walked down a path.

"I miss you too...." Before Ness could respond, Lucas hung up the phone. He made his way down the path, and towards some kind of machine.


A man stepped inside of what looked like a large throne room. The room had quite the metallic aesthetic, being comprised solely of that material. The man was wearing what looked like a large cloak. It had a heart pattern going all around it. He also had a small golden crown on top of his thick, black hair. Underneath the cloak, he was wearing nothing but a pink speedo. 

Standing in the middle of the room, was another man......well, not really. The "man" was Tabuu, the leader of the subspace army. Tabuu turned around to face the other man. "Ah, Kamoshida. Any progress?" The other man, Kamoshida, spoke up.

"No.....not on that. But I did find two more anomalies, and they're from my universe as well," Tabuu slowly walked towards Kamoshida. Kamoshida stepped back a little, slightly afraid.

"You were tasked with retrieving it......not finding any more of those individuals. I have enough people on that as is," Tabuu then snapped his fingers. Two things appeared behind him. Master Hand and Crazy Hand. "Let me make this abundantly clear," Tabuu got even closer to Kamoshida. He raised his hand, causing Kamoshida to levitate slightly into the air. Kamoshida began to squirm a little, as a look of fear graced his face. "I want my minister back."

Kamoshida began to nod aggressively. Tabuu chuckled and lowered his hand, causing Kamoshida to fall to the floor. "That robot has all the data on how to construct those bombs....I will not settle for anything less. Kamoshida nodded some more.

"Y-Yes lord Tabuu..." Kamoshida stood up, and hastily exited the room.


Lucas stood in a back alley. Despite being an alley, there was quite a community. To his right, was a second hand store. And just behind him, was a hot spring and a laundromat. Lucas stood in front of a quaint little café. Lucas hadn't been here at all before, although he had heard Joker speak very highly of it. He looked up at the overhang, and read what it said.

"Leblanc, Coffee and Curry."

Lucas shrugged, before walking into the small Café. Standing behind the bar, was an old looking man. He was smoking a cigarette. "What'll it be?" The man spoke up. Lucas shook his head, before walking ever deeper into the café. 

"I'm actually here to see Ren.....if possible," The man sighed, before putting out his cigarette.

"Hoo boy.....he's upstairs, with all his friends," Lucas nodded, before making his way up the stairs in the back. The stairs led to what looked like an attic, but was actually a bedroom.

Strewn amongst the room were eight people, plus a cat. As Lucas entered, everyone gave him a weird look, wondering why he was there. The cat soon began to meow, quite a lot. One of the people, Ren otherwise known as Joker, stood up. "No's okay Morgana. He's my friend." One of the people, a blue haired boy, spoke up. 

"Friend...? Are you confidant with this one as well?" Ren shook his head, and rubbed his neck.

"No....he's just a friend. Anyways, what's up Lucas?" Lucas sighed, before moving to the center of the room. He looked at everyone who was there, with a sincere look on his face.

"I need your help....all of your help."

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