11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

16.3K 928 305

In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

23》Guide Hero

269 24 2
By JeonMina_05


Mina stare the person who lay down on the bed while hear the beep sound beside her. She had been sit beside him for almost two hours and dont even mind if her tears keep fall down.

A hand touch her shoulder made her snap out and turn, but she look fown after know who.

"Mina, you dont want to had your dinner? He will wake up soon, so please eat first."

"Why he so stubborn, Tzuyu? I already warned him, but he dont want to listen, look! He now laying here like death body!"

She grip her shirt when remember what happend on evening. She dont know who had to be blame, she or him?

"The meeting now end."

Everyone stand up while shaking their hands together. Wonwoo still with his cold face but try to be easy going by shaking his hands with every lawyer inside the room. Each assistant just stand far from their own boss and wait until the time to go.

Ceo assistant suddenly stop them, every lawyer there just stand without care if their assistant still inside room.

"Since everyone too much busy, why not we go take a lunch together? Your assistants can take over for a while."

No one hestitate to agree it but Mina feel uneasy. Everyone already exut from the room and she go to washroom first. When she inside, she heard a conversation between girl and her phone.

"Dont worry, the restaurant we will go is little far but its one of the best place to gather togather. I already order all the menu which is seafood and steamboat. All lawyer need to join or not, the project between our company and side nation will be cancel."

Mina eyes were shaking, Wonwoo allergic to seafood and he might collaspe or had itchy skin. When she sure the girl that she assumed Ceo assistant gone, she open the door and wash her face.

Mina quickly rush to get Wonwoo and find he stand in his office to get ready for the lunch.

"A-are you sure you want to join the lunch?"

He turn and fold his sleeves, he fix his glasses and nod as he sure he will go. She want to say the truth but knowing Wonwoo is pro lawyer, she dont have prove to tell Ceo assistant chose place that had seafood amd steamboat.

She also want to tell him that the lunch is for agreement project between company and side nation.

"Of course i will go. Why?"

"Emmm nothing its just i feel uneasy for something."

"You always negative, Mina. Can you once feel positive and think good side?"

"I-i dont mean to be like that! I-its just ---"

"You know what? I gotta go and stay at offuce until im back. My mom gold me we will had dinner tonight so if you want to go home first, here my car key."

He put his car key on her hand and go away, she was about to stop him but he just walk without turn to her.

She groan and stomp to her room. When she was about to talk herself, a door open showing politic lawyer assistant, Khloe.

"Oh Khloe?"

"Oh Mina, can you help me arrange old files at detail file room? Because Bella told me the room will renovate next week."

"Yeah sure! Can you give me a minute? I will go there as soon i made a call."

"Okay, thank you!"

She nod and Khloe go away, Mina take her phone and try to call Wonwoo. She sure 10 minutes ago was enough for him to arrived at the restaurant. She keep doing same, wondering her room hoping he will pick up.

"The number you have dial----"

"Gahh!! He really turn off his phone!"

She groan and hit her screen, she put her phone on her pocket and out from her room to go where Khloe be. When she get in the detail file room, it full of dust, lots of mess with and what suprise is when she notice the rack was old that anytime can destroy.

She walk untik edge of room and saw some files that already fill inside the box. She carry it and follow some staff there to throw it. She had been doing it for almost half an hour until she spotted one file that a bit dense.

She took it and open the first, she was suprised was Wonwoo old identity and had some achievements he made 4 years ago.

She secretly stole it and put it on her table.

*ring ring*

She take her phone on pocket and furrowed when Adam, one of Wonwoo team call her. She feel really uneasy this time and slowly pick up the call.


"Oh miss Mina!"

"Ndae, Adam? Why you sound so panick?"

"Mr. Wonwoo! H-he--"

"What happend to him?!"

"He collaspe a while ago and around his neck was full of red when he scretched it. He even gasping hard until he passed out!"

"Where he is now?!"

"He at Seoul Hospital, at emergency room."

"Im on the way there!"

She closed her phone and told Khloe she had to go. She take his car key, handbag and even his old file she stole, put it inside his car and drove as fast she can to the hospital where Tzuyu also worked there.

She rushed to emergency area and found Ceo with Adam.

"How was my husband?!"

"He is fine, but he need to get rest and stay here for two days."

"How could this happend, Adam?!"

"He eat soup that full of crab,shrimp and squid. I think he dont realise it was inside until he coughed and started to scretch his neck."

"He allergic seafood!! How can you guys take a place to eat without ask people if they had allergic on some food?! What happend if he ate all of it? He might die, you know?!"

"Whats all fuss here?"

They three finding Tzuyu who out from surgeon room, Mina quickly hug her and was about to cry. Tzuyu suprised to see her sister here on her arms and she stare at Ceo with Adam looking down.

"Tzuyu.....he inside there...."

"Calm down, sister. You will see him."

Ceo and Adam apologize to her and take a leave. When emergency door open, some nurse pull Wonwoo bed. She saw how pale his face and true, his neck full of red until his arms.

Mina tears cant stop falling down to see he like that. She never saw a weak side from him and she realised a guy that full of perfectionist, a tsundere, a clever and her husband need to be take care too.

Mina hold his hand and cares like it was last time she will touch it. Wonwoo still not wake up since evening. She admit she really hungry and tired handling what she doned at office. Doctor already told her, he will be fine until tomorrow when his red skin turn little normal.

Yes, she did notice his skin slowly turn to normal back but its not gonna change the time he would not go to the company lunch

"I cant understand....why must he think he can take care himself when he knew he already had a wife?...."

"Im sorry, Mina. Mingyu texted me, he will come here to stay. You need to go home, you need a rest."

"No! I want to stay, but tomorrow....i had press conference, he promised me he would go....."

"Again, Mina, we cant do anything. Please....dont be like this. Go home, take a rest and im sure tomorrow after your press conference, he will wake up and you two can go home."

"Tzuyu is right."

They two turn to see Mingyu stand behind them with his right had bandage around him made his wife turn to panick.

"Hey! What happend on your hand?!"

"Errr...actually i was about to tell you earlier but when i heard Wonwoo collasped, i quickly go here. Im just get hit by brick that fell at construction site."

"You should told me first."

"Like i said, i was about but i worried about Wonwoo."

"Its okay, he is fine."

"Oh then, Mina, go home first. Take a rest and tomorrow before your press conference, you can meet him for a while."

Mina really dont want to go but what Mingyu said is true. She need more energy for tomorrow, press conference is important to her and it will be the first thing she need to handle after her break time.

She get up and without say goodbye, she drive out from hospital and straight to their home. Mingyu and Tzuyu understand if Mina really surrender, she wouldnt care about her surround or even to say anything.

Tzuyu take night shift so Mingyu can company her while take care Wonwoo at hospital. Mingyu feel guilty to see his wife need to work on night and sure she will done her work until morning.


She cant meet him right now or even on morning ago. She woke up late and found 37 missed call from Hannah, when she look at clock, she had an hour before press conference start.

She rushed drive there without had time to see him. She really dissapointed to herself for not look at him before she go. She blamed herself for not telling the truth to him and do her best as his wife.

How many times she feel burden to him?

He had done many thing to her, and she dont know what she need to do to pay back.

First, he saved her for the time when she met her ex manager, he even be her lawyer. Second, he take care if her when she had fever and console her when she on tramua. Third, Wonwoo protected her from her biogical father and calmed her when she panick. Fourth, he always gave her some courage words even it little savage but she thankful he still stayed with her. Last, he willing himself married her, accept her but she dont know if he do all of that just because sympathy.

Is he never once love her?

She confused to distinguish wether he just pity with her life or maybe he had something he hide from her.

"Boss? Boss. Boss!"

She snap our when Hannah stand infront her. Her team now with her at back press conference stage while mc still talking about herself.

"You will go in 2 minutes."

"W-what? C-can we just cancel this?!"

Mina become panick and feel her anxiety attack her back. She become nervous and sweating, made her team worried. Jack and Arron try their best fanning her from back meanwhile Lucy and Vict peeking outside find many camera and flash everywhere.

Hannah can feel Mina hands cold when she grip her wrist. Mina lips become trembling and her body shaking when she can heard people out there shouting her name.

"We welcome, our successful Black Swan designer, Lee Mina!!"

The claps become more liud and even the voices keep calling her. She turn to run and she hate to know she become coward in this time.

Suddenly a hand pull her wrist, she look to find a person that she cant believe were here.


"Lets go."

He not looking at her but still pulling her until she snap out to find they both already at main stage. He wrap his left hand around her waist and it made Mina quickly act profetional, look infront while wait to people take their picture.

Mc tell them to take a seat and Wonwoo still not let go his hand from her when he can she still shaking.

"Dont be nervous right now. Just act cool and about our marriege, leave it to me."

He whisper to her made her nod and the mics was given to them when all reporters ready to ask them.

R: Miss Mina, on **/**/****, mind to share why you take break from fashion world?

"I already told media it was privacy issues, but to short the reason, im settling my enggagement and in recover from my anxiety."

R: Black Swan was silent for almost 8 months, we all concern if the branded had flop reputation.

"So far, my brand dont have any problem. I believe my team can handle the fashion without me and i will be always help them even im still on break. Right now, im proud my team keep the reputation stable and no issues from it."

R: Some people who know you, had notice you came to Busan fashion runshow. They said they saw you coming with one guy and after the show end, you met your ex manager.

"I-i did go there just to make sure everything is fine since this is my first time taking break too long and about my ex manager.....we just greet for a while."

R: A guy who came with you? That time only both of you still wearing a mask when show already end.

"He is my husband and t-that time, we already enggaged. He came with me to company me."

R: Miss Mina, we had read some article five months ago that it said your branded had plagiarisme some others design and people questioning if its true or not?

"I never plagiarisme others design and for your information, i had lots proof that some designer out there stole my idea and try to ruin my branded. I hope this question didnt show again as i remind all of you, my fashion branded are all mine idea."

That made some reporter speechless even Wonwoo beside her lost his words. He admit some question that she get made him mad too but he proud how smart Mina answer even some of the question involving him.

Right now is Wonwoo turn to answer every question reporter ask about their marriege and probaly they all concern about theit enggaged story.

R: Mr. Wonwoo, mind to tell why two family of you two not announcing your enggagement?

"Both our family had decided to keep it privacy cause that time as we respected Mina break issues, also her sister had her own problem. My family and her dont mind to not telling our enggagement to media."

R: Why two of you enggage in same time with Miss Tzuyu and your cousin?

"Because we think is good to make a big ceremony together than letting one of us alone after we married. So far four of us dont have any problem with decision we made."

R: Are the marriege of four of you was arranged? Because some people concern the way you all enggage is not same like other couples.

It made Mina stun, yes its true their enggagement until married was arranged. But is it right for them to tell its all from their parents, or maybe they need to lie. She worried Wonwoo will answer it without care his or her reputaion on public.

"No, our enggagement until married was not arranged. We have been known each other for so long and keep it tight privacy to protect her image on fashion industry. Tzuyu and my cousin Kim Mingyu also had been in relationship in silence for years until four of us decude to enggage on my house."

R: We heard it happend on dinner, as we know it was reunion between both of your family.

"Yes, four of us really in relationship but dont have time to meet our parents too much, so we decided to made a dinner and do our enggaged at same time. Our parents are bestfriends since their young and it coincidence that their childrens will be together."

Mina speechless, how can he lied about their arrangement and why it feels like he said was true. They dont jnow each other that time and met for the first time as stranger. They suprised their first meeting was their enggaged day but the way he lied about their life are like natural.

R: Is it true, Miss Mina and Miss Tzuyu married without your biogical fathers blessing?

Mina suprise to get the question like that. She feel the reporter was going tok far until questioning her privacy life. Wonwoo was about to answer but she cut it.

"I think thats question dont need to answer. Our biogical fathers dont have any reason to involve on our marriege. We do with follow the right rules, and we already married now in peace and please, i dont want answer any question if it involve about my privacy life especially our family."

He dont know if this a second or third time he get speechless by made answer that Mina gave. The lady that sweating and almsot get anxiety back right now in fierce and confident one. The reporter whisper each other and how annoyed their eyes when camera still flashing them.

She notice since from start, Wonwoo sweating like he hold something i side him. She turn to worried but because they still in press conference, she hope he can hold what he hide another minutes.

She curious how can he be here and when he woke up from his sleep after what happend yesterday.

They two get up as they think the press conference ready done, they walk to get down from stage but they stop when one of reporter ask them weird question.

R: Are you two really love each other as husband and wife, like how people think you two just acting to protect each other image to public?!

She dont know what to answer. Both of them still had mic on their hands and other was intertwine together. Her hand grip his hand tight as she feel hestitate to use her mic.

Suddenly he pull her neck.

Their lips were unite tight when he really hold her neck hard. She just can close her eyes, her mic that she hold almost fall and his others hand hold her waist. She can hear people there gasp and camera become more fast taking their moments.

She thought he will kiss her just for a second but they stay their position for a minute. His lips still on her like she think she need to return the kiss back. She open her mouth and made Wonwoo push the kiss more deeper made her others hand hold his chest.

After really two minutes pass, they pull away and their eyes stare like the place they were now are just two of them.

"Is there any evidence that we need to prove we love each other? She is my wife and only we know what our happiness. Remind to all of you, no question again about our marrige and Mina are the only person that derserve to be call 'mine'. Thank you for interviewing us today."

He snatch her mic from her hand and give back to mc. Mina team was amazed what happend a while ago and Mina still cant process what just they had done before the press conference end.

Her team keep praising her until she hearda groan from her left. She turn to see Wonwoo scretch his nape and sweating a lots, he even try to unbutton his shirt when his breath uncontroble.

"H-hey you okay?"

"Really mess...."

His eyes become blurry and before Mina can touch him, he fall down on her lap. Her team become panick amd surround them at hall lift.

"Please carry him to my car!"

Arron is one of her team that had buff body and strong sthreght so she let him carry Wonwoo to her car. She apologize to her team that she need to left them but they dont mind and more worried about their boss husband.

On their way, she dial Mingyu hoping his explaination why Wonwoo came when he still in hospital and how can he out when he still sick.


"Sorry Mina!"

"I dont want to hear your sorry! Tell me how can he attend my press conference and when he woke up?!"

"Er...he woke at half an hour before the conference start, i already stopped him to discharge early but he dont want to listen me! True he can discharge anytike but he dont take his medicine first and quickly dash to your press conference."

"Can you and Tzuyu go to my house now?! He passed our again after our press conference end, lucky my team there carried him to my car. Bring the medicine too, NOW!!"

Mina hang up and park her car inside larking lot their building. She quickly shout two security that was standing at entrance door to help her carry Wonwoo. She explain to them that Wonwoo had headache and get fever.

When they in their house, she thank the securities and rush to their room. She can see Wonwoo breathing fast but his eyes wont open, Mina dont have choice but unbutton all his shirt and take of his coat.

She let him half naked on bed and wioe his sweat. At same time, Mingyu and Tzuyu ring their home bell made Mina quickly go down to open it.

Minguu hand her Wonwoo medicine, she rush take the glass and mix the liquid with warm water. Tzuyu and Mingyu can just watch Mina pour the water into Wonwoo mouth, in just couple of minute, his breath become normal back.

"Im sorry Mina, i should told you earlier."

"Gwaenchana, Mingyu-shi. I think its better if you two back home. Sorry for troubling you guys."

"Dont say that sister, he is my brother in law too and part of our family. Its our job to take care of each other. If nothing problem, we will go and i need to change Mingyu bandage."

Tzuyu hug Mina while Mingyu cares her shoulder. After sure they two go to their house that beside of them, she turn and seat beside him.

She take another bottle that was cream for his itchy spot and put it almost all his body that had red marks amde her gold her tears. She cares his face with full of guilty and again she blamed herself.

"I should be more care about you, im sorry Wonwoo. Thank you for today."


He open his eyes find himself half of naked. He was about to stand up but a hand on his neck. He turn to see his wife sleep peacefully even he notice his body had some cream that he thought it must be his medicine.

He can taste some bitter on his lips which is sure his liquid medicine too. His eyes catch her tear fall down on her eyes even she still in sleep.

Wonwoo take the pillow she hug that had made their space split, pull her body to his arms. He was about to stand up a while ago but he think its better if thsi time he stay, after all he still sleepy even the clock already evening.

He cares Mina cheeks and she seems not mind with his touch. He chuckle when feel her skin was soft yet smooth.

He pull her body again to made her head on his chest, his hand around her waist and he can smeel her rose scent in her hair.

"Im proud of you, back to who you are, black swan. I dont think my reason a while ago are lie, and im glad i prove them with our kiss."

He closed his eyes and follow her breath until he didnt realise his hand cares her back. They two sleep while her in his arms and he feel really comfortabke without try to distance their gap together now.

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