Roots of Earth ~ A Ninjago Fa...

By LordTigress

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What would it take for you to face the darkest parts of yourself? Set just before the events of Hands of Time... More

Episode 65/a: A Forgotten Enemy
Chapter 1: Fangirls, Fast-food, and Felines
Chapter 2: Midnight Meeting and Memories Unbidden
Chapter 3: Little Secrets
Chapter 4: Lost Friend and Forgotten Family
Chapter 5: A New Side
Chapter 6: Jay's Investigation
Chapter 7: Ambush and Abduction
Episode 66/a: A Game of Cat and Mouse
Chapter 8: The Dark Sleep
Chapter 9: The Second Ambush
Chapter 10: Fleeing the Felines and Spilling the Beans
Chapter 11: Meeting Jake
Chapter 12: Whisker's Revelation
Chapter 13: Who Says Cats Can't Swim?
Chapter 14: Travelers Reunited
Chapter 15: The Water Ninja's Nightmare
Chapter 16: Figuring It Out
Episode 67/a: Cat Out of the Bag
Chapter 17: The Sleeping Strangers
Chapter 18: Catching the Mole
Chapter 19: A Little Lie and a Little Leaf
Chapter 20: Entering Eagle Talon
Chapter 21: Little Leaf's Unnerving Form
Chapter 22: A Reluctant Alliance
Chapter 23: What They Said and What She Heard
Chapter 24: Shapeshifting
Chapter 25: A Storm of Emotion
Chapter 26: Rescue Mission
Chapter 27: All Paws on Deck
Chapter 28: That Sinking Feeling
Chapter 29: The Never-Ending Nightmares
Episode 68/a: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 30: Matilda's Memory
Chapter 31: Story of the Red Battle
Chapter 32: A Point of View
Chapter 33: The Ambush
Chapter 34: Familiar Faces
Chapter 35: Little Leaf's Mission
Chapter 36: Crossing the Gorge
Chapter 37: Jay's Terror
Chapter 38: OWCH.14
Chapter 39: In Ronin's Shop
Episode 69/a: A Cat's Nine Lives
Chapter 40: The Star Pool's Message
Chapter 41: Breaking the Ice
Chapter 42: Getting In
Chapter 43: Mission: Uncomfortable
Chapter 44: Thing 1 and Thing 2
Chapter 45: The Fur Flies
Chapter 46: Black's Blood's Unearthly Scheme
Chapter 47: A Terrible Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 48: The Rescue Teams
Chapter 49: The Sight
Chapter 50: The Lying, the Witch, and the Werecat
Chapter 51: Beneath Earth and Stone
Chapter 52: A Narrow Escape
Chapter 53: Dangerous Games
Episode 70/a: The Awakening
Chapter 54: The Next Morning
Chapter 55: The Burdens Grow Heavier
Chapter 56: The Awakening
Chapter 57: Nya's Promise Fulfilled
Chapter 58: Worlds Away
Chapter 59: Back in the Moon Tribe
Chapter 60: The Ninjas' First Lesson
Chapter 61: Skylor in the Cold and Misako in the Dream
Chapter 62: Return of the Sight
Episode 71/a: A Tale of Two Kitties
Chapter 63: The Name of a Father
Chapter 64: Ronin's Memory, Eagle Talon's Worry, and Liana's Night
Chapter 65: Meeting the World of Pawreles and Skylor on the Loose
Chapter 66: Ronin Meets Dr. Shadow
Chapter 67: The Mind-Bending Session
Chapter 68: Mëekies, Igloos, and Nightmares
Chapter 69: Return to Birchwood and Liana and Nya's Talk
Chapter 70: The Duel
Chapter 71: Looking For Zane
Chapter 72: Searching for Kohuru
Chapter 73: "Only Us"
Chapter 74: The Vixen
Chapter 75: Escape Across the Tundra
Chapter 76: At the House of Lou Brookstone
Chapter 77: Raining Cats and Dogs
Chapter 78: The Unexpected Allies
Chapter 79: The Offspring of Brookstone
Episode 72/a: Dreamcatcher
Chapter 80: The First Encounter
Chapter 81: Red Blood, Blue Fire
Chapter 82: Fugitives From Justice
Chapter 83: Retribution
Chapter 84: The Pawreleser's Guide to Avoiding Unicorns
Chapter 85: Lou's Story
Chapter 86: The Fire Mage
Chapter 87: Oxstone Village
Chapter 88: Flight of the Fire Mage
Chapter 89: A New Prophecy
Chapter 90: Fire, Earth, and Lightning
Chapter 91: The Stealth Mission
Chapter 92: True Brothers
Chapter 93: A Happy Ending
Episode 73/a: Dark Lightning
Chapter 94: Fall of the Master of Lightning
Chapter 95: Garagan of Jëmlen
Chapter 96: The Dark Sleep Strikes Back
Chapter 97: Ninjago City
Chapter 98: Getting into Jëmlen
Chapter 99: Lightning Streak's Stand
Chapter 100: Sunset
Episode 74/a: Son of Earth, Daughter of Darkness
Chapter 101: Lightning Strikes
Chapter 102: The Great Battle
Chapter 103: The Great Battle, Part 2
Chapter 104: Fallen
Chapter 106: Nine Lives
Episode 75/a: Son of Earth, Daughter of Darkness - Part 2
Chapter 107: "Death, be not Proud"
Chapter 108: The Heir of the Moonstone
Chapter 109: Earthquake
Chapter 110: Return of the Son of Fire
Chapter 111: "Sister Only; a Broken, Scattered Heart"
Chapter 112: Roots of Earth
Chapter 113: Reunion
Chapter 114: A Fallen Warrior
Chapter 115: Always Gold

Chapter 105: The Great Battle, Part 3

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By LordTigress

"Behind that crag." Mist Rise, in his muscular human form, pointed for Nya to see. "Take us there. We'll climb on paw."

The majority of pine trees and grass dwindled away as the hills and cliffs grew higher and numerous. The Destiny's Bounty skimmed over jagged tips of rock, then slowing as it lowered itself into a sandy hollow. Rocky cliffs surrounded the hollow on all sides, effectively shielding the ship from any creature except birds. The sky was still dark and snowflakes continued to fall.

"Mom, you don't have to come with us," Lloyd protested. Everyone was clambering up to the deck, grabbing weapons. Misako was one of them, taking a bo staff.

"Nonsense." She cast him a little smile. Her hair looked frazzled and a bruise was forming over her eye from the previous battle. "You will need all the fighters you can get."

"Hey," Ronin piped up, sharpening some throwing knives. "We just kicked their butts back there. It can't be that much harder beating them up in their own home, right?"

"Don't jinx us, man," Jay snapped.

"Ancestors save me—you have no idea what you're talking about." Everyone turned to look at Earth Flame. Like the others he was in his human body for Lloyd's sake. "We don't just live in a cave. It's a massive tunnel system that's impossible to navigate if you haven't grown up there. Every cat knows the bottom of this mountain like the back of their paw, and intruders can get cornered or lost real easily."

"Which is why you'll be our guides." As the group assembled on deck, Lloyd pointed at each werecat. "We'll have to fight in small groups to make sure none of us get captured or lost. Quick Fin, you're with Jay and Nya. Mist Rise, you're with Master Wu and Misako. Wolf Paw, you're with Skylor and Ronin."

"I don't need no stinking kitty guide!" Ronin huffed.

"Who's stinky, rat-mouth?" Wolf Paw retorted.

Mist Rise silenced them both. "Shush!"

Lloyd continued, unheeding to the interruption. "Lightning Streak and Earth Flame, you two will be with Zane. And..."

"What about me?" Everyone was surprised to see Spark Pelt limp into view, leaning on Mr. Brookstone's shoulder. A freshly-stained linen bandage was wrapped around his head. "I can still fight."

"I'm not sure..." Lloyd looked doubtful.

"Me, too." There was something hollow in Little Leaf's voice now, taking away the enthusiasm that might have been expected from her. Yet she held her head up and faced Lloyd. "I'm fighting."

Lloyd's gaze flickered between Little Leaf, Spark Pelt, Zane and Cole. Clearly thinking, he finally said, "OK: Lightning Streak and Spark Pelt, you're with Zane. Cole, I'm putting you with Earth Flame, and Little Leaf will be with me. Wow," he added, scanning the crowd. "that's a lot of people."

Mr. Brookstone cleared his throat uneasily. "I'm not sure I want Little Leaf fighting."

"But I can keep going." Some old strength was beginning to return to the young werecat's otherwise hollow voice. "I want to defeat Black Blood and make my home good again."

"But you both could die!"

Cole stared at him. "You've seen me go into battle before, Dad."

"But I've never lost a child before!" His father burst out. "I just got back from burying a son I only just met! Do not make me do that again, I beg you."

For the first time Cole really registered how pale and sick-looking his father's face appeared. A wave of fresh grief returned. "We— we can't promise you anything. We can only do what we think is right."

Mr. Brookstone groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, lowering his head.

Wu spoke up, surprising everybody. "Grab a staff and come with us. Misako, Mist Rise and I will keep you out of harm's way."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Cole cried. "Master, are you crazy? My dad'll get killed out there!"

"Better than staying here alone. There may be Moon Tribe patrols about." Wu grabbed a spare staff from a weapons racket and tossed it to Mr. Brookstone. "Better fighting a war with us than being captured alone."

Stunned to silence, Mr. Brookstone stared at the bo staff in his hands like it was some alien object. Cole glared at Wu, then at his dad. "Whatever. Just don't make me lose anyone else."

"We will protect him with our lives," Misako vowed.

"That won't stop them from trying to kill us all," Earth Flame grumbled beneath his breath.

* * *

The werecats took the lead, bearing few weapons. Their human companions followed close behind, armed to the teeth and grief still raw in their hearts. They made their way out of the hollow and up the dry hillside. Cole cringed every time someone's misstep sent pebbles clattering, but it could not be helped. Even he found himself stumbling every now and then. Mr. Brookstone, Misako, and even Wu were having a more difficult time than the teenagers were. The werecats, on the other hand, ascended with ease, as many as there were. They were obviously accustomed to this terrain.

"Keep up, slow slugs!" Earth Flame chortled as he leapt smoothly atop a large boulder.

Lightning Streak was sympathetic. "They're not used to this. We should slow down for them."

"We can keep going. Everyone all right?" Lloyd looked to see his companions nodding or replying "yeah" before turning back to the werecats. "Which mountain are we heading for, anyway?"

"That one." Mist Rise pointed northeast. Their position on a steep hillside gave them a view over several valleys and jagged hills. Beyond those sat massive mountains. They were so tall their tips disappeared in the dark clouds. Three stood out in particular.

"The second-highest one, to the right," Mist Rise continued. "It's half-hidden by the third and fourth ones. You wouldn't expect it to be a home to hundreds."

Indeed, Cole would have expected the highest mountain, the one with the jagged tip to be the secret home of the Moon Tribe. In comparison the second-highest one looked smaller, though nonetheless massive in of itself. It nearly blended it with the landscape, that pale gray and beige of the mountains. Snow decorated several peaks and was spreading, growing thicker in drifts like those that had begun to coat the valleys.

They continued onward. They chose the valleys and clusters of trees to travel by when they could, hoping to stay hidden from any patrols. Their werecat guides constantly smelled the air for danger. Twice the group was forced to retrace their steps and go a different way when one of them smelled a Moon Tribe patrol nearby.

Ronin had a watch and kept track of the time. Every half hour the group would stop to rest, during which Misako would check on Spark Pelt's wound and the werecats would stand guard. Many of the group would begin talking quietly among themselves. Wry jokes and muffled laughter helped ease the tension.

Cole did not join in on these chats. The numb feeling threatened to consume him, so he devoted his mind to trying to reach Liana through mind-bending. He was not as strong in it as she was. Feeling small and helpless as he stared at the mountains, he repeated in his head, Liana. Liana, can you hear me? We're coming for you.


Cole jumped—had Liana responded? Then he realized that it was Lightning Streak's voice he'd heard. She was standing atop a boulder stiffly, staring at something in the distance. The crowd had hushed.

"Do you smell that?"

One of the girls, Wolf Paw, joined her companion on the rock and tasted the air. Her freckled face turned grim. "Wolves."

"That can't be right," Skylor protested. "We chased them away. They left before the Moon Tribe did."
"They could just be stragglers, or maybe some stayed with the tribe for protection." Mist Rise growled, "Either way, we need to get moving. We're so close, we can't be stopped yet. Let's move!"

Some of the younger people helped Wu, Misako, and Mr. Brookstone stumble up the rocky valley and make their way up the slopes. The climb became steeper and steeper until everyone had to walk sideways, sacrificing speed for balance. The werecats at last reverted to their feline forms, but made sure to steer clear of Lloyd for the sake of his allergies. Spark Pelt's head kept hurting, so Misako picked him up and carried him.

The few trees in the valley shrank smaller and smaller until they looked like dark ants. Cole caught sight of Jay sneaking a look down the slope, seeing the distance between himself and the ground and turning away hastily.

"Hey, Fluffy!" Ronin huffed behind Mist Rise. "Ain't there a path or something we could take instead? Cats may always land on their feet, but humans don't!"
The long-haired tabby whisked his tails. "This is the shortcut to a path. You said you wanted to get there as fast as we could, so here's fast. You didn't say anything about being safe."

Cole risked a glance upward. The mountain seemed to grow for hundreds of feet more, though jagged shelves and precipices jutting out told him they'd be able to get off the slope soon.

A wolf's howl made everyone jump. Startled, Mr. Brookstone stumbled and started plummeting off the side of the mountain.

"Dad!" Cole's heart leapt to his mouth.

Wu whisked the end of his staff out. Mr. Brookstone grabbed it, one foot on the mountain. He wobbled there a moment before Wu pulled him back to safety.

Zane's head angled upward. "Above us!"

Pebbles and dirt rained on the group. Several large animals panted as they raced across the shelf that jutted out of the slope and stopped. Looking up, Cole could see a pair of dog-like faces peering at the humans twenty feet above them.

"We've got company!" He took the tekko-cagi claws from his belt and slid them onto his hands.

"There's not enough room for all of us to fight!" Wu hastened. He gestured to the ninja with his staff. "Cole, Lloyd. You two can fend them off while the rest of us continuing climbing."

"Yes, Master." Lloyd pulled his mask back over his face and summoned an Airjitzu vortex. Cole followed, feeling the miniature tornado whip his hair around as he was thrust into the sky. Yellow flashed by his gaze—Skylor had joined, using the element of gravity to fly with them.

The three of them landed like birds atop the shelf. There awaited five enormous wolves, with thick pelts of mottled gray, black, white and brown colors.

"These'd better not be shape-shifters or sorcerers, too," Skylor said grimly.

Cole and Lloyd unsheathed their tekko-cagi claws and threw themselves at the wolves. As Cole slashed his claws across one wolf's face and saw the wound, he said, "Nope, normal wolves!"

Skylor took two for herself, using gravity to lift them in the air. Shocked, the wolves swam frantically in the air until she chucked them over the slope, away from the group. The boys danced to and fro, raking the metal claws into their canine opponents. The wolves evidently regretted taking on the humans and they snapped and growled more desperately. One managed to get around Lloyd and clamp its jaws onto his armored shoulder. Lloyd twisted around and shot an energy ball, sending his attacker careening off the cliff.

"Is that all of them?" Cole grunted as he chased the last two away.

"Let's not stop to find out." Skylor stood on the shelf and helped their friends clamber up. The cats leapt up gracefully while the humans stumbled over one another. Everyone was relieved to find themselves on flatter ground, narrow though it was.

Two more wolf howls echoed through the mountainside. Nya groaned, "There're more? We haven't even seen any cats yet!"

Wolf Paw bounded ahead of them like a little black shadow. "This way! I know this path!"

"You're just a student, you're not supposed to know about this path!" Mist Rise growled as he ran after her.

"Whoops," she purred.

"Keep going!" Cole snapped. If a larger pack confronted the ninja on a narrow path like this, it could be disastrous. He dared not look to his left, where the cliff fell away into open air.

They kept running—awkwardly, bumbling until the path curved away from the edge and grew wider. With Wolf Paw, Mist Rise, Lightning Streak, Little Leaf, Earth Flame and Quick Fin leading them, the group scrambled up the hills. Wolves' voices hounded them like ghosts' wails, though none could be seen. Cole kept glancing frantically around their surroundings, searching for any mottled gray and brown pelts bounding toward them. He expected a wolf or nekomata to jump out from behind a boulder at any moment.

The snow continued to fall. The higher up they went, the thicker the flakes and the thinner the air. Though it was still day, every rock looked like a crouching wolf or cat prepared to leap upon its prey. Everyone was stumbling over a slope littered with rocks and random bushes now. Cole could just barely see another hill ahead of them. He hoped they'd reach their destination soon. He thought he could see one of the rocks moving.

He stopped. Something was moving.

"Watch out!" he croaked.

Wolf Paw squeaked in surprise when a small shape ran up and stopped in front of her. Mist Rise quickly stood in front of her protectively while the rest hissed and arched their backs.

"Sky Pelt!" Earth Flame growled.

Zane's eyes flashed through the snow. "One of the sorcerers?"

Cole peered over Nya's shoulder. A skinny pale gray-blue colored cat stood before them, blocking the path. The last time he could recall seeing Sky Pelt was when he and Matilda had been talking together before engaging in a duel.

"That's a sorcerer? Ha! He's scrawny." Ronin stepped forward baring throwing stars. "Let me at 'em."

"Wait!" Lightning Streak cried.

Sky Pelt spoke—his weak, croaking voice revealed his age. "I will not let you invade the tribe."

Cole stiffened.

"Not without my assistance, at least." His whiskers twitched.

"Huh? You're helping us?" Little Leaf's ears pricked up.

Unusually fierce, Skylor snapped, "I don't believe him. He's one of those cats who put me in those nightmares."

"No, wait!" Lightning Streak protested. "He stood up for us when we defied Black Blood. He kept her from killing us so that she could send us into exile instead."

"That's reassuring," Jay muttered.

Sky Pelt whisked his tails. "You are prudent for hesitating, Sons and Daughters. I will let my own conduct and the words of your friends guide your decision. But if you wish to get to the Moon Tribe, follow me."

As suddenly as he'd appeared, the pale tom bounded up the hill and disappeared beyond the boulders. The humans stared after him, perplexed and suspicious.

"There's no way we can trust him," Nya blurted. "Let's get out of—"

Lightning Streak interjected, "Truly, he stood up for us! And before, he just..." She hesitated. "He's never seemed overly fond of the violence Black Blood encouraged... and he's always been the nicest elder when we were kits..."

"Garmadon was a pretty nice kid when he and Wu were young," Jay retorted dryly. "But that didn't stop him from becoming evil and trying to destroy the world."

Impatience made Cole's blood boil. He shoved past Lloyd and Misako, stepped over Earth Flame and Little Leaf, and ran up the hill. He ignored the voices of his friends.

"Cole! What the heck!"

"I guess that's our answer." Jay sounded tired. "Let's get to it."

The pale shape that was Sky Pelt skirted between rocks ahead of him. Cole ran after the cat, aware of the rest of the group following clumsily. A man appeared and caught up with him, and he recognized Earth Flame's human form. "You know what you're doing, Son of Earth?"

"I just know I need to get in those caves."

He kept his eyes on Sky Pelt. The scrawny cat paused every once in a while to look back to make sure they were following. At one point he slowed and clambered up a steep little slope. He crawled between two large boulders and vanished.

"Hey!" Cole ran up to the boulders and bent down. "Where'd you go? Get back here!"

A white and calico shape flashed by his vision. "A secret entrance!" Wolf Paw gasped. "I've never seen this one before!" Before anyone could stop her, she wriggled into the rabbit hole after Sky Pelt.

"Wolf Paw, you don't know what's down there!" Mist Rise bounded up the hill, looking cross. "Get back—!"

"Hey, neat!" Earth Flame dashed into the hole after Wolf Paw.

Mist Rise groaned. "Perhaps this is why our kind is going extinct."

Lightning Streak eased up the tiny hole and tasted the air. "Earth Flame? Wolf Paw?"

"It's all right! Sky Pelt led us into a secret cavern!" Wolf Paw's voice sounded muffled.

"Great. So how're we supposed to get in?" Nya huffed.

A little feline head poked out of the hole; Sky Pelt said, "Son of Earth, no hole in the ground is too small for you. Use your powers—and hurry. A patrol could come by at any moment." He vanished again.

Cole understood. He held his arms out and the boulders rolled out of the way. The hole that looked so tiny between the rocks now appeared to be a narrow cave entrance, large enough for humans to crouch into. He could see the cats waiting for them inside.

Lloyd was the first to bend his head and enter the cave. "Why are you helping us?"

The blue-gray cat met his gaze. "I have sensed warnings of what is to come if Black Blood continues to lead our tribe. As long as she is in power, all will lead to destruction. In an ironic twist of fate," he added wryly, "our long-time natural enemies may be our only hope in saving our clan and culture."

"You're not worried about us—y'know—hurting your fellow... cats?"

"If opposing those with evil in their hearts is what it takes to restore the balance, then no, I am not worried. However," the old cat added, "vulnerable ones such as the elders, nursing mothers and kittens will be in danger."

Zane shared a look with Lloyd. "We will take the fighting away from those who cannot protect themselves."

"I will do what I can to help. Let us go." Sky Pelt turned and vanished into the shadows.

The humans hesitated. Cole could see his friends exchanging uncertain looks with one another. Nya whispered to Jay, "I'm not crazy about being trapped in a dark tunnel with one of those sorcerers."

Huffing, Cole entered the cave and brushed past Lloyd. "I've been waiting to do this ever since Kai and Skylor were kidnapped. Let's not get cold feet now!"

Something about the rock-hard determination in his voice stirred the others. Skylor followed him. Then Zane. Then everyone else.

The ninja crept into one of the many tunnels of the Moon Tribe home.

* * *

"He's gone."

Birch Tail's stomach sank. The breath of the young ginger tom lying in the little moss nest had, after slowing and laboring wretchedly, stopped. Hope had been wane already when he'd found the poor cat cast aside in the battlefield, after meeting the wrong end of the Son of Earth's scythe. Yet he'd cried for help, and Birch Tail used his human form to pick up the young cat and carried him up the mountain and into the healers' den.

Perhaps Fire Paw would have survived if Sky Pelt were here. His gaze flickered to the massive golden tom sitting in one corner of the den between piles of dusty herbs. No Claw attempted to stop the flow of blood with a spell and some herbs, but all the magic did was cause Fire Paw to writhe in pain until No Claw took the spell away. Healing was not his speciality.

"He was so young..." Birch Tail murmured.

"Yeah, he was a little mouse-brain," No Claw grunted. "Now get him out of here and bring in the next one."

Birch Tail bristled. "Can't you show a little respect? He had only just finished his training... now his family will—"

"Yeah, yeah, dead cats, boo-hoo." No Claw's teeth flashed. "If you want sympathy, save it for the nursery."

Suppressing anger, Birch Tail stalked out of the healers' den and returned to the gathering cavern. As he crossed the tunnel and entered the massive room, the sounds of suffering returned to his ears. He nearly turned and walked away.

Warriors lay strewn left and right across the floor and boulders in the gathering cavern. Moans and caterwauls of the wounded and grieving reverberated against the stone walls like a chorus of vengeful ghosts. Volunteers padded this way and that hastily as they attempted to soothe the injured or bring needed herbs to them from the sorcerers. Even some of the kittens helped out, gripping fat bundles of herbs or water-soaked moss between their tiny jaws as they bounded around the older cats. Despite any and all good efforts, though, cats were passing away before his eyes.

So this is what the Sons and Daughters are capable of. Birch Tail swept his gaze over the crowd. Something told him they'd lost many more warriors than humans they'd defeated. Ruthless.

At the word "ruthless" in his mind, he could feel his resolve teetering. Who was the more ruthless? The warrior who defended his home and people being attacked? Or the warrior who came to destroy mothers and kits in their own territory?

The Sons and Daughters are the enemy, his brain reminded him. Remember the Red Battle. Yet he also remembered all the recent skirmishes and confrontations between the humans and the Moon Tribe warriors. In nearly each and every instance, the Moon Tribe had initiated the fight. Nearly every time, the Moon Tribe had taken something or someone, threatened something or someone, or hunted something or someone. The humans had always acted in self-preservation and self-defense.

No, they started it all. He shook his head, trying to grab his whirling thoughts. They nearly wiped out our tribe seasons ago and their very existence makes it more difficult for us to survive in our own home. They deserve this.

When have the humans ever been the ones to strike first?
The Red Battle! They chased after a retreating army!

We would have done the same thing.

Was it temptation threatening to destroy his resolve, or his conscience? Birch Tail continued to resist. We're the victims here. They tried to destroy us all, and now they're trying to rob us of our home. We're doing what we have to in order to survive.

A commotion at the entrance across the cavern at last interrupted Birch Tail's self-warring mind. He shook his head as if sleepy and peered over the many heads turned to the other end of the room. Standing at the entrance were three unhurt warriors: Bumble Nose, Ice Fall and Moss Foot. Carried between each of their jaws, by the scruff of their necks hung—

"Wolf pups!" someone gasped.

Shock and confusion spread through the crowd, and some of the pained moans dissolved. Ice Fall, a white-pelted female, dropped the puppy she had and smirked at the crowd. "Not just any pups. The Alpha's pups."

The others dropped the pups as well. The brown bundles of fluff pressed themselves against their sibling on both sides and shivered together. Their big black eyes were wide with terror as they stared at their foreign surroundings. High-pitched whimpers and chirps came between their panicked panting.

Anger surged through Birch Tail. Shoving past cats, he ran up to the entrance to face Ice Fall. "Are you absolutely beetle-brained?! What'd you steal the wolf pack's puppies for?!" He snarled at the puppies. "Get them out of here!"

Though unable to understand the cats' language, the hostility was clear. The whimpers increased and one puppy began to cry.

"Shut up." Ice Fall slapped the crying pup on the head. The pup squeaked and cowered. "This was not our idea," Ice Fall said to Birch Tail. "Black Blood's orders."

"Black Blood's orders?" Loudly he demanded, "What good could possibly come from stealing these pups? Now we'll have the whole pack coming here, trying to get the Alpha's puppies back!"

"That's the plan." No Claw appeared from the crowd, limping on his still-sore paws. He spoke condescendingly, as if having to explain something to a slow-witted kitten. "Their pack is small compared to our tribe. We will wipe out all the adults, then take the abandoned pups to train ourselves. They will become perfect guard animals."

Birch Tail's head whirled. He could hardly believe what he was hearing—and judging by the faces of many of the cats standing around them, neither could they. "That's— that's monstrous! Monstrous and stupid!" His voice rose angrily. "Not only is the whole tribe being put at risk again, but now we've dragged innocent pups into it! Even the adult wolves have done nothing wrong except retreat too early from a battle they knew they could not win! How far is Black Blood going to go?"

"How dare you question your queen?" No Claw's eyes gleamed eagerly. "I must report this to her. In the meantime, hold your tongue, Birch Tail."

Rather than holding his tongue, Birch Tail turned to the crowd. "Tell me I am not the only one who knows this is beetle-brained!"

"You're right!" a tom called.

Another joined in, followed by a couple of females. "We have lost so many already! Why must Black Blood risk the tribe again by waging war on another species?"

"Take the pups back!"

"Stop this madness!"

"Silence!" No Claw roared, arching his back and looking twice as big as he already was. The voices fell to a startled hush. "Hear yourselves! For seasons Black Blood has led us to nothing but victory and prosperity! You dare doubt her now, when we are so close to achieving ultimate victory?"

"Uh, yes," one voice drawled with withering sarcasm. "I just watched my mate and one of my sons die in front of me because Black Blood threw us into a battle against the Sons and Daughters. You sorcerers have no regard for the good of your own tribe!" the female voice rose, fresh grief making her voice shrill. "You steal and curse and kill humans and tell us it is so we can live better lives, but the more cats you throw at the humans, the more of us die!"

"Birch Tail and Pale Eye are right!" One cat leapt onto a boulder so that he could be seen by everyone. "Whatever the humans are doing to us, this is obviously not the way to—!"

With an unearthly hiss and a buzzing sound, a streak of bright, violet light flashed across the room and hit the tom in the chest. He toppled and fell back into the crowd.

"Berry Branch!" A cream-colored female, Pale Eye, stood over the fallen figure and glared at No Claw accusingly. "You killed him!"

"And I'll kill the rest of you, too, if you don't shut up!" No Claw's yellow-eyed gaze swept over the crowd coldly. "Anyone else have an unwanted opinion?"

Birch Tail's legs felt weak—Berry Branch's murder had been unexpected and vicious. Head spinning, he staggered back.

Could this situation get any worse?

"Freeze, turkeys!"

Rocks exploded from the wall with a shower of dust. The ninja and their allies poured out of the hole in the wall and into the gathering cavern. The Moon Tribe could only stand and stare, dumbfounded, as the ninja strode in bearing weapons and glaring at the mass of felines.

"'Freeze, turkeys'?" Mist Rise repeated, casting Jay a look of puzzlement. "What does that mean? You know they are not turkeys, right?"

Jay waved him off impatiently. "It's just an expression, Fluffy."

"Pretty dumb expression for a moment like this," Lloyd mumbled.

"Hey, I don't see you offering any catchy phrases for busting into the enemy base!" Jay looked offended. "Why don't you volunteer to be the phrase master next time?"

"I have one," Zane offered.

"OK, hit me, Frosty."

"Who likes ice cream? I do!"

Jay stared at him. "...Could be worse, I guess."

Shoving past them, Cole growled, "I've got a better one. Where the heck is Liana?!" Slamming his fists into the crowd, a crack ran through the surface toward No Claw. The big cat yelped and scurried back as the crack widened and the ground fell away beneath his paws. A mass of voices cried out in fear as the Moon Tribe edged back.

"Where's Liana?!" he repeated. A boulder rose up in the air and was chucked against the wall. The rock shattered to pieces and dust and pebbles rained upon the crowd. Scared and angry growls emitted from the cats.

Blind to the fear he was spreading, Cole glared almost dazedly at the mass of felines. A bright orange glow crawled up his forearms and shimmered like a malignant warning. "Where's—?!"

"Son of Earth!" Sky Pelt darted between Cole's legs and hopped onto a boulder so that he could face him eye-level. The skinny cat spoke gravely. "Calm yourself, for the sake of all you hold dear! Remember, you are not here to destroy. You are here to restore."

"Sky Pelt!" No Claw stumbled back into view warily. His golden fur was bristling and his eyes were wide with incredulity. "You— you are with the Sons and Daughters?"

"Indeed." Sky Pelt faced the crowd, holding his white-streaked head up high. "We all have lived beneath tyranny, deception and violence for far too long. I regret to confess that I have contributed to the suffering of many here. For that I am sorry—it is a debt I cannot repay." His voice was deep yet clear enough for everyone to hear. Solemn and pleading, the elderly cat continued, "Now is the time for action: are you with Black Blood, who wishes vengeance on every other living thing and throws her warriors into meaningless battles? Or are you with those of us who wish to preserve the good of our clan and our culture?"

"You brought the Sons and Daughters here!" a voice spat in disgust. "You don't care about us anymore than Black Blood does!"

Little Leaf pushed herself past Lloyd and Wu. "But they're here to help! They don't have to be our enemies! They're our friends!"

"Little Leaf?" Gasping, Birch Tail took a wary few steps toward the humans. "You're alive?"

Bumble Nose, standing over the pups, joined in. "Black Blood said you'd been taken by an eagle!"

"Black Blood's said a lot of things that weren't true." Mist Rise joined Little Leaf, and both shifted into their bakeneko forms. "She tried to murder her because Little Leaf had befriended the Sons and Daughters."

A long-haired tom stepped forward with bared teeth. "Befriended them? You disgust me!" Cloud Storm glared at the humans with pure hatred.

"Right back at you, pal," Earth Flame snorted. "If you like living under a psychopathic murderer for a leader, that's fine as long as you let the rest of the tribe kick you out and live normal lives."

"I will be the one kicking you out! You and all your disgusting human friends!"

"Ohh, no," No Claw's expression of terror shifted into something darker. "I am afraid that none of you will be leaving these caves alive. That goes for any cat who fights with them!" He sneered at the crowd, "Who among you are so disloyal as to fight alongside the creatures who nearly destroyed our ancestors' very existence?"


Cole moved as if to throw himself at No Claw, but Lloyd held him back. "Wait."

Birch Tail looked first upon No Claw, then the mass of cats that represented his family. Then, holding his head and tails up high, he padded across the cavern and stood alongside the ninja.

Bumble Nose followed. Then two more cats. Then five more. Then six. More and more cats assembled alongside the humans and stared stonily across the cavern. The ones who stayed by No Claw glared at their tribe-mates with disbelief and disgust. The ones who stood by the ninja gazed upon their tribe-mates with solemn determination and sorrow.

"So be it." No Claw bared his teeth. "Honorable Moon Tribe warriors, attack!"

"Ohh, yeah." Skylor cracked her knuckles together. "I've been waiting to do this for a long time."

Lloyd, through allergy-red eyes, pulled up his mask and started, "Ninjaaaaa...!"

"Go!" The ninja and their allies, both human and feline, threw themselves at the mass of snarling fur, claws and teeth.

The Great Battle resumed, more deadly than before.

* * *

"This way, kits!" The dark-furred female frantically attempted to herd her kittens out of the gathering cavern. Screaming cats were wrestling all around her little family, threatening to crush her kittens. Dodging this way and that to avoid groups of skirmishing cats, Dark Cinder tried to use her tails to guide her kittens and keep them close to her. She could see the exit right ahead—they were so close...

She looked back to count them again. "One, two, three... wait." She froze. "Where's—?"


Dark Cinder's gaze jerked up. Several feet away, one of her sons, Stoat Poppy, was crouching beside a boulder. Trembling from ear to paw, he stared at the violence surrounding him. His tiny wail could hardly be heard above the clamor of furious screeching and pained caterwauling. "Mama!"

Without thinking the mother started toward her kitten. "I'm coming—!"

A large tom fell in front of her, having been shoved away by his opponent. His body slammed into two of the remaining kittens; one was crushed beneath the body while another tumbled away into the battlefield. The third kitten squeaked and clung to her mother.

Dark Cinder grabbed the kitten that had been crushed beneath the wounded tom. Thankfully the kit was unhurt, if a little traumatized. With one kit trembling at her paws, another between her jaws, and two more lost in the battlefield, Dark Cinder stood there helpless and frantic.

"I've got him!"

Dark Cinder nearly gasped and dropped the kitten she held. One of the humans, clothed in bright blue pelts, was kneeling by the boulder and grabbing the kitten left behind. Before the mother could think of attacking him, Jay came running to her and picked up the other kitten on the ground.

"Here's the other one!" Nya snatched the fourth kitten and joined him. She spoke to Dark Cinder quickly. "We've got to get your family to safety!"

The mother released her kitten between her paws to gasp, "But— but you are the enemy! The Sons and—!"

"If you want to continue hating our guts, that's fine," Jay huffed. "But these kittens shouldn't have to suffer for it. Come on!" Before she could protest, Jay picked up the last kitten while Nya took Dark Cinder. As they raced for the tunnel leading to the nursery, Zane joined them with three more kittens and two elderly cats clinging to his arms.

"Remember to stick with our teammates!" he cried over the clamor. "Without our guides, we can get lost in these tunnels easily!"

"Don't worry, we're right behind you!" Quick Fin kept up with Zane in her human form, carrying a couple of elders as well.

While the kittens, mothers and elders were carried off the safety, Skylor and Ronin fought wholeheartedly alongside the rest of the ninja and their werecat allies. Both used martial arts to disarm and take down their opponents non-lethally. Wolf Paw stayed by their side. The girl werecat, quick and deadly on her paws, was like a black and white-spotted shadow keeping at bay any warrior who attempted to attack Ronin or Skylor from the back.

"This is for playing with my head like a yo-yo, you two-tailed freaks!" Ronin snarled.

"Hey now." Wolf Paw looked at him, offended. "Watch your tongue!"

"No offense." Metal flashed in midair. Two throwing stars sank into the shoulders of a nekomata. The big cat yowled and limped in a circle, attempting to reach the objects of her pain. Ronin ran up and kicked her in the jaw, knocking her out.

The surge of Moon Tribe warriors on Black Blood's side was pushing the invaders back to the wall, attempting to trap them there. Seeing this, Skylor shouted to Ronin and Wolf Paw, "Make sure they don't push us back! Give ourselves as much room in here as you can!" With that she summoned a blast of lightning, stunning a dozen cats in her way. As they tumbled together, unconscious, she leapt nimbly over them and stood atop a boulder.

Two massive cats were there; they glared at her and lunged. Rolling her hands into fists, Skylor met the first cat and threw one arm beneath his foreleg and behind his neck. Her shoulder jabbed into his throat as she used her other hand to reach down and grab his hind leg. In one swift shove she toppled him over, knocking the breath out of him.

The second cat slammed her to the floor. Pain throbbed in her head. Skylor summoned a green energy ball and burst it into the cat's face. The cat went flying clear across the cavern with a shocked scream. Head whirling, Skylor stumbled to her feet.

Gah, I hit my head hard... I think I'm seeing things. Her vision blurred strangely—she would still see individual cats thrashing below her, but the images kept popping and quivering as if her eyes could not focus. One image in particular was of a humanoid figure in the middle. His form was so dark and hazy, all she would make out was that he wore a long violet cape and some strange headdress...

"Why, Skylor! Are you still being my naughty-naughty little girl?"

Shock coursed through her like electricity. Feeling sick, she staggered and fell on her rump. The image from the crowd was coming into focus like a hazy ghost from a cloud of mist. The voice of Master Chen grew louder, drowning out the rest of the world.

"How could you be so cruel to your father?" The high, raspy voice tingled with both light amusement and scathing bitterness. At last his face came into view. He towered over her, grinning like a madman. "It is because of you I am dead! Can you be so cold-hearted as to forget your own father, my little daughter?"

Skylor scrambled back. "Get— get away from me!" She hated how her voice shook. "How— how are you still alive? You were sent to the Cursed Realm!"

"Oooh, was I?" Cackling, Chen's body shifted and shrank. Before Skylor could register what was happening, a little brown-haired girl in polar bear skins stood before her. Her eyes were filled with tears. "You left me behind! It's all your fault!"

"Ki— Kissimi?!" Something in her mind clicked. Standing, her eyes scanned the dark cave walls.

A thin figure crouching atop a large pile of boulders caught her eye. Though cast in shadow and standing several yards away, Skylor recognized the scraggly tawny hair and the ragged robes. "Broken Fang!"

The werecat witch threw back her head and cackled. "Did you really think you could just leave me tied up on that hill? Mere ropes are nothing to me, kitten!"

The image of Kissimi vanished. Skylor leapt off the boulder and stalked up toward Broken Fang. Words could not describe the burning anger she felt boiling within herself.

The old woman sneered at her, "You know, being in your head while you were in the Dark Sleep was quite fun, kitten. How tragic that your mother passed away and your father was mad. You act strong and confident now, but deep down inside you are still wounded. Scars that deep do not go away, no matter how hard you try."

Skylor stopped. "You're the one who came into my restaurant. You kidnapped me and put me in the Dark Sleep."

"Indeed." Broken Fang's crooked teeth flashed.

Rage coursed through Skylor like burning fire. "You disguised yourself as me. You took Kai. You threw us into the realms." Her voice rose to a grieving scream. "Kai is gone because of you!"

Before Broken Fang could react, plumes of fire burst from Skylor's hand. Heartbreak and rage mingled together in a hoarse scream. The yellow ninja used gravity to lunge herself into the werecat and fire to score burns across her face. Broken Fang and Skylor fell from the boulders, wrestling, scratching, cursing each other.

Broken Fang fought for her fallen brother. Skylor fought for her lost lover. Both their rage knew no bounds.

* * *

Wu, Misako, and Mist Rise worked together to protect Mr. Brookstone from the onslaught of warrior cats. Gripping his staff with white knuckles, Mr. Brookstone stuck close to his bodyguards as they whacked swiftly and mercilessly at any and all cats who attempted to get past them. Mist Rise fought with a long clearstone sword, meeting others in their human forms and using his strength and skill to cut them down. Meanwhile Little Leaf helped Lloyd push the group forward, giving themselves more room in the cavern and making the enemy retreat step by step.

Knowing his friends and family had things under control at the moment, Cole returned to the foremost goal in his mind. Scanning the thrashing wave of fur and claws, he caught sight of a familiar face amongst the crowd.

"Earth Flame!" Shoving himself past furry bodies, Cole joined the werecat and helped him fight off a nekomata attempting to drag him to the floor. With the tekko-cagi claws he scratched the offending cat's face. Yowling in pain, it fled.

"Thanks, two-leg," Earth Flame puffed. An angry-looking scratch over one of his eyes stood out against his face.

"Earth Flame," Cole shouted over the clamor, "where does the tribe keep its prisoners?"

The werecat man seemed to pick up Cole's train of thought at once. "Follow me!"

The two of them jostled their way through the crowd. Cole focused on the back of Earth Flame's head so as not to lose sight of him. While the rest of the team pushed against the wave of Moon Tribe enemies relentlessly, the two boys reached a side tunnel and ducked inside.

"Stay close," Earth Flame growled.

The tunnel was pitch-black. How do these cats see in here? Swallowing, Cole bent his head to keep from hitting it on the ceiling and followed the werecat into darkness. The roar of battle gradually faded, as did the natural light. Sand and pebbles crunched beneath his boots. Reaching one hand out to guide himself by feeling the wall, he accidentally brushed Earth Flame's shoulder. He could feel the man jump.

"Sorry." As it became too dark for him to see the difference between his eyes open and closed, he realized with an uncomfortable jolt that this felt a lot like the few days he'd spent blind.

They turned into adjoining corridors several times. An occasional lamp hovering by itself (sorcerers' magic?) would chase away the darkness in the larger tunnels, but as soon as they turned into a different passage and left the small ball of light, Cole would have to wait for his eyes to adjust all over again. What made the experience nerve-wracking was waiting for someone or something to jump out at them from the thick darkness at any moment. Though he knew Earth Flame's senses were sharp in his home, he couldn't help but expect to see Black Blood's cold green eyes staring at him every time he turned around.

Was the air colder down here? He shivered and wished another lamp would appear soon. "How much further?"

"Can't say. I don't come down here a lot." The werecat tasted the air for a moment, then turned into another tunnel. "This way... I think this is it."

Faint golden light pierced the darkness, much to Cole's relief. As his eyes adjusted to the lamp, he realized several iron doors lined this corridor. Like the random floating lamps, they appeared to be the only human-inspired aspects of the Moon Tribe's home.

"Over here!" Earth Flame stood by a door down the hall, eyes lightning up. "Someone's in there. A female."

Cole's heart leapt. "Stand back." With a loud grunt, he summoned a large clump of rock from the wall. The clump slammed into the iron door. Metal snapped and groaned in protest. When he drew the rock back, the door looked twisted, lock and handle crushed.

"Neat," Earth Flame quipped.

Cole chucked the boulder aside and yanked the door clean off its hinges. "Liana?"

Silence. The cell looked small and dark. Heart pounding, he stepped into the little room. A chill ran through him—the cave was ice-cold. How could anything live in a place like this?
Now he felt nearly too scared to find the answer, yet he looked for it. A dark shape crumpled against the far wall stood out as his eyes adjusted. He stared at it.

The shape looked human.

The next thing he knew was that he was kneeling by the girl. His breath came out shallowly. "Liana— Liana, wake up, it's me. I'm here, it's all going to be OK now—"

The lamplight fell upon her face as he turned her over onto her back.

"Matilda!" Mingled confusion, disappointment, relief and joy left him sitting there speechless. Then he curled his arms around her. "Help me."

Earth Flame bent down and helped Cole drag Matilda out of the cell. As she was carried into the lamplight, Cole got a better look at her appearance and immediately felt sick to his stomach. Her green dress and midnight-blue robes were torn and filthy. The belt carrying bottles of potions and herbs was gone. Face white, she lay helplessly between the boys like a sleeping child. What sickened him was the hideous scratches that crisscrossed her face, arms, and hands. Worse yet, bite marks crusted with old blood adorned her neck.

"Who did this to you?" Cole murmured bleakly.

Earth Flame looked at him uncertainly. He opened his mouth as if to answer, then changed his mind. "I think I know where they keep her magic-things. Wait here."

"I'm not going anywhere."

The werecat dashed away down the dimly-lit corridor. Gently Cole pulled Matilda's head into his lap and took her hand into his. She felt so cold all over...

Another scratch peeking out beneath her sleeve caught his eye. He pulled back the sleeve to reveal a long, familiar-looking scratch running down the underside of her arm from the wrist. His stomach dropped.

"The Dark Sleep," he muttered. "That's why she won't wake up." He sat there with her in silence. The only light came from the single lamp hovering in the corner while darkness creeped around them like a prowling beast. The choking darkness was hard to ignore.

The sound of pattering feet broke the stillness. Cole stiffened, but it was only Earth Flame returning. "Found the keys, too," he gasped, tossing a couple items to Cole: Matilda's belt. Twisted iron keys jingled in his hand.

"I'll look for the purple ninja." Without being asked the werecat began unlocking and opening every cell door.

Cole turned his attention back to Matilda. Which potion was it...? His fingers finally grasped a bottle of red liquid and uncorked it. He had to squeeze her mouth open to get the drops between her lips. Yet Matilda did not wake.

"Where's her Lifesource...?"

* * *

Stones dug into Skylor's back. Broken Fang was on top of her, scratching and biting at her face. Skylor held her arms out, gripping the old woman by the collar of her tunic, and pushed back as far as she could. Saliva flew in her face. Crooked teeth flashed and pain from swiping claws throbbed up and down her arms and torso.

Something round and shiny fell from the folds of the werecat's tunic. On instinct Skylor grabbed the necklace and yanked on it. Broken Fang's head was pulled down to Skylor's chest. She struggled while Skylor threw her legs around her torso and clamped down in a vise. Now the werecat was trapped.

Screeching in frustration, Broken Fang sank her teeth into her arm. Crying out, Skylor yanked on the necklace again. This time the silver chain snapped.

"No!" Releasing her prey, Broken Fang scrabbled for the glass orb, but it was too late. It plummeted from the top of the boulder pile and shattered to pieces. A faint plume of forest-green light breathed out and evaporated.

* * *

Gasping, Matilda's eyes flew open and she jolted up. Cole jumped and scrambled back with a startled yelp.

"You all right?" Earth Flame came running, then stopped when he saw Matilda.

Blinking sleepily, she slowly looked at her hands, then the dark tunnel they were in. Her eyes roved over Earth Flame and landed on Cole.

"I swear... if you're another nightmare I will kick you so hard your grandchildren will have sore rear ends."

A crazed laugh of relief blurted from Cole. "No dream, Matilda. I don't know where your Lifesource is, but it looks like someone dropped it!"

Suspicion made her gaze cold. She didn't move. Cole wasn't sure what to do now.

A strange yet not unfamiliar tingling sensation in his scalp made him stiffen again. Yet the presence was familiar... he met Matilda's gaze.

This isn't a dream...? Her voice shook in his head. It felt strange, hearing her sound shaken and uncertain.

He tried to reply as reassuringly as he could. No dream. See, you can feel my consciousness. "We've broken into the Moon Tribe caves," he said out loud. "Friends of Little Leaf are helping us, and some of the tribe has turned to our side now. We're trying to stop Black Blood for good right now."

"Black Blood..." Matilda blinked several times, as if that would help her brain register this new information faster. "Yes, I remember now... she initiated all this, she's been attacking you lot. And—" She inhaled sharply. "Your sister! That was an unexpected twist, yes, they're your half-brother and sister... poor Talon, having to do his sister's dirty work..."

She met Cole's gaze once again. "How long has it been? Is everyone all right?"

He suppressed a faint, almost sad smile. "Most of us are OK."


His mouth went dry. He looked back at Earth Flame, but the werecat shrugged, clueless. Cole forced himself to respond, painful as it felt. "It's been several days since you were captured. Eagle Talon turned back to our side and helped us defend Ninjago City... but he's dead now. And Liana's been captured."

"Oh." She looked dazed. "Oh... oh, that child... He's gone?"

"Son of Earth." Earth Flame cast a dark look around the tunnel. "There's no one else here. We can't stay."

"There's a battle going on?" Matilda's gaze sharpened.

"Yes. In the gathering cavern. They need our help."

A laugh bubbled from her. Grinning and grimacing at the same time, she released Cole's hand. She staggered to her feet and he caught her when she nearly fell. She allowed herself to lean on him like an elderly grandmother, yet a new light had entered her eyes and that familiar wry grin returned.

"Let's go kick some tail, then, eh?" she cackled.

"But— but your wand!" Cole stammered. "You can't—!"

His voice trailed off when she flexed her hand, fingers wiggling in the air. After a moment, a faint violet sheen rose from her palm. It flickered weakly, and her hand trembled... but it was there, all the same.

Elation spread a grin across Cole's face. "What! You can use magic without your wand?!"

"Barely." Her grunt made him look at her again, and he realized Matilda's face was now twisted with fresh pain. Her arm quivered as she held the pink ball of light, but still it stayed. Shuddering, she said, "I don't know how long I'll be able to do it... but I'll manage. You just watch." A smile weakened her grimace. "Oh, I'll manage."

* * *

Pain ran through Skylor like an electric shock. Groaning, she released her hold on her opponent and fell face-down. The rough edges of the boulders skinned her knees and elbows. Gritting her teeth, she tried to fight the agony. It made her muscles feel as if there were fiery snakes wriggling within.

Stumbling up, Broken Fang cackled and held her hands out, continuing to let the torture curse emit from her fingertips. "Not so powerful now, are you, Daughter of Amber?"

Skylor tried to summon some sort of element—fire, earth, energy, speed, anything—yet her limbs seemed to cramp up. The only thing she could move were her lungs, so she screamed.

Dark tabby fur flew over her head. Broken Fang grunted in surprise and fell away, releasing the curse. Body throbbing, Skylor collapsed on the boulders. Through it all she managed to raise her head and see what had distracted Broken Fang.

Mist Rise. The muscular man had thrown himself at the sorceress, saving Skylor. His clearstone sword flashed in the air. The sorceress managed to dodge his strikes twice before she gasped.

Something fell on the ground by Skylor's face, and Broken Fang clutched her now handless wrist to her chest with a pained wail.

Mist Rise thrust his sword forward for the finishing blow. Skylor saw Broken Fang glare at him the split second before green smoke exploded around her. Startled, Mist Rise stumbled back. Broken Fang stepped out of the smoky veil bearing a new knife in her hand; one green with a long, jagged blade.

Mist Rise thrust his sword at her again. Jumping out of the way, a foreign incantation tumbled from Broken Fang's lips. The raspy words felt cold and hard to Skylor, though she could see nothing else appearing. She tried to get up.

Mist Rise gasped. She looked up to see the werecat dropping his sword. His hand was twisting and crinkling into itself, as if an invisible hand were squeezing it. Then it transformed, flesh shrinking to the bone and stretching out until his fingers looked like broken sticks dangling off the limb. A sickly green tint came with this transformation, like something out of a nightmare.

Broken Fang threw herself at him. Too late, Mist Rise tried to jump back.

Snarling, the sorceress threw one arm around his neck and stabbed him in the stomach with the green knife.

"Mist Rise!" Skylor gasped.

A strangled groan rasped from him. Eyes glazing over, Mist Rise staggered back and plummeted off the pile of boulders. Skylor dragged herself to the edge in time to see him land in the middle of the battlefield. He didn't get up.

"Your turn."

She spun around and jumped to her feet. The knife scraped against the rock where her head been a second ago. Standing face-to-face with Broken Fang, she curled her hands into fists and swung hard.

Her limbs stiffened. Freezing in place, Skylor tried to move but found that her body had been frozen in time. Another burst of pain spread from her head to her toes like a wave of fire. She gritted her teeth, refusing to scream again.

Murmuring another foreign incantation, Broken Fang adjusted her grip on the knife. "I should have killed you when we had the chance. Now I get to finish what we started."

A streak of bright light flew from the ground to Broken Fang. Pink fire hit her head and licked at her hair. Shrieking, the sorceress spun around and cursed as she frantically put the fire out.

"Broken Fang!"

A tall, middle-aged woman in blue robes appeared from a tunnel entrance. The strange light appeared from one of her hands. The woman's voice came out loud and daring, though she looked battered and bloodied. Her face was twisted in a half-grimace of pain. "I heard your brother kicked the bucket! He got what he deserved, and so will you!"

Broken Fang's gaze lit up with fresh rage. "Matilda. How—? We broke your stick..." Turning away from Skylor, she leapt atop another boulder and screeched, "No more Dark Sleep for you, Sister of Darkness! I don't care what Black Blood says! I'll kill you this time! You're dead!"

"Come and get me, then!" Another streak of light flew toward Broken Fang.

She dropped her knife and held her hand out. Violet fire poured from the palm and shot toward Matilda.

The two powers met in midair and exploded. It lit up the entire cavern with a thunderous roar. Wind came from the clashing magic and swirled around the room. It whistled shrilly in Skylor's ears.

Matilda stood there, one arm out straight with her palm out, the other gripping the wall. Her legs shook and her arm trembled, yet she continued fighting. Broken Fang too only shot with one hand. She screamed in anger against the wind, as if cursing her magic for not being strong enough. The two witches were locked together, unable to let go without being destroyed.

Skylor's eyes roved over the scene until she realized Matilda was looking at her. "Now, red-head!" the old woman was hollering over the wind. "Now's your chance!"

New strength seemed to pour into Skylor's limbs. Released from the spell, she snatched a large rock from the pile and ran toward Broken Fang. Her arm swung.

Broken Fang didn't look back until Skylor was practically on top of her. In that split second, she finally turned her head and saw her. "No—!"

The rock was flung into her head, smashing her skull in. She released the spell and Matilda's white light shot into her heart before vanishing. Broken Fang went limp and plummeted off the side of the rock pile.

She landed in front of Matilda, limbs splayed out and blood staining the ground beneath her head.

Adrenaline still pounded in Skylor's veins. She fell on her knees, trembling from head to foot.

Matilda gazed at the fallen Broken Fang dispassionately. "Three sorcerers down," she said, "three to go."

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