Beauty and the Titan

By xyrothor

102K 2.7K 2.3K

Afer getting kidnaped just before her 10 birthday, Momo didn't expect to find a friend in such a situation. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 7

4.1K 91 56
By xyrothor

Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Waking up with a jolt, Momo felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She sat up in her bed, wiping them of with a hand. The sun outside was barely starting to rise, bathing the outside world in long shadows.

Looking to the nightstand she saw her black and red circlet, now acting as an alarm clock. With a red holographic display coming from two small horns on it, the device showed her that it was barely past 4 in the morning.

Dragging herself out of the bed she changed into her workout gear and went to the running track near the dorms. Lately the black haired girl started to have dreams about her mechanical friend from 6 years ago.

Silently going out of her room, she slowly went to the kitchen area and get herself a bottle of water. The whole building was empty, all of her classmates probably still sleeping. She wasn't one to judge, but the black haired girl didn't even have an idea how some of them get into the heroic course to begin with.

A guy named Minoru Mineta was just scraping the line of being a sex offender and a blond man named Bakugo Katsuki was outright unstable and dangerous.
And there was one girl that nearly gave Momo a PTSD attack when she saw her.

Uncle Might came straight to Melissa with his proposition of transferring his quirk to her. It was shocking to learn about an ability that could do that, but to the ravenette it still wasn't as unbelievable as her missing friend's power. To the giant's surprise his niece rejected that idea but not before thoroughly thinking about it.

Melissa Shield wanted to become a symbol, not of Peace like her powerful uncle, but a symbol to everyone that felt powerless in the society of powerful. Toshinori respected that, and not even a year before the entrance exams he told the two that he found a successor.

Melissa already met with the girl before the school year started but Momo didn't. She was having a bit of a family issue at that time, with her father not wanting to allow the ravenette to enter the hero course, again. It was a recurring thing in their house that her father would want to talk her out of her carrier choice.

Especially after the same group that kidnapped her all those years ago raised to power in America, the Meta Liberation Army managed to take over nearly the whole continent and was preparing for an open war with the rest of the world. Being a hero in those times meant nearly the same as being drafted into the army. Luckily the presence of those radicals in other countries was too small to achieve the same effect worldwide, but an open conflict was a problem for around 3 years now.

Arriving at the track, she just started to jog ahead. Her circlet already playing one of the pre-quirk era rock songs in her ear, she got to like this sort of music when Mell dug it out of some derelict hard drives found in the deepest parts of I-island's storage rooms.

The girl that wanted to took over her uncle's mantle was looking really familiar to the ravenette. She had green, fluffy hair reaching just past her shoulders, green eyes and a set of four symmetrical freckles on her cheeks. Izumi Midoriya was looking nearly identical to Zuku from her memories, especially to his form at the beginning. Momo was certain, she even used the neural interface to confirm it, digging his pictures out of her memories.

After doing her 6th lap she picked up the pace, from a lazy jog to nearly a sprint. She worked hard on her body, with how slim she was no one would guess that she weighed slightly over 240kg. Her body's efficiency only rose up with age, the same with the power of her muscles and strength of the bones. If asked by an outside observer it would look like she had a minor body enhancement quirk.

Going full tilt for over 20 minutes she started to feel a bit of tiredness, it was what she looked for really. Working out her stress was a method of coping to her, especially after she saw her friend disappear in a distorting black portal. His last words were what gave her strength to go on after that, they gave her motivation and by proxy to Melissa too.

When All Might returned with them to LA, her mother nearly hugged the life out of the little girl. The 10 year old Momo was extremely sad and silent thou. When her mother noticed that she was clutching in her small hands a black circlet she wanted to look at it but her daughter only moved away holding it so tight her fingers went white. After that the adults got the gist of the whole story from the three heroes that escorted her home.

That night Momo didn't sleep at all crying silently and hugging the headpiece to her chest. Melissa stayed by her side and spent with the ravenette a long time after that, even staying with Yaoyorozus for a few months before returning to I-island.

Takahashi organized a search for his daughter's savior after learning that he could have been just teleported away, but nothing came out of it. There were a few things that confirmed that he was on the battlefield thou.

After the sun lighted the devastated stretch of land most of them could be found easily enough. Two, meter long high tech antennas, a large mechanical arm with four fingered hand and another one with a rocket pod at the end was all that was left after the mysterious Izuku. According to Toshinori, a smaller left arm should be there somewhere too but was never found.

The scientists from I-island, including David were gobsmacked by the pieces recovered, as the materials even if common were somewhat strengthened beyond what should be possible. After extensive testing it turned out that both arms had something looking like a nervous system inside, not based on optics or wires but some sort of energy that couldn't be replicated. A few remaining rockets were manufactured seamlessly too, as if all the components were bound together on nearly atomic level.

When 13 year old Momo visited the Shields on the I-island, Melissa talked her into letting her father analyze the headpiece that the girl didn't part with even for a second at this point. The brown hair scientist nearly went into a catatonic state, when after numerous tests it turned out that the circlet was a piece of technology that was ages apart from what was possible now.

Fully made of nanobots hundred times smaller than the ones being in the experimental stage at this point, powered by something similar to the now ancient Tesla's wireless energy transmission. Using all and any radio waves or electrical fields to power itself, the circlet was a technological marvel that shouldn't be possible. He would beg the girl to let them hold to it for studying but he knew that it meant more to her than anything.

After nearly two hours of non stop running, Momo went back to the dorm building. Entering the common room, the sounds of someone going around the kitchen could be heard. Going to the fridge for another bottle of water she found the green haired girl making herself a light breakfast.

"Good morning Midoriya-san." She greeted the greenette curtly causing her to nearly jump. She must have entered the room quietly enough to not be seen or heard, a small habit from her training sessions by this point.

"Yaoyorozu-san! I didn't heard you coming in here! Do you want some of the scrambled eggs too?" Izumi asked the ravenette, with a nervous smile.

"Why not. I'm just going to take a quick shower first. I'll be back in 10." Saying that Momo walked quickly to prepare for the day.

Taking off her clothes she ordered the circlet to change its shape, something she learned not so long ago. Gathering her hair into a tight bun to not get them wet she let the Nanites encompass them, a little life-hack of hers.

After getting ready, she made good of her words as she entered the common room back literally 10 minutes after leaving. Making herself some tea she went to eat the breakfast with her new friend.

"So... Are you ready for today Midoriya-san? Yesterday's battle training was a bit dramatic if I'm going to be honest." Momo started, slowly sipping her beverage.

The green haired girl cringed a bit, massaging her left arm. Using One for All was difficult, not only because it needed a powerful body to utilize it. According to All Might that power gathered energy from user to user, making it stronger with each iteration. The greenette already had to visit Recovery Girl's office a few times and it was only the first week of classes.

"I'm as ready as I can get... Kachan went a bit to far yesterday but in the end everything ended okay..." Izumi replied in a small voice, not looking up from her food.

Momo raised an eyebrow at that. "You mean that firing of a deadly attack in the middle of a training exercise wasn't that bad? You know that he could kill everyone if the structural integrity of the building was lower, right? He blew apart a few load-bearing walls too, not to mention your counter-attack that, pardon the pun, smashed clear thru all the floors and the roof." The ravenette counted of all that could go extremely wrong for her green haired friend.

Izumi slightly recoiled with every single thing that Momo brought up, as if it physically struck her.

"I know... I'm sorry, it's a stupid habit of mine to... You know, excuse Kac... Bakugo's behavior." The greenette replied after a short silence.

"But I just must say... It was awe inspiring when you single-handedly defeated your opponents... And your teammate." The greenette replied, giggling about the last part.

"That little grapist should learn to not sneak up to someone trained in martial arts, especially in a combat environment." Momo replied with a huff. She didn't intend to throw that little man nearly 10 meters into a wall at the end of the corridor, but her teammate at that time, one Minoru Mineta, for some ungodly reason sneaked up to her from behind after All Might announced the end of the exercise

After a bit of silence it was the green haired girl that broke it. "I'm going for a run... Do you maybe want to join me?" She asked shyly.

"Oh, sorry. I just returned from one myself, had to clear my mind a bit." Momo replied with a small smile. "I'm just going to read a book in the common room to pass the time, but thank you for an invitation. I will certainly go with you on anther day." She said, gesturing to a novel she brought with herself.

Cleaning the dishes away they went their separate ways for now, with Momo going to the common room. Seating herself in an armchair near a window, she placed her new tea on a windowsill. She tried to read the novel at hand but the dream that woken the ravenette up was still on her mind.

The black haired girl wandered thru her memories, three days spent with a mysterious man that she found in an abandoned military bunker somehow became the most prominent memories for her. Especially that little moment when she received her present, the only memento she had after him.

* Activating holo-projector. *

* Rendering memory shard. *

The mentioned device did it's job, with the ravenette unintentionally activating the first function she learned, that HE showed her.

Two little horns formed over her forehead, with glowing red tips. On the windowsill near her a small rendition of her most precious memory with her missing friend played out. A gallant heroic knight in green and black armor danced slowly on the wooden surface with a black haired princes in long red gown. Looking at the small scene playing out she lost herself even more, when she got older the whole memory changed in her mind into one more real, with her remembering how things really happened. For some reason thou the device saved how it was looking before on its own memory, as if it was another present from the bionic teen.

"Heya, whatcha doing?" A pink skinned girl enthusiastically asked from just beside her. Momo jumped a bit in the seat, the two small dancing figures dispersing into motes of light and disappearing. One of her classmates, one Ashido Mina managed to sneak up to her, or rather walk up to the daydreaming ravenette.

"What was that? It looked so cool! Was it you with someone? Who it was, your boyfriend? Oh tell me, tell me!" The pink skinned girl was super hyper about gossip, and apparently she thought she managed to find something juicy.

"Just an old memory of mine... It was a friend that I'm trying to find after a villain attacked us." Momo replied bluntly, causing the pink girl to stiffen a little

"Oh... Um... I'm sorry to hear that..." Visibly embarrassed and apologetic, Mina mumbled out.

"Don't worry... It happened quite a long time ago. I'm certain that he is there somewhere thou, he is too powerful to be defeated just like that." The black haired girl replied, smiling a bit when she remembered how strong Zuku was in the end.

"You know... I wanted to ask earlier about that headpiece of yours. It seams to be so amazing! I saw you yesterday using it as a phone, and in the combat training you navigated thru pitch black corridors and rooms with its help. Now you project those neat holograms with it, where I can get something like this? Is this some new Yaoyorozu product?" The pinkette asked, earning herself a soft smile from the still seating ravenette.

After getting a sip of her tea she replied. "It was a present from that missing friend, his quirk revolves around technology and this here circlet I got from him on my 10 birthday. Zuku said it himself, that there is nothing like this on this world." Momo explained, getting a mischievous smile back.

"Sooooo... The mysterious prince is named Zuku? First name basis? Are you certain that there is nothing more?" Mina wiggled her brows in a suggestive way. The little yellow horns on her head somehow moving a bit too.

The raven haired girl groaned from the attempts. "Ashido-san, we meet in America and the culture there is much different than ours. Even if he was looking like an Asian, he used perfect English so I assume he was from there. Further more, he is much older than me. I think that his quirk made his physiology ageless too, so even if he looked like a teen he could be as old as the quirks themselves."

Mina made an extremely surprised 'O' with her mouth. "You are friends with someone immortal!?" The pinkette exclaimed, making a few of the now gathering for breakfast classmates look in their direction.

"Not immortal but ageless. There is a significant difference. One is invulnerable to anything and everything, the other just do not age." Momo patiently explained, getting up from her seat.

"Another story about your savior Momo?" A melodic voice of Melissa Shield resounded, the blonde girl entering the room with a strange contraption on her shoulder. It looked like a ball with a vertical, glowing blue sensor array. It was moving back and forth, scanning the environment. She strode to the two girls speaking, with a mischievous smile of her own.

"Savior? Oh Melissa-san, please tell me more! Yaomomo here is to vague to get any scoop about that!" Ashido pointed to the ravenette.

"... Yaomomo?" The black haired girl asked in a whisper, as if she couldn't understand why this girl called her that.

"Oh that's a nice name for her, but at home we call her princess. It's how Zuku called her, isn't it Mo?" Melissa asked, with a grin. Apparently the blonde girl couldn't miss out on an opportunity to mess with her, at this point, sister.

"Oh! Oh! That's so cool! I wish that someone would still call me that!" The pinkette laughed, seeing that the stoic beauty was blushing profusely she decided that her work for today was done and she skipped to the kitchen to make that breakfast she originally arrived there for.

Controlling her emotions, the raven haired girl sent a small glare to her blonde best friend. "Good morning to you too Mell... Is this Luna? Is she already operational?" She asked, and the small ball seamed to turn in her direction.

"Yes! With a help from mister Power Loader and principal Nezu at long last I managed to make her running! The computers are a bit slow for now but hey, one step at a time. For now I decided to take her on a ride, show her a bit of the world. I got permission from Aizawa sensei too, so she's going with me for the whole day!" The blonde chatterbox spewed information like a machine gun, but Momo easily followed after her.

The mentioned Luna was something of a Magnum Opus for the blonde. It was going to be a battlefield and rescue operation support system, with the first, real, functioning, honest to God artificial intelligence. With B.A.R.O.S.S being a bit of a too imposing acronym the two girls decided to call the entity Luna, taking into consideration that her personality construct was started from the combined scans of them both, made with the help of Momo's circlet.

The two started to go to the kitchen, with Melissa wanting to eat something. "So is she fully aware already?" Mono asked, peering a bit into the visible camera lens. It stared back and followed all her movements, not unlike Zuku when they first met.

The blonde girl smiled from ear to ear, like some of those mad scientist in anime when everything went just according to Keikaku.

"Oh she is! Now i asked her to just observe and learn. It's a bit of a process, because as I mentioned her servers are to slow to run the cognitive processes in real time but the research we did on that marvel on your head are giving me all the hope that it can be done!" Melissa said, talking about the neural interface.

When the 13 year old Momo told the two Shields that she could order the circlet with her mind they nearly went ballistic. Such advanced human-machine interface was a marvel of its own and it was just a small piece of the whole device. The nearest they had to that was a device the size of a small building, to accommodate the processing power needed to decode and interpret the signals send by the human brain.

It was then that David Shield made a discovery how it was possible for such a small and low power device to achieve. They're whole everyday technology still worked on a binary system, a remnant from before the quirks manifested in this world. But the device utilized something that was little more than a science fiction for now, quantum computing. That little device had more processing power than nearly the whole I-island combined, all in a package so small and light it was pure madness.

Thanks to that, Melissa's project took on so much momentum that the girl was a leading expert in the field at this point. Her version of the quantum processors was much less efficient and gigantic comparing to the circlet, but utilizing a byproduct of her research she could connect any device to the gigantic server farm that worked as Luna's brain in nearly real time.

"That's neat, can she speak already?" Momo asked intrigued. A soft and level synthesized female voice replied from the device before the blonde could do so.

"Yes, I am capable of speech at this time, Mother." That caused the ravenette to nearly face plant into the floor, causing her companion to roar in laughter at her reaction.

"Why did she call me that? What are you teaching her?!" Momo asked totally red in the face.

"Oh I had a really interesting conversation with her yesterday. She asked me what family was, so I explained everything to her. Luna herself arrived at a conclusion that we two are the ones responsible for 'giving birth' to her, as it was the two of our combined cerebral scans that created her personality construct not unlike biological parents DNA combining to create their offspring. I just couldn't argue with that logic, it is sweet from her to see us as such don't you think?" Mell's eyes were full of mirth as she 'gently' elbowed her bestie.

Well, damn. Momo really didn't expect being a mother at such a young. Her parents would have a kick of this too, especially her mother. She was a bit to aggressive about finding her a partner as of late.

Her father was much worse at some point but was quickly put in his place by his wife. Somehow the head of the family decided that setting up a marriage with the heir of Monoma family would be a good idea, but after getting beaten over his head by Meiya herself when she found out was a nice reminder that he didn't have a say in who his daughter would choose. If only that blonde buffoon would understand that too, it was good that he landed in class 1-B.

A stiff, blue haired man greeted them at the table. Tenya Iida was quite tall and muscular, with a quirk that screamed 'I am speed!'. His mutation gave him a set of engines in his lower legs, in turn those engines powered by citric acid of all things gave the boy an obscene amount of speed and acceleration.

"Good morning Yaoyorozu-san, Shield-san! It's a good practice for aspiring heroes to wake up so early to prepare for the day! Have any of you maybe seen Midoriya-san? She shouldn't be tardy, if she overslept it would be detrimental to her growth as a person!" The bespectacled ten said sternly, gesturing with his hands stiffly, nearly in a robotic way.

"Iida-san, she already ate her breakfast and went for a morning run, around an hour ago. She will probably return shortly." Momo replied to him, giving him a raised brow.

"Oh... I'm an extremely sorry for coming to the wrong conclusion... Again..." It looked a bit funny, how the tall blue haired man seamed to experience a crash and tried to recover from it.

"Don't worry, you will get better at it Iida-san." Melissa said, seating at the table with a few sandwiches. Momo looked at her surprised, not knowing how her blonde friend managed to make them already.

The whole room slowly got more lively as more and more people arrived to eat the breakfast.

"Oh, Mell did you manage to figure out what was wrong with my jump kit? It wasn't providing as much thrust as it did when I tested it last time." The ravenette asked, the blonde being the main provider of her support gear. The grinning smile on her friend's face told her that she would hear something she didn't want too.

"You know... When I build it for you half a year ago it had to lift around 45 kg less... So it did what it was created too. The operator had just to fat off a butt to use it properly." The blonde laughed at the bright red face of her friend. Tenya sputtered a bit near them, overhearing the conversation.

"Hey! You know that its caused by my quirk! I'm not fat, my body is just much more denser than normal!" Momo tried to argue, still red faced. "Are you able to do something about that jump kit though? It's really good for increasing mobility." She asked after composing herself back a bit.

"Yea, I can. But it's going to cost you a bit of hang time thou, the engines are pushed quite a bit already so you could overload them if you are not careful. And I will need to modify the fuel systems too, it's a blessing you can generate it on the fly because the amount needed would be to heavy to even think about liftoff." Wiping a small tear from laughter she replied.

If not for her bestie, Momo would probably need to go around nearly naked to utilize her quirk fully. But two years ago the I-island received a request for a hero suit to work with an unusual, matter phasing quirk. After three months of research they managed to create it, with a gene coded fabric interwoven with the actual hairs of the user.

Melissa knowing of her friend's predicament made a small glove for her friend to test. When it was a resounding success, with the small piece of fabric successfully letting her creation thru without any damage, Momo's father literally thrown tens of millions of yens at them to create a suit for his daughter. If he was going to allow her to go to such a dangerous place, she wasn't going to go there showing her ass-cheeks to everyone.

It was funny for the both bombshells to watch the small grape-head having an existential crisis when Momo showed up in a full body suit, even with some armor in criticall places. At her hips were two powerful engines of the jump kit, controlled directly by the circlet. And the headpiece itself changed into a head protector with lenses shielding her eyes from the view. It was a bit scary to see that lightly glowing read visor with a honeycomb pattern staring at you in a pitch black room.

"Could you maybe make the adjustments today? I wanted to do a bit of training with it before the next heroic classes." Momo asked, getting a nod in return.

The two talked for nearly half an hour more after that, some of their classmates joining in on the suppert gear subject. It was quite a normal and quiet morning for the class 1-A.


Author's Note: Hello! I know that an organization like MLA probably wouldn't be able to take over the whole continent, especially with not being able to take over anything more in the world. Lets just say that they concentrated on America first :D This story will probably take a bit more militaristic approach, with a world war at the horizon. That's the concept at least, how it will come out you have as good of a guess as me ;D


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