11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

16.3K 928 305

In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

20》Our Day

265 19 1
By JeonMina_05


#Warning! Full of photos & long story#



Almost full of 500 guests with flash camera anywhere.

She didnt dare to open the window to breath the fresh air even for a while.

The window can reflect her face and she notice behind her had another girl with beautiful gown like true royal princess. She seating there without care make up artist put some lipstick on her lips.

"For how long you want to stare down there, Mina?"

"Tzuyu, did you think today will be just fine?"

"We had another 30 minutes to start the wedding. Mom texted me that grooms already at their room since 9 am."

"Its better now the wedding start on 12."

Mina turn to seat beside her sister but little far cause how big her gown she wore now. They got it since yesterday when Dahyun brave herself to came to their house just to send their wedding gown. Mina proud how hard work Dahyun are to made their gown look perfect. She sure her wedding boutique will be success on future.

Tzuyu satisfied with the design on her body in simple satin fabric and she wont denied that Dahyun style really suit her taste. When the artist done make up her, she stand up to stand infront mirror.

A mirror reflecting herself from head to her feet. Suddenly she feel want to stay there but Mina notice how her sister silent right now.

"You still cant believe we will married soon right?"

"Did you think its the right choice to married someone we just knew for almost 8 months?"

"Tzuyu.....they two saved us, and---"

"And you think this is the thing we can pay back their kindness?"

Mina speechless.

How much she want to say that she want to run away and cancel this wedding now.

But they wont find a man that same like their soon husband, that willing stay with them when their father try to destroy their life. Wonwoo might a guy that always made her mad or annoyed,  but he is the guy that had tsundere side and always be there when she didnt expect he will.

Tzuyu once thought Mingyu is guy who always disturbing her day but as time goes by, she understand why his attutide like that. A bright smile on that guy face hide thousand pain. The story of his past break her and how she wish she can cure the scars in his heart.

"Maybe, be their wife soon can change our life."

"Did you ever had little love for Wonwoo?"


Tzuyu turn to face her sister that still dumbfound to hear her question. She admit the sudden ask is important to both of them. Mina dont mind the artist now struggle putting the crown on her head, she more focus how serious Tzuyu face now.

"I ask you, did you ever think to develope any feelings to him?"

"He is a guy that always mocking me, but i never once felt i should hate him. Maybe to love him, i will let time prove it. How about you? Did Mingyu finally stole your cold heart?"

"I cant say he success it but he sure already made me experience new things with him."

They too chuckle and stand beside together. Mina cant believe they a siblings that had different biogical dad  different job, different attitude and most important same mom, will married soon.

Can she cry now?

No, she dont want to ruin her make up.

Being Wonwoo fiancee had lots of arguement, fighting and had misundestood sometimes. But she wont denied that met him bring changes in her life. They two really stubborn but at same time, Mina learn how to give in for people we love to be happy.

She had traumatic, anxiety and insecurity in her life, but Wonwoo came bring thousand miracle.

She had several times asked him to break the enggagement but he dont want, it made her confuse why he still want them to get married.

Being Mingyu fiancee sometimes bring a mess. They two had misunderstood several times and they always think bad thing each others. Tzuyu knew judging people was rude but with him, she always overthinking about their relationship. She scared their enggagement wont stay long.

She worried one day, Mingyu will get bored and leave her alone.

They two had been through hard times together and she thinks Mingyu cant be replace. If Tzuyu live for second time, she sure will pick Mingyu again to be with her. She want to break the enggagement because she think he deserve better. But now, they two cant turn the clock.

A glove they wore right now, are just prevent them from shiver but they still fill the sweat inside and shaking nonstop.

"I want you to remember, even we already married, im still your sister."

"I know, only two of us and no one can replace you in my life. I will remain as your youngest, Mina."

*knock knock!*

They both turn when heard a knock from their door and find their mom with Wonwoo mom open the door. They two gasp to see Mina and Tzuyu stand beside each other with perfect wedding gown on them.

"Omo! My daughters now turn to a princesses today!"

"Mom! Stop tearing, you will ruin your make up!"

Tzuyu quickly take a tissue to wipe their mom cheeks, meanwhile Chae Won hold Mina hands. At same time, Hyo Joo cares Tzuyu hands. The warm on their hands bring little sad on their hearts.

"I want both of you to know, im so grateful you two willing yourself marrying my son and my niece. I know arranged your marriege was wrong but i never regret to do it as long as my son and niece happy. Mina, thank you sacrifice your life to change Wonwoo to be a better person. I sincerely thankful you to be my daughter in law. Tzuyu, you are the prove that Mingyu now grow more matured and well mannered man. Thank you so much."

"My daughters, i know soon i need to let you two go for someone else. Wonwoo and Mingyu will protect you and be with you to open a new book. I know how pain you two on your childhood but i promise this time, your biogical fathers wont ruin your life anymore. Remember, respect him, love him, cares him, guide him and stay loyal to him. He will be your man that stay with you for rest of your life and no matter what happen, they two are your husband. I love you so much till mt last breath, Mina, Tzuyu."

Now both of them hearts surround by touch and sympathy. Their intention to cancel the wedding was ruin, and they think they had to get ready to start the ceremony. A glove on their hands now made them sweating and nervous start to fill on their body.

Hyo Joo wipe her tears and chuckle little when see Tzuyu and Mina stare her with unwilling face.

"Now! Lets go to your father, ceremony will start in 15 minutes. He had your flowers so i think me and Chae Won will go first."

"Dont worry, everything will be fine. Dont too nervous."

Even simple cheer from Wonwoo mom, stilm not made them feel relieve. Mina and Tzuyu glance each other before out from their room. They both cant let go their hands together while walking to where their dad stand.

When Jong Suk turn, his smile made Mina and Tzuyu feet heavy to walk. The flowers on his hands were holding carefully even his eyes still cant move from staring them.

"My daughters....you may not my bloodline, but raising you two are the most wonderful responsibility i had been done. Now you two will had someone who gonna take care if you. So i hope, Mingyu and Wonwoo can take care of you two like how i do. Lee Mina, Lee Tzuyu, no daughters are perfect like you. Both of you are my precious treasures."

"Dad....thank you for make us happy....."

"Dad....i love you so much....."

"Dont waste your tears, my peaches. Lets start the ceremony now and hold this flower that i made it by yourself. Last night, i cant hide my excited to give you this. My two princesses look gorgeous right now."

Mina and Tzuyu give their best warm smile to him although they still half ready to start the ceremony. Now they both stand beside their father while holding his hands and others hold their flowers.

They remembered three days ago, when they came to Wonwoo house. It was last day they met until wedding day and they not texted each other or even call.


"I dont want to know if you ready or not, Mina. We still had to get marry, or not your father will hunt you more."

"You sound desperate push me to marry you."

"Thats what you think of me, but for me, i want to let the wedding going just what we planned. I dont like cancel everything in last minute."

"You will marry me because you dont have choice, dont you?"

"You will get the answer when the time is right."

"Exactly, you will marry me because you dont love me and doing it for your mother."


"If anything happend, dont let it disturb your mind. Just try to relax and think what on future will be."

"You sound more good than a doctor, Mingyu."

"I try to help you be calm on our wedding day. I know you must thinking a lots and today us our last day. So i want to tell everything before we go."

"Dont remind me only to relax and calm, you also need to stay focus and dont even show your annoyed side."

"You worried about me?"


"Everything? Maybe i had done many stupid things to you."

"Pabo, of course i worried about you but dont expect me to care about your stupid brain."

"Arra, your worried already enough for me."


The door open wide made guests turn back, they gasp and cant believe two brides in with one figure father, stand with smile that made everyone stun.

Almost 500 guests there still cant close their mouth while watching they three walk until wedding stage.

Their hands grip little hard on Jong Suk. Mina wish time can stop for a while so she can run away from here. Tzuyu wish people eyes shut so she can take off all around her and vanish. They two nervous so much and anytime they can sweating, but it because the hall had aircond everywhere, they just can feel the cold.

The whisper voice that Mina heard from her left ears are talking about them. How she wish to shut those mouth so she can concetrate the wedding. She dont want this happen on her life and never wish to had.

Inside her life was being a independent, successful designer, perfect girl and diligent daughter.

She dont want a man in her life and that ruin her perspective after Wonwoo exist on that dinner night. She asked god, why must him? In billion guy on earth, why must a lawyer and cold guy like Wonwoo be her husband?

But why Wonwoo still didnt give her the answer if he love her or not.

Tzuyu still heard those whisper and the way they talk was about why wedding here had two brides, why their father guide them in same time, why they two had different face and not inhert any single face from their father.

She wish she can hit their mouth with her shoes. Her life was perfectly arranged and no one can change her rules.

But Mingyu the first and maybe the last person who mess it and change it to be more worst. She dont know if the worst will bring good or bad luck, but she sure maybe Mingyu know how to handke the mistakes. She once hope the person who will be her husband are perfect, wealthy and smart. But now she got a clumsy, annoying and bubbly guy.

But she dont regret to had a guy like Mingyu in her life.

A guy that stay on left side were stand straight with red around him. Yes, he choose his special day outifit on red. People will think why this groom not wear white, it because he dont want to look like he a guy that holy from sin.

Everyone do a sin and mistakes so he think wearing any color except white wont give any bad deeds. He choose to wearing his glasses today to add more better with his tuxedo.

He stare his bride that walking slowly to main stage, he cant deny he were stun by her beauty. Its not first time he see her wearing dress but this time she bring aura that only exist once in their life.

"You will marry me because you dont have choice, dont you?"

Her voice suddenly appear in his ear. He grip his palms when he try to throw that voice away. At first, yes, he agree to marry her because he dont have a choice. But people change, okay? He decided to continue the enggagement to know her more.

There is no mistakes to built a love after marriege and no wrong to hate her in the first place. She different from his expectation of woman.

A second groom show his warm smile when staring his bride walk to main stage with beautiful veil cover her face. He choose to wear purple because he remember, she love that colour.

He dont want to ask her if she had love him, but he want to see when she will admit it. If she still dont, he will find a way to make her fall for him.

He want to confess he did fall for her but times never give a green light.

Their first met was tense and empty, so he do many things to change those atmosphere whenever he with her. He undersrand how Tzuyu sometimes called him annoying  but he do that so she can remember him if they far away. He hate to share his whole pain story to her because he dont want her think he is dramatic or begging sympathy.

He try to hold himself to not raise his voice or made arguement with her. Because he remember she hope she get a man that matured mind and well mannered. So he did change his life just for her.


Wonwoo can feel her hands trembling when the priest still talking. He can see through her veil that her lips was shaking. Her eyes look down and dont want to take a glance to him.

Is he the only one who dont feek any nervous or scared?

He didnt feel it even for a second. The priest talk so long and he wish today wedding end quick because he can feel the sweat start to wet his body.

Mingyu can feel her hands cold although she wore the gloves. He caught her eyes glance him every 2 minutes and he found she little cute.

He dont mind if they need to stay holding for an hour because be with her in this close, made him happy.

He more excited than being nervous now.

"Mr. Jeon Wonwoo, will you take Mina as your wife and finish whole your life with her through easy and hard?"

"I do."

"Miss Lee Mina, will you take Wonwoo as your husband and finish whole your life with him through easy and hard?"

Her mouth feel heavy. She cant open it and her hands grip his tight. Their parents stare her in worry when she silent for a second. She fight herself to speak eventhough she can faint anytime she want.

"I-i do...."

She feel his hands stiff for a while, she know she almost ruin the ceremony but she try to keep herself up to face the reality.

"Mr. Kim Mingyu, will you take Tzuyu as your wife and finish your whole life with her through easy and hard?"

"I do."

"Miss Lee Tzuyu, will you take Mingyu as your husband and finish your whole life with him through easy and hard?"

She throw her heavy sigh and this time, she brave herself to stare Mingyu eyes. She open her mouth to speak as she ignore the guests and imagine the hall just between her with him.

"I d-do..."

Well she did stutter but her tone was confident. She want to show that the wedding ceremony now was not a dream but reality if her life.

"Four of you may put a ring on partners finger."

Wonwoo take the ring and slide on her finger just like nothing happend. His emotion was straight and his lips not show any smile that people wish to see. She not disapointed at all but more to not care how his face are. She put his ring on his finger while still shaking but she sure people wont see she nervous much with veil still on her.

Mingyu cares her palms first before slide the ring to her. She feel little calm when he do that and she try to act strong putting his ring on him. His eyes shining and she notice how people admire their eyes met.

"You may kiss the brides!"

The way priest raise his voice made Mina nervous more. Wonwoo pull her veil to show her face for guests there. The sound of camera annoyed her ear and the flashing blurry her eyes for a while.

She expect Wonwoo will just kiss her cheeks,

But she wrong.

She were about to turn her head a side but Wonwoo pull her neck quick to kiss her lips. The kiss is the first one for her and it happen on her wedding day. The lips connect are with him, her husband.

She thought he just kiss her for a second but he stay the position for a minute, thinking she would return back. She move her lips to take little air but he still hold her neck to close their gap.

For the first time, she feel new feelings that exist with him.

Mingyu didnt hestitate to open her veil and how many times he need to stun by her beauties. He admire her face too long until she clear her throat to break his space. He chuckle and let his right hand on her waist.

She expect he will kiss her on lips,

But she wrong.

He hold her chin and pull it to kiss her forehead. She confuse why there but not her lips.

"Why i kiss you on forehead? Because its the first area to sign im your husband now."

Her face is red now more than tomato. She chuckle to heard it but at same time her heart flutter. How Tzuyu wish she can hear those sweet words from him everyday. Is there any excuses for her to tell she still dont fall for him?

She think she dont have it but she wont admit it now.


"Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!"

The guests keep shouting to them to cut the cake, but they just stand there while observing the cake from above to down. The cake was design big castle and inside it was white chocolate flavour. Its not just big but it made them amaze and speechless.

"Wow....how can we eat this?"

"Dont ask, Mingyu. Its too big and i wonder who ask to made it."

"Are we sure to cut this, guys?"

"Just cut and eat, bubble. We wont had this again tomorrow."

They cut it together in two knifes on their hands hold together. They thought after cut the cake will end the shouting but now it made them more irritate by guests voice.

"Feed! Feed! Feed! Feed!"

They sigh and face each other with awkward eyes. Especially Wonwoo amd Mina who still cant forget the kissing time when he just look away after break their lips.

Mingyu and Tzuyu become a shy couple, they lost their word to speak and they still dont dare to look their eyes.

Mina stab the cake with fork and slowly feed him while look away. He hold her wrist and pull it into his mouth. After Mina done, his turn to feed her and it made her panick.

The cake already on his hand and she open her mouth to let him feed her. When he success put the cake inside her mouth, he use his thumb to wipe the cream on her side lips made her fluster.

"For how many times you need to fluster? You scared of me?"

"N-no! Why i have to, you still stone head i knew."

"Then just act natural when i just beside you."

"I am!"

"Well suits yourself."

She can feel his hand wrap around her waist. Her body can be weak anytime, she can see how their parents smile while tears falling down on their cheecks. She feel their smile are different like usual and it made her keep the image on her mind forever.

"You happy?"

She turn to face Mingyu, his face were full of bright and she see how excited he is even the wedding wilk end soon.

"Yeah i am when see my parents smile. Their happiness was mine too."

"Then i must say thank you to you."


"For letting me feel had a family omce again. I hope two family of ours stay until we old."

"If you said that then i will say welcome to our family."

"I appreciate it so much, Tzuyu. Thanks a lot."

He cares her back and pull her into his hug. She dont hestitate to hug him back and the guests voice get more loud when they do that. She dont care about it but what she focus were Mingyu once again made her touch.

"Its the beginning of our story."


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