Doflamingo x Reader {The Girl...

By Op-Law

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(Y/n) finds herself facing eviction but an ad for a guesthouse catches her eye. Her only problem is that her... More

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652 27 25
By Op-Law

(Y/n)'s Pov

It had taken some time but now that I had regained control back over my body, I had found myself being held tightly within Doflamingo's arms as a few other men approached us. "Doffy that bastard Whisper kidnapped my Bell-boy! You need to rescue him!"

"Hm, and why would I do something like that (Y/n)? I'm sure that Bellamy can rescue himself" When Doflamingo had finished his sentence I sent him a glare though there wasn't any time to argue with the man so I quickly started to speak. "Please rescue him Doffy~ I'll do whatever you want if you bring him back unharmed~"

Doflamingo was a simple man and I knew exactly how to push his buttons. "Anything? Fufufu. Oi Kaido are you planning on rescuing your subordinates as well?" When my attention was directed towards the others in the room, I offered them a small wave before I waited for this 'Kaido' person to reply. "Most likely... Who is your little friend here Doflamingo?"

"She's (Y/n) and none of you are allowed to touch her... (Y/n) how did you even get here so quickly?" As my head turned towards Doflamingo I stayed silent because I didn't have an answer for the man. Though there was one question in my mind that I wished to have answered but I wasn't sure if anyone would be able to answer it. "Why do I have two demons Doffy?"

"I don't know (Y/n)... Come on we're going to fly back to the city then we'll work on locating Bellamy"


Law's Pov

As the door to my office opened and closed, I looked up to see that Kidd had decided to bother me though when the male started to speak, I calmed down. "Law-san are you busy? I want to go to the park but no one will take me" When the male finally reached my deck, I noticed he was patiently waiting for my response though I still had a few more files to go through. "I'm a little busy right now Ki but why... don't... you..." As my sight started to go grow hazy my head began to fill with static before everything went white.

"Law don't let Ki out of your sight for a single second someone's kidnapping demons and he'll be a target. Protect him at all cost or else I'll make your life a living hell. Hehehe" That voice sounded so much like my own though I couldn't find the source of it. "Where are you hiding and who is kidnapping demons!?"

"Hm? Whisper and Icarus are back~ Hehehe. You really should have ripped out their hearts when you had the chanc- shhh! He's coming!" As the blinding white light started to fade a room began to take shape though when a few figures appeared from beyond the light I became confused. "D-Doflamingo-ya why are you here?"

"Faffaffaffa. That (Y/n) girl binds us all together and Ki likes her so we must protect her. Faffaffaffa. Where is the little guy? Ki!?" As the male's name was called someone had started to yell back but when this small child came through the light, he ended up tripped over his untied shoelaces. Though another figured had moved just in time to catch him. "Is Marshmallow coming over Kamazo?"

"My name is not Marshmallow! Who in the hell decided that we needed to have this little meeting in Death's head? This place is creepy an- I'm sitting next to Joker!" As I was pushed down on a nearby couch, I could only stare in disbelief at the figures that continued to make their way into the room. "Oh, Zero there you are! I thought you weren't coming but it's good to see you and who's your friend?"

"Tsk. This is Castor and her host Star knew (Y/n) in high school. Will anyone else be attending this meeting?" It had seemed like that was the last pair to arrive though that only left me questioning where Death was. "Like the oil?" When the male in question finally took a seat beside me, I got a good look at him though that smile gracing his lips just sent chills down my spine. "Fuck you! My name refers to the brightest star in the Gemini constellation and you would know that if you actually read a book instead of committing murders across the city"

"Hehehe. I wonder how long it would take to kill that host of yours... a few seconds... a few minutes... a fe-" Before the male could finish his childish threat the young redhead across the room had interrupted him. "Stop being a bully Death! This is why you don't have any friends!" I was sure that if anyone else in the room said that Death would have surely have tried to kill them on the spot though Ki seemed to have this demon wrapped around his finger.

"Let's get this meeting over with~ Fufufu"


Sometime Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Hehehe. Did he really call you Marshmallow? That's kind of cute Mellow... Have you seen the other demon or is she hiding out somewhere in my head?" When Mellow started to reply I could hear the distaste in her voice but I ignored it as I took another bite of the dinner Doflamingo had brought me.

'I don't know where that bitch is but Joker is guarding me so everything should be fine. We have formed a little alliance with a few other demons but the bastard Death was trying to start shit with Castor. Thankfully little Ki put him in his place though. Hehehehe'

"Hold on... Doffy can you please get me some more juice?" I was currently sitting on the couch in my guesthouse while Doflamingo sat quietly on the other side of the room though when I called for the man it seemed to snap him out of his trance. "Did you say something (Y/n)?" When I held up my empty glass towards Doflamingo, he immediately knew exactly what I wanted from him. "What's wrong Doffy? You seem worried and that's a little out of character for you"

"I'm more concerned than anything (Y/n). You were almost kidnapped today and I wasn't there to keep you safe... Do you want more orange punch or would you like something else?" I was fine with having the same thing so I quickly gave him my answer though my eyes did follow his form as he wandered into the kitchen. "Doffy... is Bellamy going to be okay? He's my friend and I don't want anything bad to happen to him though those men... their eyes were so void of emotions. You knew them once before, right?"

"Whisper and Icarus... they used to serve under Sakazuki's command within the homicide division. If I'm remembering correctly their names were Shizuko and Tsubasa" Hmm, the way Doflamingo was talking about these two made it sound like he knew more than he let on. "How do you know them?"

As my now filled glass was placed in my hands I watched as Doflamingo took a seat before he took a minute to gather his thoughts. "...A few years ago, I was involved in some questionable crimes and they were called in to investigate them... I'm not the completely innocent man that you think I am (Y/n)... I killed sixteen people and I would have continued on my spree if those bastards hadn't interrupted me"

"W-What are you talking about Doffy?" At first, the man didn't even look up from the ground but when his head turned, I could see the hurt within his uncovered eyes. "Would you stop loving me if I told you the truth?" As my eyes stared into Doflamingo's I caught the glimpse of a single tear that had started to roll down his cheek though before it got too far, I wiped it away. "Nothing will ever make me stop loving you. What's your secret Doffy?"

"I'm a serial killer"


Azazel's Pov

I hadn't expected the ugly birdman to actually tell little (Y/n) the trust about him but at least the girl seemed to be taking it well. "Oi bitch! I want to have a talk with you about the one person we both want to protect. You might hate my guts but (Y/n) is in danger and we'll need to work together if we want to keep her safe"

"Hm... Mellow do you really think that Doflamingo loves our little host? I know human love is often flawed but (Y/n) deserves to have someone in her life... I've gotten blood on her hands before though I was just trying to keep her safe from the evils of the mortal world"

When the second demon took a seat beside me both of our eyes were focused on (Y/n) as she wrapped her arms around Doflamingo's neck though Mellow's next sentence caused me to turn away. "What really happened the night her parents died? I know you have the power to twist her memories but I don't understand why you'd made her watch that"

"Those people weren't her parents... though I didn't mean to kill that older lady. Jane was always kind to us and she really did want to have (Y/n) as her daughter but that man was a problem. I just wanted to hurt him... I didn't mean to lose control that night" When Mellow's arm wrapped around my shoulders I leaned into her touch though what she said next surprised me.

"Well, I guess that means we're siblings now~ Hehehe. Come on Zel you should meet the others. We're creating something incredible here and it's all thanks to (Y/n)... Welcome to Demon Space please watch your step~"


To Be Continued...

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