My Abductor, My Submissive 16+

By She-stay-lit

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College break takes a turn when Aria Lanes get abducted and hold captive by a man she later finds charming th... More

Chapter 2: Abductor
Chapter 3: Submissive
Chapter 4: My Kitten
Chapter 5: Warn
Chapter 6: Nothing
Chapter 7: Caught
Chapter 8: Punished
Chapter 9: Seduced
Chapter 10: Too much
Chatper 11: Escape
Chapter 12: Chase
Chapter 13: Stay awhile
Chapter 14: Please me
Chapter 15: Questions
Chapter 16: Lies?
Chapter 17: Rage
Chapter 18: Choice
Chapter 19: Avoiding
Chapter 20: Sensation
Chapter 21: Shopping
Chapter 22: Choke me
Chapter 23: Unexpected betrayal
Chapter 24: Until death do us apart
Chapter 25: Feelings vs Agony
Chapter 26: Alex encounter
Chapter 27: What love causes
Chapter 28: Being with you
Chapter 29: Love
Chapter 30: The hours with you
Chapter 31: Universe
Chapter 32: Home is with you
Chapter 33: Momma's visit
Chapter 34: Truth be told
Chapter 35: Journey to love
Chapter 36: Sorrow
Chapter 37: Reality

Chapter 1: Abduction

15.8K 148 33
By She-stay-lit

Hey, y'all back with another book! Show some support!

I went and got my early morning coffee at my regular cafe.

As I turn the doorknob and push the door open, I step out into the world with anticipation. In my hand, I clutch a warm take-home cup filled with the rich aroma of espresso and steamed milk.

The steam rises from the lid, curling up and around my nose in a comforting embrace, and I take a deep breath in, savoring the scent and feeling the warmth of the cup against my palm.

I start walking, my feet carrying me in the direction of my house, and I can't help but be struck by the beauty of the morning.

Above me, the sky is a deep, rich blue, stretching out in every direction as far as the eye can see. And there, right in the center of it all, is the sun- a gigantic ball of blazingly fire, its rays penetrating my skin and warming me to the core.

The light is dazzling, almost blinding, as it shimmers and dances across the sky. It's a moment of pure joy and wonder, one that fills me with gratitude and awe at the world around me. And as I walk, I know that I'm exactly where I need to be, at this moment, with my cup of espresso and the sun on my skin.

I stand at the corner of the bustling street, gazing at the stream of cars that rush past me in a blur of noise and motion. The sounds of horns blaring, engines revving, and tires screeching fill the air.

The traffic lights turn red, and the cars come to a stop. With a glance in both directions, I seize the opportunity to cross the street.

As I stride across the asphalt, my eyes flicker toward the bakery next to me.

It's Claire's bakery, my mother's best friend and I can't help but pause to admire the mouth-watering treats on display through the bakery's huge glass window.

The cakes are the centerpiece of the shop's display, adorned with swirls of frosting, fruit slices, and colorful sprinkles that sparkle in the sunlight. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sugary confections drifts out from the inside, beckoning me closer.

I would always stop by to get something whenever I went for a morning run when I am here for the holidays from college.

I go and push the door open and walk over to the counter, catching her eyes. I can see the surprise and delight in her expression. "Hey Claire," I say with a smile, feeling grateful for the familiarity and connection that comes from visiting this place.

"Hi, Aria. OMG," she walks over and hugs me over the counter. "Look at you! It's been so long," she beams, looking at how different I got. "You're so beautiful and all grown up."

I begin to flush at her generous compliment, "Thank you," I giggle. "How are you? I love what you've done with the place," I smile at her seeing some changes.

"I know I had to give it a new look. By the way, I am great, and how are you? How's college? How is everything?" She enquires cheerfully.

"It's great, life's great, only doing what I have to do at school," she nods in understanding.

"That's what you have to do. Can I get something for you?" She queries, looking at me happily.

"Muffin," I tell her. The smell itself can make me get one. My nostrils are attracted to the aroma that it couldn't bear the thought of not having any.

"Sure. I only just finished making these," Claire says with a smile as she reaches into the glass display case and takes out a freshly baked muffin. She picks up a metallic thong and uses it to delicately grasp the muffin before placing it on a plastic plate.

As she hands me the muffin, I can't help but notice the aroma of warm, freshly baked pastry wafting from it.

The muffin looks moist and perfectly golden-brown on the top, with a scattering of nuts and dried fruits peeking through the surface. "I see you went jogging already," Claire observes as she stands before me, her eyes twinkling with warmth and kindness.

"Yeah, I did. Here," I hand, her cash and she shakes her head, waving me off.

"On the house, darling,"  she utters and I smile at her, shaking my head.

She's always this sweet with me.

"Thank you," I utter to her.

"You're welcome. It's been so long that I've seen you, and this is the best I can do for you," Claire smiles.

"Thank you, you are too kind as always. I missed you," I pout my lips and she chcukles at me.

"You're welcome, sweetie, and I missed you too, so much. I'll see you soon, right?" Her eyes plead.

"Yes, sure will. Goodbye Claire," I say, walking outside after waving. "It was nice seeing you!" I shout, the door closing behind me.

Once again, I begin my journey homeward, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and muffin wafting my nostrils.

Lost in the moment, I take a sip and savor the bold, robust flavor before taking a bite of my muffin, moaning at the delightful taste.

As I walk down the street, I am absorbed in my thoughts, my mind wandering as I enjoy my morning beverage and muffin, so focused that I hardly notice the surroundings around me, including the ominous black van that has been parked on the curb since I walked into Claire's bakery.

It's only as I near the van I become aware of its presence, and a chill runs down my spine. I can feel a sense of unease, and I can't help but wonder what the van's occupants might be up to.

The windows are tinted, and I can't see inside.

The door burst open unexpectedly, and it didn't give me any time to react or run when three men in masks barge out and grab hold of me, pulling a bag over my head, making me drop what I have in my hands to begin fighting from their holds before they hastily lift me from the ground and rush me inside the van.

The door slams shut then the van speeds off.

I try to get myself from the kidnappers' holds, kicking and fidgeting in all directions, "Let me go!" I shout in fear, shock, and fright, my wiggling aggression causing me to elbow someone, and they grunt out in pain.

My actions made them furious, and the presence of something points to my forehead then cocks.

I stop moving and start gasping heavily, my body shivering timidly. My eyes slide shut feeling the gun yet pointed at my head. Although I can't see anything, I know they all are staring at me while the gun is next to my head, ready to be fired at any moment.

What could they possibly want with me? I am just a simple college girl.

I want to say something but my jaw trembles in fear, making it hard to speak what I wanted.

I listen as the van speeds through the traffic, unable to do anything, the sounds of the old van rumbling, scraping, and rattling as it goes into the distance. I hope it could somehow break down into the middle of the street, and they will all abandon me to avoid getting caught, but the van still goes, sounding as if it wants to give up but is not willing to.

I could hear honking outside as the van speeds through the street, causing lots of them to stop unexpectedly on the streets.

The anxiety in me starts to boil even more, and I want to scream in fear and horror, but I know better, so I keep quiet as it goes.

Someone will come and save me in no time. Someone must've seen when I was taken and contacted the police?

I thought but as a question.

A sigh leaves my lips tears burgeoning in my eyes before I press them shut.

I no longer feel the gun pointed at me, and I sigh in relief, but the question is still left unanswered.

Why am I being taken?

I am a nobody.

Are they only going to kill me? I hope not! I am not ready to die.

This is kidnapping of course I might die!

I let a long, shakey sigh with my breathing becoming heavier and more rapid, and the way the van is going isn't helping me.

I try to contain my breathing by counting and thinking of my happy place.

The van abruptly stops, and I flash my eyes open in terror when the door of the van burst open, and they drag me outside.

The tiny hairs across my body stand on end, and my knees trembles and quake, threatening to give out in anxiety and fear.

I gape, uncertain whether to breathe or scream. I didn't want to upset any of the men and end up with a bullet inside my head.

I hear a sudden jangling sound that catches my attention. It's the unmistakable sound of shackling, and it sends shivers down my spine.

Before I can process what's happening, a heavy door creaks open, and a hand forcefully shoves me forward, causing me to stumble inside. The door slams shut behind me with a resounding thud, and I hear the sound of a lock clicking into place.

My hands are now free, so I remove the bag from my head, and there is nothing but darkness.


This is only the first chapter y'all ;-)

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